HomeMy WebLinkAbout19390626_REGULARXinutes of the regularmeeting of the Council, of the Vitllage of Edfna, held in Grange Hall on June 26,. 1939, a8 We21 a8 the recessed portion of the mesting ales held in Grange Hall on July 6, 1939, at 8 stclock 9%. The meeting ppas called to order By President Sharp, the roll called and all members of the Council, ossre present. EllinUtes of the regular metilag of the Council held on June 12, 1939, as well ~PJ the rece88ed portion of the saw meethrzg also held in Grange Hall on June 20, 1939, at 8 ofclock PE were reado On motion Irgens, they be apprtaved a8 read, seconded by Wfll8on &nd carried. Nrs Huston, Paul Kingsleg, Erling Hoatue and others, again appeared before the Council relative to the road deBired try gome and denied by others. After much discussion it was the suggestion of Psu& Ringsley, that the preperty owners give 10 feet on the East side of the propowd street and the owners of propert3 give 25 feet on the.. West side of the said p??Opo8ed qtreet which appeared agreeable to an above and Xr ?latherc At this point Mr Mostue handed Village Attormy. SJ;rong, a deed for the 25 foot strip of land along. the East 3ina of his property and running. to the Village 09 Edha, for road purppesa. 3% was aroved by Villaon,. that order %e awarded the S. S+ SkalskJ?. - S%evens Point, Wisconsin, for the. oakum %o be uaed on Jbint htsr- cepting Sewr, 8s per bid duly submftited at June 12th. meeting of the CounofS, aeconded by Noore ant2 carriede It V&B moved ly Ho%tsn, that the Village and Road osw payrol% adqances be duly plllcJw8d and ordered paid, seconded kry Wiflson, and -Carri8d. Vf%lage Enginesr Bradley, recomepded in connection with bids "., received for equipmeqt rental at the June 12, 1939, meeting .af the Couneil, that 3.A.lkmena Q Son's bid to furnbh one Bucyrue~ 2erie Badel 10-B , 3/8 cubic yard clanshell machine, gasoline ponereir and mounted on caterpillars , togather wfth everythfng for the complete operation of the machSne , including the operator, the oiler, gasoline, oil, cable and all repairs and maintenance, including Public Siabflity , Property Damage , Workmanta Compen- sation an& any otber insurance needed at a price of $5.38 per how f'igtart9.d on the number of hours the machine worka and for as long as necessary on the aewr projtaot the engineer% estimate being 900 houmir To ~~lao accept the bid af the NEilfnPzeapolis Zquipment Cornpaw to furniah one wosth&*ton portable Air Corn- 'pressor hafting 220 DF 240 Cu ft. capac&q and in424udi-ag one pile bmer, @ $1.50 guaranteed period, Cmpw for rentfb3. one new R@x Conorete Mixes8 .486 cents per hour worked and. baaed on a three months guasanteed period 0 $65,00 per month and the-bid of the Borchert-Ingersoll Company for rental of !two -move 4s mlf prafnn condrifugal pumps, engine drSven and mounted on pnematic truck, each pump tb be complete an4 with one 20 ft. section of 4" sucfst;ion hose and s%rainer 8 $80.00 per month for eaeh pump with three months guqranBed period. jVhereupon Trustee BoZten notred Zngineer Bradler's ' secoxtuen&%ions for equipment rent&ls be concured in, andn-subJ.ec t la see@ &OT d&termfiied.by the ViZtlage EngSneer with deliveriee an& rentalsi to commrnce a81 Engineer dfrecter, seconded by goore. The 2011 u@on ?SI& called;$round $%ea ayes and no nays and so the motion was declared duly carried and 80 OTde3;FBd. + I -- - per hour worked and based on a tb~ee months -. Alao to accept the bib of tibe We H, Ziegles - - 4.81 It was moved by Hoore, that the successful bidders be notified of acceptance of their bids an& to. furnish the Village, with a contract and bidder6 bond in the principal sum of the contract to 'be based upon Engineera esbixnate of 900 houm for equipment rentals, eeconded IrgenB and C&;rriEtd~ , _cL_ -- Due posted and published notice having been given Trualee' Willlsorz offered the following Resalution and moved its adoption. %lHBRICAs, as pertitien of all the omem ~f: land abutting upon that certain alley ,12 feeb in width and 158 feeti Xn-length., nore or less, running in a, North and South airection betwan Lots Bour (4) and Pi* (5) and Lots SAX (6) and 53emn (7), Blorrk One (11, SteWns Firlert Addition to the, CiQ of Mfaneapo1;te; HennagZn Co.tazkty, linnesot a weording to fW plat theseof on file and. ofsrecord in the office of the Register of. Deeda, said Courrtr -and. State had= been made and filed with the VLllage CsuncSZ crf tba Vi3ilag;e of Edim, Hennepin County, Hinnemta, and the 8aid Village Council having f.iret given one week's .publfshed and poated notice of a 'hearing to be had thereon and having duu considered said petition, arzd it appearing-for the beat interesfa of the public 80 to do, NOW, THEREFORE, RE IT ~sCGVED tha% that certain alley I2 feet in width and approximately 358, fee.t in length, rxqning in a North and South direction lietween Lots Bour (4) and Five (5) and Lots Six (6) and Seven (71, Block One (I), Stevens First Addtition, Hennepin County, Xinnesota, aacording to the plat thereof on file or of record in the office of tbe Register of Deeds, 'a&id County and State, be and the sane hereby ia vacated* The motion was seconded -w Trustee. Irgens- and the vote was upon the queation of the adoption of the Resolution. wwereirs these were five (5) wee and no nags a8 follows.: W$&hon ap, Holten ap 8 frgene we, Moore ayeA and Shsrpe eye duly adopted. and so the resolutien was declared -a. ATTXST +, du- .. -Village Recorder. I I- Due posted aqd published zy.t;$w ha~Sqg keengiven in the matter of vacating a pdrtisn of Wwt 4Wh St-et, Recorcter-Moore the following Resolution and moved ita ado,ptlon. WEEBXAS, a petition of all the owgers of land abuttirig upun that portion of West 49thc Street hereinafter deseribed having+ been made and filed with the Village Council of .the Village of Pdina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, petitioning for the vacation of fha.. parl'of West' 49th. Street in aai8 Village hereinafter described, and the said Village CounciJ. having first given one week's published and posted notice of a hearing to be ha8 thereon and it appearing for the best interest8 of the public so to do, offered NOW, TEt8EEFORE:, BE IT RESOLVED that atat certai portion of VPest 40th Street, io said Village of Xdina, described 88 fbllows: That part of Phst 49th Street between the East line of Lot Thirty-eiGht (as), Auditor's Subdhi8ion Noc 172, extended-South acro88 said 8trW t to the Mst line of Lots !i%irty-eSe;bt (38) arid Dixty-tbree (63) in said Auditor's Subdividibn Nol 672, be and the sane hereby ie vacated, this vacation in no wise' to vacate, interfern with or effect 49th Street 9s la%& out, shown and, dedicated in the plat of South White Ows Addition heretofore accepted by the Village Council* The motion to adapt the reao.lution'wa8 seconded by Trpatee Willson and "the vote was upon the question OS the adoption of the Resolution wherein them *re five ayes and no nags 'as follows: Willson we, Holtem aye, Irgena we, Moore a;ye and Sharpe Aye, and so the Re trtfon was declared duly carried and so ordered, AT!I%ST: - w .- 774 1 7 3 No further business to come before the mee.ting at this the to-meet again at the ow time and plam on 1939. - President Shame declared the meeting.- and recessed Thursday July 6, Village Re c or der . Esfnutes of the reoesssd June 26, 1939, xf&etlng-of the Council of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Hall on July 6, 1939, at 8 ofclock I?& The Hour of meeting having arrived, the meeting WELEI called to order By the Recorder and those present being Holbn, Willson, Irgens and EiZmrer Truetee Irgena moved that in absence Of the P3X?Sfd8Zlt8 that Trustee Holtels act as President Pq-lleme Tbe motion was sec- dnded by Recarder Noom and th0 vote upon taked found Truetee Holten duly eXected to act and serve a8 President Pro-Tern and thereupon a88~11ed &e chairmanship of the meeting. /-+ ._ =/ 7p At this point President marpe who had been unatrofdabm dehyed appeare& and took his usual place as President and Chairmn of the meeting. Village Engineer presented large and detailed plats showing the territory embraced in Joint Sewer District Hunbr I, which -re carefully studied by The Council, Villege kaaasor Csefght onl being the thought and intent of the Council and other to &mess for Joint Intersepting Sewer in Joint Sewer District No. 1, on the basis of benefits for each lot or parcel of land and not on basis of the vaXue of the premises, After discussiod, it w&8 womd lg Holten, that Hr Chas. €3. Howard . be herew engaged as Special Attorney for the Villa@ of Edina, to consult and advise with the Council in the matter of laying out and constructing Interseptfng Sewer ins Joint Sew32 District Xo. 1, and the preperation and determinating of oases~sments to defray cost of such semr and the levying of special assessments against benefited propstx and the sale of warrants, motion was seconded by Hoore and carried. Trustee Holten moved thst the President and Recorder of the Village Council be authorized and empowered to sign for and on behalf of the Council of the Village of Idina,, a Release dated July 1, 1939, to Thorp Bros,, of an easement given Awust 15, 1938, granted lp Thorp Bros., to the Village and for the pur- pose of constructing over certain lots'in the Brucemsd Ada., as new easerrients had been given and that the easements granted ' in the agreemen$ dated August 15,. 1938; are no longer mcessary or desirable over and acrgsa? lot not affected by new location of the main sewer, ala aspgiven in said above agreement. Notion'saeanded by Irg8ns and carried. No further bw~fneas to cohe before the meeting, motion to adjourn caq?ied at 11.30 E%T 'Pdr S. S. Thorp, R.L.John, and Attorney Charles B. Howard. It J. u Villwe .Recorder