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M '0
Meesre GerdSn and. Swaneon, a8- owners of' Toe X&nb in Blook 16, &ana Abbaft Park, rerqueste,dt't&at 8 drain&@ aftchi be c.onstructed
so as- to drain their property into'nsinnehma C'wek. They were
advftred- that a VfXfage Geum kZz had :no -aut&or&ty to conatruct drainage Uitchee.
Bids ab per adtrertiw%m@nt Sn the H&nnepin Gounlty: R8V%eW, were opened far road oib'snd-foa& tax% That-of'tbe. WpubLic (:moa-
ofing Company WLrqg, c-Z259 cen€s. .per .&aZEon Cog sitouva Tar and that of the' Jap We &a%g C;onp&ny be-&n 075 cants per g-allon for
on motion WilZsoh, both-bids be .aecepte&, esoonded Qy Wolten and carried.
bafnates or tbe-speeSaS'meetin@;_ 05' the Go-un~L2 held. on ladafr 10,
1939 w@m mad, On motion HoXten they be not apgroved, seconded by Moore and carried.
Ee ssrs CarZ 8ansc)n and . Ben Parks . appeased be fore the C ounc il
to reauest that the Zoning_Ordinsnce be changed so as to permit
the building of stores- and apartment buildings on the Darr
property 3ocated at the Horth-vest-corner of %et -50th Street
and Wooddare Awnwe After discussion, It was mowed by Holfen
that, Posted notice be given of the application to amend th0 Zoning_Ordimnca of Edina, by amendi- Section 4 of aaid Ordin- ance by adding paragraph fl and transferfng-from th6 'Dpen Dev-
elopment Dietricf to the Communfty Sfore District, the Vesterly
400 feet of the Brr property located at the North-mst corner of Veat 50th Street and PJooddaXe Avenue, the motion wa8 seconded
by Irgans and carried.
~eeds -re handed $6 We Council from David E9r Walsh, Frank G&misOn &. df% 'and Dewey Hill-and wife, for right of way, 2
TQdb wide in Sectian.8, Township. 1x6, Fange 21, which on motion Vlooro be placed on fi3.e , sacomled-by Ho1te-n and carried.
9etition wag received fmn George Ae-t3pecht and wife for the
vacatisn'of eaaements'for street-purposes over Lot 38 and Lot 63, Au@itor% Subdiviellon #I72 and granted prior to January 1, 1939.
It sas thereupon moved 'try Halten, the petition be accepted and that due posted an& published notice- be given, seconded by Moore
and carried.
A wtition Signed by 33. Edina-WA-workera and *others w&a given
the Council by Georhe Heakins, who opas assured mat the Council would put forth every effort to keepsthe Edina mota as high
as possible.
AppXication was -received from Edfnneapolis Gaa .Light Clornpmy for permission to install. Z300 feet of 4" gas main in and along
lwapla Eosd, 772 reet on Bst. 48tb Street .and 275 feet on Bdsadow Eoad, was on motion Poore, be granted, seconded by HoZten and
Communication mas received from Hennepin Ccmnty League of Rural
taw- and villages in the matter of VEA layoffs and suggesting
that eomunicatian be sent the State Administrator. of \EA,
requestbg that relatkve need be considered in any KPA.layoffs . and that local township boards and village courmcils be given the authority to suggest those laid off. Vhereh Trustee Eolten so moved seconded by Xoore axd carried,
The hour of mid-night having arrived, President Sharpe declared
the meeting recessed to meet again on June 5, 1939, at 0 PE in Grange Hall.
Village Recorder
linutes of the regular and recessed meeting of the Nay 22,
1939 meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held on
June 5, 1939 in Grange Ha11 at
8 o'clock PAH:.
The meetirig was called to order by President Sharpe, the roll
called and all members of the Council were present.
The meeting was in response to petition to. rezone the Narth- east corner a9 hgooddale Avenue and Vest 50th Street by trans-
ferring from the Open Devehpment District to the Comun'ity
Store District the Westerly 400 feet of the Darr proJperty,
due pasted naltiee having been given.
Kr. Thomas Venn= presented petition with approximately 654
signers thereto) VoicLng abJection tal any action which waulci
make the erection o'f stores and apartmentspossible, being unalterably apposed to: same and respec.tf ally petitioning
the Village Council tot praitect the beauty and privacy af
the surrounding residential district by refusing to grant the
authority ox change the Zoning Ordinance of Edina."
Xr, Darr stated he had thought the pra.perty was zoned the same as that diagonallyacross the street for Civic Center.
At this po'int every available seat and all standing raom
in the Grange Hall. was occupied and the Council was advised
that there was a larger crolwd on the outside what caald not
get into the meeting than in the Grange Hall, and that the school auditorium was available, President Sharpe thereupan
declared the meeting redessed to reconvene immediately in
the school auditorium. The several hundred residents and
the Counckl having arrived at the school, President Sharpe
called .€hblmeeting to olrder and declared the meeting reconvened and in session,
Xr. Ben Parks thereupan addressed the meeting ~n behalf of
the proposition to rezone, stated the village could use additional tax revenue, an6 that the propased impravementi would pay appro,ximately $4500.00 per year in general property
taxes, That the prolponents of the propo,sitisn would give
tas the Village of Edina for road purp,ased a L5 ft, stri-9
for widening of Wooddale Avenue, permit no liquar to be saxd,
insert clauses in leases tu rent to, Gentiles only, and maintain
an 80 foat set-back.
Nr. J, R. Thorpe advised the Civic Center area had not been
built upon on account of public sentiment against stares
beeing located across the street from the school. and that Thorpe Bras , would no+, build until agreeable to) residen,ts
of the Country Club District.
Nr. Thomas Vennw presented the oppositian side of the 654
signers to the petition and that all desired to remain good neighbors ta the Darrs. He believed Thorpe Bras, would not
build stores in the Civic Center area until agreeable ta
Country Club residents and that Thorpe B~os. would put such
statement in a general letter , He further stated he believed
that the restricted residential property values of the Country Club District had made value for the Darr property, He suggested the idea to purchase the property for Park purposes as a s0,lution.
. President Sharpe called upon Mr. Carl E. %nsoa to address
the meeting. He stated he preferred not to do SO.
President Sharpe thereupon'read a letter from the Executive Committee of the Country Club Associatian wherein oppositioin
to the pro,positian to rezone to permit erection of stores
and ap_artruents was gi-ven.
Trustee Halten spoke of past efforts to abtain area for
Park purposes North of the school property in Block 16, and suggested that consideration be given the proposition
of the Village taking over the property under discussion
for Park purposes, cifiing that daily palice reports af caIls
of children playing in the streets. It was thereupon moved
by Trustee Halten that the matter of petition for rezoning €he Darr property from Open Development t'o Camunity Stare
District be deferred to the second regular meeting in July.
Seconded by Irgens and declared carried,
Others speaking were Nr. 0. 3, XcClinto.ck, Dr. Dvorak,
Xr. C. B. Carroll, Ere G. A. Totten, D, Wallace, David E, Ashby, Nrs. Alan c+, Phillip, Nr, E, V. &'ierke, Stanley
Gray, c'. Yl. Inghiam, and Xrs. Helen Stevens, all of Whom
spoke in ojppositian to the prapositian to rezone. Hrs,
Darr stated she meant no detriment to the neighborhood and
believed apartments more desirable than cheap bungalows.
At this pa.int Bfr. 0, B, McCUntbck asked how many opposed
the proposition to rezone for stores and apartmentstand
how many were in favor. Several hundred voting as opposed and one vate in favor of the prapositian,
Eembers of the Council having conferred amang themselves ,
President dharpe announced that all members of the CounciS.
mere opposed to the pr0.positi.w to rezone the Darr property
to permit erection of stores and apartments and that the
Council desired some time in ahich to mork out a satisfactory
On motion Halten, secsnded.by Eoare, motion ta adjourn carried
at 10:30 PX.
Village Recorder