HomeMy WebLinkAbout19390410_REGULAR157 Blfinut es of the regular meee ing Qf the Council af the WUage af Edina, held 0x1 April lQ, 1939, in Grange Hall at 8 P.X. The meeting was called t'a order,by President Sharpe, the roll called and all members of the Council. were present, Minutes of the regular; meeting of' the C'aunciT, held an April 27, 1939, were read. On motion Ectlten they be approved as read, seconded by Irgens and carried. The miscellanedtrs b2lI.s upon being duly examined an$ found carrect were, an mationr Irgens %hey be duu allowed and' ordered paid, seconded by Halten and carried, Xilnneapolis Iron St are Truck chains 13: 02 Simen Serand Bent toaf shed 15.00 20.00 P. Dahlgren, Ben B, Maore I Cash refund frt. erackor . Xiscellaneons Bills V'intei garage track and' exectrccity . parts 1;51 dlliller-Davis Go,, Office suppl-ies . 40 City of Winneapolis Fire Dept service 9;5s 4.03 12;90 Garvey Hardwar e Rbad &BrZdge Tharpe Bras .. Rent Tract Office Ed ina Hardware Road & Bridge' 8 :Q€? Village af Hapkins FZre -Dept.. service 45.00 Edina Garage Police car service 8,50 Harry W. Smith Ambulance 7 *oo Harriet Sheet Eetal %or ks Seiner connect Lon 4;oo W. E. Ziegler Go. &rad Broarns 5.69 Hennepin Co. Review Psinting & Pub. notices 42.25 C, E. Klein Brick Co, Sewer brick 39.00 Red Wing Sewer 3ipeCo .Sewer Pipe 41.12 Justus Lumber Co. Sewer pipe 211.92 Lyle Culvert Co. Road culverts 142,1.8 Xpls. G. E. Go. Eebruary Service 552 096 Young Fuel Cs. QQal 12.35 T; We LiO.sholt CQ. Warco parts 11.00 M. Newberg Tool house rent 37.50 Dahlberg Bras, Inc. Police car service 075 t mooddale Grocery R&B gas 50.29 Blackburn, Nickel3 & Band Premiums 20.00 E, Vi. Harris RB and Police car gas 118.80 Suburban Kennepin Go. Re I ief Board Eeb. Direct Relief 1220 . 79 Rural Hennepin County Surplus Comdy. Cmm.Sanraary and February 71.23 Smith Total 4$ 2,726.85 ~ The Road and Village bills upcrn being duly examined and found correct aere an motion Tfillson they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Irgens and carried. E. C. Sharpe Ben B. Xoore G. A. Willson C. 0. Holten Victor Irgens J. J. Duggan Dr. L. 38. Campbell T. E. Tilly Hilding Dah1 . W. S. Heydt K. J. Knudsen S, J. Boberts P. Dahlgren John Tracy L. StoBzman President April Recorder April Trustee April Trustee April Trustee April Treasurer Apr i 1 Village Health Officer Village Marshall Police Officer Police Officer St. Comisioner Utility &Tan Tract or Operat or Asst. Tractor Operator Asst. Bd. Brrreman 50,OO 90.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 25.00 30.00 170.00 15OoOO 15Qh00 3450 000 140 . 00 135.00 125.00 106.20 'I F t I E. Port 0. E. Spande Sam EcCready Leo Smith R, E, Olson A. C, Stringer Arthur Petersen R, Garrisan A. kkcNe1li.s Asst. Rd. goreman Asst. Rd, Foreman Road Labar 3oad Labor Road Labor Use Bard V8 Truck April R8B Garbage collection Ean eC team Road Labor 82.20 87.60 32.00 40.00 1.00 44.40 25.00 300 . 00 21.00 9.50 Tatal $ 2,068.90 Village Health Officer, Dr. Campbell, i7as present to report on the Peltier garbage dumping matter,whPch gas referred ta him at the last meeting of the Council. Trustee Irgens reparted an Belief, Trustee TiPlson on Raads, and Trustee Hslten on Police. At the canclusion it was moved by Eoore thq$ Officer Dah1 be aPlomed mileage .far the use of his privat9 auto in an effort to apprehend prowlers.) seconded by VllilXscun and carried , ETr. Volk was advised that it mould be agreeable for Dickenson and Gillespie to submit proposed restrictians for T'iestchester Knoll Addition to Xr, Strong, Village Attorney, before again submitting same for Council approval. It mas moved by Irgens that if and when approved by Billage Attorney Strong, that the proposition be re-referred to Council Committee on Planning, Zuning, and Development. Seconded by EToore and carried. Fim. EJ[oreau,appeared before the Council to advise that a shack on Jest 49th street had been condemned by Building Inspector Creightan as unfit for human habitation. After discussion President Sharpe referred the matter to Building Inspector Creighton and Village Health Officer who would inspect the premises with Nr. Eoreau and advise the Council of any changes it would be adviseabIe to make. Er. Villard Green requested road VJOrk an lUest 64th Street from Highway 100 to Warren Avenue. Chairman BilLLsan of the Road and Bridge Committee that such 177rk was contemplated thkl summer. Be ivas advised by A petition was presented to the Council with 72 resident signers asking that Grove Street be extended East to provide a way out to the East and South of the Tarden Acres area to Highway # 100. After discussian it mas maved by Eoore that the matter be referred to Village Engineer Bradley for survey and report. seconded by Biflson and carried. Petition according to form having been receiTied from D. 3, EcGuire and others to rezone lots 29 and 30 in Block 3 Grand View Heights Addition, it vas moved by Holten that posted notice be made and that the matter come up for CouncilCs cansideration an April 24, 1939. Seconded by Irgens and carried. Error having been discovered in the posting of notice relative to rezoning 1st 43 of Auditor's Sub. 172, It was moved by Holten that reposting be made and the pro- position come up for Council's consideration on April 24, 1939. Seconded by Irgens and carried. @@iba&i.ani? $in> farm;; acComp~k-i&edi ibyl&icense?f 8e 1. of $50 .OO by B. Daniels fm on mechanical amusement device located in Nolan's Lunch Room was received. Rollten license be granted. Secanded by Irgens and carried. It was moved by Application in form accompanied by license fee of 350.00 by A, C. Statt, President The Country Club, for me mechanical amusement device located at The Country Club 159 HTouse, was on matian millson be granted, Seconded by Zrgens and carried , Application in farm accompanied by license fee of $50.00 by A, C, Statt,President of the Country club, far ane mechanical golf ball vending machine located at the Country Club Golf Hotzse was on motion Irgens be granted, Seconded by ViXlson and carried. Application in form accompanied by license fee of %50.00 by A. C, Statt, President The Country Club, far 3.2 Ron Intoxicating Beer License at The Country Club Hause far exclusive use of members ant their guests was on mation Holten be granted. Secctnded by Willson and carried . At the suggestion of President Sharpe, Etaore moved that E. Nerfeld be appointed Asst. Veed Inspector for the year 1939. Seconded by Willson and carried. moved its adoption, Recarder Eoore offered the 'fallowing Resolution and .. RESOLUTION The Village Council having heretafare created and established by ordinance joint sewer district No, Edina, and having determined that it is necessary and expedient and for the best interests of the public to construct a joint sewer from approximately 'AfacPddale Avenue and 50th Street in the Vfllage of Edina along the vicinity of Hinnehaha Creek to the East Village Limits oif the said Village of Edina at Xerxes Avenue, to. connect with the so-called Kinnehaha sewer, ROV, TKEREBmE, BE LT RESOLIZXD that the said jcrint sewer be canstructed along the fallowing rotrte, to-wit : Commencing at a point on the center line of 2' Lerxes Avenue South which is 3 feet South of the center line af Vesr 54th Street; thence '{?est and parallel with the center line of West 54th to a point on the center line af the alley inBlack 2 of Seeleys Pirst Addition to Hawthorne Park extended Northerly; thence South along the center line 0.f said alley and the same extended Southerly to the center line of West 55th street thence Vest along a straight line to the point of intersection of the center lines of Beard Avenue South and ;vest 55th Street; thence Snbth along the center line of Beard Avenue South to its intersection with the center line of the thirty foot street lying South of and adjoining Blocks 7 and e in Waodbury Park near Lake Harriet;: thence Southwesterly along the center line of said thirty foot street to a point which is 670 feet East of the center line af Prance Avenue South; thence Sauth and parallel with said center line of Prance Avenue South to the center line of South Bend Avenue; thence Westerly along the center line of SouthBend Avenue a distance of 20G feet; thence South and parallel with Prance Avenue South a distance of 200 feet; thence Westerly along a straight line across the rear of Lats 5, 6, 7 in Sauth Bend Addition to1 a point on the West line of Lat 7 in Sauth Eend Addition which is 30 feet North of the Southwest corner sf said Lot 7; thence Southwesterly to a paint on the East line of France Avenue South which is 25 feet South of the Sacfbhwest corner of Lot 8 in South Bend Addition; thence vfest to, a point which is 60 feet West af the center line of France Avenue South and 25 feet Youth of the North line of the S* af the NE+ of the SE+ of the NE+ of Section 19, Township 28 North Range 24 West; thence SouthwesterIg to a point on the North line of the 3auth 2/5 af the South 6 af the NE 8 of the SE; of the Section 18 which is 220 feet West of the center of France Avenue South; thence Vest aIang said Xorth line of the South 2/5 af South 4 of the of the SEi of the KI@ to the Vest line of the of the Se of the Ill333 of Section 19; thence East 120 feet; thence Rarth and parallel with Prance Avenue South ta the North line of the South & of the Kl%z of the K@ of the Section 19; thence Northeasterly along a straight line to a pofnt on the center line of T?est 54th Street which is 1170 feet West of the Northeast corner of Section 19; thence Xortherly along the center of Uinnehaha Parkway as platted fn South Harriet Park, Second Addition to the center line of West 52nd Street;thence Vest alang the center line of Vest 52nd Street to its intersection with the sxtension Southerly of the Easterly line of Lut 5 in Block 1 of Bruceaood; thence northerly along said easterly line of Lot 5 and Bts extension to the northeast corner of said 5; thence northvesterly alang a straight line to the most southerly earner of Lot 7 in Block 1 of Brucewood; thence northwesterly along a straight line to a point nn the West line of Lot 8 in Block 1 of Brucewood yhi'cktis &OO"SeeEySouth of the Eorthwest corner of said Lot 8;: thence Eorth to the Southwest corner 03 Lot 15 in Block 1. of Brucewood; thence northerly along the west lina of said Eqt 15 a distance of 100 feet; thence Xortheasterly along a straight line to a paint on the northerly line crf Lot 17 in Block 1 af Bruceaood which is distant 155 feet westerly measured along said northerly line from the Northeast coirner of said Lot 17; thence Narthmesterly along a straight line to a point on the Northerly line of Lot 21 in Block 1 of Brucewood which is d2ytant 200 feet westerly measured along said northerly lLne from the Bartheast corner of said Lot 21; thence westerly along a straight line to the point of intersectzon of the line between LQts 21. and 22 in Country Club District, Voaddale Sectian with the Easterly line of gooddale Lane; thence mesterly along the center line of Wooddale Lane and the same extended westerly to a point ahich is 40 feet aest of the center line of lvoaddale Avenue; thence North and parallel with flooddale -4venue to the existing sewer on Best 50th Street. crf said of The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee Holten and the roll on being called found 5 ayes and no nays aa follows : Villson aye, Irgens aye, Holten aye, Sharpe aye, &ore aye. and so the Resolution mas declared duly carried. It was moved by Eoore that application by Borthern States Poser Company for permissicm to install one pole an Vest 51st between Bedford and Vil%.am streets be granted, secanded by Irgens and carried. Application by Xinneapoils Gas Light Company for permisszan to lay gas main in and alang Brookviea Ave. between 55th and 56th Streets, was an motion 17illscm be granred, seconded by Irgens and carried. The matter af suit brought against the Village of Edina by the Country Club District Service Company far use of fire hydrants and sewer charges fur the past 15 years was discussed by the Bauncil and it was agreed that President Sharpe and Trustee Holten attend to the matter and repart to the Council, No further business to come before the meeting, matian to adjourn carried at 11:45 P.E.