HomeMy WebLinkAbout19381212_REGULARMinutes of .the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina,
held in Grange Hall on Eecertlber 12 at 8 o'clock PM. 1938,
The meeting vas called to order by President Sharp, the roll
, called and all meribess of the Council were present.
* The miscellaneoug bill; upon being duly examined and found to . be correct, were on motion Prescott, be allanred and ordered paid,
, seconded by Holten, and carried, They are as follows:
, Hennepin County Welfare October overhead $60 28
I Suburban Hennepin Co Wlfare October relief 589 52
John J, Duggan Stamps etc 1938 Treasurer . 14.45
City of Minneapolis Fire service charge 343.00 . Minneapolia G. B. C6 Oc tobe r ae mice 551 56 . Red Wing Sewer Pipe Co tile for culvert 15.52
. Edina Garage, Inc e , Police car service ' 16.95 . Simon Strand Rent tool shed 15.00 .Young Fuel Co Coal for tool house 11.62
+ Wooddale Grocery Kerosene (WA) 6.52 J. B. Hammond Judbe 12/6/38 Blectfon 6.05 Alex Cre ighton 1) It 6.05
I1 . 6.05 21 ore nce Je we t t Orline Christopher C le rk lt 6.06
ft lt 6.05 - Christ Laraen Judge ' 11 7.05
Mrs L. R. Blackburn
John J. Duggan 13 11 7.05
11 ' lt 7.05
It 7.05 Nellie Strate
I1 7.05
E. R. NcCready C le rk Laum Dirks 11
Judge It 6.55
Booths and It 11 5 9.55 Albert Farmer
!t 6.55. J .T.Newburn
Clara Goodacre Clerk 11 6.55 Agnes Saensefz
Els.is Hi1dz"e th II n 6.55
St Peters Luthern Church Rent bsmt. for election 7.50
St Peters MisBionary Soce 2.50
CC R. Plackburn Sp3. Officer & booths 8.00
Ile le n 5 ohns on Stensg. services Finc, atmt. 4.50
Virginia Dutcher Stenog. servbces 7 . 20
*A* Be Anderson llNo Dumping* sign 2. QO Gsodrich Silvertown Store Tires for police car 12.00
. Carl N. Hamen Refunds on Building permits 325.00
Use kitchen & Pq for election
Thorpe Bros, Inc. Rent Tract Office & StP ea13 12.60
Hennepin County Re view Printing & Publisliing 23.10
Ready Nixed Concrete Co Concrete II/Z to 11/21 162.62
J. D. Adam8 Company Grader Blades 30 00 Milles-Davis Co Office & election suppliee 3.48 '
Nieland. Auto Service Truck se mice 24.87 1
Republic Creosotdng Co Artien Ave re surfacing 195.57
W. H. Ziegler Co Tractor supplieB 11.01
W. 3. Garvey R&B supplies 20 . 60 Juaturs LurnPRr Cs Lbiber - warming house 11.22
Western Mays Steel Cast. Co Tractor ice gsousels . 104.127 Blackburn ,llicke 1s & Smith %PA auto Lib. Ins. less Cr 22.90 Graybas Blectric Cs SmC Police antenna 4.38
Bren Hardware Cs Momr parts 1.36
City of Ninnespolis . Firs service-5801 Normandale 43.43
6101 France 16.38 - Edinw, Radio Labor installing Antenna 2. QO Suburbfin Hennepin Co Wlfare November Relief 7518 15 Edina ardware R&B suppliee *o 21.80
E. W. Harris Gas E% Oil 93.68
Total Nliscl $3,494.54
Red Ving Semr Pipe Co 107* ft-lOtl pipe for Bridge St37.62 Bbrey's Shell Station Truck eervice 10/27-12/3 ~ 16.00'
The Road and Bridge and Village Pay rolls upon being duly examined
and found. to be correct, were on motion Prescott, they be allowed
and ordered paid, seconded by Willson and carried* Bhey are as
follows: 4
Earl C. Sharpe
Ben Be Uoore
C. F. Prescott
George A. TTillson Clarence 0. Holten
J. J. Duggan
Dr Le Id. 4Ewnpbell
H. J. Knudsen
So J. Roberts P. Dahlgren John Tracy
L. Stolzman
He Ensley
0. I&* Spande
Sam NcCready
R. %. Olson
Arthur Peterson
HiZding Dah1 we S. Heydt
A. C. Stringer
Ro *Port
To E* Tilly
Prest. of Council
Village Eecorder
Trustee Tzuetee
Trustee Treasurer
Village Health Officer
Street Commissioner Utility man Tractor operator
Ass t . tractor operator
Asst. Road foreman
Road labor Road labor Road labor
Road labor
Use Ford V8 dump .truck Garbage Collection Village Marshall Police Officer - Police Officer Road & Bridge (Bc) Total
30 rn 00
150 00
130 80 c. 120 . 00
102.00 I 86.00 w.oa
63.00 .
275.00 155.00
135.00 .
25.00 81,; 998 . 01
. Reports -re made by Treasurer, Prescott on Road and Bridge,
.) Holten on Police and Viillson on Relief.
Er Harvey of Interlachen Road appeared before the Councfl with
regard to opening certain strests into the Rofling Green Addn.
After consi&era’ble discussion the matter was assumed to be one betmen the owners of private property and not the Village of Edina. President Sharpe, howver, offered his services to
the interested parties.
blr Bloom’7;0rg, appeared to request the vacation of Tower Street, bstween St John and Wooddale Avenue. After consider able dis-
cunsion as to be advisability, he offered to bring in a petition to vacate and to be signed by all the interested parties.
The matter of providing additional skating rinks vas discussed
by the Council whereupon Trustee Holten moved that Trustee Villson be- authorized to proceed to provide skating rinks on Xinnehah Creek betwen Zine th & Baird and Est 54th and Brookview as we11
as the Test ssction of Kirror We, to the extent of same being a Village function and that Relief labor be mainly used, seconded
by Eoore and carried.
Letter m8 yead from Oscar Gaarden dated November 30, 1938, regarding costs for moving fire pl*s at Arden and Yooddale on account of the Tillage constructing curbs with larger radius and vhich on motion Holten, seconded by Noore, and carried, was referred to the Village Attorney for advice.
It vas moved by Holten, that the Recorder mite L. Be Esrsback, in the matter of architect’s feet to be charged on proposed
Library, Police and Village Office Building. It being opinion of ambers of the. Council that the fee vms to be based upon the original estimate of costa on batJis of contractor’s competitive
bidding and not to lx? paid on basis of YEA cost$, motion
seconded by Prescott and carried. It was also the. opinion of members of the Council that complete plans duly approved by the Council, would med to be on hand before work ffas started.
Application-.by Einneapolis G. E. Cornpaw, for permission to set two poles on Olinger IRoad south of Eighway 169, rras on motion Prescott, be granted, seconded by Holten, and carried.
On motion Boore, Trustee Prescott, 17aa authorized to provide a
Dead End street sign for the Xodlin alley between Seth and the street car line as ~sll as three signs Wst 54th and Park Place and Belmore Lane, seconded by Prescott and carried.
President Sharpe, suggested that the Recorder be requeated to write a letter of condolence to fomer Village Trustee Lester
R. Blackburn, in connection with the recent death of his Mother.
Results of the Annual,.. Bi19age election held on December 6, 1938 were as follows:
Earl C, Sharp8 Pre s ide nt 1 year tern Ben B, Moore Recorder 2 year term Victor Irgens Trustee 3 year term Charles B, Carroll Justice Peace 2 year term
Park Board 3 year term Cons table 2 year term
Win M. Steinke
T. P.' Ti3.U
a8 It was moved by Prescott, that the next regular meeting of the Council would be scheduled to he held on December 26, the same
7s ing Chrirjtman Day that the second regular December meeting
of the Council not be held and that the president and Recorder
be authorized to sign the necessary warrants and Treasurer be authorized to hqw the necessary checks to pqy Village Police force and Eoad crew advances due as of December 26th.
and that this meeting recese sul5jt2ct to call by the President in the event an emergency night arise, motion eeconded by Willson, and carried.
No further business to come before this meeting, President Sharpe declared the meeting recessed in accord with Council's action
Village Recorder.