HomeMy WebLinkAbout19380808_REGULARNinutes of the regular meeting of the Council
of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Hall on August 8, 1938, at 8 o'clock
The meeting was called to order by President Sharpe, the roll
called and all members of the Council -re present.
Xinutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on July 25,
1938, were read. On motion Prsscatt, they be approved as read, seconded by 'I7illson and carried.
Xr L. B. Bersback, architect on the proposed Village Hall and ' Community building, vas preaent to report he had seem LTr Cary
of the PVA office who has .suggested that an anendatory. application
be submitted PVA and also submitted preliminary Sketches of the propoaed building which appared quite satiafactory.
After further discusljion Trustee Holten offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption.
Be it resolved by the Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota,
Section L Th& Em1 C. .Sharp@, President of the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Ninnesota,
be and he is authorized to execute and file an application on behalf of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Ninnesota, to the United States of America for d, grant to aid in finan-
cing the construction of a ViXLage Hall and Community Build- ing.
Section 2. !hat Eel C, Shwrpe, President of the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin Counq, Minnesota,
is herew authorized and directed to furnish such information as the United States of America through the Federal lhergency Administration of Public Vorks may reasonably request in con- nection vith the application which is herein authorized to be filed.
the motion was seconded bt Recorder Eoore and the vote vas upon the question of the adoption of the Resolution wherein there mere five ayes and nO nays as follom: Noore aye, Rolten &e, Willson we , Prescott aye and Sharps was declared duly carried.
I_ Trustee Villson reported on Relief as being about the 88918 88 for the month of June, Trustee Preecott reported on Roads and Bridges and that the patching of oiled Toads waB a%out 80% completed and that the grading of mat 54th Street at about Kellogg Avenue sould be completed by the %&me of next pay roll periodz Trustee Ho1f;on reported that the new Paxking regulatior, signs -re installed with some tags Wing issued for overtine parking- Recorder Eoore adviasd that the ner7 WA map of the Vil'iage was ~311 under rrs~t and Treasurer Duggan reported $J President
Sharpe gave out the July expenditure report showing all items of expenditure .to date.
$4,630.39 6n deposit to the credit of the Village. h
Emineer Carroll, reportea bh Semr District Number 4 and turned in a plat shoving the location of all Y connectlons.
Regarding the proposed large intersepting semr, Er CEbrroll
vas instructed to lay the aerier as lorn a8 possible even though
the City of Hinneapolis might require pay for the extra depth beyond requirements of the City of Ninnea-polis.
The Village and Road bills upon .beis duly examined and found
correct, were on motion Prescott, they be allowed and ordered paid, seconded by ‘Willson and carried, They are as follows:
Earl C. Sharp
Bn B. Moore George A. Willson
C. 0. Holten
C. B. Prescott J. J. Duggan
Dr L. Ne Campbell T. 8. Tilly
Hilding Dah1 W. S. .Heydt H. J. Knudaen
Po Dahlgren
John Tracy
L. Stolzman
R. Port
H. Enaley
Ralph Collier
R. E.Olson Bo Smith H . 3 . Me rfe Id
Sam UcCready
Silas He rre t
0. M. Spande J. H. Snavely
A. C. Stringer
Arthur Petersen
So J* Roberts
President Recorder
Trustee Trustee Trua tee Treasurer Village Health Officer
Village Mmahall
Police Officer Police Of f ice r Street Commissioner
Utility man
Tractor operator
Asst. tractor operator
Asst Road foreman
Road labor
Road labor
Labor with team
Use of Ford V8 truck
Road labor
Road labor weeds Bc aitto
Road labor on itreeds
Road labor on weeds
Labor on Parks Labor on Parks
$50 00
90 . 00
* 25.00
30 00
135.00 150 00
130 00
$00 080
88 00
19 . 00
100 . 50 31 00 1 25.00
The ldisselaneous bills upon being duly examined and found to be cerrect, .were on motion Willson, .they be allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Prescott an& carried. They are as follows:
Simon Strand Rent tool shed $15.00
Virginia Dutcher . Stenographic service 4.50
H. V. Johnson Culvert Co Road cuPverts 242.88
To We RoahOlt CO Universal joints for Warco 16.90
Lumber for WPA roject 13.32
306 74
Pockrant Lumber Co
Hennepin County Wlfare May Relief (net Edina Garage., Inc, Police car service 8c storage
Blackburn-Nickels and Smith . Insurance prernri:wne 10.00
Red Wing SemerPipe Co Sewer Pipe for Indianola Am 336 25 Country Club Floral Co Flowers for Parks 8.90
H.A.Rogem CO 32 EBCW prints for %PA map 9.60
H. C. Alden Correcting Fire DiBtrict map 7.50
Glacier Sand C?C Gravel Co Sanddement for WPA projects 78.63
P. Bo McGowan 100 yds sod 10 . 00
Villag St Louis Park Village share WA sewing projt. 21.00 Ewlepqn County Review Publislhing Assessment Roll #4 17.55
morpe -Bras, Inc Rent Tract office eC tolls 12.85
Peerless Electrical Co Batteries for Police 5.22
8. H. Ziegler Co Rental #22 caterpillar 204 e 25 To W* Rosholt CO Rental Warco grader 191.00 Nieland Auto Service Dodge Truch service 1.90
Standard Clothing Co Police caps 7.50
hUler-Davfs Co Office supplies 1,lO .
.r?linneapolia G. E. Co June Electric service 447.02 Vooddale Grocery Gas & kerosene 17.25
Hennepin County League Dues to 12/31/38 .5vOO
Edina Hardware Road & Bridge supplies 16.67
Hennepin County Review J of P records 23.50
JUStf8 sumher CO Lumber for R&B 1.30
H. A. Nelson Leather m-i;ttens for police 1.00
$48.75 245.25
Boreyb Shell Station Truck service 6/2 to 7/21 11.67
Axel Larsen Loading 468 yda fill Dam’s Hill 32.76
Jay 8. Craig Co 3600 gals road oil 1ess.creait
To 17. RoQholt CO ?%reo ahifting lever . $3.85 Dahlberg Bros, Inc Fordson belt 1.00
@le!’. SXgns , Inc Ball tops-bolts & Bkta 6.50
&?ague Einnesota Xunicipalities Due8 to 8/31/39 50.00 Western Union Tel Co PWA telegram to Omaha * 1.08 @le Signs, Xnc 36 Parking signs & posts. 94.74
J,A.Dmxins & Son 734 hre shovel 0 $4.75 338.44 Indpt, -School Distric% #17
l3* 8. Harris Gas & oil (net) 116 34
Payment East acre of old I Edina School property 200.00
J of P fees in John 1-
Novel1 case as itemized 4.45
7; R. Riley, J of P.
Total bsiscl. $28849.81
Xs Rodine and other residents in the vicinty of Vest 54th S*reet
and Eellogg Avenue, were present to object to the lowering -of gcade of West 54th. Street bettrseen Brookview and Kellogg Avenues., Aster dikkusaiot.1 it vas thought that less grade might be advis-
able and the President suggested that the Council and Village Engineer Bradley meet with the interested residents the next T?esdnesday evening in a mutux endeavor to satisfactorily work out tke problem, whichrtas agreeable to all.
Xr. Xostue, in appearing before the Council on the matter .of. a
ro.ad opening in his neighborhood and to which the interested
pqoperty ozmers had not been able to agree, stated that he had at,tended a meeting tvherein Dr Ralph Booth and Xr George Kingsley
hqd sat in hoping to work out a satisfactory solution. stated that a11 the neighbors had not attendedXr Styon$ ’VfJ.lag& Attorney, advised he had contacted Nr Nonm and that he va8 not interested in the proposit&on, Spokesman for EEesars Paul Kingsley zznd Cosgrovs, advised the road in question wa8 open for traffic.
A% this point Trustee Holten movedI that the Village Attorney mite a letter to the Council advising proceedure the Council
might take in the matter, ,seconded by Efloore and carried.
Supt of School Glover, preaented a letter to the Council regard-
ing the matter the matter of faat traffic and traffic regulation
at. Xkst SOth’Street and Yooddale Avenue. After dscussdon it
vsa moved By T7illsan, that the matter ’be reffered to Police Com- mittee, seconded QT Hoom and carried.
Prssident Sharp, read his letter dated August 4, 1938, in repay
to letter By Oscar Gaarden dated June 4, 1938, zegarding hydrant
rental and sewer charges. Council and Village Attorney 1.h Strong, it vas the suggestion of
public facilities of 8etm and mWr sys%ems in the Country Club District as re11 as Semr Districttia Numbered 3 and 4, for subrnis- aion tto Gaarden, which was satisfactory.
Ap3lication mas received from Xinneapolis Gas Light Cornpa& for pemhsfon to inatall 458 feet of 3“ gas main on Fuller Street aqd 691 feet on Abbott Place, all betmen Drem and Abbott Avenue, wb-ich on motion Prescott, be granted, seconded by Prescott and
c arr ie do
Aiplication of “inneapolis General Electric compmy, for permission to, install 1 pale on \7est 50th Street neat Willson cutoff and 2 poses on Vest 60th Street betmen St Johns and Fairfaz Avenues,
vas on motion Holten, Is granted, seconded by frescott and carried.
The.ns%ter’of. vacation a part of Old Wst 50th Street, also knom
as, County Road number 2, next duly.came before the Council wherein Trustee Eolten offered the following Resolution and moved its
adopt ion:
After discussion by all members of the
President that the Village Attorney prepare leaaes covering
. Xhereas, a petition of all the owners of land abutting upon
that portion of old 0ounw Aoad Number 2, somtimes also knom as WEI t 50 th Stre@ t , hereinafter described, having
, been made and filed to the Vi.llage Council of the Village of Ldina, Hennepin County, Xinnesota, petitioniyg for the vacation of that part of said road or street hereinafter
f 05
described, and the eadd Village Council having first given one
week's published and posted notice of a hearing to be had thereon, and it appearing for the best interests of the public so to do,
NOW, Therefore, Be 1% Reaalved that that certain road OE skceet in said Village of Edim,described as follows:
A road or street four rods wide described generally as: "iaeglning at the Past Ifnite of Browndale Avenue as the same appears ppon the"p1at of the Country Club District, Brown Sectfen, according: to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the RegiRter of Deeds, Hennepin County, Ninmdota; thence running Easterly and terminating at the North limlta of the new location of County Road No.
2, which is approximately the Wsst limits of l?oOddalr; Avenw as the same is located in said village ,and according to the
plat of said Country Club District, Brown Section, and being
a part of what was Old,;County Road Xo. 2, sometimes also known ae West 50th. Stmet,
be and the saw hereby is vacated.
The motion to adopt was seconded by Truatee Preecott and the vote
was upon the queetien of the adoption of the Resolution wherein . there were five ayes and no naps as follows as follows, Holten aye, Willson aye, Preecott we, Sharp aye, Moore aye, 8s so the Res- olution was declared duly adthpted.
L" ///
The matter of inetalling sanitary sewers in the Brucewood Addition
was next discussed by the Council. The Recorder advised that the owners of the property would be willing to purchase all the mater- ials necessary and that if' set up as a WPA project, the matter of the Village selling sFcial assessment warrants to be levied against
the benefiad property would be eliminated, At this point Trustee Hslten moved that the installation of sanit~try 8ew8rs in the Brush
wood Addition, be set up as a PJPA prodsct to furnish the necessary labor and the owners of property the necessary materials with Vil- lage Engineer Bradley to 8ubmi.t; the necessary engineering data and the President and Recorder to sign the necessary papers, motion nras seconded by Xoore and carriedr
No further business to come before this meeting, the President declared the meeting adjourned at 12*30 ATkl
Village Re c mite 2 e