HomeMy WebLinkAbout19381128_REGULARITinutes of the regular meeking of t'he CauncLl. of the Viltkage of Edina, held in Grange Hall: on Hoaember 28,' 1938, at. 8 o'clock PX. ._ -. The meeting was 'called to or8er by Pre'si'd'ent Sharpe, %he ralIL called and all members of the Council were present. . - ... . i Minutes of t&e 'regazar rne-efrrig of the Council, held on'Rovem%e'r* 14, 1938, were read. . On motion EToIten they be approved as read , seconded by Prescott and carriTed. Bninutes of the recessed ETommber 14;1938, meeting of the CounciI held on November 25, 1938 were read. On motion Holten they be approved as-read, seconded by Presco&t and carried. .. me Village pay roll advances having been carefully noted and ' found carrect, it was moved by Willson they be allowed and paid, seconded by Prescott and carried, It was moved by 'qillspn that October 1938 relief in amaunt$589,52 J.J. Ruggans bill of ~$14.45 for. atatiazzery and postage of Treasurerts QffiCe foe' year 1938, .and debi€ by City of Xinneapo.lis in amaunt $143.00 for fire protection accordfng to the bew minneapolis Ord'inance'based on an annual. charge of $1.00 per .$10,000.00 of assessed valuation in the protected area, be paid. Secanded by Halten and carried. Mr. and Mrs. Bright, Mrs. Yoerk, and Era. Grabow Wpearkd before the Council to request road work at 58th and Drew, which was referred. by President Sharpe to Chairman Prescott for attention. Trustee Prescott reported on tabulations on snow plow for 2 ton Dodge truck, as advertised,and recommended nn account as the extra strength, that bid of the T. W. Rosholt Campany be accepted oa basis of $375.00 less allawance of $60.00 for ald snow pl~w, making net bid ctf 1$315.00 job Edina and mounted,and moved the recomendatian, Seconded by Wlillson and carried. The bid for a seven foot Vtt t ype snow plow as called for in advertisement for bids and to fit the present Tillage #22 cater- pillar tractor was next considered by the Cauncil. After discussion it was moved by Presco;tt that the bid of ,the W. H, Ziegler Ca. in amount $340,00 jab Edina be accepted, seconded by yfillson -.. and carried. Mr. Ashley BroclikS appeared before the Council to request license to operate taxi-cab service, giving a good experience record. He proposed to) olperate two! high class taxies and would charge 25g for the first mile with IO$ additiolnal for each Plat rate tot down town lcrolp of $1.25. VJhereupon Trustee Holten moved that a license be granted Ashley Brooks to operate a taxi cab service from his gas filling statim at France Avenue and West 54th Street, Edina, until March 31, 1939, without license fee, upon condition that satisfactory liability insurance be first obtained. Kotion seconded by Koore and carried. mile. It was moved by Holten that Alex Creighton be employed to secure necessary Right-of-Way for public road on Drew Avenue from 58th to 60th Street, and Beard from 56* toi 60th Streets. by Xoore and carried. Seconded Architect Bersback appeared with estimates for Library and Police building having Village Office, for filing with W.P,A. and wherein the Village particrn was approximately 27% of the to;tal COS^ being mostly for materials, land, and professioJnal fees, This was satisfactory to the Council, It was moved by Moore that the regular clerks and judges serving in the November electiotn be named for the annual Village electian to be held on December 6, 1938, except that Elsie Hildreth serve in place of Vie Lrgens, a candidate for Village Trustee, and J.J. Duggan .serve in lieu of Geozge Willson. KBatio:n seconded by, Villson and carried Ifi7was suggested €hat theaecorder take up nith State Highmay Department the matter of removing a 45 mile per hour speed sign $us€ Earth of Street Railway bridge and HighWay 169, and request that the speed on Highway 169,from north Village limits to: Eighway 890 be set at 30 miles, Iiecruest for Street Sign for Park Place by E??. Todd, dated November 17, 1938, was referred to Chairman of Road and Brfdge Committee. Petition to change the name of Seth Avenue and Fourth Street South having been made to the Village Cauncil b_f. the Village ojf Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, Trustee Prescott offered the following resolution and moved its adaption;: BE IT 3ESOLVED that the name of Seth Avenue, as laid aut in Efendelssohn Addition, and Zpurth Street Sauth, as laid out in vest Minneapolis Heights, both of said Additions being located In said Village and being aecarding tu! the recorded plats thereof as of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hennepin Comtty, Xinnesota, be and they are hereby changed to "Belmore Lane", so that the street extending through said Additions from the Test line of Interlachen Club to Central Avenue shall here- after be knam asI'Belmore hnell. I ' The motinn to adopt was seconded by Moore and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the Resolution, wherein there were five ayes and na nays as follaws; Prescott aye, 5'illson aye, Holten aye, Hoore aye, Sharpe aye, and so the resolution vas declared duly carried. No further business to come before the meeting, motion tcx adjanrn carried at 11.40 PE, Engineer, as aforesaid. . -- lage Recorder, I