HomeMy WebLinkAbout19390227_REGULAR147 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Cauncil of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Hall on February 2'7, 1939, at 8 orclock PU. The meeting was called ta order by President Sharpe, the roll called and all members of the council were present. Ninutes 0.f the regular meeting of the Council hald on 2ebruary 13, 1939, were read. On motion Willson they be approved as read, seconded by Ergens and carried. Edinutes of the regular meeting of Eebruaryl3, 1939, recessed to 2ebruary 20, 1939,. were read. On motion Willson they be approved as read, seconded by Irgens and carried, On the matter of applications by the Ninneapolis Gas Light Company for permit to. lay Gas Mains, the Recorder read letter of February 15, 1939, and Company's regly dated February 17, 1939, wherein the Gas Company expressed its willingness and desire to comply with the Councilts order to properly put back, resurface, and watch for settling, all streets opened up for installation of Gas Kains. It was thereupon moved by Kol_ten that application by the Kinneapolis Gas Light Company for permit to lay 500 feet of three inch gas main in and along VJoodcrest Drive and ZOO feet in and along Hendow Road, be granted, seconded by Noore and carried, Letters by D. I?. McGuire and L. Lo Banson requesting re-zcnning for Community Store purposes were read. The principafs hekg gresent mere advised to submit petitions for same as required' under the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Volk on behalf of Dickinson and &llespie reported further on the CoXlier Tract subdividing tof be known as vlestchester Knoll. that the matter ve referred to the Ordinance Camittee and Building Inspector for report on the second Council meeting in lhrch. Seconded by IItToare and carried. After discussion it was moved by Tiillson W. E, Code and J. W. Code appeared before the Council in the matter of the Council's refusal to accept deed to part Lot 1, Section 32, T I17 R 21 for road purposes. After discussion it was moved by Irgens the matter be referred to Road and Bridge Committee. Seconded by Moore and carried. Kr. J. D, Nunan appeared before-the Council en behalf of John Damschen, injured while working on Halifax he. 8. P. a, project last spring. After discussion the matter was referred to the Relief Committee and Dc. Campbell for investigation and report. Superintendent a. C. Stringer of W. P, A. 'reported on progress of Halifax Ave. and Bridge Street Sewers and was advised (i37 to extend the EIalifax ave. Sewer 100 feet farther soluth and to start the Brucewood sewers as soon as possible. The Village pay roll advances having been carefully noted and found correct?,, it was moved by 'dJ'illson they be allowed and paid, seconded by Holten and carried. - Recorder BOaore offered the follawing Ordinance and moved its ad opt ion Creating, Establishing and Pixing the limits and territory of a sewer district in the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Einnesota, designated "Joint Sewer District Bo. 1". The Villake.Counci1 of the Village of Edina, in Hennepin County, Einnesota, does ordain as follows: Section 1, That certain real estate and territory vithin the corporate limits of the Village of Edina, Hennepin Countiy, Einnesota, is hereby created and established as '*Joint Sener, District Hoe 1, Edinatt, and shall consist of and include the territwry and real estate lying within said Village af Edina described as follows, and within the lines, limits and boundaries of the folloming description: Comencing at the northeast corner of Section 18, Tomship 2€? Forth, Range 24 Vest of the 4th Principal. Eeridian; thence West along the North line of said Section 18 to the Eorthwest corner thereof; thence Earth along the East line of Section 28, Township 117 North, Range 21 Best of" the 5th Principal Eeridian to the Xortheast corner of said Section 28; thence Tesf along the ITorth line of said Seetion 2E to the Northwest corner of Lot 20 in Ema Abbott . Fark; thence South axong the Test line af said -La% 20 and the same extended southerly to the north line of Eotcsr Street as platted in Emma Abbott Park; thence xvesterly alang the north line of said Kotor Street to the Fest fine of said Section 28; thence South along said West line of Section 28 to, the Southwest corner of said Section 28; thence South along the %est line of Section 33, to the Southwest corner of the Earth half of Gavernment Eo* 2 in said Section 33; Thence East along a straight line to the Southeast corner af the Rarth half of Government Lot 1 in said Section 33; thence South along the East line of said Section 33 ta the Southeast corner thereof; thence continuing South along the West line of Section 19 in Township 28 Xorth, Range 24 Vest to the Sauthwest corner of said Section 19; thence East along the Sauth line of said Section 19 to a point ahich is 33 feet Sosuth of the Southeast corner of Lot 13 in Block 24 of Fairfax Addition; thence North ta the Northeast corner of Lot 24 in Block 24 of Bairfax Addition; thence Vest to the Xortheast corner of Block 23 in Zairfax Addition; thence Korth to the Northeast corner of Lot 10 in Black 18 of Pairfax Addition; thence VJest to the Eorthwest corner of Lot 10 in said Block 18: thence North to the Southwest corner of Lot 12 in Block 2 of Zairfax Addition; thence East to the Southeast corner of Lot 13 in 3.iack L .of Zairfax Addition; thence Harth to the Northeas't 'corner of Lot 24 in said Block 1; thence East and parallel with the North line of the Southeast quarter of Secti6n 19 to the west line of the East quarter of said Sautheast auarter of Section 19; thence South to the Northvest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter af said Section 19; thence East to the Mortheast corner of said southeast ouarter of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 19; thence South to the Southeast corner of said Section 19; thence East along the South line of Section 20 in Township 28 Zwrth, LSange 24 Vest ta the Soutkreast corner of the 3authwest quarter of said Sectian 20; thence Eorth to the 1'Sorbheast corner of the Rorthvest quarter of said Section 20; thence \jest to the Northwest corner of said Sectian 20; thence North along the East line of Section 18 to the place of beginning. 8 B Secticm 2. That all ordinances and resolutions and parts of ordinances and resolutions incoYlVistent v1it.h the pro.visions of this ordinance be and the same hereby are repealed . Section 3. That this ordinance be in full. force and effect from and after its passage and publication. ,B The motion to adopt the Ordinance vas seconded by Trustee Holten and the vote upon the question of the adqt5on of the Ordinance , the roll being called found five (5) ayes and no (0) nays as follow,. WilIson Aye, Irgens Aye, Holten Aye, ATTEST : I. \ Village Recarder Trustee Willson offered the falloEing Besalution and moved its adoptian: RESOL€fTIUE BE IT l3EZEB-Y RESOLVED by the Village Cauncil of the ViPlzge of Edina, Hennepin County, Einnesota, as follows: Section 1. That this Cmncil hereby determines that it is necessary and expedient and for the best interests of the public to construct a joint sewer from approximately Wooddale Avenue and 50th Street in said Village, alang the vicinity of BIinnehaha Creek, to the East Sillage limits af the said Village of Edina at Xerxes Avenue, ta cannect with the so-called Minnehaha Sewer now in process of construction in the City of Einneapolis, the exact route of the said joint sewer to be determined by the ViI.Page Engineer, Section 2. That B, H, Bradley be and he is hereby selected as the Village Engineer of the Village of Edina in charge of said joint sewer so to be constructed as aforesaid arid is hereby directed to determine the caurse of and to locate the said joint sewer and to draw plans and specifications for the same and tabulate the result af his estimate of the cost thereof and report the same to the Village Couecil, The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee Xrgens and the vot was upon the question of the sdaption af the resolution, the roll on being calked found five (5) ayes and no [OF nays as follows; Holten Aye, Tiillson Aye, Irgens Aye, Moore Aye, Sharpe Aye, so the motion was declared duIy carried. Trustee Halten offered the following Resolutian and maTed its adoptian RESOLUT LOX BlZ IT RESOLVED that there is hereby created a fund ta be established by the said Village of Edina in the Xidland National Bank and Trust Company of Einneapolis, Minnesota, to be known as Joint Sewer District No. 1 Sewer Pund af the Village of Edina, AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the ViflQge Engineer, B, H. Bradley is hereby directed to calculate the praper amount to be specifically assessed against each and every benefitted lot or parcel of land in said Joint Sewer Diskrict No, 1 in said Village for the cost of construction and insta1lath.n of said sever and all costs and expenses cannected therewith. The notion to adopt was seconded by Trustee ViLlsan and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the Besolution the roll mas called and found five (5) ayes and no (0) nays as folloms : Irgens Aye, Tl'illsan Aye, Holten Aye, Eoore Aye, And Sharpe Aye, and sa the Resolatian was declared duly carried. Eo further business to come before &his meeting, the President laeclaredthe meeting duly adjourned & 11.35 PB Village Recorder. 1 e b of and inhxie the territory and real estate lying within said Village of Ed- ina described as follows, and within the lines, limits and boundaries of the fol- lowing description: Commencing at the northeast cor- ner of Section 18, Tomship 28 North, Range 24 West of the 4th Principal Meridian; thence West along the North line of said Sect- Afidavit of Publication , THE HENNEPIN COUNTY REVIEW . HOPKINS, MINNESOTA i State of Minnesota County of Hennepin J. LYaskbam --------------------.---------------,, 'being duly sworn, on oa6h says: that he now is, and aerem cbttached, said newspaper was printed and published i~ *he Einglish language from its known Qffice of publication within the Village of Hopkins in the lcounty of^ Hejl;2leprLn, State Of Minnesota, on Thurs&y of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in mace t~ 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been kued rfrom a kn9m oface esbblisbed in mid place of publication quipped with skilled workmen and .the necessarg nstterial for preparing and printing the saune; ___-________________________ Tphs ----Hen~~~-~Q~$~-R~~~e* .................................................... bas: had in its 6miakeup not kss than twenty-five per cent of its new colmns devoted .to local news o? 5nkeres.t to said ;community it pumpoi-ts to serve, $he press two& of w!hi&, has been done rn ,its said office of publicatmn; has contained general news, com- ments and miscdlasyy; has hot duplicate& any o$her ,publication; has not been entirely mQde up 'of patents, gate maMr and iadver.tisemenk; .has &en circulated at and near its said place of pub cation b $he extent of 240 cqpies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has entered as second class mail ,mat$er ,in ,the local.posol ofacec of. its swd place of publicatmn; d&&t, here has been on .Ne in the offik of khe Countty Au&br of said county the aBd'avit of $and knowledge .of .the backs con- stibuhing its qua1fficat:on as a newspaper for publicataon of legal not~ces; and Ghat its pub19heq have complied with dl demands of sa.icl County Audstor for vrmf5 of its 6aid qualif~cation. Imrson having That the printed _______--__ ...................................................... Ordinance --__ --------------------------------------------------------------.---------------------------- hereto attached as B part hereof was cut from %he columns of said newspaper; was pub- lished therein in the English language once each week for ______ & ______ z?=m&tzeeksa thakit was iirst so $)published on the __-__-_-_______-__ 16th day of ___--_-_ !!!!!Eh--, 19-39, 1 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION An Ordinance Creating, Establish!ng and Fixing the limits and terntory of a sewer ' district in the VilIage of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, des- I ig2ated "Joint Sewer District NO. I erly along the north line of said Motor Street to the West line of said Section 28: thence South along said West line of Section 28 to the Southwest corner of said Section 28: J thence South along the West line of Section 33, to the Southwest . corner of the North half of ciov- ernment Lot 2 in safd Section 33: thence East along a straight line to the Southeast corner of the North half of Government Lot 1 in said Section 33: thence South along the East line of said Section 33 to the Southeast corner thereof- thence continuing South along 'the West lines of Section 19 in Township 28 North, Range 24 West to the South- west corner of said Section 19: thence East along the South line of said Section 19 to a point which is 33 feet South of the Southeast cor- ner of Lot 13 in Block 24 of Fair- fax Addition- thence North to the Northeast coker of Lot 24 in Block 24 of Fairfax Addition: thence West to the Northeast comer of Block 23 in Fairfax Addition- thence North to the Northeast corher of Lot 10 in Block 18 of Fairfax Addition: thence West to the Northwest cor- ner of Lot IO in said Block 18; thence North to the Southwest cor- ner of Lot 12 in BIock 2 of Fairfax Addition; thence East to -me South- east corner of Lot 13 in Block 1 of Fairfax Addition- thence North to the Northeast cdrner of Lot 24 in said Block 1; thence East and parallel with the North line of the Southeast quarter of Section 19 to the west line of the East quar- ter of said Southeast quarter of Section 19' thence South to the Northwest 'corner of the SoutheRst 1 quarter of the Southeast quarter ' of the Southeast quarter of said Section 19: thence East to the North- 1 east corner of said Southeast quar- ter of the South east quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 19; thence South to the Southeast cor- ner of said section 19: thence East along the South line of Section 20 in Township 28 North Range 24 West to the Southeast 'corner of the Southwest quarter of said Section 20; thence North to the Northeast corner of the Northwest quarter of said Section 20; thence West to the Northwest corner of said Section 20; thence North along the East line of Section 18 to the place of bewing. Section. 2. That all ordinances and resolutions and parts of ordinances and resolutions inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same hereby are repealed. Section 3. That this ordinance be in full force and effect from and after I its passage and publication. I Passed this 20th day of Februan. i , i i 1