HomeMy WebLinkAbout19380822_REGULARXirtutes of the regular meeting of the Cauncil of the Pillage of Edina, held in Gxange Hall. om August 22$ 1938, at 8 oTclock PX, - The meeting mas called to order by President Sharpe, the roll called and all members of the Council mere present, Minutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on August 8, 1938 were reade On motion Holten, they be approved as read, seconded by Prescott, and carriedo The Village pay roll advances having been carefully nated and found to be correct, were on motion Prescott, they be duly allowed and paid, seconded by Holtea, and carried. l8.r Bloomberg, submitted for Council's coasideratiom, a praposed plat of a 10 acre area loeated between 8bau-k 56* and 57& S'creets and the Belt Line Highway #loo. After discussion, President dharpe advised Ec Bloorriberg to consult Village EngPneer Bradley for his investigation and reporto I m c r? crc 'Ad Messrs G.V.Tbompson and H.W,Hawerstack, attoJraey, appeared before the Council in the matter of extending XnterlackenRoad from the present termilaEus, %est 1/2 mile to the Poor sarm Road or the '3est Village limits, and also to oxtead a road from the mid-section line and Highway $169, to the Xorth l* miles to the present "Jestern terminus of Interlacken, or a total length of one and three quarters mile b During the discussion it was noted that many of the signers to the petition which Bfir Haaerstock presented, lived outside 09 the Village of Edina, that there were no homes in and along the praposed raad, Nr Lewis Jones advised the Council that at least one half mile of the proposed road wo,uld be aver a peat bed and that the cost of construction would therefore be very expensiveo After further diiscussion, it was moved by Hsltera, that the matter be referred to Village Attorney Itk Strong, seconded by Xoore, and carried, President Sharpe, reported on the meeting held with interested res- idents, members of the Council and Village Engineer Bradley on the . evening of August loth, at West 54th Street and Kellogg Avenueo Also read letter of IW Rodine dated 8/14/38 and letter of Er Gustafson dated 8/18/386 stating the present grade of West 54th S-breet, was thought to be too high at Kellogg Avenue. After discussion of the matter, it was moved by Noore, to re-refer the matter to Village Engineer Bradley, seconded by Willson, and carried* The Recarder to advise that a narr0.w roadvay could not be determined at this time, I It was moved by Trustee Eolten, that the Xosture petition for rasd, be referred ta the sccsnd regular meeting in October, seconded by &Ioore, and carriede It was moved by Ifs37_.f;en, that the petition of PTr Ihmsfield and others to open up that 20 feet of East Bridge StreeQ, heretofore vacated, be referred to the second regular meeting of the Council in Oct- ober and that the Village Attorney be requested to advise if necess- ary to have a public meeting regarding same in view of the action previously taken, seconded by Noore and carried, Trustee Halten, offered the following Resolution and moved its ad a.pt ion : WEEBEAS, a petition of all the owners of 'land abutting upon that part of Bridge Street in the Village of Edina, hereinafter described, having made and filed with the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, petitioning for the vacating of that part of said street hereinafter described, and the said Village Council having first' given one weeks published and posted notice of a hearing to be had thereon, and having con- aidered the said petition for the interests of the public so to do, llO1vT, THEREFOEiE, 'ISE IT RESOLVEF), That that part oi Bridge Street which Lies easterly of the easterly line of Arden Avenue in the \ I and held said hearing, ;zlad i% appearing Coua%ry Club District, Fairway Section, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hennepiri GQIW~~, Ennesota, except the easterly twenty (20) feet of said Bridge Street heretofom vacated, hereby is vacatedo be, and the same The motion vas seconded by Recorder Uoore, and %he vote mas upon the question of the ado tion of the ResoLution, wherein $here cere five (5) ayes and no (0 P nays as follows: ;'JiSlson aye, Prescott aye, Eoore aye, and so the Resolution was declared duly carried, Sharpe aye, Halten aye, Presideat af Council ATTEST : Village Recorder,, Communication mas received fram Village Attorney I.3 strong, enclos- ing properly esecuted deed from Xndependsn% School Dis'crict to the Village of Edina, conveying the East acre of the old Edina School site in conaidersLion of the sum of Sj20O00O9 which was 1% vas moved by dillsoxi, that petition of Hauenstein, Hingsley srmd others, requestins that the name of Blzke had be changed -Lo l!Iendel- sshon Road, be denied, motion was seconded by noore, and curried, (1 ordered to. be duly recordedD It nas moved by Xoore, that the application of Eciinnsapolis Gas Light Coapany, for permission to lay 345 feet of 3'' gas main in and along Griffith Street, between Iihloney and Seth Avenues be granted seconded by ;?illson and carried* Cm..-tyi~~ ;.rith request af the Council, letter dated Augus% 2Z9 1938, bz-ViXk&p Attorney U.r Strong, nas read in Miich he outlined %^ne prmeedure necessary to condemn land for a street, which mas placed an Tile, Cornmicatian read from Hennepin Cou-by Velfare Board, advising of a meeting to be held on August 13, 1938, concerning Relief fnRuraJ, Hemepikl County, President Sharpe, read a Public Jorks Administration Letter dated August 53, 1938, concerning grant for Village Hall and Cornunity Building, After discussion of the offer of the United States of America to aid by aay of a grant in finsncing of a VillLage Hall and Comuniky Building, Recorder Eoore introduced and re3d the Polloaing resolution and moved that said resolution be passed and adopted, Trustee :'JilPson, seconded the motion, and on roll czll %be follonirmg voted '(Ayett:- Sharpe, Holten, Willson, Prescott and Uoore, The folloning voted Waytt : None Thereupon the President declared such resolution passed and adopted, announced his apprQPal thereof, and as evidence of his approval, signed it, Such resolution as reado passed, adopted and approved is in nords and figures as f ollor~s ; A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE O2!,?33?3 OF TKE UXITED STATE3 02 AEEXLCA TO THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, TO AID BY \YAY OF A GRJUKL! * LWZTY HALL BUILDIBG BY EzbKI3jG A THE iLLAGE OF EDINA IN TKE momr 02 FORTY FIVE, OF Z&COST OF PROJECT UPON COEE!XTI(IN AS DET BY TRE FIiDm.91; MY ZKfBTT TlB SUE OF $L$,63690QD IX Zt'INXTCIDG THE CORSTXUCTXON OF -4 VILLAGB HALL Mi3 C0i.i~ EUERGZNCY ADXIEI3TUTION OF PUBLIC t?OFIKS BUT NOT TO EXCEJD BE IT Ri33OLYED, BY THE COUTTCIL OF THE VIUGE OF EDINA: : I (Continued page 109) SECTIOS 1, That the affer of the United Stakes of America ta the Village of XEdiura 'Go aid by way af a grant in financing the erect- ing arid equipping of a Village Hall and Community building, a copy of which offer reads as fallows: 2 m 0 Village of Edina, Pdina, Hennepin Cou~ty, 3innesota. as mended to the date of this offer] rmhickr are made a part hereof, the Uni'ced States o f America hereby offers to aid ip1 financing the conshruction of a combined co.mmunity center building and Til- lage hall, including the aecessary equipment and the acquisition of necessary land (herein called the fil?r&jectt'Ps by making a grant to Villzge of Edina (hereim called the *'AjjplicanL"] , in the amount of 45 percent of the cost of the Project upon caripletion, as det- errniHed by the Federal Emergency Administration of Public dorks , but not to exceed, in any event, the sum of $19,636,80, begili work 013 the project as early as possible but in no event later than 8 weeks from the date of this Offer. and to complete such kra3ec-k fJikh all practicable dispatch, and in any event within 6 mon'chs from the commencement of comstructian, lo Su%ject to the terms and conditions @VIA Barm No, 230, ' 20 By acceptance of this Offer the Applicant covenants %s UNSTED 3TATES OF .ABiBICA (Signed) E, A. GRAY As si s 5, ant Adminis trat ar Be and -the same is hereby in all respects accepted, SECTIUX 2. That said TZLlage of Edina' agrees %ci abide:.by all the. r'ulas a,nd segt.xuirztions;:~elatbr,g -Lo suck Offer, a copy of 'irrhiah rules and regukatiaas tverenaqtexed -&a .the Governmenk'~ offer and made a pa%% khepeof, I' SZCTIQN 3**. That the President is hereby directed $0 sign, and .the TLlLage RsssrdeP ta countersign and seal with the corporate seal of tihe V"iIJage af Edina, the original offer made by %he United States of herioa to the Village of Edina, as evidence of %he acceptance of said affer by %he 'Village of Edina, SBCTIOB 4. ected to send to. the Federal Eme3i.g&ncg Administration of Public Works certified co.pies of the proceedings af this meeting and the actian taken in connection with the adap'i;icn of this resolution, and such fur-tfier documents or proa.fs in csnnestisrz with the acceptance of said offer as may 'be requested by the Pederal Emergency Admgnistratian of Public iYorks, That the VjilEage Recorder is hereby authorized and dir- I Thereupon Trustee Prescott made a motioa %ha% the meetiilizg adjourn, Turstee Holten seconded the motion, Council of the Village of Edina woted "Y3Str4 and the meeting there- upon adjourned, All the members of the Village t, I FURTm CBTIFY 'chat Grange Hall is situated vithiur the territ- or2al limits of the Village of Edina, I BURTIEER CERTIBY that on %he 22nd, day of August 1938, the Pres- ident signed, and. I, as Village Recorder countersigned and sealed sith the corporate sea1 of the Village of Edina, the original offer made by the United Skates of America to the Village of Edim9 a true and colrrect copy of vhic'kr appears in the foregoing copy of extraxts of 'che minutes OS a meeting of the Council of the Village af Edina, held on the 22nd, day or" August 1938, Village Recordeg, Eo further business to come before this meeting, motion to adjourn carried at 12.10 A"J - I Village Recorder.