HomeMy WebLinkAbout19390123_REGULAREfinutas of the reguler meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Hall on January 23, 1939 , at 8 Q'CIOCk PUo . The meeting va8 called to order by President Sharpe, the roll' called and all members of the Counci3 'vsre present. 9.; 1939, weye read. On motion Irgsns, they be approved as read, eeconded by I7illson and carried. Xinutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on January I. Attorney Thomas Venntarn appeared before the Council on behalf of The Country Club District Service Compemy to suggest 8 meeting to discuss the water situation and that if there was notBfng to be gained that he t'TOU1d reconmend the matter be? dropped, Holten stated that he ordinari29.y would OK such proceedure but in vie17 of Legal Opinion which the Village had, citing definate cases, that he was apprehensive in this case. President Sharp advised that the Council would prefer that the Court8 determine the matter. Trustee Br W. A. Tuscany shoved a rough plan of the Dsrr property at Vsst 50th. Street and 17ooddale Avenue, &kernupon it vas propoaed to construct lov cost housing. After discussion it was decided that PIr Tuscany prepare complete plans and sketches for thk entire project shorting the arrangement of the houses on the land togather and architectural arrangernenta to properly face the buildings on both streets. It ms moved %y Holten, that the pa~r of the Village Treasurer be set at $25.00 per month and Treasurer's bond to the Village of Edina be in amount of $7,500.00, the premium to ba paid from General Funds, seconded by Villson and carried. It was moved by Holten, that the pay of Village Recorder for the ensuing year be set at $90.00 pes month, seconded by Villaon and' carried. It tms moved by Holten, that the pqy of Village Health Officer Dr L. K. Cmpkell, be set at $30.00 per month, seconded by S7illson and carried. It vas moved by Ifolten, that the pa.y of Village Attorney be set at $25.00 per month and to cover all routine services t7ith Court cases to be paid for in addition, secobded by 17iJlson and carried. It wag moved by Holten, that the fore-closure case of the Standard Surety and Casualty Company of NevtYork, against &nelirz Strom, George A. Specht and the Village of Edinn, be referred to Village Attorney to obtain necessary land for road purposes at this the, seconded by Noore and carried. It was moved by \7illson, that the pap of Street Commissioner Rnudsen be on a month to month baskis at $150.00 per month, the . 1 pay of Utility man Roberts be on a month to month basis at 3140.0o per month, the yay of Tractor operator Dahlgren be on a month to month basis at $3135.00 per month and Asst. Tractor Tracy also be on a month to month basis at $325.80 -per month, seconded by Hoore aad carried. It was moved Sy \7illson, that the pay of XTessrs Stolzrnan, Port and Spande be on basis of 60 cents per hour and to run from month to month as or wlmn needed, seconded by Noore and carried. It tms moved by \7illson, that pay for road labor, $Ien needed, ke on basis of 50 cents per hour and that man and team be paid if and vhen needed on basis of $1.00 per hour, seconded by noore and carried. It-was moved by Holten , that the pay of Village Uarshall be on a month to month bas28 at $370.00 per month and the pay of police officers also be on a month to month basis at #150.00 per month, seconded by Villaon, and carried. 1 .= I ., J \ *. .\ It ms moved by Villson, seconded by Holten, and carri8d by. en affirmative vote of all members of the Council, that the E%d;Lzind' I' I t I( . I National Bank and Trust Co.gpany, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, be and is hereby selected and deskgnated as EL depository of General Funds of the Village of Edina, for ,the period beginning as of this date and ending December 31, 1939, on the execution by such bank of a sufficient; bond to the Village of'zdina, or the furnishing of legal collateral in an amount sufficient to ten (1Q$) percent in excess - -Of the maximum sum deposited, .said bond or said collateral to be approved by the Village Council and filed in the office of the Village Fiecorder or in event of c-ollateral being furnished in lieu of a surety bond, in a place of safe keeping satisfactov to the Village Council and thereupon the Village Treasurer shall deposit all or any part of the Village moneys in such bank. It mas moved by Hol.ten, seconded by Moore, and carried by an affirm- atiw vote of all. members of the Councill, that the Nidland National Bank and Trust Company, of Minneapolis, Ninnesota, be and is hereby .selected and designated as a depository of funds of Lateral Sewer District Number One and Nwber Two, of the Village of Ydina, for the period bebinning as of &his date and ending December 31, 1939, on the execution by such bank of a sufficient bond to the Village of Uina, or the furnishing of legal collateral in an amount suf- ficient to ten (10%) percent in excess of the maximum sum deposited, said bond or said collatefal to be approved by the Village Council and filed in the office of the Village Recorder or in event of collateral being furnished in lieu of a surety bond, in a place of safe keeping satisfactory to the Village CounCfl and thereupon the Village Treasurer shall deposit all or qny part of the Village moneys in such bank. It vms moved by Irgens, seconded by Willson, and carried by an itffir matiw! vote of all members of tlie Council, that the Hidland National Bank and Trust Company, of Minneapolis, Eliinnesota, be and is hereby selected and designated as a depository of funds of Sewer District Nudbes Three , of the Village of Edina, for the period beginning as , of this date and ending December 31, 1959, on the execution by such bank of a sufficient bond to the Village of Edins, or the furnishing - of legal collateral in an amount sufficient to ten (10%) percent in excess of the maximum sum deposited, said bond or said collateral to be agpr0ved.b~ the Village Council and filed in the office of the Village Recorder or in event of collateral being furnished in lieu of a surety bond, in a place of safe keeping satisfactory to the Village Council and thereupon the Village Treasurer shall deposit all or gay*?pazt of the VUlage meya in suchbank. It was moved by Moore, seconded Sy Irgens, and carried by an affim- ative vote of all members of the Council, that the Uidland National Banksand Trust Company, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, be and hereby is selected and designated as a depository of funds of Sewer District Number Four, of the Village of Pdina, for the period beginning as of this date and ending December 31, 1939, on the execution by such bank of a sufficient bond to the Village of Edina, or the furnishing of legal collateral in an amount sufficient to ten (10%) percent in excess of the maximum sum deposited, said bond or said collateral to be approved by the Village Council and filed in the office of the Village Recorder or in event of collateral being furniahed in lieu of a surety bond, in a p2ace of safe keeping satisfactory to the Villwe Council and thereupon the Village Treasurer a&gmll deposit Pllr 2. C. Xruckerberg appeared before the Council to request that if possible to do so, that the sanitary sewer now being constructed in and along Halifae Aasenue South of tWst 50th Street, be extended South of West 52nd Street, whereupon it was moved by Noore, that the requea.1; be referred to Village Xnginesr Bradley for report, seconded "all or any part of the Village moneys in such bank. - - by Irgens, and carried. Application was received from ~~inneapolis G. mission to install I pole on Yooddale Avenue was on motion Noare, be granted, seconded by Company, for per- South Of '@st 44th St. Holten and carried. { Trustee Willson, offered the following motion, RESOLWD, That m request the Rural Hennepin County Surplus Corn- modity Committee to give us Surplus Commodity Service, it being understood and agreed that we mill pap and conform to all uniform and reasonable demands and rsgu2ations; that t7e will pap for such service at cost on a Served Cost basis; that actual cost of such service vi11 be deducted from any State Relief Aid monies due us; that &en and if vd% have no or insufficient State Aid monies due us that rce will pqy for such service promptly and currently ; that IT? vi11 make a guarantee deposit not to exceed Tmnty-Five ($25.00) dollars mhen and if the Surplus Corqnodity Committee makes a demand for such deposit. The question ms upon the adoption of the esolutfon, and the roll being called there *re. Five Yeas and No Nays, as follows; Irgens &e, Willson aye, Holten &ye, Uoore aye and Sharpe aye. No further business to come before this meeting President Sharge declared the meeting adjourned at 11.20 PE. - Edina voters hrn '* 1 Down Sewer Bonds Village Rec or der . DOWN SEWFZC BONDS XTontinued from page one) and mnce and the $50,000 bond is- WA grant mas alreads authorized. the load on the lateral at Mftieth ~a~~~~~~~ E~;L::~; I I 7ubFshedfOr z%e;Reside& of th COUNTRY CLUB DISTRIC SS0,OOO Issue Is Rejected by Vote of 340 to 269 on Tnesday A bond issue in the amount Of $5ff,OOO to finance the installation of a larger antkeptic sewer in the vil- lage of Edina mas rejected by its citizens Tuesday by a qote of 340 to 269. The proposed proJect provided for the construction of a tnmI: Une interceptor extending from Wood- dale avenue and West 50th street the IWbneapoliS city limits at Sefxes avenue and West Fiff3-foUrth street. IThis would have relieved the over- loadea condition of the present main I serving the Corn@ CIuh and South Harriet Park which extends from Fiftieth and Wooddale to the &Sin- neapolis lateral at France avenue and Fiftieth street, The present sewer system mas in- VOLUMJ3 IX NO. 12 VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA FEBRUARP 1939 The total cost of the project mas estimated at $103,000. I - - - -- SEWER PROJECT [S TURNED DOWN Edina Voters Reject $50,000 Bond Issue, 340 to 269, on January 31 A bond issue in the amount of $50,- IO0 to finance the installation of a arger antiseptic sewer in the village if Edina was rejected at the special ?lection on Tuesday, January 31, by L vote of 340 to 269. The proposed iroject provided for the construction if a trunk line interceptor extending 'tom Wooddale avenue and West 50th itreet to the Minneapolis city limits at Kerxes avenue and West Fifty-fourth itreet. This mould have relieved the iverloa@i condition of the present nain serving the Country Club and south Harriet Park which e-xtends from Fiftieth and Wooddale to the Minne- apolis lateral at France avenue and Fiftieth street. The present sewer system was in- stalled by Thorpe Bros. in 1924 when they platted the Country Club district but Village officials state the develop- ment has reached a point where pre- sent facilities are no longer adequate to meet the needs of the community. Pressure has also been exerted by the city of Minneapolis for the village to make other arrangements to relieve the load on the lateral at Fiftieth and France and the $50,000 bond issue would have paid the cost of materials for the trunk line for which a WPA grant was already authorized. The total cost of the project was estima- ted at $103,000. I January 17th, 1 9 .3 9. TO THE RESIDENTS OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA: As a resident of Edina, we believe you are interested in one of the major problems confronting our Village, viz.: that of our sanitary system, which so directly affects the health and welfare of our community. is a brief outline of its development and our immediate problem. Herewith Construction of the original sanitary system in the Village of Edina was undertaken by Thorpe Brothers when they platted the Country Club District and was completed in 1924, plant at West 50th Street adjoining Minnehaha Creek, just West of Wooddale Avenue. the Country Club District if and when all the lots therein became improved with homes6 where the plant was overloaded and it became necessary for Thorpe Brothers to make other arrangements* a lateral which extended their sanitary system to 50th and France Avenue. This was a nine inch lateral intended to serve an area comprising forty acres, within the City of Minneapolis. Upon the solicitation of Thorpe Brothers, the City of Minneapolis consented to the connection of the Country Club system with the lateral at France Avenue and, accordingly, Thorpe Brothers laid a ten inch main along West 50th Street from Wooddale to France Avenue, at a cost to them of approximately $12,000.00. It was assumed that Ohis was of sufficient size to serve the Country Club District, as we11 as Sunny Slope Addition, the Country Club Golf Course, and what is now known as Brucewood Addition, when developed. Thorpe Brothers negotiated with Minneapolis for connection df the system at France Avenue, but when the necessity for entering into a contract arose, Mime- apalis made with the Vi,llage of Edina. The annual minimum cost has been $250.00 per year, for which the Village has been reimbursed each year by the Country Club District Service Company. to cancellation upon one year's notice &om the City of Minneapolis. To serve this system they constructed a disposal It did not have capacity sufficient to serve the sanitary system in In fact, development of this District had reached a point in 1932 By this time the City of Minneapolis had constructed would not deal with a private concern and, therefore, the contract whs Under the provisions of the contract, it is subject In tb year 1935 a s,urvey was made which indicated that the 50th Street main was then overloaded, which fact was also called to the attention of the Village Council by the Minneapolis Engineering Department. They sug- gested that plans for relieving the Minneapolis sewer at 5Gth and France, which was being taxed to capacity, should be made and the Village was also reminded by Minneapolis that its contract was subject 'to termination by notice as herein indicated. Development of Wooddale and the South Harriet Park sections, which comnced in 1936, presented a new problem. The Board of Health objected to the practice of permitting installation of wells and cesspools adjacent to each other on the same lot because of danger of contamination, which might en- danger the surrounding community. it learned of this sanitary condition, refused to insure mortgage loans upon property in this section until these conditions were corrected. Upon petition of residents in this area, Sewer District No. 3 was created and a sanitary system laid out in the so-called South Harriet District, connecting with the 5Ot;h Street main at Wooddale and West 50th Street. summer of 1937. The Federal Housing Administration, when It was completed in the *- This further taxed the already overloaded condition existing with reference to the West 50th Street main, as well as the lateral of the Minna- apol'is system at 50th and France, The Minneapolis Engineering Department b registered its complaint with the Village Council and urged plans for construc- tion of a new trunk linec Accordingly, the Village Council made arrangements with engineers Burlingame, Hitchcock and Estabrook to make a preliminary survey. In September, 1937, their report was submitted and they proposed construckion of a main trunk interceptor sewer to connect at 54th Street and Xerxes Avenue, ' wikh the Minneapolis cross-town sewer known as the Mimehaha Tunnel. Further demands were being made upon the Village Council for sanitary sewer facilities and, upon petition, Sewer District No. 4 was created. During the years 1937 and 1938 the Committee on Sanitation of the Village Council had several meetings with the Engineering Department and a special committee of the Minneapolis Council, concerning the sanitary sewer problem. During this period the Works Progress Administration made a topogra- phical survey of the area in the Village that could be served by a gravity flow aewer. In this cpnnection, it was interesting to learn from this survey, that by oonstruction of laterals about eighty per cent of our residents could be served by the trunk line our engineers proposed. In the fall of 1938 develop- ment of Brucewood Addition was undertaken by Thorpe Brothers and they arranged to install sanitary sewer system therein. sections of the Village and the Council deemed it imperative to take immediate steps for the construction of a main trunk interceptor. Engineers J. E. Carroll and P. H. Bradley were engaged to make a definite survey and prepare plans, speoifiaations and estimates of cost for the construction of a trunk line inter- ceptor extending from Wooddale and West 50th Street to the Minneapolis city limits at Xerxes Avenue and 54th Street, following substantially the course of Minnehaha Creek. +his up as a Federal Project. Village defray what is known as "material costs*'. engineers that our cost will not exceed $55,000.00. Demands were being made by other Application was also made to -the Works Progress Administration to set This has been granted on condition that the 8 It is estimated by our A special election is being calleCI on Tuesday, January 31st, 1939, to consider the question of financing this undertaking, from 7:30 A. M. to 8:OO P. M. The polls will be opeh For the benefit of those desiring more information on this subject, a mass meeting is being called at the Edina School, 50th Street and Wooddale Avenue, on Tuesday evening, January 24th, 1939, at 8:OO P. M. Members of your Council will be present to give further explanation and answers to questions which may be presented. Re spe ct f ully , VILLAGE COUNCIL OF EDINA