HomeMy WebLinkAbout19380613_REGULAR7.9 ElfinUtes of the meeting of the Council of the Villags of Edina, held on June 2.3, 1938, &n Grange Hall at 8 otclock Pa. * The meeting m8 called to order President Sharp, the roll - called and all member@-of the Council were preaent. - + Minutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on May 23, 1) 1938, were readc On motion Preseott, they be approved as e reed, seconded by Holten, and carried. .- e The Niscellaneous bills upon being duly exmined and found to be correct, were on motion Holten, they be approaed and ordered paid, seconded by Villson and carried= They are as follow: Minneapolis Gy D, Company EfIwrch $618 95 Fidelity & Guaran$y Fire Crp. Insurance premiums 48.85 Village St Louie Park WPA &vine pregect-April 17. ISQ Lyle Signs , Inc Republic Creasoting Co v. H. Ziegler Go City of 'Mlinneapolis Hayden Hotor Co Miller-Davis Co Hennepin County. Welfare Bdc Edina Hardware Mieland Auto Service Hennepin County Review Borey's Shell Station ChaB Miller 8c Son Thorpe Brag, Inc T. Wc Rosholt Company Ben B.. Noore E, WI Harris Republio Cre oso-ting Co We Id. Cooper & Son8 Walter H* Ackerman Ja;y Wc Craig@; Co City of Minneapolis Simon Strand Gua Wman Wc PI Garvey City of MixmeapoliS Glacier Sand & Gravel c6 Edina Garage, fnc Mre W. E, Code I paid, seconded -- - Road signs 9.60 Road cold patch 12.00 #22 Caterpillar rental 2040 25 Fire Service ,4940 France lo* 63. Balance Police car * 289 80 March relief (net) 674.05 Dodge Truck repairs 10 10 Pub. Hotice & printing 40 . 36 Dodge truclc greasing 5.75 Lawn mower tires 0U.VS June rent Tract Office 125,QO Rental Ware0 grader 192.00 Authorized expenses att- en&%ng L af MI N. Convc 43.25 Gqs ,& oil* 14s. 30 8 Cold patch SS Rd-Arden 67+S 80 yd8 sod 8.00 6000 @$Is road oil 450.00 Fire service 5405 York 12.24 Tool shed rental 16.00 2 loads manure far Parka . 2dO nardmra-R&B auppliee - 34.08 Pairif;""for street signs 8.25 Sand-Cement 88436 Polf~1; car se-mice 9.65 20.00 $3,123.78 MW+AFX"-H&F & UTlft Total Miscl. Office supplies 1.90 Hardware & R&B supplies X8.70 FloWrs for Parks 520 W I. 9 Relief' clot&L The Road and Village bills upon beiw duly exmined and found correct, *re on motion Prescott, th8y be allowed and ordered by Holten and carried. They are as fallows: H. J. Hnudsen S. J. Roberts Leo Smith J+ A. Danens P, Dahlgren John Tracy Lt Stolzman R. Port H. Eneley 0, M. Spande J, H. Snavley Arthur Pe tersen Hilding Dah1 W. S. Heydt A* C. Stringer S* Je Roberts T* E* Ti1J.y Street Comisaioner Utiliw man 83 Brs overtime 8c 60p 4 hrs truck driver loading 300 cu yds 0 9p! Tractor opertctor Ass t tr&c tor operator Asst Road foreman-@ 60g Road labor @ 50g Road labor 0 50g Park labor 8 50pl Park labor @ SO@ $L75*00 195.00 49 . 75 2.00 27.00 130 00 120 w 00 105*50 112.00 89.00 52.00 122.40 ~a'frbage c ollect&m 275.00 Village Marshall 156.00 Police officer 135oOO Police Officer 135.00 Road & Bridge June 25.00 80 Ralph Collier 54 hrs Ifan & team $54.00 232 miles Q Sp 62.60 Th08* Gobel meds 0 Sop! 50 t 80 Sam EcCready Veed8 0 5012 30*00 Silas Herre t Weds 0 50p 24 00 R. E. Olson ,*Use of Ford V8 dump truck 41.00 J. A, Danens Ean & truck 0 1.50 53. 25 X.J .Eerfeld lo2 hro wed imp 0 50# J1 Barrett Xan & truck Q 1.50 E* A. Sears Total June Expend%t&e $5,754.88 Saading.4840 Cu yde Total Rd 8 . The treasurer reported $4,999*50 in cash in the bank to the - credit of the Village at this tine, - Trustee Tillsen reported on Relief, and that there was the sam - number receiving aid in Eay this year as in Nay 1937, and that - at present there were none on relief aim employable8 in the - Trustee Preacott reported ~at.~A had finished the 5 projects - previously approved by the Council and submitted several small . projects for the next VA period. . Trustee Holten reported 'that th8 State Highvay Commissioner, was - understood tu favor the request of the Council for establishing . 20 mile per hour speed limits in certain eections of the Village - and Par Parking requlations at Prance Avenue and Yest 50th Street, and that later in the evening he mould subnit for Council's con- - si6eration, a.mw Village Traffic Ordinance persuant to the 1937 State Highmay Act. , Recorder Noore, reported on the Leagm of Ninnesota Nunicipalfties . Convention, held at International l?&lls on June 8-9&fOtfie and . mentioned such matters as Planning & Zoning Commission, nom . possible under a new Law, the desirability of a Lam to permit . tax deliquent lends to be turned over to local governmental unats . granted where the work aould Is started quickly, - Eessrs Kesterson and Holmgren, appeared before the Council to - extend certain filling and grading Tn his neighborhood which on motion Holten, be referred to Village Engineer for survey and - report, seconded by Villson and carried. family. I for specified community needs and that PVA allotxsnts would be * Xr F. C. Ecklund, submitted propoaed plat of mite Oaks Second Addition, it having previously been submitted to and approved by Village 3ngineer Bradley. After study it was moved by Moore that the plat be accepted and the President and Recorder be authorized to sign the necessary papers, seconded %y Holten . and carried, . Sever Engineer Carroll, reported on the work of installing san- . itary sewer in District #4 and that the vork mould be completed . in about 2 weeks. .. 19r Gordon H:fllsop reported fast driving on Vest 54th Street, - mst of the Plfinnehaha Creelibridge which mao referred to golice ~ Committee. . Residents of mielan Avenue mm proaent to learn of aw dev- elopments regarding the possibility of installing a sanitary . semr and -re gLdTissd Village Engineer had not reported. . Recorder suggested the Council nws those to serve as Judges and Clerks of the June Primry Election. After discussion it was moved by Villson, that those having served heretofore * be named in this instance seconded by Holten and carried The matter of setting up a PWA application, for loan and grant or whatever the PVA program would allow, in the installation of main intercepting sewer to extend from mst 54th. Street and Xerxes Avenue along Hinnehahs Creek, was discussed by the Council at length. After full consideration of the subject it was moved by Moore ,e that Mr Je l3. Carroll and Mr 13, H. Bradley, be jointly appointed as engineers for a main intercepting sanitary aewer extending from East Village limita at West 54th Street and Xerxes Avenue, along the Blinnehah& Creek bed to about West 50th Street and Vooddale Avenue to carry all the sewage which may flow by gravity from the Minnehaha Creed watershed in gdina and perhaps a part of the Southeasterly section of St Louis Park, that the. total of all fees to be paid be set at 6% of the contract price to be divided equally and that the project be set up for an allotment under Pw%A0 before September 30, 1938. The motion was seconded by Trustee Prescott, and the vote was upon the quest- Son of the adoption of the resolution wherein there were five aye8 and no nays as follows Sharpe Aye, Holten aye, Willson aye, Prescott aye, Moore aye, and so the resolution wae declared duly adopted. The President next called for submission of the Traffic Ordinance which Trustee Holten offered an6 moved its adoption as follows: AN ORDIXANCE REGULATING TKF: USE OF HIGHVAYS WITHIN !ECB VILLAGE OF EDINA, AND IMPOSING PBNALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION !CHEITEOP. 'The Council of the Village of Edina do ordain a8 follows: Section 1. Speed Regulations: No person shall operate or halt any vehicle upon a street or or highway within the Village of Edina, Minnesota, ca.relessly or heedlessly in deregard of the rights or safety of others or in a manner so as to endanger or to be lfkely to endanger any person or prop e r t y . No person driving a vehicle within said Villa-ge of Edina shall drive the same at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent, having due regard to the-traffic, the surface and the width of the highway, and of any other conditions then existing, Until the streets of said Village of Edina, have been zoned as authorized by Chanter 464, Laws of Mfnnesota, 1937, no vehicle shall be driven thereon at a, speed in excess of THIRTY (30) BILJZS PER HOUR. After the streets of said Village have been zoned and different speed gones established thmn, and signs posted pursuant thereto, no vehicle shall be driven upon any street in said Village at a speed greater than that indicated on such Rips,. and. driving at any greater speed shall be prime facie evidence that the speed is not reaPonable nor prudent and that it is unlawful. NO person shall drive a vehicle at such a slow rate of speed or in a manner so 8,s to milffully impede the normal flow of traffic. SECTIQN 2, OPERATING AND TURNING VEHICL;ES: Upon all highways witbinthe Village of Edina of sufficient width, except upon one-way streets, or except upon those with four or more traff ice lanes established and plainly marked thereon, the driver of a vehicle shall drive the same upon the right half of the traveled portion of the highway and shall drive slow moving vehicles as closely as possible to the right-hand edge or the curb of such highway, unless it is impracticable to travel on such . side of the highvay and except when overtaking and passing another vehicle. No person shall stop or turn a. vehicle or change from one traffic lane to another unless the same can be done with safety and without interfering with the normal flow of pedestrian and vehicle traffic, and such stop, change of position or turn shall always be indicated by the driver by extending his left arm horizontally to the left from and beyond the vehicle or by using an apmoved and efficient device to give euch warning and by giving an audible warning by sounding the horn if the same €8 necessary to warn pedestrians at crossingso I 82 1 SECTIOH 3, BARKING REGULATIONS: Every vehicle stooped or parked upon any street vhere there is 8n adjacent curb, shall be so stopped or parked with the right-hand wheels of such vehicle parallel with and within twelve inches of of the right-hand curb, and facing between the painted or other markings on the curb to indicate the-parking space thereon. Qn other streets a vehicle shall be stopped or parked to the right of the main traveled portion thereof and paralle-k thereto, and in such a manner that it shall not interfere pith the free flon of traffic. This shall not apply, homever, to any vehicle disabled upon any street, but every police officer of the Village is author- ized to require the person in charge thereof to move it to a place of safety, and upon neglect or failure to do so, or in the case of any motor vehicle being left alone or abandoned in any such position, said offices is authorized to provide for the removal of such vehicle to the nearest convenient garage or other place of safekeeping. This section shall apply to any street that is a State Trunk Highway, except any provision in conflict aith . Chapter 464. Lams of Minnesota, 1937, shall. be construed a8 not applying to such street which is a Sta,te Trunk Highaay, unless approved by the Commissioner of State Highways, pursuant to said :State Lan, Ro pereon shall park a vehicle or permit it to stand, whether attended or unattended, upon any highway within the Village in the folloming places: my of 1, 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 4 11. 12. 13, On a sidewalk; Iln front of a public or private drivenay; 17ithin an intergection; Vithin 15 feet of a fire hydrant; On a crosswalk; Vithfn 20 feet of a crosswalk a.% an intersection; Vithin 30 feet upon the approach to any flashing beacon IIStopti sign, or traffic-control signal located at the side of a roadaay; Between a safety zone and the a.djacent curb.or vithin 30 feet of points on the curb immediately opwsiBe the endE of a safety zone, unlese a different length is indicated by signs or markings; Vithin 50 feet of the nearest rail of a railroad crossing; Alongside or opposite anv street excavation or obstruction vhen such stopping, standing, or narking would obstruct traffic; On the roadway side of any vehicle stooped or parked at the edge or curb of a street; Upon any br%dge or other elevated structure upon a highnay, except as otherwise provided bv ordinance; At en$ dace where official signa prohibit stopping. No person shall, for camping purposes, leave or park a house trailer on any street or the right of may thereof. Bo person shall park a commercial vehicle of more than ONE TON capacity upon any of the following streets in said Village, to-vit: Arden Avenue, Bruce Avenue, Casco Avenue D. Drexel Avenue, mooddale Avenue, Edina Boulevard, Moorland Avenue, Browndale Avenue, Edgebrook Place, Sunnyeide Avenue, Bridge Street, Vest 44th Street, Vest 49th Street, Brookside Avenue, Wooddale Glen, Vooddale Lane, Kellogg Avenue, Oak lam Avenue Bro okvi err Avenue Park Place, Vest 52nd Street, West 53rd Street, Vest 54th Street, 83 Golf Terrace, Bridge Lane, Townes Road, West 48th Street, HaJifax Avenue, . Indianola Avenue, West 50th Street, provided, however, that this shall not prohibit the parking of such vehicles for not more than a period of thirty (30) minutes along any such street for the purpose of ha.ving access to any property abutting thereon when such access cannot conveniently be secured from an alley or other side street, No vehicle shall be asd no vehicle shall be in any case be parked upon any street in any place for a longer consecutive period than SIX (6) HOURS, Provided, that no vehicle shall be stopped or parked in any one place for a longer consecutive period than one (1) hour, from 1l:OO A.E, to kl:00 P.M., upon end along the West one-half of France Avenue for a distance of 200 feet South, measured from the Southwest corner of the intersection of 50th Street and France Avenue; upon and along the West one-half of France Avenue for a distance of 250 feet North, measured from the Northwest corner of the intersection of 50th Street and France Avenue; and upon and along mest 50th Street for a distmce of 321 feet West, measured from the Westerly line of France Avenue where same intersects with West 50th Street. . parked on any street for the purpose of disgla.ying it for sale SEOTIObJ 4--GLASS AND OTHER INJURIOUS SUBSTANCE QH HIGHWAYS: NO person shall throw or deoosit glass, metal, garbage, tin cans# or any other similar substance upon any highway, and anyone who drops or throws, or permits to be chopped or thrown any such destructive or injurious substance shall immediately cause the same to be removed, Any wrecked or damaged vehicle on a street or roadway shall be removed therefrom without unreasonable delay, and pending removal Bhal1 be guarded with proper lights, equal in intensity to ordinary parking lights or by red flares; and when removed, no glass or injurious substance shall be left upon the street or rozdmay by the person removing said vehicle, SECTION 5--STOP STREETS: It shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to fail to bring such vehicle to a full stop before entering any I1Thrulg street progerly designated as such by the action of the Village Council. West 50th Street, from France Avenue South to State Trunk Highway No. 169, is hereby designated as a "Thru" street. SEOTION 6--DRIVER1S LICEHSEO-VXHICLE OWNERSHIP: No person shall drive a vehicle upon the streets of thisls municipality without having in his possession, as nom required by the laws of the State of Minneeota, a State automobile driver's license or chauffeur's license, NO person shall drive a motor vehicle belonging to another without the owner's consent. SECTION 7--NUAfBER OF PASSENGZRS: on any street within the. Village when the driver's seat is occupied by more than three (3) passengers, including the driver. Any passen- ger violating this provision shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, No person shall drive a vehicle SECTION 8=mEQUIPMENT--USE OF: No person shall drive a motor vehicle on any highwav within the Village, unless such motor vehicle is equipped with a muffler in good working order and in constant opera- tioh to prevent excessive and unusual noise, and it shall be unlawful to une 8'"rnuffler cut-dutfl on any motor vehicle upon any such highway. No-vehicle shall be used upon any street in the Village, without lighting equipment, a windshield wiper, a rear vision mirror, a horn or other warning device, front and rear bumpers, and brakes as required by Chapter 464, Laws of Minnesota, 1937. Lamps shall be lighted at all times when any such vehicle is operated upon the streets of the Village, from a half hour after sunset to a half hour before sunrise and at any other time when there is not sufficient light to render pemons and vehicles clearly discernible 500 feet ahead won the highway, except that when a vehicle is Darked upon the street during those hours, parking lights shall be .lighted, SECTION 9--EMERGENCY VEHICLES: shall not apnly to vehicles when operated aaith due regard for safety, under the direction of peace officers in the chase or aDprehension of violators of $he law or persons charged with or suspected 0% any such violation, nor to fire departments or fire pa,trol vehicles when traveling in response to a fire alam, or to public ambulances kn The provisions of this ordinance emergency u8e or service. men a fire alarm shall be sounded or mhen the warning device of any emergency vehicle shall be sounded,all vehicles upon the streets of the Village shall dram to the right eide of the street and permit such vehicle to pass, No vehicle of any kind shall precede fire apparatus to a fire using the same street that it is using, No vehicle shall follow fire apparatus at less than 500 feet nor be parked within the. block where fire apparatus has stopned in answer to a fire alarm, r BECTION lO--PERSONS UNDER INFLUENCE OF DRUG$ OR LIQUOR PROHIBITED FROE DRIVING VEHICLES: highnay nithin the Village, who is an habitual user of narcotic drugs or who is under the influence of intoxicating liquor or nar- cotic drugs, SECTION ll--VHAT IS REXKLESS DRIVING: vehicle upon any highway mithin the Village in such a manner as to , indicate either 8, willful or a wanton disregard for safety of persons or moperty ic guilty of reckless driving, SECTION 3L2--BO NOT HITCH BEHIND PSOTOR VEHICLES: No person shall hitch a toboggan, hand sled, bicycle or other similar device on to any motor vehicle, streetcar, or trackless trolley car, srhile being used upon a highway in the Village. SECTION 13--FEDESTFtIANS: Qhenever possible, pedestrians shall use the right half of crossvalks in crossing streets. cross streets subject to signals at controlled intersections, Vhen traffic at intersections is not controlled, motor vehicles shall yield the right of way to pedestrians by changing their rate Of speed or stopping if necessary when such pedestrians are in the fnter- section, but no vehicle shall pass another vehicle that has slowed dom at a crossmalk for a pedestrian to pass. At any other poSint thm a crosewllic, pedestrians shall yield the right of way to motor vehicles. This shall not relieve the driver of any motor vehicle of the obligation to use due caree No person shall stand. on a street or a Toadmay for the pmpose of soliciting rides. ing upon a street or roadway shdt.1 walk near the left side of the roBdway, giving may to oncorning traffic, No person shall drive any vehicle on any Any Dereon who drives any Pedestrians shall Pedestrians nalk- SECTION 14--PEMALTY: provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of 2 misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed ONE HUXDRED COLLARS ($lOCr,OO) or by imprisonment fn the county jail for a period of not to exceed NINETY (90) DAYS, Any person convicted of violating any of fhe SECTION 15--SEPARABILITY: Every section, provision or part of this ordinance is declared separable from every other section,, provision or part, and the holding of any section, provision or part hereof fnvalid shall not affect any other se'ction, provision or part, SECT10139 16-RmEAL: All ordinances or parts thereof inconsistenf hereaith are hereby repealed, SECTSON 17--EFFECT: Tiis ordinance shall be in force and effect froa and after its passage and publication. The motion-me seconded by Recorder 3fosrcs and. the vota was upon the quesitfon of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were fPvs cyes and no nayo a8 follow: Wi3lson Sharpe aye, Noore aye, and so the rem Attest: No further bueineBs to COG before this meeting, motion. t~ adjourn carried at 12.30 A,& . .. Afidavit of Publication ,AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE! USE OF HIGHWAYS WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF EDINA AND IMPOSING PENALTIES FOR *HE VIOLATION THEREOF THE HENNEPIN COUNTY REVIEW HOPKINS, MINNESOTA , 85 . I , ! ' I was, except any provision in conflict with Chapter 464 Laws of Minnesota,. 1937 shall be con&ued as not applying to &ch street which is a State Trunk Highway, unless approved by the Com- missioner of State Highways, pursuant to said State Law. No person shall park a vehicle or permit it to stand whether attended, or unattended, upoi any highway with- in the. Village, in any of the following/ places. 1. On a sidewalk- 2. In front of a'public or private driveway; 3. Within an intersection: 4. Within 15 feet of a flre hydrant: 5. On a crosswalk- 6. Within 20 feeL'of a crosswalk at an intersection: 7. Within 30 feet upon the approach to any flashing beacon "Stop" sign, or traffic-control signal iocated at the side of a roadway. 8. Between a shfety zone and the adjacent curb or within 30 feet of points on the curb immediately op o- site the ends of a safety zone, unl%fs a different length is indicated by signs or markings: 9. Within 50 feet of the nearest rail has had in its ,makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news co~iumns devoted. .to local news of inkrest to said icammmlty it ~mports ta serve, $he press work of which has been done In its said ,known oflice of publication.; has contained general news. con- ments and miscellany; has not duplicate& any other $publication; has not ,keen entirely m'sdo up oP patents, plate matbr and %dver.tisements; pas #been circulated at and near its said place of publica$ion b the exLent of 249 copies regnlmly de1ivered.b papg subscribers; has .been entered as second class md ,matter .in .hhe local .ws% office of its said lace of publication; 1that.there has been on .file in the offike of ithe (;Touny Auditar of SaTd county the afl[idravlt of .a person: having firs't qand hovledge of .the sfacts con- &tubing i& qualitication e s newspaper for publicahon u€ legal notices; and khat it8 publisheis have complled mth all demands of #ai& County Audi$r for Droofs of its said qualification. That the prin,kd __-_--_--__-__ f&&LEmCgi ......................................... .......................................................................................... hereto attached as B Part hereof was cut ,from lthc columns of said newspasper; was pub- - ---=-=; and that the following is a COPY of hhe lower case rtlphabet which is acknowledged to have !been &e size and kind of kype used in &e. Subscribed and sworn to lbefore me I OFFICIAL VILLAGE PUBLICATION OF EDINA I The Council of the Village of Edlnal doned in any such-position said offlcer is authorized to provide for 'the removal I of such vehicle to the nearest conven- ient garage or other place of safe- keeping. This 'section shall apply to any street that is a State Trunk Hiah- [of a railroad crossing: Park Place West 52nd'Street. ' West 53rd Street, West 54th Street, Golf Temce. trzency use or service. Wen a flre alarm shall be sounded )r when the wmin~ devics of !merRency vehicle shall be sounded. all rehicles upon the streefS of the Village &ll dram to the rlght side Of the itreet and permit such vehicle to pass. To rehicle of nny kind shall precede he apparatus to D fire using the same *et that it is using. No vehicle shall follow fire appamtus at less than 500 leet nor be parked within the bIocXi Bridge Lane.. Tome3 Rosd, West 48th Street, H3llfax Avenue. Indianola Avenue. West 50th Street, provided however. that this sbll no prohiblt ' the parking of such vehicle for not more than a period of thlrt (30) minutes along any such street fa the purpose of having access to a? property abutting thereon when suc access cannot conveniently be secure from an alley or other side street. N vehicle shall be aarked on any &re€ for the purpose of displasing it for ~al and no vehicle shall be in any caSe tlre $eriod than one (11 how, fro1 11:OO A. N. to 11:OO P. N., upon an along the West one-half of Franc Arenue for a distance of 200 feet Soutl measured from the Southwest corner 1 the inter6ection of 50th Street an France Avenue- upon and along the 1 SECTION IO-PERSONS DNI)En IN- FLUENCE OF DRUGS OR LIQUOR PROHIBITED FRON DRIVIXG 'PEHI- cms: NO person shall drive my ve- hicle on nny highmy vithin the Vill- a@. who k an-habitual user of nar- %Street for o distance of 321 feet West mewed from the Westerly line oi France Arenue where same intersects with West 50th Street. WAYS: No person shall tIuow80r depos- /it glw, metal. mrbsge, tin ~311s. or any other slmil3r substance uDon anv SECTION -LASS AND OTHER IN- JURIOUS SUBSTANCE ON HIGH- m?lAL) , A'ITEST: BEN 8. XOORX Village Becorder. (Published in The Hennepin CoWt'Y Review on Thursday. June 16, 193p/