HomeMy WebLinkAbout19380711_REGULAREinutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Bdins, held on July ll* 1938, in Grange Hall at 8 o'c~oc'~~ m0 '42he meeting was called to order, the roll called and all members of the Council %ere preaent. Xinutea of the regular meeting of the Council held on June 27, 1933, vsre mad. On motion Prescott, they be approved &e read, seconded by Willson and carried. Xinutf38 of the reces8es June 27th. 1938, meeting of the Council held on June 50, 3938, were read* On motion Willson, they be approved as read, seconded Holten, and carried. The Village and Road bills fogather vith pay of Judges and clerks for June Primary Electihon, upon having been duly examined and found correct, were on motion Prescott, they be duly alloced and ordered paid, seconded by Holten and carried. They am as follows: \ 3. Bo Hammond Judge Election $10.80 10.80 10.80 l!hx3 L. R. Blackburn Clark Election 10 80 Nrg E. R. LlcCready- Clerk Edectlon 10.80 Counting Clerk 6.00 6400 (IL 'df' Counting Clerk Fl ore nc e Je we t t Jude EleCtior? ' Alex. Crefghton Judge Election E&%le Tillson Betty Jane Jew tt Frieda Eel1 ($;IJ!z I1 * Re v. E'loore . J. V. Newburn Vo R. Irgens AlWst Farmer Clara Goodacre Agnes SvJensen Elsie Hildre th Hre C. IT. Chance . r;c;?E-".: Christ Larsen Hellie Strate J. J. Duggan . Jeasie Preecott z,&> Laura Dirk@ 1 ll Bs H. Vinson . Co R. Blackburn . * Ben Be Xoore St Petera Luthern Church -0 Smith Earl C. Sharps Ben B. ZIToore George A. Vi11son Clarence 0. Holten co F. Prescott Jo J. Duggan Dr Lovie11 N. CmpBlZ T. ;E* Tills Hilding Dah1 Q* S* Heydt H. J. Knudaen So Je Roberts P. Dahfgren John Tracy 5.. Stolzman €3. Port Ha Xnsley Xalph Collier 0. BI, Spande J. H. Snavely , A. C. Stringer Thomas Goble Silats Herret Sam WCready XI. J. BrfeId Arthur Pe tersen Xrs A. Duua 4 L4 p, - t;,'Y' J. BouCher &-tp, : >-+;w--% Re Eo Olson Counting Clerk 6.00 Counting Clerk & return ballots 7.00 Judge Election and booths 12.80 JU- Election 9.80 Judge Election 9.80 Clerk Election 9.88 Clerk Election 9080 Counting Clerk Counting Clerk Judge Election h return ballots E::: I Counting Clerk 54 00 10.30 JuW Election 9.80 Judge Election 9.80 CZe rk Ele c tion 9.80 Clerk Election 9. 80 Counting Clerk 5*00 Counting Clerk 5.00 SpL Officer eC booths -A?G+30 Judge Exection & ballitB 7.80 Rent church bassbefit Tor election. 7.50 - Road labor 2.00 \ *>- Prosfdent July 50.00 -- - Recorder tj '98060 ' Trustee It .35. 00 Trustee H 35iOO 3bz00 n' * 0 Trustee ft Treasurer 11 25* 00 30 00 ? Village Health Officer July village bbrshall 155eQO / * Police Officer 135.00 *: Police Officer Utility man Tractor operator Ass t. Trac tor operator c- l35;00 Street Commissioner 150 e 0.0 135000 130.0 00 'I. . 120.. 00 Asst. Road foreman 101.40 I Road labor . 84.00 Road labor 89.00 Labor with tea 93.00 Park labor 106.00 . Park labor 310 26 . 25-00 _- Road & Bridge - \PA . 66050 Road labor (me drs) Road labor veede 7P.00 Road labor [weeds{ 75eOO Road labor (meed8 (% auto insp) '92.00 t Garbage Collection ( Juts 276.00 Use Ford v&,+tppk . 44,82*" * 1. Total $2,644027- 5 91 Mirscl. Bills took same course as follows: Zoosen -,Plumbing Co Lawn sprinkler connection. $50 . 00 mas 48 e90 Minnesota Tree Service Tree work (Parks) 7.50 - Hennepin County Blfare Bd April Relief (net) 443.62 Thorpe Bros, Inc Rent Tract office & phone 13. 10 GXacier Sand Gr Co Sand-Cement-Grave 1 139.80 13.55 Butts Agency Premiun #5164 Dixie policy 13.65 Oleon' bndl Sans ' Co Repair 7mrco grader on 3/5 Alex Cre ighton Fees Bdg Inepeotor(Apr. Uay Ju)145.30 Miller-Davis Co Election supplies 3.95 . May %!PA .Swing project 17 . 50 Village St Louis Park Bren Hardmre Mower parts Hennepin County Review Printing & Pub notices 54.35 2.0 We ROehOlt CO Rental Warco grader 6/17-7/17 192.00 V. H. Ziegler Co Rental #22 caterpillar 6/16-716204*25 Lyle Signs, Inc. Road signs ., 9.60 B. He Bradley Engineering fees 1/25-6/4 111900 Simon Strand Reb&bl tool shed 6/15-7/15 16.00 City of dbinneapolis Police car radio service 22.40 Hennepin County Poor Farm service to 2/38 358.00 Blackburn ,Nichols&Smi th Comp. Ins, premium 505. 19 Minnewolis Ge E. Co April-&by Electric service 894953 Bdina Garage Polhe car servicetkstorage 9.76 Edina Hardware Hardware BC Road supplies 30 66 L. J. Hemphill Overhauling cascade pump 6O.QO; Wooddale Grocery gats for tractors (net) 16.07 To Y. Rosholt Company Ybrco parts Q %or Elect drill 60.00 W. Ha Ziegler Co Tractor part 3.30 Total $ 3,548.97 E. W. Harris Gas for police car EE tractors 133..99 Tre'asurer Duggan reported the'cash balance in the baa at #3zS928 'and that a deposit of $5,0OOe00 would be made tomorror. Trustee Willsom reported 7 families on relief, the lowest in 5 years with no employable8 on relie-fe Truatee Holten reported on Traffic conditions and that the State Highwray Dept* had concured in the Villagers request for 20 mile speed limits in certain portions of the Village and $r Parkimg regulations at 50the and E'rance Avenue. NT Leo McClelland, pl*esen$ getition for garbage collection in the &re& bounded by France, Bird, West 54th and Fuller Street, where; upon it wae moved by Eoore, the petition be granted, seconded by Willbgn and carried. Mr'Brank Eclclund, presented p'roposed plat of mite OUs, 4th Add- itibn, the game having been approved by Village Engineer Bradley. ;' It us thereupon moved by Noore, that the proposed plat of lFhite '0 .' Oaks', .4th Addition, be duly approved and accepted, seconded by Holtkn and carried. I ' Mr L. E. Pollack, advised that there were low spots in Kellogg Ave t I. that held water, which was duly referred by the President t9 the , *-I I Ghariman of the Road & Bridge Comi$tee for attention. .. The matter of the vacation of Bridge Street East of Arden Avenue, qext duly came before the meeLing. ~ssrs Uansfield, and Hanaen requested that no action be taken until the streets were settled 8. and oiled leading into the mite Oak8 Addition, Messrs Cove11, ' Kaufman and Allison, requested that all of the balance of Bridge Street East of Arden Avenue,-be vacated, as the 20 feet heretofore vacated had viftually closed Bridge Street to traffic and that they were interested in eliminating a nuisance. The Council in eesary easements for semrs and mater in and along Bridge Street. Lt thereupon moved by Prescott that the matter of vacating that gart of Bridge Street east of Arden Avenue, go over to the regular meetin@ of the Council to be held en7 July 26, 1938, for further cdnsideration, seaonded by Noore and carried. I I- I. f Later bess46n requested the Village Attorney to draw up the nec- I - I& 0. S. Glomr, advised that the Board of County Commissioners . had acted to vacate that part of old \Teet 50th Street, lying - between Browndale and Vooddale Avenue. Thereupon Trustee Prescott ,moved that Petitfon having been preaented to the Village Council ,of Ldina, praying for the vacation of that part of Old Ykst 50th. .Street wing East of Browndale Avenue and %bat of Vooddale Avenue and Horth of Highmw #&IO, that notices be poeted and that the .mattar of vacation be hoard at the next regular meeting of the .Council to %e held on July 25, 1938, motion vas seconded by Holten -and carried. .Application for building and other permits forthe erection of .St Stephens Bpiscopal Church at Vooddale Avenue and ast 50th? .Street 27as received with request the total of such fees be set , at $1,00. Thereupon Trustee Prescott, so momd, seconded- by- . Willson and carried. D . The matter of extending a public road past the Cosgrove, Kingsley and Eliostue property, ms di6Cuseed at length by the several residents, Village Attorney S,trong and the Council. After con- - sidering the many angles involved in the proposition, it was the .suggestion of President Sharp, that the matter be held open for -future consideration of the Council doing vhich time it vas hoped . the interested residents might get togwther on an amicable under- . e tanding, :Application of EIi&neapolic Gas Light Company for permission io .extend 3” gas mail 826 feet South of \%st 44th Street in and . along Brookside Avenue , was on motion Prescott , be granted, secondled by Hoore and carried. and dated July 8, 1938 , offering t.0 sell to the .Village of Edim the two triangular piecea of land lying to the East and North of the old Edina School property at Vest 50th Street and Eden Avenue for the aim of $1,00040. and marked on the accompaning sketches as plots Nos 1 and‘ 2+ After reading and discussion by the Council, it was moved 17s Prescott, that the Council accept. the proposition of Thorpe -08, on the basis of $1,000.00 pay- ment for the land and subject to certain details which vould have to; be worked out, the motion was seconded by Villson and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the motion rthercin there =re five we8 and no nays as follons, Sharps Aye, Holten aye, Prescott aye , Villsan aye and Noore we, and so the motion vms declared duly adopted- . Preaident Sharpe Esuggeated that the Recorder advise PIr Thorp, accordingly. ’ President Sharp, reported on the matter of the selecting and . appointfw an architect for the proposed Villabe Hall and. COB- munity Center building, as dlegated at the June 30th. meting af the Council. Aftsr receiving the @esfd.entts report irt vas duly moved by %fillson that the Council concur in the recommendation of Louis Be Bersback, secshded Prescott, The vote mas upon the adoption of the motion $fierein there mere three ayes and two nays a8 follows, Prescott aye , Villson aye , Sharpe aye I Holten xq%y and Nuore nay, and 80 the motion ms declared du3y carried* President and Recorder to sign the necessary order or cdntract. Xr Uorse of Oakland Awn=, was present to suggest that TZst 54th Street lje oiled, VhereUpQn the President stated that inas- much as it ms proposed to lower part of %he grade Test of the briwe and Last of Kellogg Avenw, that oiling would have to vait until the grading t*m8 completed, vhich mas satisfactory. esident Sharps, presented letter from Thorpe Bros, ljy J.R.Thorpz I Engineer Carroll presented th fcllowing report and certification I, J. E. CARROLL, Engineer in charge of the installation of svewers in Sewer 'aistrict No. 4 of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, do hereby report and certify that I have examined the corn truction of the sewers in said District No. 4 and. I find and determine and so certify that the fair and reasonable value of said sewer comtruction is the sum of Fourteen thoulsand four hundred ninety-seven and 59/100 Dollars ($14,497.59), which said ampunt should be assessed 'against the property benefited as shown by the T .@' . assessment roll heretofore submitted to you. Dated et Hfnneapolis, Minnesota, July llth, 1938. Signed A$SESSMENT ROLL for BAR ITARY SEWER8 in $ewer District #4, EXlIETkb, EINN. NAME LQT 'HOUE~ Drains SEWER J. Frank Ecklund. et a,l 1 $23.58 __u Lewis 37. Tifft, et a1 .2 23.58 Martin P. Johnson, et a1 3 24.26 Doris E. MacPhail 4 23.03 J. Frank Ecklund, et a1 5 34067 do NW'ly 9 front & rear 6 -- Mfnn.& Uontana Rea.lty Co.Lot 7 & SE'ly -$ front & rear Lot 6 Leon Hafison et al. Lot 8 and that part of Lot 9, lying NWBly of a line running from a point in Wtly line of said Lot distant 35ft. S'ly from NW Cor. thereof to a point in Elly line of said Lot distant 45 ft. Slly from NE cor. thereof.8g 9 3Z027 J. Frank Ecklund, et al, Lot 10 and that part of Lot 9 lving Slly of a line running from a point in W'ly line of said Lot distant 35 ft. Slly from NW Uor. thereof to a point in E'ly line of said bot distant 45 ft. S'ly from NE Cor. thereof 9 & 10 26.85 Geo. A. Specht, et a,l 11 34-67 do 12 28.21 J. Frank Ecklund 13 26.85 do 14 20*80 do 15 20.80 Harold C. Russell, et a1 16 24.89 do 1'9 24.89 do 18 34,67 6 & 7 340 32 AUDfTORS SUBDIVISION, -... No. George Pa.yne, Part west of Townes Road (as opened) 15 187.59 George Payne, Part east of Townes Road (a.s opened.) and except part taken for 48th St. 15 352,85 Gust Strorn, part east of Townes Road (as o-nened) 38 215.87 Gust Strom, part west of Townes Road ( 8s opened) 38 215.87 Charles F. Ashton 39 40.83 Sigred. B. Sodergren,N. 150 Ft. 02 E. 130 ft. 62 125 .. 10 I $268,L1 195.81 210; 87 312.85 210,87 105.44 316.31 316.31 316.85 205.42 241. EO 210.87 241.00 210.87 207.86 210.87 90.37 17 2 1012,69 1855,68 937.39 1012.69 256.05 451, k8 TOTAL 219.39 235.13 335,88 245,54 105.44 $291. 69 350,63 349.58 343.7Q 240. 09 269.81 237.72 261.80 231-,67 232.75 235.76 125.04 1200.28 2208.53 2153,26 1228.56 296. a8 576.9% 94 ASSESSZENT ROLL (continued) for Sanitary Sewers in Sever District #4, Edina, Efinnesota. (White Oaks Addition) NANE LOT NO. HOUSE DRAINS SEWER TOTAL Sigf red B. Soderpen I?. 100 f t. 62 $83.23 $301.25 $384.4% of 8. 125 ft. Sigfred B. Soderqren S 381&55/100 ff. of I?. 125 St. 62 249.14 1149.49 1398.63 Sigf red B. Sode rpren S. 203&58/100 ft. of N.353%58/100 ft. of E. 130 ft. 62 168.44 613* 28 779.72 Peter E. Pearson, Part west of Tomes Road (as opened) 63 117.98 416.99 534.97 Peter E. Peareon Part east of Tomes Road (as onened). 63 82.00 341.68 423-69 I $2276.24 $12222.35 $14497.59 Property owners nav elect to Day the amount cha.rgecl to each lot or parcel of land, lus the interest on euch navment computed at the rate of five (5$ P percent Der annum from Ami1 22, 1938 to date of Dayment (inclusive) which payment including amount of aseecament and fntereat must be Daid to ET. Ben B. Eoore, Village Recorder, an or before Septeaber 29, 1938. After last named date the paid Village Recorder shall certify the foregoing assesmen ts (exclusive of amounts lopid) to the County Auditor of Henneuin County, X€nneeota, for collection, vhich asseements including interest conmted at the rate of five (5$) percent per annum from April 22, 1938 - shall be paysble annually far ten vears at the County Treasurers office, Hennepin County, lffnnesota, By order of the Village Trustees Ben B. Moore, Recorder. Dated at Edina, L:fnnesota June 27, 1938 95 Trustee Xolten offered the folloving resolution ad moved its adoption: Whereas, pursuant to ordinance and reeolution heretofore duly passed and adopted bv the Village Council of the Villnpe of Edina, Hennegin County, Minnesota, for the creation of Sewer District Nmber 4 Bn said Village and the construction of eewers and laterals in said District and nursuant to a contract dulv made and entered into for the construction of such sewers and laterals Pnd it; beinp neceswny to pay the coct thereof by levying. special assessment s against everv assem- able lot, piece or parcel of laad mfthfn said Sewer District Number 4, without regard. to cash valuation, and made and filed with the Vflbge Recorder and the Village Council of szkl Village his taSulated statement or calculation, in duplicate, showing the proper description of each and every lot, piece or parcel of land to be specifically assessed. and the mount he hae calculated against the same, and the Village Recorder having caused notice of the time and place when and where the said Village Council would meet in regular seasion to pass upon such proposed assesement to be published in the official paper of the Village of Edina Pt least ten (10) days prior to the meeting, during a11 of which time the said proposed agsesment was agen to inspection and copying by all persons interested, and Whereas, the Engineer of the Village of Edina, having heretofore m '0 Whereas, at the time and place so specified' as the time and place when and where such proposed assessment would be passed mon, to- wit: On the 11th day of July, 1938, at eight o@slock I?. ll. t a,t %he Grange &l1 in paid Villsge, no person aDpeared to present any reason why suoh proposed assessment or any particular item thereof should not be adopted, NOW, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Village Council of said Village of Eaina that the Engineer's estimate of cost of said nroject in the sum of $14,497.59, made up of the following items: Contract Price, ' $13,505.46 Engineer * E Expenses est imat ed) 810.32 Le@ ExDenses, 250,OO Publication Expenses (estimated), 199.00 De 1 in au enc v and Con t i ngen cy, 982.81 Credit premium on bonda r-*e..**r.e.*.*eee 1,250.00 $14,497.59 Total 815,747.59 together with the said Enpineero s tabulated ptatement and description of each lot, piece or parcel of land in eaid sewer district neressable for said imnrovement, be and the same is in all things ratified, con- firmed and adopted bv this Village Council as necessarv and propes special. assessment against, each lot, piece and parcel of land in mid Sewer District ewecially benefited thereby. BE IT FURTEER RESOLVED .that the amount assessed a.gainst each '* lot, piece or parcel of land in and by said wecia1 assessment so here- inabove ratified am3 adodted sha'll bear interest from the date of this resolution adopting such 'special a.sseesment until the &aid special asseerments and interest thereon' have been mid at the rate of Five (5) Der cent per annum. v The motion was seconded by Trustee Prescott and the vote vas taken upon the question of the adoption of the Resolution. there were five ayes and no nays as follows: Sharpe aye, Holten aye, Presco md so the Resolution was declared dul Vherein ATTEST: A Village Recorder Trustee Prescott offered the following Resolution and moved its adon t i on : BE IT RESOLVED that the Cle& of this Yillape be an6 he is here- by au-thorized and directed to make up and file in the office of the County Auditor of Hennenin County, .Minnesota, being the county in rrhich the Village of Edins, P municipal corporation, is located, a certified state- ment of mount a.nd unpaid assessments for Sever District Number.4 of the said Village of 'Edina, and the amounts of interest which will be due thereon on the 1st day of January, 1939, BE IT FURTSR RESOLVED that su'ch special assesemint shall be payable in ten eoual annual installmentg, the first Ohbeof to be payable on the 1st dav of January, 1939, and the remaininp nine installments on the let dav of each succeeding January to and including Jmuary lst, 194.3. I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all deferred installmntp of aid sDecia1 assessments shall bear interest at the'rate of Five (5) per cent per annum, Dayable on the mhole amount,remaininp from time to tiae unpaid, aith and as P part of each said installment of assessments. construction u€ said Sewer District Nmber 4 and .has determined the fais and reasonable vslue thereof and he has certifled that he finds and deteminee that the fair and reasonable value of wid sewer construction is in the sum of $14,497.59, which said amount Fhall be assessed against the propertv benefited therehv as its fair and reaeoneble aLL csess- ment in the event the assessment heretofore levied i~ for my yeaso= declared invalid and of no force and effect, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED thzt the Engineer hor: exmined the mmer The motion to adoDt the Resolution was seconded by Trustee-Elolten ' and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the Resalution Therein there aere five aves and no nays 2s follows: Shame aye, Holten aye, Prescott ave, Villson we and ttoore aye and 80 the Resolution WPF declared duly pdopted. I ... ,. ATTEST: .- VillPge Recorder . No further busfneas to conel before thi, me declared it adjourned at 11.50 PI3 I ting, th0 President Village Recorder