HomeMy WebLinkAbout19380926_REGULAR*- Minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Tillage of E'dins, held in Grange Hall on September 26, 1938, at 8 O'ClOCk PM. The meeting was called to order by President Sharpe, 'the roll called and all members of the Council were present. Minutes of the regular meetirig of the Council held on September 12, 1938, mere read. On motion Holen, they be approved as read, seconded by Prescott and carried. Xinutes of the adjuorned regular weet9ng of the Council of Sep- tember 12, 1938, and held en September 3.6, 1938, were read. On motion Holten, they be apprbved as read, eeconded by Willson and carried. Mr McLellan, repreaenting Republic Creostiig Company, apprered before the Counefl in the matter of Resurfacing Arden Avenue. After discussion, it was moved by Noore, that the Republic Creosoting Company be engaged to supervise and provide the materials to resupface Arden Avenue from %38t 50th Street to 43unnyside Road as "outxined in their proposition dat@d August 31, 1938 , at a cost not to exceed $425.00, tsy Preecott and carried. Notion was seconded Mr and Ndrs H, R. Brkght, appeared before the Council to request road work at 58th Street and Drew and 58th. StreeL and France Avenue wkzich was referred to C&aiman Road and 'Bridge Depb. for necessary attention. . %r A, 1. and gave Signals txaf f ie Ave nue e Vieu, representing the Crouse-Hinds Company was present an interesting deruonstration of Crouse-Hinds Traffic and othe~~f8e advised tbe Council regarding the proposed signal installation at West '50thF Street and SYooddaXe After an interesting discussion it was mowd by Hoore, that the matter of the propoaed traffic signal installation at VPest 50th. Street and Wooddale Avents, be duly referred to the Chairman of the Police Committee, for study and recommendations, notion ms seconded by Willson and carried. Xr B.. Bc Green, requested that certain road grading and the cutting of brush on west 64th Street Bast of Highm 100, so that the mwd would be passable this winterr After discussion tBe matter-fas referred to Chairman of Road 8c Bridge Committee. BBeasra Do ITt Walla~e and V. H.-Ada#ls, advised the Council that dumping was being done on the vacant property to the West of Hay and Stensont8.store. passed on to the Police DepL, for closer watch for the vinlators and the Recorder to Order an flNo Dumpings* sign to be installed on the property. Nr C. F. Hardly, was present to advise the Council that storm water standing on the parkww .ant% low ground between %et 82nd. and Wet 53rd Streets on \Tooddale Avenue w~ts causing, water to enter his baerementt The matter ma referrect to Chairman of Road & Bridge Committee, to investigate and report to the Council and to take up with Village Bngineer Bradley if necessary. Nr Cosgrove, suggested that at guard rail be installed on the North side of Interlachen Road at the junction with the so-called Kfngsley-Mostue and Cosgrove cartwayI and referred to Trustee Prescott. The matter was disposed by being I Petitions were received from residents of Kellogg Avenue request- ing that Kelzogg Avenue- be oiled and the benefits assessed against benefited property on IcelPogg Avenue from Viest 52nd to West 54th. Streets. On being read it was moved by NEoor8 that the petitions be received and concured in and the cpst of oiling be spread over a 1 year period along with the 1938 taxe8, motion seconded by Holten, and carried. President Sharpe, read letter from Nr D. B, Ashby, regarding the alley and alley right-of-way extending along North Village limits from Wooddale Avenue, Bast to Grimes Avenue. left with' President Sharpe, for reply. The matter 88s The letter of Hr Oacar Gaarden, dated September 9, 1938, regard- ing the ownership of the yater system in the Country Club Dist- rict, referred from the September 16, 1938, meeting to this the next regular meeting of the Council, again duly came before the . Council* After diacussion, it was moved by Noore, that the matter be' referred to Village Attorney Strong, to advise the . Council at the next regular meeting if possible, motion m.s -seconded tSy Holten, and carried. 1 Letter of Tillage Attormy Strong dated September 26, 1938, tpas read concerning sanitGry SWE%g8 treatment charges and casts for intercepting 8emrs by the City of Ehu-ieapolis to the Village of Edina, Mr Strong advising he had presented the matter to Attorney General for opinion. After diacussian it was moved by Holten, that the matter be referred to the OeltQber 10, 1938, meeting of the Council pending opinion by Attorney General, 'seconded by Buore and carried, 'Petition was read from EP Z&nk and others l%8%ng on Brook AQ&W requesting a change in slzaet grade &nd oiling of Brook Avenue mhich on motion by HoIten, seconded by Xoore and emried, was duly referred to Road and Bridge Committee. -I Application of Einneapolis GI: 3. Compmy tI to set one pole on' 3osephine Avenue and 7 poles on t39st'70tbB Street W8,f of France Avenue, was on motion rJi3lson, be granted, seconded oy Holten and carried. Iktter pf&s read from Oscar harden, dated September 16, 1938, iadviging of rater nain extension@ in Bruceltsood Addition. Trwtee Willson, advised %hat he had arranged with Bra f;aura Dirks to transport the wonen employed on the %PA Sewing project at a coet to Be Village of $lpOO per'day, rjhich ts .agreeable to the Council. The matter of confirming the assessment for Sanitary Sewer iar and along Indiaaola Avenue, next came before the Camcll, due published notice having been given and ViEEage Engineer Bradley having cer- tified the installation was according to plans and spectfications and entirely satisfactory and acceptable, Trustee Prescott offered the f ollomingresolution and moved its adoption, . . %TIERBAS, at the time and place so specified as the time and place when and where such proposed assessment nould mould be passed upon to wit: On the 26th. day of Sept- ember 1938, at 8 ofclack PEIj at the Grange Hall in said Village, no person appeared to present any reason why such proposed assessment or any particular item thereof should nat be adopted, NO#, THEREI?ORE, BE LT RESOLVED, by the"Vi1lage Camcil. of said VilEage of Edina, that the engineer's cost of said project for the variaus items of materials only, fs the sum of $318.00, as advanced from the General Fund of said Village of Edina, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the am0u~pt assessed against each lat, piece or parcel. of land assessment so hereinabove so ratified is as follaws: Carl. OPsons Lot 7, BPb. 2, Aud's Sub 172 $363,60 I in and by said special Stevens 1st Add-* R. B. Patrlg, E+ Lot 6, BU, 2 Ditto 63.60 L, E. Broom, Lot 4, Blk, 1 D5ttol 63.60 H,P.Ghristensen Lot 5, E&. 1 Ditto 63.60 George Taus, S+ LaE 6, Blk.2 DBtto 63.60 shall. bear interest 0 5% from the date the impr'ovement was compBeted on June 1, 1938, and payable in ten (10) annual installments with interest on any and all myaid portians of said Irmdianola 'Avenue Sanitary Sewer as above. ' 117 BE Mf FUEiTHER RESOLVER, that the Recorder of this Village be and he is hereby authorized and directed to nake up and file in the office of the County Auditor of Hennepin County, Minn- esota, a certified. statement of the amount of wpaid assessments for" said Indianola Xwelaue Avenue Sanitary Sewer and the amounts of interest gvhuch vf%t be due thereof on January 1st. of each and every sucegding year. The motion to adopt the resolution was seconded by Trustee Vlillson, and wherein there were five ayes and no nays as follows: Holten Aye, Willson aye, Prescott aye, Sharpe Aye and Eoore aye, and so the Resolution was declared duly adopked and so ordered. No further business Go come before this meeting, motion to adJourn carried at 12.30 PEL , .. Village Recorder.