HomeMy WebLinkAbout19390327_REGULARI I i 6 1 i Xinutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Adina, held in Grange Hall on Xarch 27, 1939, at 8 olclock PE. The meting vas called to order by President Sharpe, the roll called and all members of the Council rere present. Einutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on Earch 13, 1939, cere read. On motion Irgens, they be approved as read, seconded by Willson, and carried. I IJr George Spscht, vas present to request that Village Sngineer Bradley assist his engineer Egan, Field and UOVJ~;~, in working out a suitable grade for mat 49th Street, bettreen France Avenue and Tomes Road, Which was agreeable to the Council. IJr Sdstrom re$uested that work be done on Wst 65t'n. Street, which V~S in bad condition and vas referred by President Sharpe to the attention of the Road & Bridge Committee, Er Pdstrom complained that Er Peltier vas again dumping garbage on the top of the ground with resultant bad odors and an in- creasing nunber of large rats. It was thereupon suggested by President Sharpe, that the Recorder mite Peltiar that he must desist in maintainirg a nuisance or the matter would be turned over to the Village Attorney for immediate action. Petition having been received ffom the required nmWr of property omere living viithin 200 'feet of Lot 43, County Auditorls Sub. #172, as specified in the Zoiiing Ordinance, Recorder Uoore, moved that the petition 'be accepted and required posted notice be given of proposed change in the Zoning Ordinace $fierein the Wst 70 feet of 'said Lot 43, vould be zoned for community store purposea the same as the East 150 feet is not7 zoned, motion vas seconded by Trr6rstee Willson and carried. Application was received from Lucile R, Nolan for h&al@ lScense sell 3.2 nonointoxicating beer 5n connection with restaumnt at 5000 France Avenue, vm3 on motion Vil3.soi1, be granted, seconded by Irgens, and carried. Check for $50.00 accompanied application - ~ Application accompanied by $5.00 license fee vas received from Lucile R, ITolan for Off-sale license to sell 3.2 non-intoxicating beer in connection with restaurant at 5000 Prance Avenue, vas on motion Villson, be granted, seconded by Irgens, snd carried, Anplication accompanied by $50.00 license fee vas received frorn X7. A, Olson, for On-sale license to sell 3.2 non-intoxicating 'beer in connectioh with restaurant at 3915 Bst 50th. Street, vas on motion by \7ilZson, be granted, seconded by Irgens and c arrie d Application accompanied 'bt liaense fee of $5.00 vas received from :T.A.Olson, for Off-Sale license to sell 3- 2 non-intosicati& beer in conriection with restaurant at 3915 :%st 50th Street, vas on. ' motion f/ilJ-son, be granted, seconded by Irgens and carried. _. Application accompanied by license fee of 050.00 !vas received from Eargaret Soderlsrg for On-sale license to gel1 3p2 non- intoxicating beer in cunnec tion with reatsurtxnt at 4030 France Avenue %?as on motion Irgens , be granted, seconded by Villsan Application accompanied by license fee of 85-00 vas received from Xargarat Soderberg for Off-sale License to sell 3.2 non-into XicatirSi;' beer in connection ~ith restaurant at 4930 Prance Avenue vas on niotion Irgens, be granted, seconded by ',7illaon and carried Application accompanied by license fee of $rj,OO ms received from &o?-ge L.Trisler for Off-Sale license to sell 3.2 non-intox- icating beer at 5405 France Avenue, in connection njth Grocerv I . nnd carried. -V __ store, rms on motion Irgens, be granted, seconded by Ylillson and carried. '/ /I . 3 55 Application accompanied by license fee of $5.00 was received from Henry H. Gregg for Off-Sale for Off-Sale license to sell 3/22 non-intoxicating beer at 4954 France Avenue, in connection with Drug Store, was on motion Zrgens, be granted, seconded by hYilleon and carried. from Carl Olson for Off-Sale license to selX 3.2 non-intoxicating beer at 4.948 France Avenue, in connection with Groeezry Store, was on motion Irgena', -be granted, seconded by Willson and ciarried. Application accompanied .by license fee of $100.00 was received from The fnterlscken Club for On-sale license to sell intoxicating liquors ZTb its membe2s. and guests at, its Club Hoyse , ms on motion AppIicat$on acconipanied by license fee of $50.00 was received from The Interlachen Clu% for Ehcsn8e to sell 3.2 non-intoxicating beer to its members and guest8 at its Club House, was on motion bfr Trgens, be granted; seconded by Tillson, and carried. LD Lavis , appe adred be fore the C ounc il Lo re que st that a road be built at general public expense to a is acme tract South of Test 72nd. Street and East of Prance Avenue, a distance of about 1500 feet. and Bridge Committee, for investigation and report ' Application accompanied by license fee of 85.00 vias received Xoore, be grants?,, seconded by Irgens and carried. W i After discussion President referred the ria'cter to the Road -. c ,# -2 Bar Volk on behalf of Dickinson and Gilespie again 8,ppecXred. befbrC tbe Council regapding aub-dlviding of Vkstchester Knolls. ' After : discuasion the matter ma re-referred to the Planning, Zoning I and Development Commi%tee. 1 i ' Er-D. F. IliicGuire, appeared before the Council to state 'chrzt one f Jams Finley, who had been dropped from WA for the reaeon he was * not an American cikbaen, had not paid his house rent. The matter tf~~ls referred by President Sharpe to the Relief Camitfee. Nr Ben Parks advised the Council that the Northern States Powr , Conpan;y had cut off the two ornamental entrance lights at iyooddale 1 Avenue and Golf Terrace for the reason a defect in the private wiring existed. After discussion President Sharpe offered to take the matter up with. the Northern S'catea Power Conpany and get them to repair the wiring without expense If posaible. President Sharpe , reported on conference with Ninneapolis Sewer connection from Upton to Xexxes along VBst 84th. Street. Village Attorney Strong stated that he would prepare the neceaasry Res- necessary information was obtained from Village Xngineer Bfadley, After discuseion 09 the subject, it vms moved by Recorder Moore, L that posted notice be giwn for hearing on the matter at the reg- ular meeting of the Council to be held on April 10, 1939, to change the Zoning Ordinance to hencefoTth require that for a * distance of 520 feet on both sides of V@st 50th. Street and Xkst of Trance Avenue, no building shall hereafter be erected nearer that 40 ,feet to the center line of said West 50th. Street. The motion vms seconded by Holten, and carried. Application accompanied 'by license fee of $100.00 was received from The Country Club, Tnc. , by A.C.Statt, President ,for license to sell. intoxicating liquors to its members and their guests SL the CounLTy Club house, was on Moore, be granted, seconded by Holte n. and so the motion wag declared duly carried. E 1 I I I I I Yngineer, Mr HuBton, concerning ektending the 24" sanitary sewer L olution designating route of Intersepting sewer as s05n as the i t L- *,a The roll upon being called found five ayes and no nays Mes~r8 Allison and Kaufmezn, appeared before the Council stating thatras the installation of sanitary sewer had caused that part of vacated Wid-ge Street to be torn up the last several months, -that leveling off of the ground would be appreciated. The matter was referred by ieresident; Sharpe 4;o the Road & Bridge Committee, I5 6 5th Prinhpd Neridian to the ~orthemt comer of said Section 23: thence West along the North line of said Section 23 to the Nqrthwest comer of Lot 20 in Emma Abbott Park’ thence South along the West line ’of mid Lot 20 and the same edended southerly to the north &e of Brotor Street as platted in Emma Abbott Pa% thence West- erly along the north line of said Notor Street to the West line Of said Section 23: thence South along said West line of Section 28 to the Southwest comer of said Section 28: thence South along the West line of Section 33, to the Southwest comer of the North half of Gov- ernment Lot 2 in said Section 33: thence E& along a straight line to the Southeast comer of the North half of Government Lot 1 in said Section 33: thence South along the E& line of said Section 33 to the Southeast comer WiereoP thence con ti nu in^ South along ‘the West lines of &ction 19 in Township 28 North mnge 24 West to the South- west ‘comer of said Section 19: thence East along the South line of said Section 19 to a point which 3s 33 feet South of the Southeast cor- ner of Lot 13 in Block 24 of Fair- fas Addition‘ thence North to the Northeast coiner of Lot 24 in Block 24 of Fairfas Addition: thence West to the Northeast comer of Block 23 in Fairfas Addition- thence North to the Northeast m&er of Lot 10 in Block 18 of Fairfax Addition: , thence West to the Northwest cor- ner of Lot IO in said Block 18: , thence North to the Southwest cor- , ner of Lot 12 in Block 2 of Fairfax Addition- thence Est to the South east co&er of Lot 13 in Block 1 of Fairfas Addition: thence North to the Northeast comer of Lot 24 in s3id Block 1; thence East and p3Mllel with the North line of the ‘ Southeast quarter of Section 19 to the West line of the East quar- ter of said Southeast quarter of Section 19’ thence South to the Northwest ’comer of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter 1 of the Southeast quarter of said Section 19’ thence Est to the North- east come‘r of said Southeast quar- ter of the South e& CWer of the Southe3st quarter of Section 19; thence South to the Southeast cor- ner of said sect!on 19: thence Est along the South line of Section 20 in TomnshIp 28 North, R3nge 24 West to the Southest comer of the Southrest quarter of said Section 20: thence North to the Northeast comer of the Northwest quarter of said Section 20: thence West to the Northmst comer of 1 mid Section 20; thence North dong the Erst line of Section 18 to tho i -3 f I .. i I , e. -- The Village pajtroll advances having been carefully noted and Pound to be correct, it vas nioved Villson, they be duly allot.;zd and ordered paid, seconded by Irgens and carried. I& F. L. pierce va8 present with full size8 sketclies of road side signs to ’be placed at the several limits 62 the Village. After discussion it vms moved by Xoore, that the Road & Bridge Committee be ’ authorized to procure and install Village Limits signs, seconded by Holten, and carried, It as moved by Xoore, that application by Northwestern -11 Telephone Company for permission to install 1 pole on Test 65th Street Istween Mildred and Varren Avenue, be granted, seconded by Villeon and carried. The mattes of purchase of a small dump truck vias discussed at length by the.Counci1 whereupon it was moved by Willson that Committee, seconded by Xoore and carried. Xrla further businesa to ,come before the meeting, motion to adjourn carried at 11.35 Pa I bids be taken subject to specifications Ff the Road SC Brid-ge 1 Villwe Recorder