HomeMy WebLinkAbout19390313_REGULAREinutes of the r,egufarmeeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Hall on &rch 13, 1939, at 8 upcXock PE. The meeting was called to order by Presidene Sharpe, the roll , oalfed and all members of the Council were present, Eiautes af the regular meeting of the Council held an Ii'ebrnary 27, 1939, were read. read, seconded by Halten, and carried. On motion Irgens, they be approved as I The Escell;aneous bills upon being duly examtned and found to b be correct, were an motion ViPlsonn, they be duly allowed and Qrdered paid, secanded by Ifofiten, and carried. fofI.ovs: They are as Alex. Creighton E, 77. Harris Tooddafie Graaery Edina Garage, InC:ct fdinneapolis G .E 6 GO . 3 Glacier S & G Campany Hayden Eator CO V, pf, Xiegler Go T, V. Roaholt Go DA Lubricant ffo Eieland Ants Service Barey's Shell Station Enneapolis Iron Store Chas Olson & Sons Republic Oreasoting Co 'Lyle Signs Simon Strand mller-Davis Ch Blackburn ,1Jicks Is Smith Henaepia County Red VJing Semer Pipe Go Thorpe Bros, Inc Bred L. Gray Gompaary Village St Lauis Park Ready Exed Cencrete Co City of Einneapolis 3, H, Garvey Edina Eardware C. H, Klien Ca Suburban Eennepin (Taunty Thorpe Bros Re li ef Board Bdg permit fees Gas and 053 Gas Police car Sanuary service Sand & cement Poxice car seraiice Tractor parts Snov plow repairs Tract or Grease Truck repairs Truck service Truck tire chains Warco repairs Coke Halifax Ave sewer job Road slgns Taol shed rent Off ice supplies Village Comp. insurance Poor Farm service Sewer 'pipe-Ifstlif ax Ave Rent h telephone Xpls. Fire Protection bond Fire Dept, service Concrete Bire Dept. service Road supplies Raad supplies Sewer br ick-Ealif ax Ave January relief ,3198 079 160.72 20.68 38.20 607.56 53.88 7.10 28 , 81 48.83 21.30 7.10 8.35 19.68 49.86 100 ,oo 26.25 f5 .oo 3.55 111,OO 4597 12.90 11.93 35.00 22.95 24.00 3.80 7.15 '* 358.83 l9.50 X027.29 The Road and Village bills upon being duly examined and found to ce correct, iyere on motion Halten, they be duly allav'ed and ordered paid, seconded by Irgens, and carried, f alloms : They are as Earl (2, Sharpe Ben E. Eoore Gearge A. Villssm Clarence 0. Halten Victor Irgens Dr Lowell E, Campbell E. J. Budsen S. 3. Roberts I?. Dahlgren Jab Tracy L. Stolzman R, Port 0. P, Spande R. Garrison Job J* DUggW President &rch Recorder Trustee TrusLea TrU=%@e Trdasurer Village Health Qfficer Street Commissioner Utility man Tractor operator Asst Tractor agerator Road labor Labor with team I? n fr 1t 50000 90.00 35.00 35.00 35 .oo 3.0 e00 150 .00 135 -00 135.00 125.00 91.80 51.60 57060 36000 25.00 * Comrtinued page 353. m 6 crj Sam McCready A, McXeIlis Leo Smith George, SbiI.;son R. E. OIsort Arthur Petersen A. C, Strfnger T. E, Tilly Kilding BahI W, S. Heydt Eoad labor .$ig -50 !r # 8 .OQ vr tr 2.00 . Zabor with truck 24 000 Use of Pard VS trnck 60.99 Garbage Collection 300 ,OO Road and Bridge labor 25.00 Village Mhrshall IT0 000 Poffca Officer 150 000 PoIice Officer 150 .oo Total Village $19990049 Treasur'er Duggan reparted on finances, Trustee Irgeras on Relief, Trustee WilIson an Road and Bridge activies and Trustee Halten on PolZce, AppIicatio~ vias received ffem Edina Zlheatre Corp., for renewal, of Theatre License accompanied by check for $75.00, in full payment thereof whereupon it was moved by Moore, that the applic- ation be granted and License isswd, seconded by Irgens and carried . Dr Lowell E. Campbell, to whom the matter of physical condition of John Damschen was referred, reported at length on the case and that at the UEiversity of Ennes'ota Hospital; he was consid- ered as getting along OK, Dr R, F, Erickson who has attended Damschen early in his illness was present on another matter and volunteered the information that he agreed wcth Dr Campbell and that to continue the University of Xinnesota Hospital treatments, was in his opiniaaz, advisable. Building Inspectar Creighton appeared kefore the Cauncil in the matter of the proposed CXinic Building to be built OM Lot 43, AvldPtasrs Sub, #172, After discussion it was left far hir Creig)btotz to take up with Village Attorney Strong, t,he matter of width of #est 50th Street between: Halifax Avenue and Prance Awenue and also Caancil's autbwity to enforce a building line set back. " The matter of renewing Taxi-&ab license was discussed by the Council and Ashley Brooks, whereupon Trustee Halten moved that Ashley Brooks be gr.anted permission to operate taxi cab service * in the Village of Edina, to be limited to one (1) cab and con- ditioned upon Public Liabili-ty and Property Damage insurance on behalf of the Vqllage of Edina fn arnrounts .$5,000,00 - .$10.,000,00 being furnished the Village by I& Brooks, said permit to continue at the pleasure of the Council, seconded by Irgens and carried, Village Attorney Strong was present with written opinion and an abstract to date stating that the two triangular pieces of land lying East and' Marth of the Old Edina School hite as we.11 as the deed from Thorpe 'Bros,, to the Village of Edina, for the same, were all in order and that payment could be hade at anytipe the %o,uncil decided to do so. It was thereupon moved by Rscorder Moore, that payment kn amount $1,000.00 be duly authorized in full payment Tor that part of the NW* of the SW& of Section 18, Township 28, Range 24, described in a certain deed from Thorpe Bros, to the Pillage af Edina, dated December 31, 1938, as the same appears from an abstract submitted the ViIZage containing 134 entries, certified to Pebrnary 23rd, 1939, by Title Insurance Campany of Hdinnesata, showing that the recard title to said premises stand'ing in the name of THORPE BROS. The motion was seconded bjr Trustee Holten and the roll being called found five ayes and no nays as follows, Willson aye, Irgens Aye, Holtien aye, Zoore aye and Shrpe aye and so the matian was declared carried No further business to came before the meeting, rnmtiorr to adjourn carried at 11.35 px village Recorder