HomeMy WebLinkAbout19390109_REGULARXinu-tes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Hall on January 9, 1939, at 8 o'clock PX. .- I' The meeting was called to order by President Sharpe, the roll called and all membe'rs of %he Conneil were present.& this being the first meeting for Trustee Irgens. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Council held' on December 12, 1938, were read. On motion'Ho&ten they be approved as read, seconded by YCilIsan and carried. The miscelXaneoas bilIs upun being duly exmined and: found cdrrect were on motian WiXson'theg be 'alloved and ordered pa-id seconded by HuIten and carried. They are as fol1o'Ss: .. I .* *. HennepLn County Xpls .G .E .CO. Edina Garage Inc. Hayden Eotor CO. C. H. Klein Rennepin CQ, Review rustus Lumber Co. Chas.Olson & Sons Republic Creosothg 00. T. H. Ziegler coi 8. H. Ziegler Go. B. H. Bradley PiPXLage St .Louis Park George ?I. Strong Eugene B, Thomas City of Einneapolis Standard Clothing Co. Edina Hardmare Tharpe Bros. Inc. Simon Strand N.V!.Bell Tekphane Co. Xieland Auto Go. Bren Hardware Ca. 3.3asperson Henry Haeg Grant Collier T. We RoshOlt COO Poor Farm Aug. Sepk. Oct. 3 92;oo November electric service 549;OO Palice car service'Dec.' 11;80 Police car spot It. repair 3120 19.50 1500 sewer 'brick Publishing financial statement and p.r int ing 195 LO3 Lumber for 'skating rinks 11;92 Repaint scarifier teeth 11.00 17; 10 3;10 Carbon coke Tractor parts 1 Sargent S~OPI plow, net ' 315;OO 1 Bross V'EE snow p$ow 340;OO Eng'ineerilig services 1or;oo Tire Dept. service ' 35;OU Attorney fees 1938 raukine work 300;OO Labor & materials skating rinks 35;35 .. Fire Dept; services 31.Q4' . 2 PolLee caps 4 ;OQ R &B supplies 13.68 Rent tract office Dee. 12;BO - Rent toal: shed to 1/15/39 15.00 Alphabetfcal listing Palice Dept 3.00 Labor & materZal Dadge truck xu 095 'Ko.wer repair part 1.50 550 yds. raad grave1 0 ?# 38.50 Storage snov fence Ec equip. 193C 15.00 2 cords oak aaod skating rink I6 .OO Glacier Sand &- Gravel Co. Cement,sand & gravel 7/19-11/25 407.91 HA. Alden Carrecting Village tracings 75.00 ' E.V. Harris Gas for R 6c B and PoXice car 122.06 Vifhge SE .Lo.uis Park PrPA Sewing project Nov. 10.50 kaddale Grocery Gas for R & B 12 . 01 George Shilson 1 curd oak wood Skatiag rink 9.00 Total Eiscl 9 2,793.75 . The Village and Pay rolls having been carePuIly noted and found correct, it was moved Holten they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Eoore and carried. They are as follows: Earl C. Sharpe - Fresident of Council. (Jan.) 50.00 Ben B. Eoore Recard er 90.00 George A.Nillson Trustee 35.00 Clarence 0. Holten Trustee 35.00 Dr. LOX. Campbell Village Health Officer 30.00 T. E. Tilly Village Earshall 155.00 Hilding Dah1 Palice officer 135.00 W. S. Heydt Police afficer 135.00 E. J. Knudsen Street Cammissioner 150,015 Victor Irgens Trustee 35.00 John J. Duggan Treasurer 25.00 S. J. Roberts Utility man $35,'Q# P. Dahlgrea Tractox crperat or xL3o;oo John Tracy Asst .Tractor operatar 120 000 1;. Stolzmah g, 'Ensley R, Po.rt R, Garrisczn Q. X. Spande Sam BlkCready A, C. Stringer Arthur Pehersen Asst roaa foreman Raad labox Road labar Lahar with team Raad labor Raad labar R&B ;Tan. Garbage Collectisn c ' 8L.6Q 1Q4.00 9105Q 29 kOQ 92;OO 92;oo 25.00 '225.00 Total 6 22Q49.5Q .t .. . _. . .. Mr. T, V?. R~,~h.~ilt,..apgeare?T~tO assure %he Council- that he Piiould he of aay 8eni;ice pas'si%le, %ha€ the manufacturers of the Tfarco grader make gQQd on any defects, Trustee y4ilPson reporte'd -on aelief, that there were 34 on Direct Xelief and that one Patrick O'Clonnor had been plac'ed In- the County Poor Gam. -Trustee Holten gave a very interesting and complete detailed report on the Police Department for 1921P, and Treasurer Buggan reported a 3 6,063.?5 hank balance. Applicatian was received frm 'Hay and Stenson .CQ.. for renewal of Off Sale Intoyicating Liquor License $or- period April 1, 1939 to Narch 31, 1940. Whereupon Trustee Holten moved the renewal be granted on the basis of" annual license fee of ~750.00. Seconded by 7illson and carried. - Ere Charles Arnold reGuested that the PuBlic Be giaen oBpor6Unrty to learn details in connection with the proposed Tab Intersecting Sewer project and was assured the- Fdanci-1 was planning Eo hold a Public Xaas Meeting for that particular purpose which was satisfactory. President Sharpe presented a report' and,gave reaollrmendations of commitfee of President and Recorder, 'callfng for installation of 16-235 cp overhead street lfgh€s casting @30.00- each per year. Whereupon Trustee Halten moved the recmmendation of the President be concurred 'in, Recorder to order the installations seconded by Tfillson and carried. Schaol grounds an the intersection of Willson Road and Vest 50th Street. vote was upon the qaestian af the adoption of the motian wherein President Sharpe presented Warranty Deed from Thorpe Bras, for the twa triangnlar trac€s East and Earth of the olld Edina apinion af Village Attarney, Strang, seconded by Eaore. The Recorder gilaore introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoptian: -. . . _. *. -- Whereupon Trustee Wil1sa.n moved acceptance upon legal there were five ayes and rial nays and so was declared duIy "A resolutiom for the construction for the-Village of Edina of a main trunk sewer, the issuance of bonds ta pay the cost thereof to said Village and calling an election, means of. conveying the sewage from said Village into. the disposal plant of the metropolitan area heretofore established, and Whereas, the Village of Edina is now without adequate Whereas, the said Village has been notified by praper authority to construct a trunk line sewer ta. connect with the Dllinnehaha trunk line sewer now canstrncted or being constructed in the City of Einneapolis, Hennepin County, Hinnesota, and for the protection of the hea3;th and safety of the inhabitants of said Village of Edina, and ized under certain conditions to provide by direct gift to any municipality a partion of the cost of authorized profects which will provide work for the unemployed of the municipaxity, and the Council has been advised that sach a grant has been made, and Whereas, the President o,f the United States is author- 136 Thereas, plans and specifications have been prepared and an estimate of cost made and the Village is ready ta under- take the construction af said main trunk line sevJer fram apgraxhately the Junction of Vaoddale Avenue at 50th Street in said Village to connect at, the PiTlage LWts with the said Titinnebha trunk line sewer constructed Qr in pracess of constrncEion hy'the said City of Kinneapolis, the estimat'ed cost of the said. main or trunk Iiae'sener so to he constructed by the Tillage being 5 102,900.00, and Thereas, the Village has' the power 5nd 'authority under the laws of the State of Xinnesota to construct said main or trunk line semer and' lssue bonds therefor sabject €0 the approval of the inhabitants of said municipality, of the Village of Edina as falloms : Hoa, Therefore, Re Tt Resalved by the %illage CotlncTl 1. That it is 'necessary and expedient 'to constrtzct - . a main or trunk line semer gor the said Tillage from approxTma€ely Faoddale Avenue and 50th street Eo meet and connect v;ith the so-called Kinnebaha trunk sewer in the City of Einneapalis and to borrow money therefor by the issuance of negokiahle coupon bonds of said Ellage in &n &ount of 9?gt ta exceed Biftyf ive thousand Dollars [$55,000.00), maturing serially pursuant to, la17 in the years 1940 to 1969, both inclusive, said bonds to be the general obligatian of the sard Village of Edina and to bear interest at a rate not to exceed fhree per cent per annum. 2. The question of-approving the i.xaance of 'said' ~ bonds to provide money for €he' construction of said seTter shall be submitted to the legal voters of the Pillage of Edina at a Special Election vhLch is hereby called to be held a€ the regu'lar polling places in said Village on the thirtyfirst day of January 1939. I 3. At said election there shall be submitEed to the legal voters of the Village the following proposition: negotiable coupon bonds for the construction of a main trunk line sewer to connect with the Kinnehaha trunk line sewer in the City of Einneapolis and issue bonds in the amount of nat to exceed gifty-five thousand Dallars (,$55,000.00), maturing serially in the years 1940 to 1969, both inclusive, bearing interest at the rate of not to: exceed three per cent per annum? Shall the Village of Edina borrow money and' issue 40 Said electian shall be conducted rin the regular polling places of the Village and the pafls shall be opened at 7:30 o'clock A. M. and shall be closed at 8 o'klack P. E., 4 and the fallawing persons are appointed the judges and clerks of said elect ion : Polling Place Grange Hall Edina School St .Peter Is Church Judges I. Clerks >, Jabn J. Duggan Laura Dirks C?t@idit Larsen Ethel R. EcCready Nellie Strate Alex Creighton Orline Christopher J. Bo Hammond Urs .LOR .Blackbur . Elarence Jewet t J. V. Newburn Clara Goodacre Albert .Farmer Elsie Bildreth Agnes Swenson 5, Notice of said election shall be given by pub- lication in the official newspaper of said Village at least once not less than one week priar tu. the date of @aid election and by posting natices thereaf in three public and canspicuous places in said Village nat less thah ten (10) days befare said election I 137 6, The ballots for said elect-ian shall contab the praps,itilo,n sub&antially as ahove set forth and sha1-l be posted' ~nd publislied wfth the nutice-of election and the clerk is authar- %fed' and directed ta cause suitabxe ballots ta be printed for the use of vatem at said election, State of Xinnesota rexating thereto shall gavern said elect-lcfn arid the Cocncil shall. meetmn the first day of Bebruary, 1939, f"or t2ie purpose of' canyassing-the vote and determining the results of said election and taking further action relating to the issuance of said bonds. wiis cTuLy seconded %y Trusaee Holten and upm vote therean the foIXlowing voted in favar thereof: 7. AI1 'of the 'pTovisions of the statutes 'of the ' .. -. _. Tfie-m~.€It>rr far tKe adapthn of the faregoing ResoXLathn I Yea: HoIten Irgens Sharpe Yaare and the fallowing voted against the same: c -* mihereupon sard 'Resolutian was decxared duly pass I ATTEST : Recorder suggested the following fo,rm of no.tices to %e posted mare than 10 days befare electian at Grange EakE West 50th. Street and Prance Avenue Cahill School Corner and also to be published in the Hennepin County 3eview more than one week before electimi W€AGB 03' EDTEA EOTICE 02' SPECIAL EI,ECTIOP\T UPON PROPQSITION TO ISSW G-AL OBLIGATIOX BOMDS 03' THE VILLAGE TO COHSTRUCT KAIE LINE SEVER. EOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special election of . the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Kinnesota, will. he held on the thirty-first day af January, 1939, to vote upon the proposition that the Village of Edina borrow honey and issue negotiable coupon general obligation bonds for the constraction of a main trunk line sewer to connect with the Xinnehaha trunk line sewer in the City of DlfinneapoLis and issue said bands in. the maximum principal. amount of not to exceed ~55,000.00, maturing serially in the years 1940 to 1969, both inclusive, bearing; interest at the rate of not to exceed three per cent per annum, the proceeds of said bands ta. be used in the canstruetion of said sewer and the cost there@f and the casts and expenses connected therewith and incidental thereto. Said election shall be held and conducted in the 135 (regular polling places of the said Village of Edea, ta-'zit: Edina Schasl Hause, located at the corner af 'Jooddale Ayenue and 5Qth Street in said Village3 --- Grange Hall, located at the corner of High~gay No, 100 and Eden 3oad in said Village; Basement of St. Peter's Church, lacated at 2rance Avenue and Fuller Street in said Trillage. Said palling places wiuL be opened at 7:30 QtclQck Bated at Edina, Xinnesata, January 9, 1939. A.X. and shall he closed at 8 otclock l?.N. - -. ~ .. Ben B-, Koor'e:, Village decorder Shall the Vil!!Page of Edina borrow money and issue negotiable caupQn bonds for the canstruction-of a main Zrunk'line sewer to connect piith the Einnehaha trunk line ' sewer in the City of Xinnea.>olis, in the amoant af not to- exceed 955,000 .Oo ; maturing serially in the years 1940-to 1969, - . - both inclusive, bearing in'2;eres.t; at the rate of nat ta exceed three per cent per annum. Yes f r - i \ a. I The President submitted Council appointments together with Council Camittees far the ensuing year as fa~loras: Village Attorney George W. Strong Village Health Officer Dr. Love11 H. Campbell Village Engineer E. E, Bradley 3'ee Basis Village Plunibing 1nspectorV.G. Christensen Village Building InspectorAlex Creighton 71.50 per inspection ' 50% of BIdg. Permit Jee collected Police Department : T. E. Tilly Village Edarshall Salary Hilding Dah1 Police Officer Salary Palice Officer Salary Vm. S. Heydt Road and Bridge: H. J. Rnudson Street Commissioner salary S. J. Roberts Utility Ean Salary P. Dahlgren Tract or Operat or Salar;. . John Tracy Asst . Tract or Operator Salary Lauis Stalzlnan - Asst. Road Boreman Y- .I COBIKJTTEES t 3ELIEB.. . . . . . . . .V.R.Irgens ,Ch. 3OAD andBRIDGE..Geo. '$illson,Ch.-C, 0. Hulten -V. R. Irgens POLICE..........C. 0. Holten,Ch.-Earl C. Sharpe SmITARy. . . . . .Ben 3, T;Toore,Ch, C. 0. Holten -Earl C. Sharpe -Gea. Willson -Earl C. Sharpe t LIGETING., . .'. . . . .Earl C. Sharpe, Ch. -Ben B, 'I\floore -v. R. Irgens Thereupon Trustee Horlten moved that the same be concured in with salaries to. be determined and set at a special meeting to be called by the Presid,ent. Seconded by Koore , the vote being upan the question of the adoption of the mation. there were five ayes and no nays and so declared duly carried. 1- - merefn Continuation bonds of Charles E. Carroll, JusCice of Peace, Ben B, Koore, Village Recorder, W. H. Gilkey, Justice of Peace, and I;, R, Blackburn, Canstable, mere offered and Trustee Halten moved that the same being in proper form that they be accepted and premiums in anoumt $5.00 each be ardered paid. Seconded by Willson and carried. President Sharpe'Read a letter from Oscar Gaarden dated January 9, ,939, asking for pay for cleaning Village owned sewers out- side the Country Club District. This was referred to the Recorder ' to acknowledge, I . z J Trustee HQlten read the legal apinion by StinchfieLd,Mackall, Craunse, McRally,and Koore, regarding awnership of the water distribution system in the C'a.untry Club District. TjJheFeupan it was moved by Eame that Trustee'Holten be authorized to advise Oscar Gaarden af receipt of the opinion and tkiat it be put in Er. Halten's possession. Seconded by Villson and carried. It was agreed by the members af the Council that Bebarder Eoore write Representative Gale and Senator Miller calling their attention to the Relief needs of Rural Hennepin County far the next twoi years and urge that they exert,best efforts and influence in securing the necessary appropriation af State Funds for , Relief Purposes. Do further business.to come before the Council, motion to adgourn carried at 11,45 P. Btl. Pillhge Recorder. c .'