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Einrrtes of the regular meetEng of the
CouncF1 of the Village of Edina, held in Grange HalX an September 12, 1938,
at 8 otcloek PE.
The hour of meeting having arriived and the President being not
present, the meeting was called to order by the Recorder and thase present vere Trustees Holten, Prescott and VilXson and Recorder Xoore.
It was thereupon moved by Recorder Noore, that Trustee Ko1ten
act as President Pro Tern, motion was seconded by Trustee Prescott
and carried whereupon Trustee HoPten assumed the chair.
Einutes of the regular meeting of the Caumcfl held on August 22, 1938, were read, On motion Prescott, they be approved as read,
seconded by iTi11sQa and carried.
The Xiscellaneous bills upon being du3y examined and found correct, were on motion Uillson, they be duly allowed and ordered paid,
seconded by Preacott, and carrfed. They are as follaws:
Minneapolis G.E .Company June service 8446.67
E, Vi. Harris 685 gals gas, less Fed Tax 135.61
Woaddale Grmery 79 gals gas, less Fed. Tax 18 , 31
Glacier Sand-Gravel Cs Sand & Cement 7/19-8/31 88.73
City of 3dirrneapoIis Police car radio service 30.86
Edim Hardware Road & Bridge supplfes 2.30 Thorpe Bros, Inc., Rent Tract Office, Sept &: tolls 13.60
BlackburnJichsls & Smith Premiwn Bond Officer Heydt 5.00
B. H. Bradley Engineering fees 6/21-9/2 95.00
Bemepin County Review Pub, notice on 8/4 4.50
%%stern Unian Tel, Co TePegsam PWA - Omaha 1.13
Leo Priest Tractor flares & flags 2.94
City af Uinneapolis Fire Dept Service, 8/8-8/15-9/7 47.76 Pallice car seraice tk storage 9/28 11.50 269.10 Edina Garrage
Phillips Petroleum CO Gas for RScB 31.63
W. I?. Garvey Hardare for Rm 8.85 Hennepin County,Minnesota Poor Farm service &r -July 38 120.00
Village St Louis Park Vill’age portion Oak Hill WPA 14.00
Steam shave1 & loading fill J. A. D~HL~~S
Republic Creosoting Co Road tar, Aug 24,26&2? 367040
To IT. RoShOlt CS Rent grader 8/1?- 9/17 191.00
E, A. Rogers Ca Tracing cloth PJPA Village map 3.59
Bahlberg Bros. Tractor belt 1.00
Interlachen Green House Plants for Park Board 2 040
Hayden &tar Cs Repairs & service Palice car 24.90
Edixia Radfo service Repair switch police car 75
Hennepint County Welfare Bd. June 1938 Relief (net) 259.95
Nirmesota Tree Serwice Laror Parkway trees 24.15
66.00 T. I. Roshalt Co 1 Blacksmith forge (delivered]
S. Skrand Rent Tool shed to 9/15 15.00
, Jay W. Craig Raad ail 204.00 c. Olson & sons Repairs Dodge truck to date 75.70 W. D. Creighton 45 days Dupty Village Assessor 225.00
Harry Bansen 15 days Drapty Village Assessor 75.00 PI. R. Neiman 1 large mower, less credit on old 96.00
Alex. Creighton 50% Bdg Pmt. fees July-Aug 135.76 Total 3, Jl5.09
The Road and Village pay rolls having been carefully studied and
found to be correct, were on motion Prescott, they be dwly allowed
and ordered paid, seconded by X111so,n, amd carried. They are I’ as follo~us:
Earl, C, Sharpe Ben B. Xoore George A. ViElsom Clarence 0. Halten,
C, I?. Bescott
J. 5. Duggan
Dr Lowell E. Campbell
T. E. Tilly
Hilding Dah1
17. S. Heydt
President (Sept 1 Recorder Trustee Trustee
Village Bealth Officer Village Earshall Police Officer
Police Officer
$50 .00
90.00 35 600
30 .OO
I62 ,
< E. J, Hnudsen
S, J, Roberts
P, Dahlgren
Job Tracy
L, .StolwnaYl
3. Port
E, Ensley
Re E, Olson
Leo Smith
0, EL. Spande
. Sam EcCready
Silas Herret E* J, Eerfefd
Arthur Petersen
A, C, Striager
Ralph Collier
Street Commissioner
Utility. man
Tractof operator
Asst Tractor operatar
Asst Road foreman (3 60~2
Road Labor 0 50g
Road labor @ 50g
Use of Fard VI3 truck
Rcrad labor @ 50~2
Park labor @ 50g
Raad Labor cm weeds @ 50g
Road Labor on weeds @ 50g
Auto &Road labor on weeds 0 50g Garbage collectiohli
Sept '@A-Road & Bridge
130 .0U
120 -00
If0 00 0
88 25
78,OO I ??e45
25 .OO
mith team labar 8.00 Total $2 $322.19
At this paint Trustee Xillsan reported an Relief, Trustee Prescott
OD Eoad & Bridge mork in general, Prest, Pro Tern Holtem on Police
Recorder on VPA &p of Village and that &ed had been received and
recorded from School Board of Independent School District #I?, to the East acre of the old Edina school site, Engineer CarraEl reported
on the engineering in connection with the large intersepting sever
and suggested a meeting in the near future with the Counrcil, Errsgineer Bradley and himself. *It: t7as found that Priday September lbth,
at the home of President harpe, wauld be convenient for a meeting Supt. of School Er Glover
and School Trustee Vesterberg were present and Chairman of the Police lJ&mi&Bee Eolten advised his findings with reference to traffic reg-
ulatian at Vest 50th. Street and Vooddale Avenue, d that a police
officer be assigned to the corner at certain periods of the day during
school days as soan as hhe,mf;ter of others than the police afficers
transparting the TTPA sewing pro jet workers, This was agreeable
to all, Recorder advised of Preside& Sharp's suggestion that more raad oil be applied to Booddale Avenue, South of ':Jest 50th. Sts
and referred to Road 8c Bridge Condtkee to carry out.
Er Prank Hildreth, requested a road culvert at 59th and Oakland aand
referred to Chairman of Road & Bridge Committee, to investigate'and report,
Park, appeared in the matter of surface drainage at Best 54th, Street
and Kellogg Avenue, which was duly referred to Chairman of Road and .I
Bridge Committee for attention,
+ for dl concerned and so agreed upon,
~ Eessrs Poklack and Gustafson, and other residents of South Harriet
. Prestdent Pro Tem Holten, advised the South Harriet Park delegation
preseat at the meeting, that any petition for road oi8ing for 1939
should be in the hands of the Council no2 Patter than the next regular
meeting to be held on September 26, 1938,
Xr Ecklund, presented the matter of draining the storm vater from the present log spot on Sunnysj.de Road, East of Arden Avenue, to a
low spot on the Baird 40, After discussion the matter mas referred . to Er Ho?.ten and the Street Commissioner for estimate of costs and
~ of obtaining certain flowage rights,
Er Bloomberg, presented a tentatiwe plat of Colonial Gralve -Addition,
being a 10 acre tract East of Booddale Avenue betneen 56* and 57- street Pocatians, The proposed plat vas OKed by Village Engineer
Bradley, as to grades and location of streets. After discussion
it gas moved by Uoore, that the proposed plat of Colonial Grove be ,tentatively approved subjdct to grading all streets to grade and the
graveling crf same, subject to approval by Village Engineer Bradley,
The mot2an vas seconded by Trustee Vi12scm and carriedo
Attorney Raverstack and Nr O'Briea, appeared before the CoUnCZl. in
the matter of a raad heretofore petitioned for in Sactian 30 and abutting the Petersen Bros and Kyte properties.
advised that ?!k Petersen desired to build a hOU5f3 about One qiUa2tGT
of a mile South of Interlachen Road and khat as there already existed
'a public raad to the North-East par% of the PeteWcn farm, it would not be good polhcy far the Village to build largely a road for private
taa Nr Bradley
TELE CQLmC~% gas
kfter diacuss~dn L4k. Holten adwised T& averstack, he might
Schaol Trustee %esterberg, presented a comunicatiom that the School
Board of Ind, Sckc~ol DEst, #X7, be grantied permission to erect a
play ground fence, 10 feet S0nth of the Sough Pot line of school property between mooddale Avenue and Brawndale Avenue.
a County Road and the Council being advksed that ~" 1vilLiS;rtzS,
Attorney for the Board of County Commissioners, ha$ing7adu&s$8 the Village wassthe proper body to grant such a permi-1;.
upon moved by Xoore, that the Village Council gFve its permission to the School Board of Independent School District #17, in so far as
it is proper to do so, for the erecticsn of a school play ground fence
in and along the EJorth side sf County Road #2 as now laid out and traveled, between Vaoddale Avenue and Browndale Avenue in said Til-
lage, line of said Cctunty Road #2, sometimes known as !@est 50th, Street,
and ta be erected, maintained, and c,t all times be the property of said School District #17. The makian was secanded by Trustee
Viililson and carried.
This being
1% was "cere-
Said fence to be built witkin 10 feet South of the North
Mr Vanderlrarst, appeared before the Council to request..a road
cuxvert at Divisiion and Vandervorte AveMlue, vJhLcrh was referred ko
Chairman of Road & Bridge Coimittee,
Communication dated September 7, 1938, fram Chief Traeger of the Enneapolis E'ire Dept., reciting a new ordinance providing for the makins of cantracts far fire department service outside the City of Knneapolis anid establishifig a schedule of rates to be charged ' 9
theref or, was read. A copy sf said ordinance was attached to Chief Traeger's letter ,
to be charged, it was moved by llillscEEL, that the President of the
V&Zlzge Gouncil and the Village Recorder, be authorized axd dir-
ected ta execute a contract on behalf of the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Eimesota, with the City
af E(limeapoSis for fire department servBce asd/bir fire protection
in the gala village' bP Edina, in the form duly presented at this meeting and that the same officers be further authorized aEd em-
powered to execute and deliver a surety boa8 by the said Village
of Edina, to the City of Einneapolis in the. amaunt of $l,OOO.OO,
to guarantee papent under the contract, The notion was seconded by Eoore, and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the motion wherein there were four ayes and no nays as foklows, v?illson aye, PreSCOtt age, Koltea aye, Noore aye, and so the motion
was declared duly carried.
After discussion and study of the rates
Discussion was held on the matter of Sewes' treatment and that of charges made Eos Bn-kersepting sewers by &ad 3% the City of =mea-
polis, to the Village of Edimha, WlkLereupspr it was deemed advis-
able toxeqaest of VLILlage Attarney Er Strong, an opinion if the
area charge Can be paid out of the General Fund of the Village,
AQpZication was received from EinneggaLis Gas Light Cmpany, for permission to Xay 620 feet of Bn main in and aLacng Brookview Avenue from West 54th. to West 55th. Street, 184 feet of 4" in and along
Bruce Aaeaue Sauth af West 50th Streef, 75Qfeet of 4" gas main in and along Bruce Place
928 feet of 4" gas main in and aloqg Ardem Avenue krth ot qest
50th Skreet, and 275 feet af 3" gas main in and along Ruthledge Avenue, South of Division Street, whereupon Trustee Prescott moved
the application, be granted, seconded by Xoore and carried.
between Bruce Avenue and Arden, aDd
OczmunicatioYr dated- August 31, 1938, 0y CharPes walkace, Chairman
of Executive Committee of County Velfare Board, in the matter of whether the Village of Edina, would take over and administer its own relief with the understanding Edina would cowrtinue to receive ies proportionate share of any and all aid for relief purposes received
from the State Agency, or, whether the Village of Edina, would continue with the preseat Central Relief Organization under the
County Velf are Board After considerable discussion, it was moqed by Gillson, that the Village of Edina continue with the preseat Central Relief Organization under the Caumty Welfare Board, the
motion was secovlded by Prescott, and the vote was upon the question
of the adoptima of the motion wherein three votes "AyeT8 and one voted ctNay" as follows, TlilPssn aye, Prescott aye, Xoore Bay, Holtien Aye,
and so the motion was declared duly car,ried.
A petitiawvas received from more than 20 residents living on
Seth Avenue and 4th Street South, request€ng that the names of the two streets be changed to Belmore Lane, After discussion
Trustee Prescott, moved that the name of Seth Avenue, extending
from the Jest line of the Interlachen Club property to Blake Road and that the name of 6th Street South, extending Tlesterly from
Blake Road to Central Avenue, the same twa streets running in
line Easterly arid Vesterly line with each other, be and the names of each sf said streets are hereby changed to-'Be?more Lane, the motion to adopt was seconded by Villson and carried,
At 12-30 API, President Pro, TemHolterr, declared this Dleeting ad- jouraed to meet again on Eriday September 16, 1938, at17.30 Pa
'at the home of President Sharpe, 4612 EdgebroGFEI: Place, I
Village Recorder
Enutes of the adjourned regular meeting
of September 12, 1938, du3y recessed and to be held at the hme of Preside& Sharpe
4612 EdgebrookSEace, on September 16, 1938,
at 7,30 o'clock PIX,
The meeting was called to order by President Sharpe, the roll
called and all members of the Council were present as well as Village Engineers Carroll and Bradley on the main intersepting
sesier project
After several hours af study of reports and findings by the Eng- ineers and the Cauncil, Trustee Holten offered the following
motion: That Village Engineers Carroll and Bradley, be and are
hereby instructed to proceed immediately with the preperatian
of complete plans, profiles and specifications .tagather with
estimate of materials and labor needed of the BTrst section of main trunk iatersepting sewer to extend fron abaut Viest 54th St
dale Avenue, (Ediria);. The motion was seconded by Recorder Eoore
and the motion 17as adopted unanimously adopted and so ordered,
and Upton Avenue, in Enneapaiis, ta Best 50th Street and Vcrod- *'"'I
Trustee Prescott offered the folloming motion: That as the Vfllage Camcil of the Village of Edina are now ready to proceed mith the
construction af a main tru& intercepting sewer extending from
apgraximately ilest 54th Street and Upton Avesfue, to approximatexy T?est 50th, Street and Wooddale Avenue, that Village Engineers
Garroll and Bradliey be authorized to contact the Uinneapolis Sewer
Dept. officials, with reference to 5xtending a 24" sanitary sewer from approximately 3est 54th Street and Upton Avenue to the East
Village limits line at or near Xerxes Avenue South, and West 54th Street, and to determine costs to the Village of Edina for the.
deepes+, sever possible to construct, The motion was seconded, by Trustee Villson and vas unanimously carried,
President Shsrpe, read a letter dated September 9, 1938, from
Kr Oscar Gaarden, and enclosing copy af legal. opinion by Lk Thomas- Vemum, of Vennum Efiller and Acker, Attorneys, pertaining to the
ownership of the mater system in the Country Club District, After. shax-t discussion it vas moved by Holten, that the matter be referred to the next reguhr meeting of the Council, seconded by Prescott
. and carried.
The hour of 11,30 olcLock PE having arrived, President Sharpe,
declared the meeting adjourned,
Village Recorder