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Einutes of the regular meeting of
the Cauncil of the Village of Edim,
held in Grange Hall1 on October 10, 1938, at 8 o'clock PX,
The'meeting vas called ta order By President Sharpe, the roll
called and all members of the Council mere present,
ESirmtes of the regular meeting of the Ccrtxncil held on September
26, 1938, vere read. On matiova Hohten, they be approved as
read, seconded by Bilkson and carried,
The miscellaneous bills upon befng duliy examined and found correct
mere on motion Halterr, they be duly allowed and ordered paid,
seconded by Prescatt , and carried, They are as folloms:
Laura Dirks VPA Sewing proseqt. krgnsportatfpn:. $12.00
Pockrant Lumber Co Lmber R&B 7.80
City of Einneapolis Ere Dept serviice 11.42
Hennepin County Welfare July and August Relief 712 .?5
City of ZErmneapolis Police car radio service 15 010
Einneapolis G.- E, Co
S, A, Danens & Saa Justis Lumber Cs Borey's Shell Station
Rennepin County Reviem Edina Hardware
Thorpe Bros,
Wooddale Grocery
Blackburn,Nickels &
Power Imp. CO
Lyle Culvert Co
AXex Cr eight on
Sliller-Davis Co %iller 8c Son Simon Strand
August electric service
Gas ShOQt?l hire
Lumber Greasing truck
l?rin.f;iHmg & Published notice
Road & Bridge hardmre
October rent Tract Office 6c phone
Gas for R&B
Insurance premium
S.t;eel for 3' 44th St bridge
Raad culverts
195 days Village Assessor (19381
975 ,oo
Office- supplies 4005
New Lawn mower, less tradein 15 000 Rent tool shed to 10/15 15.00
T ,rl.Rosholt Co Grader r eszt a1 191.00
E. Bo Harris Gas for RB and Police car 133.13
Lyle Sngns, Imc Road signs 20,85 City of UQjneapolis Shortage fa payment September ,40
c Cresasating Co Road tar for Arden Avenue 282.00
Tatax Eiscl, d 3&mJ,34
The Road and Village bills upon being duly examined and found correct, were on motian Prescott, they be duly allowed and ordered
paid, seconded by Halten, and carried. Xhey are its fallows:
Earl C. Sharpe
Ben B, Eoore
George A. %'illSon
C, 0. HGlten
C. 3. Prescott
5, Ja Duggan
Dr Lone11 E. Campbell
T. E, Tilly
Hilding Dahl W. S, Heydt
H. 5, Knudsen
S. J. Roberts
P. Dahlgren
John Tracy L. Stolzmn
R, Pwt E. Emley
Ralph Collier
Re E. .Olson
A, C, Stringer
. 0, Spande
Arthur Petersen
President of C o.v,dcil
Recorder Trustee Trustee Trustee
Village Health Officer
Village Basshall
Police Officer
Police Officer Street Comm3.s s ianer
Utility man
Tract or operator
Asst, Tractor Operator
Asst, Raad Fsremn
Road labor
Raad labor
ESan and team labor
Use of Ford V8 truck
Acct, Road & Bridge
Park labor
$50 000
90 000
35 000
35 .OO 35.00
30 000
135 .oo
150 -00
135 000
130 ,OO
90 000
Garbage Collection 275 id0 Tatax Rd. & Vil, 8 2,110.32
Q .
Trustee Tillson reported on Relief-Xpr the mmth af September, and
President Sharpe read a letter form Ckalrman Board of County Comm-
issioners dated September 30, 1938, advising that as but 8 %owns and Villages wished to remain +'IE;Jtr the Ootlrmty wide Relief set-up
and 3.4 wished to be WUTtt that it would be necessary for the Towns and Villages to administer their own direct Relief.
save a comprehensive report of Village wide activ%ties of the Road and Bridge Committee.
-& V. 3. Garvey, appeared befoxe the Caiuncil to learn the Council's
attitude regarding the establishing o)f a Bus Route to operate along
France Avenue , Wooddale Avenue, Eighway 100 , Interlachen Raad , High-
way 169 and back to 3Fsance Avenue and TJ'est 50th Street, discussicm President $@arpe suggested that a more f orlrmal application
be filed settlng up proposed routes, charges etc,
'Trustee Prescott
Nr I?. C. Ecklund, submitted a new plat of '%ite Oaks, 5th Addition,
appro,ved by Village EngLzneer Bradlley, After examinatfan by the Council, it was zrraved by Holten, the plat be accepted and approved
by the Commcil and President and Recorder duly authorized to sign
the necessary papers, seconded by Prescott, and carried,
&I.r 3. R. Thorpe, appeared before the Council to request a temporary permit 'to erect a temporary Real Estate Office at S-W corner of Vest
50th. Street and Boo,ddale Avenue,
i% was rnp"L9sZly agreed that Village Attorney Strong would draw up ZJ
suitable agreement for the granting o,f such a temparary permit .which
would be sQject to six (6) months cancellation oa the part of the Village of Edina.
jj After discussion by all concerned ,
, I
Er G. I). €Till, presented petitfoa for a road begining at E-?! corner
of of SW* of Section 8, Tojwnskip 116, Range 21, also dedication of Highway for same and an order to lay out highway, all understood
to be at general Village expense, Noose, tkat the entire matter be referred withoat any obligation on
the part of the Village of Edina ta Pillage Attorrrey Strong, for
opinion, seconded by Holten and carried.
After discussion it was moved by
Rodine and ohher residen-bs af Soluth Harriet Park appeared to ask
what, wark:waSxiontempbted on TSJ~ts%~:554tih Street from Wooddale Avenue to Uinnehaha Creek bridge,
he did not think it adviisable to disturb the grade of West 54th St anpare this yep, which was agreeable,
After discussion Trustee Prescott stated
-Engineers Carroll and Bradley were presevzt to JsqOrt on the large
intercepting sanitary sewer, the first wit to extend from East Vil-
lage limits at Xexxes Avenue and approximately West 54th Street, to
approximately iiJooddale Avenue South of the Ximehaha Creek Bridge,
After discussion, it was left for Ilessrs CarrctiBl and Bradley to take
up with Village Attorney Strong to ascertain proceedure regarding
issusance of bonds and/or warrants to finance the constructLon .of
same and whereupon Trustee Holten moved that the plans and profiles
presented by Engineers Carroll and Bradley of the large intersepting
sanitary sewer extendiag from East Village limits to approximately
dooddale Avenue and Ellinmehaha Greek Brkdge, be tentatLvely accepted
and that Recoxder Xaore be authorized to present same to Tlorks Progress
Administration in campany with Engineers Carroll and Bradley to work
out a suggested program of installation and report back to the council,
seconded by Preacott and carried,
Village Attorney Strong reported to the Council in the matter of suit brought by L. C, Hanson, to re-open that dnly vacated part of Bridge Street lying East of Arden Avenue, After discussion the matter Was left with ilIlr Strong to handle and with awtbmfty to engage additional
Council if thought necessary,
Recorder Koore submitted for Couacilfs consideration, the detailed
and extended special assessnrents for saaftary sewers in kter%3. S.euer
Districts Ember 1 aYzd Ember 2, also Sewer District Number 3,
Sewer District Ember 4 and hdiiznola Avenue. it was moved by Prescott, that all sanitary sewer special assessments
After examination,
be spread as presented by the Recorder
Auditor and County Treasurer, seconded by Holten and Carried.
Recurder brought Councilts atteation to the appointment of Judges and Clerks for the State November Election and suggested that those
havirqg served as Judges and GXerks and Counting Clerks of the June
Primary Elecf;ion, be re-appointed, After discuss ion Trustee Hole en
so moved vith Recorder authozized to make substitutions where nec-
essary, seconded by Prescott and carriede
for collection by Comty
Recorder Eoore, reported on the proposed Libzay, Police Station and Village Office Building and that ?@A had advised fro@ a study of the preliminary plans, that ruble stone could be furnished from
ZlPA quarry and that about $8,OOOeOO wauld be needed for materials
on the part af the Village as sponsor, all lahar to be furnished
by Vorks Pragress Administration,
The matter of administrating Direct Village Re-lief, was discussed
at length by members of the Co.unci1, it being presumed that the municipalities of Blaomington, Hopkbs, Ennetonka, Earningside,
St Louis Park, Golden Valley and Edlna, mould co-operate in such
a project. of the Relief Cornittee, be empowered to make such arrangements
with the dther Tosns and villages to administer direct relief as
he thought best, seconded by Prescott, and carried.
It was thereupon moved by Elowe, that Chairman ;Sillson
1% 17as moved by 2illson and secoqded by Uoore, that the Einneapolis
G, E, Company, be granted permission to set one pole in alley
betmeen Seth and Nelson and Ja& and Grme Streets, nhich carried.
It was maved by Ylillson and seconded by Eoore, and carried, that
Pllinneapalis Gas Light Company, be granted permission to lay gas
mains in and along the public streets of Ghfte Oaks Additions.
Check mas presented from Er I?, We Xertson, in a;momt $3'74e01 in
full payment for the remaining 9 installments for sanitary sewer
against Lots 1-2823 in Block- 3, South Harriet Park Addition, wherein
the 1938 interest was figured at 5% from June 1, 1938, to 0cto.ber
10, 1938, being $6.54, and turned over to Village Treasurer Duggan far deposit in the Serier Fund of Sewer District #3,
A varranty deed %as received from T?. E, Code and his wife Blanch
Cade, for a 30 ft, strip of land far road purposes, Said deed having been duly registered with the Register of Deeds for Hennepin
Cojuaty and described property in Section 33, T117, R 2lTeat and
located at about West 60th, Street if extended. After dfscussion it was moved by Uoore, that the matter be referred to Trustee Holten
far irivestigatbn and report, inasmuch as the matter had never been
presented to or accepted by the Comcil, motionmeconded by Prescott.
and carried.
The hour of 12-30 All having arrived, President Sharpe declared this
meeting recessed and adjaurned to meet again on October 18, 1938,
at 8 o'clock €E, at the hme of the President for further consideration
of the annual Village Tax Levy ..
Village Recorder.