HomeMy WebLinkAbout19390508_REGULARXinutes of the regular meeting sf the Council of the Village af Edina held onXay 8, 1939, in Grange Ha11 at 8 o'clock P.E. The meeting was called to order by President Sharpe. The roll mas called and all. members of the Council were present . Ellinutes of the regular meeting of the Cauncil held an April 34, 1939, and the recessed meeting of the Aprif. 24, 1939 meeting held in Grange Hall on Thy 2, 1939, at 8 O'cIock PE were read . On motion Ralten*.they. be .approved 2s read,-seconded by Irgens and carried. The miscellaneous bills upun being duly examined and faund correct were .on motion Willsan they be duly a1hwed and ordered paid, Seconded by Holten and carried. They are as fallam: 17. E. Ziegler Cu. RBI3 $ 6.90 City of Xinneapolis *Fire. Rep-t; .servFce 30 . 57 flepublic CreosotingCo e RoadTtar 16.70 Ed ina Hardaar e RX B 5.85 Boreyts Shell statiar, 2ruck-w ervice 26 e69 Rayt Landscape Nursery 24 parkmay trees (net) 75.37 Xieland Auta Service Truck sergice 8.10 Edina Garage Inc . Police car servtice 10.90 Title Irzs, Go. of Einn. Invcrlce # 156 412 1.00 Ray 8ensGn &nur e 6.00 Thorpe Bras, Inc. Rent & telephone 13015 S, Strand Rent 15.00 Wooddale Grocery Gas for tractars 31 . 50 City of Robbinsdale TEA 10.50 Village af -Hopkins Fire Dept. service 45.00 Stinchfield, Uackal'f., Crounse, EcNally & On account, professianal Eoore services 250.00 Suburban Hennepin County Re 1 ief Board Narch ReIief 970.41 Rural Hennepin County Surplus Commodities cam. Blfarch 34-41 GLacier Sand & Gravel Co.R &E 22.85 Rice Sand & Gravel Co. R & B 3.92 Xinneapalis G. E. Co. &rch service 566.25 Hennepin Cs, Reviev Pub. notices &printing 72.90 Hilding Dahl Ear use auto Police work 20.90 Village St. Lo6tis Park W. P. A. 56.00 US Fidelity & GuaranteeCoInsurance Premiums 35.00 E. W. Harris Gas & Oil (net) 51.70 Elmer Rodine To labar & sod 34.00 Totax 3 2,423-.57 The Raad and ViIIage Bi13-s upon being duly examined and faund correct -ere on motion Holten they be duly allowed and ordered paid. They are as foPLows: Seconded by Irgens and carried. Earl C. Sharpe Geo. A. gillson . Clarence 0. Holten Victor Irgens 3. J.Duggan Dr. L. E. Campbell T. E, Tilly HiIding Dah1 V, S. Heydt . Ben B. Euore Presjdent &y $ 50.00 R e c or d er 90 .oo Trustee 35.00 Trustee 35.00 Trustee 35 00 Treasurer 25.00 Village Sealth Officer 30,OO Police Officer 150 . 00 Village &rshall lI70.00 Police Ofif icer 150.00 \ H, J. Hnudsen Street Cam. @ 150,OQ S. J, Ra%erts Utility man . 1$QSOO P, Dampen Trac=Ea;r' oper;latar 135.00 John Tracy Asst. Tractoi: operator 125.00 I;. Stolzrnan Asst, Raad Foreman 102,aa Re Pore Road Iab& 102,ao 0. lK. Spande Road Iabar 99.60 H. Ensley Raad labor 72.06 Sam XcCready Road labor 46,OU Leo Smith Road labar 3.00 R. E, UPson Use Ford V8 dmp truck 42.18 R. Garrison Nan & team Xl.60 Arthur Peters em Garbage collection 300 e00 A. C, Stringer WA R&B 25.00 Alex Cre.ighton BPdg insp PeB &Narch 144.43 W. G, Christensen PIrnnbilng Insp. 1938 364 50 I. Tatal 2,630 71 Brief monthly reports were made by Treasurer Daggan, -' Trustee Irgens an ReF€ef, Trustee Billson on had and Bridge, and Trustee Ho&ten an Police. Bids as per advertlsement in Hennepin Caurzty Review far a Police dar were apened and read alattd as fallaws: Dahlberg Bras. Inc Pard V8 Old car & $395.68 Edina Garage Inc. Plymouth DeLuxe ir It I' 517.65 Edina Garage Inc. Plymouth'iioad Xing I' *' 451.65 Whereupan it was moved by Maare they be referred to the Folice Committee for study and recommendatioa. Seconded by Wiklsan and carried. Application by Ninneapolris Gas Light Company for permission to lay 328 ft . of 4 inch gas main in and along Tiest 52nd Street between 7Joaddale and Kellogg, was on motion Moore the application be granted. Seconded by Irgens and carried . Application by Ddinneapolis Gas Light Company for permissbn to lay 4 inch gas main in and along Halifax Avenue fram 239 feet 3auth of the South line of West 50th :Street thence South to %est 54th Street was on motion BDoore the application be granted. Jecmded by Irgens and carried. Application by Minneapolis #as Light Company for perrnissiian tg. lay 1480 feet 3 inch gas main in and along Blake Road from a point 49 feet South of the "o-uth line of Seth Avenue thence East in and alang Interlachen Road a distance of 5960 feet extending to) Cooper Avenue, a,l.so to continue Sauth of Interlachen doad in alld alo,ng Blake Bcrad a distance of 3384 feet and East in and along Erringer Road with 2 inch gas main a distance of 1320 feet, was on motion Holten be granted. $econded by Pome and carried. I&, Gearge Specht submitted proposed plat of south ifiite Oaks Addition. After discussion Trustee Holten moved it be referred to next meeting of the Council so that interested parties may get together during the interim. Seconded by Xrgens and carried. Nr. R. J. Thorpe advised the Ccruncil in connectlhon with the Arena tract lying East of Brucewood Vest of Halifax and between 50th and 52nd Streets. That a satisfactory understanding had been arrived at berween interested property owners and himself, and that the new plat would be ready for submission to the Council at its next regular meeting. Hr. Little and the residents living chn the vicinity of 54th and -Oaklawn and Wooddale asked that 54th Street be oiled at this time. Chairman Willson 0.f the 2oad and Bridge 168 /. Cmittee advised that the roads 'sere wet and cold and that it vas too early to oil, but would oil 54th first vhen proper to oil and would attend to any chuch holes on Vooddale in the next day or two if weather permitted. Discussion was made concerning Joint Sewer District No, 1 and it was agreed that Village Attorney Strong would attend to the matter of advertising for bids on materials and equipment to be rented, in accordance with lists furnished by Village Angineer Bradley; that Recorder Xoore mould attend to the matter of preparing theAssessment 2011 , and that Alex Creighton would look after the matter of obtaining Right-ctf Bay and Easements. Trustee Halten offered the fallowing Resolution and moved its adoption: 'CG3EFiEAS €3. H. Bradley, duly appointed Engineer in charge of Jaint Sewer District Bo. 1; Edina, has heretofore filed with the Village Clerk and Recorder Blans and specifica- tions and-an estimate of costs for the construction of said Jaint Sewer and connections therewith I BOW, THEFiEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the said'plans, specificatians and estimated cost of the construction of said semers be, and the same hereby are, approved and accepted , %he motion to adopt the aesslntion was seconded by aecorder Eoore and the vote was upbn tihe question of the adoption of the resolution vJherein there were five ayes and no nays as follaws : Irgens aye, i7illsan aye, Holten aye, Sharpe aye, and Eoore aye, and so the Resolution was declared duly carried and so ordered. Attest : . ~- - Clerk and Virllsge Hecarder It was moved by Trustee Holten that the Recorder be authorized to proceed to. advertise for bids for materials and equipment to be rented or purchased for Joint sewer District Eo. 1, according to. the requirements of the Engineer, B, H, Bradley, as in his letter of this date, &y 8, 1938, motion seconded by Trustee fJillsan and unanimous ly pass e d The matter clf moving the Armstrong house from 55th and Wooddale ta. 59th and Wooddale on lot 22 Block 13 Bairfax Addition was discussed by interested property omers, Er. Garrison,~hd~.Bdilding Inspector Creighton. E9r. Garrison stated he planned to spend from $1200.00 to $1500.00 in new cement block basement, painting up, etc. It was agreed to leave the matter for Building Inspector Creighton ta handle, and that Garrison would furnish certified check far $500.00 payqble to Village of Edina far indemnity purposes and obtain necessary permits before doing any moving. zv The bid for one police radia car transmitter ( tsva-way radio, communication set) as per advertisement in Hennepin County Revlew, was opened and read aloud and thereupan moved by TrusteeHalten that the bid of Graybar Electric Company for L18A Western Electric Police radio car trans- mitter, as per City of lXinneapo.3.is specificatbns, be accepted at a net price af $=%OO. Potion seconded by Moore and unanimausly carried.\ % b 5$ Chairman Holten o,f the Police Committee, ta whom the matter af reccmmending purchase olf auto forPolice car service desired to report his findings; and thereupon mowed that the low bid o.f Dah’fberg Bros. Inc, for one 2ard V8 as per specifications be accepted on basis of old palice car and $395.68 in cash and that the sum of $f. (5 be authorized for one new spat light. Seconded by Tillson and carried. bonafide bid at the place and time designated and upon the retun or the plans and specifimtionfi complete to the Engineer, the deposit will .be returned to the bidder. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids or parts of bids to waive all formalities and to awaid the contract or contracts as it deems to be for the best interests Trustee willscm mcxved that bids be advertised for purchase 09 ro,ad oil. Seconded by Emre and carried. No further business ta come before this meeting. motion to adjaurn carried at - (Official Publication VILLAGE OF EDINA Advertisement Szkd aroaosals will be received bs o’clock P. M., for the furnishing-oi the following material and rental oi the followink? eauiDment for the new proposed sewer in- “Joint Sewer Dis- trict No. 1, Edina,” in the Village of Edina Hennepin County Minnesota in hccorciance with plans ’and specific& tims prepared by B. H. Bradley, En- gineer, Minneapolis, Minnesota, to-wit: Materials 4950 lin. ft. of 24 inch vitrified clay sewer uiae. double streneh. 200 Iin. -f6, ’of 15 inch vftrified clay 210 lin. ft. of 12 inch vitrified clay sewer pipe, double strength. sewer pipe, double strength. 300 24 inch by 6 inch T’s. 65 Minneapolis standard manhole rings and covers. 120 M hard burned sewer brick 550 Mineapolis standard galv. iron man- hole steps. 2700 ~ounds of oakumm. I 600 tb of gravel. 200 concrete piles, 8 inch butts, aver- age length 30 ft. 50 M FBM 2 inch by 10 inch green Norway pine sheeting. 10 M FBM 4 inch by 8 inch flr bracing. Equipment to be rented on an hours worked basis One drag Iine crawler mounted. 30 fset boom. 1 cv’ caaacitv. One drag lin:, crhwlef mounted, 30 feet boom, 3-8 cy capacity. Two 4 inch self priming, gasoline mot- or driven centrifugal pumps. One air compressor, capacity 220 CFM One air operated pile hammer. One concrete mixer. aaarox. drum a- @ 100 pckunds. . _- pacitp 5 cu. ft. All bids will be opened at 8:30 0’- clock p. m. on Monday, the 12th day of Juqe 1939 at Grange Hall, located on the borne; of Highway No. 100 and Eden Road in the said Village Of Edina, for consideration by the ’Vil- ., Tillage Recorder I. <of the Village. Dated at Edina, Minnesota, this 9th BEN B. MOORE Village Clerk a<d Recorder. IMav 18. 25. June 1) day of May 1939.