HomeMy WebLinkAbout19390424_REGULARKinutes of the regular meeting o.f the TTillage’of Edba held on April 24, 1939, in Grange Hall at 8 PE. The meeting was called ta order by President Sharpe, the roll. caLIed and all members of the Cou@cil were present. XZntztes of the regular meeting of the Council held on April IO, 1939, were read, On motion Irgens they be approved as read, seconded .by Willson and carried. The Village and Boad advances having been carefully noted and found correct were on motion Willson they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Irgens and carried. Bids were opened for a l* ton dump truck as per advertisement in the Hennepin County Review. The ne? ’bids were as fallows: Jones Dliotor Co, xotor Power Eq. Ca, Bert Baston Chesrolet Co. Hayden Edatar Co. Gea. T. Ryan Co. DahPberg Bros . Inc . XcDonald-Gilf illan Ga, Edina Garage Inc. Dodge truck- $ Pard truck Chevrolet truck Ford truck Diamond T truck Bard truck Bord truck Int ernat ionak truck 1291.00 1220 000 1190 . 00 1199.00 1278 . 00 1283.33 1160 .OO 1373.68 Whereupon it was mmed by HaLten that all bids be referred to the Aiaad and Bridge Csmmittee for tabuPation and remmmend- atians, seconded by Noore and carried. Mr. Loissen, Dr. and Xrs. Horr, and Nr. Hogen appeared before tbe Council to complain of the comhn dump along Highway 169 and near Tracy Avenue, advising it was infested with rats and that dead animals w~ere frequently found in the debris, Village Attorney Strang advised that the Council cauld clase. the dump if it were a nuisance. It was thereupon moved by Hctlten that the matter be referred to the Sanitation Committee ta take the necessary steps to close the dump. Irgens and carried, Seconded by Eessrs. George Taus, Carl Olson, Christenson, and Vrom, residents of Indianola Avenue, stated to the Council. their understanding that the pro’posed platting of She Arens Property lying between Halifax Avenue, Brucewood, and South of the ;Stevens Addition, would dead end Indianala Avenue as at present laid aut. Mr. J. R. Thorpe was present with the proposed plat and after discussion President Sharpe by consent of all cmcerned refirred the matter to Village Engineer Bradley, Er. Thorpe, Trustee Irgens, and ltrlr. Taus far scxlution and report to the Cauncil. Due pasted notice having been given in the matter af hending Section 4 of the Zcrning Ordinance af the Village af Edina, Recorder Eaare offere$ the following ResaEution and moved \> . its adQptiQn: An Ordinance Amending Zaaing Ordinance, Village of Edina, Minnesota The Village Council of the Village of Edina do ordain I as falPaws: Section 1. That paragraph (b) af Section 4 of the Zcrning Ordinance af the dillage oif Edina, passed by the Village Council. on Xay 25th, 1931, be and the same hareby is amended to read as follows: (b) of land 225 feet deep and extending from 50th 3treet North 330 feet and South 330 feet and a strhp of On France Avenue. at 50th Street, a strip . %and 125 feet deep on each side of 5Qth street &nd extend' g West-from Brame Aaenne a dia€Bnce af 520 feet and mifhin.safd 520 feet on either nearer than 4O0feet fa; the center line of said 50th Street. side of 502; P Street,, no building shaZ1 be erecCed :J: Section 2. ThLs ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication according to lam. The motion to adopt mas seconded by Trustee HoIten and the vclte was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution. The roll an being called found five (5) ayes and no (0) nays as follar:s: Sharpe aye Holten aye Irgens aye . VilPson aye Eoore aye And so the resolution vas declared duly carried. Attest ET. and Ers. Paul 'Jlind appeared before the council to object Vestchester Knolls. Dickinsoa and Gillespie had agreed to furnish a band to cover restrictians on been received to date. for future cans id erat ion, . to the praposed glatting of the Collier property into President Sharpe advised Efr. VoPk of Several residents along v'o.o.ddale and Xellogg betneen \ 53rd and 54th Streets advised they had surface water in their basements. This matter after discussion was referred to Road and Bridge Committee and Village dngineer Bradley for report and/or recommendations at the aay 8th meetin$ Qf the eouncil. President jharpe advised of request by A, C, 3tatt on behalf of The Country Club far the lQan of Village snom fence during the 'Joman's Trans-Eississippi Golf Tournament to be held the last week in June. It was thereupan maved by Eoore that the request be granted, and that the Country Club be advised to arrange for Deputy Sherrifs for Traffic regulstion, as approved by Police Committee. Seconded by Halten and carried. Village Engineer Bradley presented estimate of costs as prepared by J. E. Carro.11 and himself far construction af proposed "Joint Sewer District 110. 1 It sanitary Sewer in the Village Gf Edina as follaws: 10700 lineal feet of 24flV?.C.P, (DS) including 300 Y's, in place Q '57,OO per lin. ft. ?74,900.00 56 Xanholes e '$125.00 each Engineering and snpervisinn 7 ,OOO*OO 5,000 .OO Legal sertrice& and advertising Right af Vray acquisition m c w 94 4 $~,000*00 5,000 ,OO Edina's share a.f the cast of extendhg the Ninneapolis sewer from Parest Daze Road ta: Xerxes Avenue South and 54th Street 8,000 .OO Taital estimated casts $l00,900 -00 Mhereupan it was moved by Trustee Holten the report be duly received and accepted . Secmded by Moore and unanimo.usly carried and so! ordered. At this point President Sharpe left the meeting on account of sickness in his hame and it was thereupon moved by Eoore that.*Trustee Holten serve as President Pro-Tem. Seconded by Willson and duly carried. 'Whereupon Trustee Holten assumed the dutie.s as President Pro-Tem. Eessrs. Land, Gebo, Lavelett, and Sword presented a petition for a public street to run Sauth of West 48 Street and located 360 feet West of Prance Avenue. After discussian it was agreed to let the matter rest until the matter of drainage of lot 38, Auditozts Sub. 172 and propased plat af lots 38 and 15 of Auditarts Sub. 172 were submitted for Cauncilts appraval . After discussion in the matter af praposed Special Assessments fur Jolink Sewer District No, 1, it was maved by Willson Wat the Recorder contact the Xinneapolis City Engineer ls Office, Er..Bradley, Mr. Creigk-mtcsn, and ohhers far information and+nathods to, Ere employed in the spreading af a just and reasanable assessment. Seconded by Irgens and carried . After discussion and consideration, Trustee Irgens offered the fallowing Resalution and moved its adoption: An Ordinance Amending the By-Laws and Ordinances of the Village of Edina as Adapted an the 4th Day af Eebruary, 1889. The Village Council o;.f the village of Edina do ordain as follaws : Section 1. The By-Saws and Ordinances of the Village of Edina adopted on the 4th day of Pebruary, 1889, reading as follows : ItThe village council shall have the power to elect an attorney for the village who shall perform all the professional services incident to the affice, and when required, shall furnish opinions upon any subject submitted to him by the village or its committees. He shall also advise with and counsel all village officers in respect ta their official duties when so requested. Said attolrney shall hold his o9fice far one (1) year and until his successor is elected and qualifiedw , be hereby amended to read as folihws: IC The village 'ouncil shall have the power to elect an attorney for the village who shall advise and furnish apinion upan any subject submitted to him by the village ar its committees. He shall also advise with and counsel all village officers in respect ta. their official duties when sa recuested. Said village attorney shall hold his affice far one (1) year, 2nd until his successar is elected and qualified. In addition, the village council shall have power to emplay other ar special counsel ta prasecute or defend actians or proceedings at law in which the village may be interested.1p This ordinance shall'take effect and be in farce from and after its publication. 1 d The nation ta adopt was seconded by Trustee Villson and the Toke was upon the question of the adoptfan of the resaluEian vherein there were four ('4) ayes and no [a] nays as falhws: ITol€en aye, Willlscln aye, Irgens aye, and Roore aye. And SQ the resolution was declared duly adopted, President Pr o-Tern Attest : Village Becorder President Pro-Tern Halten, chairman af the Police Committee, reparted on the canditian of Village PaXice car. After discussian Trustee Irgens maved that bids for one nem Palice car be taken. Hation seconded by Willson and carried. Applicatian af Northwestern Bell Telephone Campany for permissian to install one pole an West 65th Street between Xildred and Barren Avences, ane pole an Test 63rd Street between SherrJoad and Ryan Avenues, and foar poIes in alley between VTiUiam and Bedford Streets, was on motion Willson be granted. Seccmded by Irgens and carried. The hour af 1.10 AIL having arrived, President Pra-Tern Holten declared the meeting recessed and ta meet again at the call af the President Village Recorder BBinrr,t.es of the regular meeting af the Cauncu aif the ViJtlage of Bdina, being Lthe regular April 24, 1939 meeting recessed to Kay 2, 1939, calPed by President Sharpe and held in Grange Ea11 at 8 PH. me meeting was called to arder by President Skiarpe the ralE called and all, members of the "auncil were present. - Comuaicatian by Secretary Sarenson af Hennepin Cawnty Towns and Villages regarding 10% W.P.A. layoff was read and duly referred to Rei1i.f Committee for attentran After discussion it was moved by EoTten that the Recorder be authorized ta publish for bids for a "Ea-way Police Comunicatian and Transmitter as per City of Hinneapolis specifications, Seconded-By Irgens and carried. President Sharpe and TrusCee Halten as the Committee to whom the matter of obtaining suitable Counsel. ta defend tBe Village of Edinain suit brought by the Country Club Service Company, reported that-they had ccmferred with Stinchfield , EacRall, Craunse, EcNalBy and Bfloolre for the purpose af defending the Village of Edina in case brought by the Country Club Service - Company and submitted letter from this firm of lawyers dated April 1.4, 1939, wherein they agreed toj undertake work af representing the Village an basis $50.00 per 7 hour day per man for preparation of case and $100.00 per day for trial, with provision for additional Compensation of-$B000.00 to $2500,00, to be mutually agreed, all as outlined in said letter. Whereupan Recarder Ddoore moved that the report of the Committee be accepted and approved and that the law . firm af Stinchfield, EacKall, Crcsunse, McNaXXy and Ebore, be hereby engaged to represent the Village cxf Edina in case braught by the Cauntry Club Service Campany, an basis of campensatian as set farth in their letter af April 14, 1939, Notian seconded by Irgens and the roll an being called faund five [St ayes and na; nayes as fohlaws: Irgens aye, Tlillsan aye, Ha;Lten aye, Xaore aye, Sharpe aye. And so, the matian was declared duly carried and SQ ordfe)xled. After discussiazl an the Intersecting sewer to extent from Xerxes Avenue and 54th Street to. approximately qooddale Ave. and West 50th Street, Trustee EIo1ten moved that bids be taken for alP material and equiament which may be either rented or purchased. Xotian seconded by Willssn and carried. NQ further business to came before the Cauncil, motiam to adjaurn carried at L1;OO PM. Village Recorder