HomeMy WebLinkAbout19390620_REGULARXinutes of: the recessed June 12, 1939 meeting'gf the Council of the.Vi&lage of Edina, held. in. Grenge Hall on June 20, 1939, at 8 o*clock PX. The meetfng wa0 called to order- by .President Sharp, the roll called and all members of the Councfl mxe present. Village Engineer Bradley to whom was referred the. .matt& of tabulating the bids received al the June 12th* meefing of the Council, on material and equipment items for tbe main intereepting sanitary sewer for Joint %#ssp District Hoe 2, presented the members of the Council and others with blue prints showing &I1 bidders, Items bid and prices. After, discussion the ComcZl Village Engineer Bradley qnd interested b&dders , it was moved Holten, 42mt orders be amrded to the lowest reapon- aible bidder8 as follows. Le TB. Northfield Cow, for 65 manhole .ring?@ covert3 Q $9*95 each: Landers, XorbIom,Christemea Company, fur 4960 feet 24w Vc cl8y pipe, 200 feet of ISn, 200 feet of 1ZU-and 300 24x6* Y% x %$'; Oscar Robert8 Company for 600 tone gravel 63 $1.29 per ton: Uwia Bolt & Nu% Cornpaw for 550 manhole steps @ 17'# each: C. F. Ashton for 50" feet 2x8" Na- and 10Hf 4x8" Pine Q $28.00: Wunder-Kle in-Donohue Company for 120% Chaska sewer brick Q $15.10, alL subject to discounts as per tema of bidders and placed subject to delivexy if and when ordered by E;ngineer for Village of Edina, notican seconded By Eoore and the roll on being called fQUnd five 8yeS Etnd no 88 fOlIQW8: Holten w8, VillsOn aye, Irgens we, Eoore and Sharp we and 80 declared duly carried. c-+-; --I I It was moved Holten, that the bfh af the. SandsCone Quarries be accepted and order awarded saqe on basis 73* cents.per foot for concre.te piling with quanffies to be limited to requirements of Village Engineer and certifieit check reCurned, secondeb Xoore and carriedr 1t.was moved by ViXlaon, tbett. EtLT ower bids for materials be rejected and certified Check8 returned to uneuccessfuX Waders, seconded Irgena anb.carried.. It was moved by Irgens that the matter of rented equipnent be referred to Village Exgiaeer, the WA offise and Foreman for the job for recomnaendation to the Council, ereconded by YiZlson and carried. c-s-LIApplication by $he UinneapolirEl Gas Light Company for permtt to instar1 gas mains in and aXong=€Bard Aveaw Be€rire&rk Fuller and 54th Streets, On Oakland. Avenue 580 feet South and Sast from West 52nd andICellrrgg and an \Test 56th Street between St Johns and Wooddale was received. The matter of properly replacing and oiling Brookside Avenue having been satisfactorily: arranged with %he Council as well aa future excavations by the Gas Company, it was moved Holten, that the applications be granted, seconded by Moore and carried. Xessrs Ben Sarks and Cm3 Haasen were present and displqred plans and sketch of tlre pr0pOsed 24 spasherit building the$ glanned to buirtt on tihe Zast 200 feet of the 400 feet lying &%st of Wooddale Avenue and North of Bst 60- Street* Strong preae.nWl written opinion dated 3we 20 1939, on whether or not an apartment building may 1egaUy be erected on the Darr property rtt North-East corner of VooddaU Awn* and West 50th St. After discussitxk by the Council, Nr Strong, Mr Vennum,.ldr Hanson and Xr Parks, President Shrtrpe announced that in view of Council's action referring the matter to the July 24th. meeting of the Council, that Counofl action would not be t&en before that tins. z% was conaielered adoisable for the matter to be referred to the -8iden.t of &e Country Club Association with idea of arranging a public meettng previous to Council meeting for consideration of' the new proposition. VUlage Attorney After dimuseion of F.fght-of4q .:in aeveraX locations for the Attorney Strong, notie. :Be Riley, to remaw @tree fa, motiorx. ascondetl by Noore and carried. No further business to come before the keetiing motion to adjourn carried at 13.30 mili main interaspting- flepler., ftmas moved by WilUfon, located in the alley-bet~en~kbrk and Firnth and 54th that Sealed proposals will be received by: the Village Clerk of the Village of Edina at his address 4605 Wooddale %venue, Country Club {in the Village of Edina), Minneapolis, Minn., prior to Monday, the 12th day of June, 1939, at eight ;o'clock P. M., for the furnishing of ,the following material and rental of, the following equipment for the new proposed sewer in,,"Joint Sewer Dis- trict No. 1 Edina in the Village of Edina, Hedepin Cbunty, Minnesota, in accordance with plans and specifim- tims prepared by B. H. Bradley En- gineer. MinneapolG, Minnesota, &-wit: Materials 4950 lin. it. of 24 inch vitrified Clay 200 in. ft. 'of 15 inch vitrified clay 210 lin, it. bf 12 inch vitrified clay 300 24 inch by 13 inch T's. 65 Minneapolis standard manhole rings 120 M hard burned sewer brick 550 Mineawlis standard fzalv. iron man- sewer pipe double strength. sewer pipe double strength. sewer pipe, double strength. and covers. - s. ._ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a petition has been presented to the . Village Council of the Village of Edina Hennepin County Minnesota, petition: ing for the vacakion of certain ease- ments granted said vilage prior to January Ist, 1939 establishing West 49th Street and do vacate West 49th Street between the East line of Lot Thirty-Eight (38) Auditor's Subdivision No. 172 extendid South across said street tb the West line of Lots Thirty- eight'(38) and Sixty-three (63) in said Auditor's Subdivision No. 172. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that a hearing will be had upon Said petition at Grange Hall located in said Village. at the intersectibn of Highway NO. 100 and Eden Avenue on the 26th day of June 1939, at 8 b'clock P M of said day, 'at which time and piace the Village Council will consider and act upon said petition for the vacation of said street. Village .R&corder (Official Publication) VILLAGE OF EDINA i NOTICE I THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA BY BEN B. MOORE, Village Recorder. (June 15. 1939)