HomeMy WebLinkAbout19390612_REGULARMinutes of the regylar mesting.of the Council of €he ViZS&ge -0.0 Z&ina;, held on June 12, 1939# in Grange.. Hall at 8 O'clock PIX. The mesthg. was called to ortfer lq:Presidant Sharp, the roll . called and al3; members of-the Couno$X were preaent. Minutes- of the pegulaj: meati of the Counc52 held on Mw 22, . 1939 , Wrtr reao On motion Xfen they be. agp.ramd .as read, - seconded wm Xrggs and:.carried. - Minutea crf t&e reguTas: meeting,, f. the. C&WL~&S of 22, 1939, . receseed to June Ss 1939, mime read- Oh-motion W&llson they be approved -as. .read. subject ta. typ-og,yaphic&,l errar in description location of Il&rr"* pp@rt;Y @. ettconded byr_ Irgens &nd...carried. . The Vi;I3c6%@~. .and paxs r@W bills .hav&x&,. ,Beerr. duly: exmined Ewrd found-cor?Scf, 'opere on motion W&IJl'aerz+ thay- bedulJ? allowed and ordered pa;l;d, se.c.onded. Irg.ens-- and.-cwxietdi They, are as follows: Earl G Stfiarpe President Jane $5O.OO . Ben B'; Moore Records r tr 90.00 Mora A. WilEdon TYUSW8 c 36. 00 Clarence Oc Holten I TrUs-We ff 35.00 Viotor Irgens Trustee tc 35.00 Treasurer 25.00 V'iJlage EkWLth Bgfioer-June 30.00 John J". Duggan Dr L.. .&. Cajnpbe 11'. H, J..-Knudsen S Wee t Cbmf asione r 150~00 Otili%y man 1466 QO PI Da3rZgrea .. Tractor &p~~%or 0- 7 35.00 S. 3, Roberts John Tracy A&sL TPac%ur opratos 125.00 L. Stolman Asst Road foreman 127 20 Re Port Asst Road. foreman 12'7.80 Sam EJIcOready Road aiabor 10 6. 00 H. Ensley Road. Za'bor 111 . 00 A. C+ Stringer R & ' B ' %PA -labor June 25.00 L. Palmer Labor. w%.t;h. t%am 17400 Arthur Pef;erolon . col;lec-$3an June 300 00 &I. Perfeld 73.80 E. Plrerfeld 282 rai3ers us€%+f auto 14.10 Thomas GobU Rcrad labor-weds 57.50 Silas Re rre t Road 4aBormmads- 57 50 0. MI .Spande Park labor 134.70 R+ lib Olson 45* hss u8rs: Bord Dump 24.93 R. Be Olaron Use V8 Ford dmg 12/&0-1/7 42. 47 5. A+ Danens -& Son 1274 50 J. A. Danens.& Son 25+ hre '-Dump+ truck 38.50 - T. E* TiUy ViZl&gp Earsha13 June 170eOO 150.00 To tal .. 4'' 2,706000 27* ~Sr-shcrvel. 9 .#54m POSice -o$ficer' n nc HildiagD&l W. S, Eerdt P6ZfOe- offher 150.00 8 Alexl. Creighton * Hilding Dah1 Bdg,- Con fees -=ApriLE~ 258 mile s'-us8 -pf'fva%e atuo 3387 proFrty dastxiptians Hardware, R&B Gss'and Oil Gas' and OiZ 2 police radio,ges bid Stad. for- Parks Ware0 parta Reprs+ Dodge truclii Road Qil Dodge, truck emrice far pOx.'iW .Work @ &! $240 77 12.90 169.35 9.35 106.80 31-• 8 5 306000 2.40 6.50 6. 90 90IOO 6.18 . .. $15.00- 45076 Simon Strand Rent tool- shed Jus fua- -LunBer Co Lumb8z H. 0, Alden Correcting+-Fire map 5.00 HennepZn County POOP Para stmriee 1330 50 Dahlberg Bras, IC Po’liae car eppt right & seat covers 24.20 Glacier Sand gC Gravef Cb Cement & crushed stone 44074 Thorp Broer Rent Tract Office 12.50 W. PI Cooper FZoers for parks -80x0 Village St Souis Park . Ffre csI2 & WA sewing-pro. 49.00 Hennepin County Review Prfnting & €WJ~ -notfcea 281 43 Graybar Electric Co Electric fan 2606-5 Blackburn ,BichoTe & hith Insusance premiums 238 60 Edina Hardware Har&mr8 ..R&B 19 25 PBfnneapolis GI Le Go April electric service 593.86 Chas Olson & Sons Repairs to .&qader . 30.85 Relief Board Apri1. re lie f 719 38 I Lyle Signs, Inc Road signs 59.85 Subuzrban- Hemepip County Dahlberg-Bros, Inc 1 F&d V8 Poxice. cards t 395.68 Rural Henmpia County_ Sur- Republic Creosotin&. Co Road tar 112.30 plus earn* *cownittee MaJf_ SUBrp- GO= 25.85 Toyal . ... $ _3,5_7203O Honthly reports were given bye, Chairman Iq@na on Re-lief, Treaeurer Dugg.+na Chaiman WilXs.on on Road & Bridgf3 and Chairman Heften ‘on PoZioe. Bids as per sdwrtiW~nt8 .for three week8 in Hennepin C.ounty Review-and The ImprovEtment‘ Bulletin, for-maWrfa1s and equip- nent rental in connec%fon with construction Saint; Sewer main were opened? and .rea& afsud. Bids were receimcf from the following concerns L, W. lmbrthfie ld Company., Wunder-Klein-Don~hus. Company, . Minneapol;is BuiX,dess SuppZg Cornparip.,, Twin tit+.. Bricrk Cornpaw 8 D. &Idt Gthore Companp,. Hart -1 Company, and knders-1Jorblom- Chriateneen Company, on sewer pfpe. Scherer Bros Lumber Company South Sfde XmWr Company.& Oregon-Washington Lwnber Company, Wheeler XmWr Bridge Supply Companya. E. H. mitney ana C. F+.-ABhfon oa..&eat21hg. and brscing:lumIsrt. The Oscar Roberts Cmpany, CenfurJf Wa8hed and & GrmeX Company, Nesnah Foundry Company, A.A*SkaZski SuppZy- Company_, ZRwis Nut and Bolt Cornpaw, and Sandseone Quarries Compaqr a11 bid on. miacellaneaus items and the We I%.+ Zieggler Conpaqr Minnespolis Brldg*e Company Park Const?p@$ian Comp&l?y , ESSnnelipolls $quip- ment CompaTpf, Phi3ZIps-DrakS compm7&9 s B~f~h€!rt~b@;er80ll Incd Centurt Washed Sand & Gravel Compaq and JdLDanens & 8en,p -. , bid on drag line excavators, -air compresaers, pmps EMCI CBnm c,re te mixersc Csrti.fied cheeks hwhg ac;eomp.mia& a51 the above bfd8c- Eids-mwe received. fmm the followi9g. concema not accompanied by certified ohecke&m% thsm3fore hot consid- ered as leg$ tbctte. bids* Sr&-Gr@ma. 4k an8 compar~~ Hedberg- Friedhedm & Company. an4 ZEP ,’Wz V@Zie, Ins. All bids- -wfm. thereupon rmfssr& to Villa.@ Eng&neer Bradley I * I for tabulation. Nessrs-Ro8s2teran& PoEloch headed ES com;i-ttee request%- .that addithzt mod gravel-ha- appLi43d tv-KelX:ogg. Avenue before any oiling wa8 done and the matter referred to- the Road & Bridge - . - . Committee. . President Sharpe read a c.oxumunicatfon from -ague of Minnesota, . . . held at Albert TRa, June 14 to 16th* Thereupon Trustee . manicipalities concerning We, Ahnu&l Uague Convention to be Holten moved, that aqy mwkr 09 the Council be authoriaed to attend the League Convention as delegate of the Village CounciZ and that an itemized expense account be rendered the Village, seconded T”il100n and carried. President Sharp read a cormrraicatian dated Bay 27, 1939, from Oscar Gaarden advising of proposed extensions to water mains on Kellogg Awnue, Oakland Avenue, Naple Road and Townee Road. The matter was left for-the President to acknowledge and to ad- vise that the uauaf. application for pemniCa would be required in the future, Petition in due form was received from Xessre Broom, Christensen Goodacre and Anderson, for the vacation of a 12 foot alley 168 feet in length and abutting lots 4, 5, 6 and 7 Block 1, Stevens 1st Additione Trustee Irgena thereupon moved that both posted and pu'li8hed notice be given for heariq before the Village cot^ cil at ita rergulaz meetfw to- ?M held-on. June 26, 1939, motion seconded by Moora and carrled. Mr Gihbstr as owner of ,.the- laad lying South of WaBt 54th Stmet and Balere of Ninnehrlha Creek, appearad befom the Council in the matter of granting the Vi1,lage an easement. for the intereepting sewer+ It was agreed .that the. sewer? would be laid as far Eaet a8 convenient and that any-manholes would be located to suit his -Petitions =re received from the Bflinneapolfs Gas Light. Company for permits to hy gasmain in..rtndt aLm'& Village Stmeter, After diacusrjion by the CowtciL, Trustee. Holten moved. that further pennits be denied the Nfnnespolfs Gas Company until Brookside Avenu? had been replaced in proper form, motion seconded by Tillson and carried. - congenience when building. .. Applicafion was reoe im&- frm Northwe.s.te.rxz Bell Te lephorte Company for permissiorz to place tape &mored cable. acrom Woodd&3 and in the alley between 45th and 50th Streets. .To place 4-M.T.D. conduit and 2 manholes in We 54th Streert from Brookview Avenue to Wooddele Avenue and on Wooztdale -south paat. Golf Terrace and place 1 anohor to a pole on Ws% 54th S%reet., Istween Brookview and Oakland, 1 pole and 1 anchor on T&st 48th Street @st of France Avenue Southand place 2 manholes and 2-MTD conduit in the Wet side of France Avenue from 47th. to 48th Streets and 40' west from Prance Avenue .in the North side of Vest 48th Stmet all a8 shown on detailed plans a-ttached, whereupon Holten moved that the application be grhnted, sec6nded by Willson and carried. Application received from Xil;bnne&poZiCs GI E+ Conpany, for permiss- ion to pbce 2 poles on Waterman Avenue &&st of Blake Road, was onmotion Willson the applicatfsn be granted, seconded by Holten, and carried*. No fuzWzer business to come before the meeting at -this *time; PzeBitknt Sharpe de.clared the. meeting recesaed to meet again at the sawe time and place on Twsday June 20, 1939. Village Recorder