HomeMy WebLinkAbout19380725_REGULARNinutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, hela in Grangq Hall on July 25, 1938 at 8 o'c'l;~ck Plde 1 The meeting was called to order by President Shaspe, the roll 'called, and all rfiemlsrs of the Coq@cil were present. .Ninutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on July 11, 3938, were read. On rnot&on Holten, they be approved as read, seconded ,'by Prescott, and carried. Xr J? R. Thorpe, presented a proposed plat of the Brucewood Addition, being that part of the 1'Bull" 40, lying East and North of Minnehaha Creek. After examination and discussion with Mr Thorpe, it ma moved by Holten, that the plat of the Brucevrood Addition as submitted by Mr Thorpe, be accepted and approved by the Council subject to approval by Villlage Engineer Bradley, and that if and when approved by Engineer Bradleg, that the President and Recorder, be empowered and authorized to sign the plat on behalf of +the Village Council, motion was- seconded by Prescott, and carried. 1t.m moved by Holten, that the matter of providing aanltary sewers in the Brucewood Addition, be referred to Village Yng- imer Bradley and Village Attorney Strong, to prepare necessary data and resolution to establish Benes District Number 5, seconded by Prescott, and carried. Mr Nansfield, on behalf of certain owners of property in the Rhite Oaks Addition, presented a petition to reopen the 20 feet of Bridge Street, &tat of Arden Avenue, heretofore wacated. held for future consideration of the Council, which was not objected to. 'Upan reading of the petition, the Presiden't stated it would be Mr Covell, presented form of easement intended for the vacation of Valance 6f Bridge Street, not heretofore vacated and lying East of Ardeh Avenusy After having been read, the President stated it would also be held for future consideration of the Council and which ma not objected to. Nessrs Eostue ,and Coagrove and Miss Hutton, again appeare-d before the Council concerning roads in their neighborhood. After considerable discussion and the fact the several residents could not get togather on a program, it was moved by Holten, that the matter be deferred until the next regular meeting of the Council, seconded by Prescott, and carried. The Village pay roll advances, having been carefully noted and found correct, it was moved by Prescott, that they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Willson and carried. President Sharpe, read a letter from PWA administration, advis- ing that PWA grants applied on the cost of the land, all prof- essional services etc. and dated July 6, 1938, After die- cusaion, the Recorder wa~ instructad to telegrapm the PWA office ai; Omaha, Nebr., that our delay on Village Hall and Community building was occasioned in acquiring land $or site and that ag Architect was now working on plans, that a 30 day exlensiun be . gran te d It was moved by VilJ.ssn, that the Village Attorney prcplsujce an opinion on the sale of Village Varraats which might be issued for the construc tion of Village HLlLand Community Building seconded by Prescott, and carried. It was moved by Hobten, %hat the offer of SOhool 3oapq Xq@eg- gnderi'c.. Scheoa], ~Di$tlt;ricD'#l'ie for tBe--a&le -of the East3bacrq ,of lmid @on%afned in-sthe .Old' 8Chool site. to the ViXXfgQ- Of Eain& faq-the sum of $200.00, the sasne having been approved by*the 1938, be accepted and President 8c Recorder authorized to issue warran* and Treasurer to iseue check, upon presentation of dee aPPro*d 4?j s Y Br voters of the School District at an election held on July 19, Village Attorney, seconded by Boore and carried. -** - - After further discussian, it mas moved by Preacott, that the Council accept the proposal subitted .by Louis Boynton Esrsback, dated July 9, 1938, for architectural services on Village HalX and Cornunity Building on basis of contract in accord mith standard kerican- Jnstftute Architects form of agreement betwen Owner and Architect, and tBat President & Recorder be authorized to sign the nece ssany papers, seconded ty Holten, and carried, It was moved @y Uoore, that the matter of vacating that part of Bridge Street, East of Arden Avenue, hemtoSore duly referred to thie meeting, be referred .to the regular meeting of the Council to be held on August 22, 1938, seconded by Prescott and carried, Application of Einneapolis Gas Light Company, for permission to 1e;y gas mail in and along Bst 54th Street and Hinnehciha Bulvd, a distance of 330 feet, mas on motion Eoore, be granted, seconded by Willson, and carried. Application of Xinrreapolier G. E. Company, to set ttm. poles Vest of Gsiffith Avenue on Interlacken, ma on motion Prescstt, be granted seconded by Xosre and carried. Trustee Tfi11mn offered the follovinp resolution an6 moved its ndorrtion: I d Broceedinp hming heretofore been dulv taken for the conetrue- tion of district sewers and laterals in Sever District Nuqber 4, VillaFe of Edina-, and the resolution -r,rovidine for the issuance of s-id mrrmf;e and the form thereof havinF been duly Dassed, duly executed purruant to the resolution therefor praeed bv this council JUlV 25th, 1939, thet the Clerk of thiF villape be end he ip hesebv nuthorived end directed to deliver the' same-to Valter IT. bPpp.ee Comanv irt mymen% for the-conctruction of the Fsid sewem when the 'Engineer phlall hpve duly certified to %hie council thpt the said seners have been oronerlv'cnnstructed and that all 9aterial and labo-r used therein have been wid far hy said contrac3or md that the said nroject has been comnleted in everv nay satisfactory to the wid Enqineer. ' BE IT RESOLVED: t'ist when Faid 'warrants are nre-oared and 3 I . The Potion vas seconded by Truetee Holten and the vote Fas u60n the uueetion of the ado-ation of the Rewlution, wherein there were five ave,c and no nave as EO~~OVJR: and FO the Resolution vas'declared dulv Rdopted.* 7illsoq ~ve, Prescott me, Holten age, Sharbe Bye, L'oore aye, ATTZST: \ ViIlaqe Recorder Trustee Holten offered the follow€ng Resolution and moved its adontian: 'mhereae, groceedinre have here%ofore been dulv taken for the conetmction. of district Feinere md laterals in Sever District Number 4 in mid village and a con2;ract has been entered into by said village for the making of said imrovementp and the construction of sslid FemJers, the exnense thereof incurred and to be incurred to be aseesPed against each lot, piece or parcel of land in said diFtrict benefited thereby in the total sum of $14,497-59, Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Village &mncil of the Village of Edina, Hennepin CouTty, Binnesota, a P follows: Section 1, Thrst; due ~tess have been taken Dursuant to lam for the construction of district searere and laterals in Sewer District Number 4 in said villape and aesesments nTe beinp made, assessed and levied upon and a.minst each lot, niece or parcel-of land in said Sever District Number 4 benefited thereby and a special fund hming been created by the said village known aF tr6unc? of Sewer District Number 4". All moneys collected upon Faid mecial asseaments sh~1.l be mid into and credited to the said snecial fund. for the pavment of t%e cost of said sewers and warrants r?f the village issued in and on account thereof, Section 2, In anticipation of %he collection of said sx)ec.i^l nsseeeqents so levied and assessed as i?foresaiAp it is hereby deter- mined to issue Sewer District Euw'oPr 4 specipl aPRes?ement fund warrants of the Tillage of Edina, Xennenin Gountv, Minnesota, unon said soecial fund for the numoee of ririsinp money to be used in nayinp for eaid sewers, fn the total sum of $13500,00 and nav $5.46 in cash tn Faid Ualter 07, llagee Comanv. Section 3. That s!aid mrrants Fhall be in denvninations of @500.00, shall be 27 in nmber and sh;rll be nurflbered from 1 to 27, both inclusive, shall be Aptec? the 11%h das ef Julv, 1935, and shall bear in+erest Pt the mte of Five (5) Der cent wr annum, nayable wnnvallv, and have coupons? attRchetJ reDresentinp the mnm1 intere4 *hereon and Phall mature seriallv on Jmuvprv let in each cf %he veme 1940 to 1949, both inclusive, which mrrants, both principal end interest, Phall be payable at Hidland National Bank and Trust Comr,any, in the City of Minnemolip, Minnesotft, and ehgll be known 8~ IfS;ewes DiFtrict Number 4 SDecia1 Aaeessment Fund Warrmts" and shall be myable Polelg from the nroceeds of special aesePwnents levied apeinat nrooerty in said Sewer District Number 4 in said village and shall be in subptmtially the following fora: STATE OF XIdjh7ESOTA COUNTY OF HETTNEPIN . VILLAGE OF EDINA SEWER DISTRICT NVdBEII FOUR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND V?ARP!ANT - The Tre.asvrer of the 'trillaee of EdinP, Eennenin . CC)i-~nty,.Efiinnesota, prill nnv to the bearer hereof from . Sewer D*$strict-Eurllber Four Fund of ppid Vil9age the sum of ' DOLLARS ($ ) 'LanrfuZ monev of the United St2tes of Arnerica on the fir& dav of JanuRw, 1939, topether ivith intereet thereon rrlt tbe rate of ( ) per cent ner mmum, pavable Qnnuslly on the first dav of January of esch vear in accordance with and uncnxrresentation and surrender OQ the attached interept; cowonc PS thev eeverallv becme due, both nrinciml an8 interest being nayable at - i Thie TJarrant is one of a peries nf Farrants iwued bv seid Village mmsupnt to and in full conformitv nith the constitution-md lam of the State of frinnesota there- unto enablinp, for the nurnose nf defraying the emenPe incurred and to be incurred in laving sewerz in Faid Dietirct as described and mecified in SI certain resolu- tion duly adopted bv the Vilhpe Council of ~pid Village on the 23rd dav of August, 1937, and in anticipation of tl?e collection of mecial 9Feesments heretofore duly levied apinst the benefited nroperty in safe District fpr the conetrliction of seuers and is Dayable out of a fund designated RP Ftmd of Sewer DiPtrict Xumber Four, into. mhich fund all Droceeds of Faid qssess- Tents nse required to be mid. St is hereby certified and recited that all acts, conditions and things reauired bv the constitution and IEWS of the State of Mhneaota, to have been done, to hsve hamened? and to have been nesfonned Drecedent tn and in the issuance of this varrrnt, have been done, have haopened m6 h?ve been nerformed in regular and due form, tfme 2nd manner as reauired bv lav and that this PJarmnt, together vith all other indebtedness *of said Vil- lage outFtaoding on the date named herein and on the dzte of the actual isguance and delivery herenf, does not exceed my statutory or constitutional limi tption of indebtedness. IN WTNESS '?&EREOF, the Village of Edina, Hennenin Countv, Minnesota, by its Village Council, has caused this Varrmt to be Fimed.by the Presi- dent of the Village Council ~nd countewimed by t'le Villape Clerk ;Ind sealed with the sePl of Faid Village? Pnd the interest counnns hereto Rttached to be executed and authenticated bv %he facsivile sirmatures of said officers, and has caused thie Warrant to be dc?ted as Countersigned: Village Clerk. ,101 *. (Form of Coupon) NO. J On the firFt dav of January, 19 the Village of Edina, Hennenin County, Yinnesota, will nay-to bearer, at , in the City of Yinneapolie, Minneeota, from "Fund of Sewer District Kuniber 4" of said Village, Dollars ($ 1, the same being the annual installment of intereFt due on its Sewer District Number 4 S-oecial Assesment Fund 'Ssrrant, NO. e Counte rsigne d : I -* - See, 4 Each of said Warrants sha.11 be signed by the Presi- rJwt of the Village Council, and countersigned by the Village Cl-erk, pnd the corporate seal affixed thereto. Epch of Raid Coupons shall be signed by the,Village President ard countersigned by the Vi1lsy-e Clerk bv their fec-simile signatures, which are hereby adonted a8 due execution thereof on account of said Village. The Village Treasurer is herebv reauired to nay out of said Sewer District 'Number 4, won presentation, said warrante and Interest counons, ads thev rr0 ture, and cancel the wwe when mid. The motion was seconded by Uoore and the vote mas upon the question of the Resolution wherein.there were five ayes and no nays as -follows: Sharpe Bye,. Holten ;rye, Prescott aye, lilleon aye and Moore aye and so the Fiesolution was declared cJ.uly adopted. ATTEST: Village Recorder \