HomeMy WebLinkAbout19381125_REGULARk Uinutes of the recessed November 14, 1938 regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina held a€ the home of' Recorder Moore 4605 'hodaale Aye, on Noyember 25, 1938, at 89dtclock pB9 The meet;'ing was called to order by President Sharpe, the ro1.T called and allmambers of the Council and Treasurer Duggan -ere present. "he meeting being for the purpose of auditing, examining, and verifying-€he recards and accounts of the Village Treasurer and Village Recorder Tor -the. p3rtGd2November 15, 1937 to Roveriitaer 1938 inclusive. All the books and recards af the Village Treasurer and Village Recorder were available, displayed, and studied, and it was noted that tatal. expenditures far the year were $62,199.22, with receipts from the Caunty Treasurer being $60,190.49, and from Village Recorder and turned over to The cash balance of H'avember 15, 1937 was 3 3,?3;77.30 making total cash $6'7,883.25. After deducting tatal disbursements of $62,199.22 the cash in bank as of Bovember 15, 1938, therefare z being 35,684.03. There being no4 Village warrants or general Tillage obligatians outstanding. There was due the City of Minneapolis to be paid in 1939 a sum of $5,768.03 a& the ViIlage oJf Edina prorated portian of Semage Disposal. Systern Interest and Eand Ehaturities for years 1934 to 1938 under date of August. 15, 1938. Also sum under date of August 22, 1938 of $288.95 for maintainance of Edinneapolis severs and far sewage treatment to August 1, ,938. x Tillage Treasurer af $4,615.46. Total receipts $64,805.95. c,, It vas thereupan rnaved by Trustee Prescott that the books and recards of Village Treasurer Duggan and Village Recorder Eoo.re having been duly studied; examined, audited and verified and the same found to be carrect for the period Xovember 15, 1937 to Flovember 15, 1938, that the same be accepted, certified, and signed and ordered published in detail in the Dedember I, 1938 issue of the Hennepin County Reviem, the official publication of the Village of Edina. The mtian was secanded by Trustee Villson and the vote being taken found faur ayes and no nays and so the motion was declared duly carried and adopted. Recorder Noore not voting. 30 further business to come'befare this meeting the President declared the meeting adjourned at 10.30 Ppb. Village Recorder .I. r s