HomeMy WebLinkAbout19381114_REGULAR125 Ebutes of the regular meeting af the Council of the Village of Edka, held in Grange Wall on November 16,1938, at 8 o'clock PN. The meeting was called to order By President Sherpe, the roll called and all members of the Council were present, Winutes of the regular meeting of the Council, held on Octaber 24, 1938, were read. On motion Prescott they be approved as read, seconded by Willson and Carried. The Village and pay rdll advance8 having been carefully noted and found correct, were on makion PPescott, they be allowed and ordered paid. aecaaded by Halten and carried. They are as follows : Earl C. Sharpe Ben B.Hoore Geoxge A. VKLlssyz Clarence 0. Holten COB, Prescott Dr. L.M. Campbell J . J. Duggan T.E. Tilly Hil'ding .Dah1 W.S. Heydt H.J. Knudsen S.J. Roberts P. Dahlgren John Tracy L. Stoltman R. Port E. Ensley Sam NcCready R.E. Olson Arthur Pet er s en O.M. Spande J.B. Hammond Elorence Jewett Alex Creightan Xrs. E.R. Blackburn mble lillsm Xrs . Howard Vinson Mrs. Byroz Kell V.R. Irgens Alba& garmer J.We Newburn Clara Goodacre Agnes Swenson Day Harper Elsie Hildreth President of Cauncil November R ec 0.r d er Trustee Trustee Trastee Village Health Officer Treasurer Tillage Earshall Police Officer Police Officer Street Commisioner Utility Nlan Tractoz Operator Asst .Tractor Operat or Asst .Road Foreman Road Labor Road Labor Road Labor Ford V8 Dump Truck hire Garbage collection Road labor Judge 11/8/38 election Judge 11/8/38 elec'cian Judge 11/8/38 election CXerk electicm Counting clerk Counting clerk Caunting clerk Judge exectian Judge electim Judge electian 8s booths C&erk elect ion Clerk elect ion Counting clerk Counting clerk Mrs. Clarence Lundquist Caunting clerk Christ Larson Judge election Nellie Strate Judge election George A. %illson Judge election Ethel R. McCready Clerk election Laura Dirks Clerk election Nrs. Gardon Norleen Counting clerk Mrs. Paul Buersch Cdunting clerk J. Boucher Counting clerk C .R . Blackburn Special officer & booths St.Peter's Lutheran Chur ckr Rent church basement SE,I?eter's Eissionary Society Rent kitchen & eqmipent Ben E. Moore A.C . Stringer Judge 11/8/38 elec%ion November Road 8c bridge Total 50.00 90.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 30,OO 25.00 155.00 1335.00 135 . 00 150 .OO 135 00 130 000 120 .oo 128.40 110 . 00 54.00 82.00 52.02 275.00 106.50 13 70 13.70 14 . 70 13-70 8.50 8.50 8.50 11.20 11.20 - 14.20 11.20 11.20 4.00 5.50 5.50 11.70 11.70 11.70 11.70 11.70 6.50 6.50 8.00 '6.50 7.50 2-50 6 040 25 *a@ * .$ 2,350<62 T,he. mi.sdc-el1ageous bills upon being duly examined and found correct were on motion Prescott they be allawed paid, secamded by Willson and carried. They are as fo~llows Ready Eixed Concrete Co1.Concrete (net] Glacier Sand & Gravel CoSand & cement 63.27 . 147.33 Warner Hardware Co. Vooddale Grocery Village St.Lotis Park Simon Strand Ellorton Salt Co. T.A. Archer Lyle Signs Inc. Justus Lumber Co . T.V. Iiosholt CQl. J?.F. Garvey W.H. Ziegler Co. Xpls .G .E .Co . H,A. 35agers Co. E.W. Harris Orline Christopher Iris $'heeler Minneha'na Grange X .Newb erg Dr. E.L. Eitch Thorpe Bros. Inc. Edina Eardware George V. Strong Graybar Electric Co. Eiller-Davis Co. Hennepin County Reviem Hennepin Co.Belfare Bd. Edina Garage Suburban Hennepin Co. Relief Board Alex Creightan R&B shovels 6.67 R83 gas & kerosene 20.04 Sept. Oct. T@A sewing 24 . 50 Rent tool shed 15.00 Salt 10.90 1 two) wheel trailer far R&T3 12 0 00 Road signs 13. /40 Lumber for R&B 14.38 Grader rental 191.00 Hardware RB supplies 12.69 Tractor 8s R8J3 supplies 42.63 Sept. electric service 547 . 51 Blue prints 2.60 Gas & oil ;i&B and Police 114 . o€? Clerk 11/8/38 election 13.70 \%FA transportation to 10/27 15.00 Rent arange Hall -to 6/30/38 48.00 Rent tool. house to 6/30/38 37.50 Prof. services Rabies Quarantine to 9/19/38 77.00 R&B supplies 17.19 Court & stenographic costs refundl2.10 1 police car radio receiver (ordered by Npls Police Dept) 69.75 Election supplies& booths 55.98 Sept. relief (net) 378.16 . Police car service & storage ta 11/28/38 32.25 I Rent tract office & phone 12.70 Printing . 24.25 No.vember Adm . 'Emens e 75.00 Er. dave Broderick, representing Z$npeso!ta Peace 'Dfficers Assn, ' appeared before the CounalL regarding Civil Service for Pmlice epployees. He stated that to proceed it nits but necessary for council. to pass necessary resalutim and the Preside& to appo.int a CiviP Service Commission. There mould be no pension system . under present law. At the conclusion of Hr. Broderick's interesting talk, President Sharpe referred the matter ta Chairman Hoibten of the Police Committee for repart tu the Council. Treasurer Duggan reported bank balance. on Relief. Trustee Prescott on Road and Bridge work and Trustee Holten reported on PoLice matters. Trustee Willson reported Bids mere opened as called for in published notice far snwz p;ow and the falluwing concerns bid: Xotor Power Equipment Company - T. i7. Rosholt Coapany Td. E. Ziegler Company J. D. Adams Company Geo,rge T. Ryan Company Bids were duly referred to Raad and Bridge Committee for tabulatiion and report at next regular meeting. I Xr. H.T. Grabotv appeared before the Council to request road work at 59th and Beard and 58th and Drew to Xerxes, this was referred to the Chairman of the Road and Bridge Committee for attention. Village Engineer Bradley reported to the Council that he and Engineer Carroll had studied and compared the '?@A aet up for intercepting sewer and advised that it quite generally agreed with the Carroll and Bradley estimates except for the 132 days allawed far completisn of the project and which '?EA Ifadassured would be extended if necessary. After careful study and discassion it was moved by Holted that the President and Recorder be authorized and directed to enter into an arrangement with the Vorks Progress Administration for the installation of the 1st section of Intercepting Sanitary Sewer to gxtend fom East Village limits at about Xerxes Avenue and est 54th St. to a 127 Point just Sauth of the Woaddale Ave. Bridge near West 5Qth St. the 'Village-portion bf approximately 20% of the total cost having heen est-inated at less than $50,000.00, and tat sign the necessary'papers for and in behalf of the VZllage Council. Notion seconded by Prescott and carried. Recorder brought *up 'the matter of P.W,A, grant or allotment for ComrxriXty BuiIdTng estimated to cast $45,008 to 50,000 and whether to praceed -or reject the allotment , 'JJliereupon 0% was niaved Ho,l.Een the Cmunity Building PWA project be dropped arrd 'cancelled . Seconded 2resco%t and carried. Recarder to advise PWA at Omaha of CotxnciXts action, The -matter of erecting-a Library, Po)lice Statbn bui-Zding w5th space for-VilIage office on the Village owned tract of land at the intersection of west 50th St. and Eden Ave. using d@A laboil: and costing the ViIlage less than $10,000 was discussed at Pength by the Council, after whicb it was moved by Halten that %he President and Recarder be authorized and empaw'ered to sign the necessary papers for WA project. carried . It was moved by Prescott that check in amount $75.00 be draw in favor Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board toward administrative exp'enses far month of November 1938, Seconded by Willsoin and carried, I Seconded by Koore and # Trustee Prescott offered the folloming reso!Xutian: BE IT RESOLVED, That the contract submitted by the Suburban Hennepin County PieI.idf Board of the Coxmty of Hennepin for the administration and supervision of poor relief in the Village of Edina be accepted and appro.ved, and BE IT P'URTHEB RESOLVED, That the proper officers of said Village of Edina be directed to execute said contract in duplicate and when executed to return one af said contracts ta the Suburban Hennepin County Belief Board. The question was on the adoptiion o>f the resalution and the roll being called there were five yeas and no. nays. And so the resohtion was adopted. I The Council discussed the matter of direct relief for those dismissed by WPA and thereupan it was mamed by Willson that any person on 1"CeA being Paid cuff or dismissed for refusing toJ olbey orders be refused direct relief, Seconded by Holten and carried withaut dissenting vote and so ordered. No further business to come befare this meeting at this time President Sharpe declared the meeting recessed and/or adjaurned to meet at the home of the Recorder, 4605 Wooddale Ave., far the purpose of auditing, examining, and certifying the Financial Statement of the Village of Edina for the year 1938. Village Recorder .