HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-05-01 City Council Work Session PacketAgenda City Cou n cil Work Session City of Edina, Minnesota Edina City Hall Community Room Tuesday, May 1, 2018 5:30 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Grandview Green: Updated Concept for Freeway Lid over Highway 100 IV.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all res idents to be c om fortable being part of the public proc ess . If you need as sistance in the way of hearing ampli)c ation, an interpreter, large-print documents or s om ething els e, pleas e c all 952-927-8861 72 hours in advanc e of the m eeting. Date: May 1, 2018 Agenda Item #: I I I. To:Mayor and C ity C ouncil Item Type: R eports / R ec ommendation F rom:Bill Neuendorf, Economic Development Manager Item Activity: Subject:G randview G reen: Updated C onc ept for F reeway Lid over Highway 100 Dis cus s ion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: No action requested. T his is a discussion item. I N TR O D U C TI O N: S ince August 2017, the concept of building a "freeway lid" over a portion of H ighway 100 has been further explored. T he new structure above the highway lanes would be used as a new public park. T he land next to the park would be used for new development - a combination of residential, commercial and civic uses. F or the last several months, City staff and representatives have met with M nD O T officials to explore this concept. Outside planning and development experts have been engaged. P reliminary engineering studies have been prepared. I nput has been collected from local C ommissions. P ublic open houses have been held to collect additional input. A summary of this additional input and an updated rendering of the concept will be presented for discussion purposes. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Grandview Green Pres entation The CITY of EDINA The Grandview Green: Spring Update to HRA April 26, 2018 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 1 The CITY of EDINA Agenda For Today: History Concept Update Technical Studies Policy Financial Overview HRA Discussion On Next Steps 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 2 The CITY of EDINA HRA Discussion Sneak Peak: •Should the Grandview Green be included in the Comprehensive Plan? •Should the HRA sign a MOU with MnDOT? •Should we begin lease negotiations with MnDOT? •Should we create a phased development plan for the Grandview Green? •Should we build a financial model that supports the phased development plan? 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 3 The CITY of EDINA Interstate and Highway Lids are already located across the United States- including in MN! 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 4 The CITY of EDINA Grandview History 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 5 The CITY of EDINA Grandview Fall 2017-2018 Feasibility Study Urban Land Institute TAP AAF Design Managers’ Academy Community Open Houses Community Roadshow Technical Studies MnDOT Policy Financial Structure Sustainability Property Rights = an updated Grandview Green Concept! Transportation Market Research Water Main Sanitary Sewer Storm Sewer 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 6 The CITY of EDINA Grandview District: 7 Guiding Principles Leverage publicly owned parcels and civic presence to create a vibrant and connected district that serves as a catalyst for high quality, integrated public and private development. Enhance the district’s economic viability as a neighborhood center with regional connections, recognizing that meeting the needs of both businesses and residents will make the district a good place to do business. Turn perceived barriers into opportunities. Consider layering development over supporting infrastructure and taking advantage of the natural topography of the area. Design for the present and future by pursuing logical increments of change using key parcels as stepping stones to a more vibrant, walkable, functional attractive and life-filled place. Organize parking as an effective resource for the district by linking community parking to public and private destinations, while also providing parking that is convenient for businesses and customers. Improve movement within and access to the district for people of all ages by facilitating multiple modes of transportation and preserving future transit opportunities provided by the rail corridor. Create an identity and unique sense of place that incorporates natural spaces into a high quality and sustainable development reflecting Edina’s innovative development heritage. 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 7 The CITY of EDINA Concept Update 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 8 The CITY of EDINA 2017 Concept Review Date Feedback Event Date Feedback Event 9/5 Urban Land Institute Technical Assistance Panel 10/13 Edina Chamber of Commerce 9/11 Community Health Commission 10/31 Edina Morning Rotary Club 9/12 Parks and Recreation Commission 11/1 American Architectural Foundation: City Managers’ Design Academy 9/13 Planning Commission 11/9 Public Open House at City Hall 9/26 Human Rights and Relations Commission 11/13 Public Open House at City Hall 9/28 Arts and Culture Commission 12/14 Grandview Green Alumni Focus Group 9/28 Transportation Commission MnDOT Meetings Twice Per Month 10/10 Historic Preservation Commission 10/12 Environment and Energy Commission 10/19 Edina Noon Rotary Club Public Notices: •75 Community Boards (coffee shops, libraries, grocery stores, etc.) •Newspaper Event Calendars •Online Announcements •900+ Resident Emails (individuals who signed up for Grandview district updates over the past ten years) 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 9 The CITY of EDINA The Grandview Green Vision Statement: Grandview Green is a model for connected, healthy, and sustainable living that operates with net- zero buildings, infrastructure, and utility services. Mission Statement: Creates new public green space, increasing connectivity to nature and community Reestablishes street grids, safe pedestrian walkways and bicycle paths Reconnects neighborhoods and communities divided by Highway 100 Delivers a fiscally sustainable model: new public amenities are born through the private development of public land Employs sustainability efforts through conservation, renewable resources, and resilient infrastructure reducing long-term operational costs Provides an opportunity to co-locate residential, commercial and public community centers in one district Serves as a case study for sustainable lid development in Minnesota 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 10 The CITY of EDINA Weaknesses: Strengths: 1.Traffic Congestion 1. Safe Walking and Biking 2.Increased Density 2. New Civic Amenities 3.Not Enough Green Space 3. More Green Space 4. Why Change? 4. Change is Overdue 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 11 The CITY of EDINA Create a vista to City Hall; Let Vernon and Eden streets be the natural park boundaries. Don’t put a road through the park. Instead consider this east-west connection as a bike-pedestrian route. Vehicular edges are okay as they promote part access and better connections across the site. A master developer is not recommended. While this could be done, the panel felt having a private sector team between the public and the city could add complications that make the process more challenging. In a sense, the City is the master developer. Conduct a lid-area study to develop a master plan for the expanded district area and determine its boundaries as soon as possible. The Master Plan should allow for flexible zoning and uses. Developers will not want to face second-guessing down the road. Creating a vision and goals for the public realm as early as possible will build community interest and support and help developers envision themselves in the area. Affordable housing for workers employed in Edina should be a priority for Grandview Green. Consider holding one or more sites in Grandview Green specifically for affordable or mixed-income housing. The cost of land, especially in places like Edina, is a major impediment for housing developers. If a site or two were reserved for affordable housing at a discounted price, it is likely that the rest of the financing package will come together. In addition to Edina’s Affordable Housing policy, more flexible zoning standards in Grandview may also incentivize affordable housing. One idea would be to “automatically” allow a commercial property to become mixed use with the inclusion of a certain percentage of affordable units. 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 12 The CITY of EDINA Prepare alternative density models and corresponding cost-benefit analyses to determine project viability at different buildout levels. Start with what is the least that can happen to make the infrastructure pencil out and move up from there to minimize risk. Consider using the Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) process to facilitate alternative density models. This should be done after completing the master plan to help understand the cumulative impacts of development to the district and set the baseline for maximum densities. Get a firmer picture of the district parking needs. Determine how it will be funded and who will build it. The private sector likely cannot afford to front end parking costs. Identify potential phasing for construction. Look for opportunities for sustainability and shared uses across the district such as stormwater collection, garbage and recycling, and possibly district energy generation. Start thinking about how work might be phased. This is closely related to identifying shared use opportunities. Developing a plan for how infrastructure and public realm improvements might be phased will improve efficiency, speed time to delivery, and save money. Begin looking for strategic opportunities for land swaps and relocations. Think about how the City can work with existing property owners who may be interested in relocation within or outside of Grandview to aid in accomplishing the vision for the area. Hire a good landscape architect to create drawings that capture the vision for the park / civic space – these are the desired highlights of this development. 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 13 The CITY of EDINA Grandview Green: Updated Plan 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 14 The CITY of EDINA 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 15 The CITY of EDINA 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 16 The CITY of EDINA 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 17 The CITY of EDINA 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 18 The CITY of EDINA Technical Studies 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 19 The CITY of EDINA Technical Studies 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 20 The CITY of EDINA Technical Studies 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 21 The CITY of EDINA Technial Studies 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 22 The CITY of EDINA Technial Studies 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 23 The CITY of EDINA Technial Studies 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 24 The CITY of EDINA Technial Studies 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 25 The CITY of EDINA Technical Studies 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 26 The CITY of EDINA Market Research Study Summary: “The Grandview Green site has the potential to be a “best in class” development in the Twin Cities, incorporating a variety of land uses while incorporating “place making” into the development with leisure and green spaces. Although the development could incorporate various private sector developments; the catalyst for the Grandview Green project will be centered around the green/open space on top of the lid.” “The lid concept should be centered on the park and recreational amenities. A park over Highway 100 would take advantage of previously unusable space off the freeway and would not displace any existing property owners. The recreational space has the potential to create economic benefits to the surrounding area while making adjacent parcels more marketable and putting new property on the tax rolls.” 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 27 The CITY of EDINA Market Research Study CRITICAL: Transportation: Critical to the success of the project. Could include bike paths, walking paths, etc. Future transit stops and structured parking will be important to meet parking demands for tenants and events. STRONG DEMAND: General-Occupancy Rental Housing: Excellent area for higher-density rental housing in a mixed-use format. Condominium Housing: Strong demand due to pent up demand and favorable demographics for condo housing. Senior Housing: Excellent senior housing site in a mid-rise to high-rise development format. Retail: Excellent location for retail or retail-related commercial uses. Retail could be new concepts different from 50th and France or Southdale area. Entertainment: High household spending on dining out, entertainment and recreation in the PMA suggests strong demand for restaurants and entertainment venues. Due to the location near the Edina City Hall, other governmental and public uses would be well suited for the Grandview Green area. VIABLE: Office: Viable land use in the longer-term. At the present time, market is soft and not supported. Medical Office: Because of medical concentration near France Ave., medical tenants may prefer being near established concentration of health care users. However, could still attract a user due to access to Highway 100. Lodging: Supply is starting to outpace demand, but a select service brand may be well received at Hwy. 100 and 50th Street. 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 28 The CITY of EDINA Property Research MnDOT: ◦Completed fee/easement research and mapping for the district ◦Next Steps: the preparation of legal descriptions and deed documents necessary for the transfer of the property rights from Hennepin County to the State of Minnesota (process will begin in a few months after light rail projects are complete). Edina: ◦Completed underlying title research for the district ◦Next Steps: City will acquire underlying fee for one parcel where Hennepin County owns an easement MnDOT is, however, taking the lead to research the process of transferring particular interests to the City 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 29 The CITY of EDINA Transportation Study Built upon the 2016 Grandview Transportation Study Added new public land with assumed uses in Fall 2017 concept map Result: Supported with some concerns under current transportation model What will transportation look like in 5-10 years? ◦Car sharing, bike sharing, autonomous vehicles – big changes coming 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 30 The CITY of EDINA Transportation Study Handout Signalized Intersections: Level of Service C or better Unsignalized Intersection: Level of Service D or better Identified Concerns: ◦Loss of east-west connector road, now dedicated to pedestrian and bicycle ◦Increased traffic volumes on 50th Street ◦Type of facility on Vernon Avenue ◦Cost: estimated $25 million 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 31 The CITY of EDINA Sanitary Sewer Study $3-$5.8 Million 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 32 The CITY of EDINA Water Main Study $3.1 Million 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 33 The CITY of EDINA Storm Sewer Study $1.2 - 3.1 Million 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 34 The CITY of EDINA Sustainability Study: Impact Areas Identified 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 35 The CITY of EDINA High-Efficiency Buildings + Electrification (A2) •~20% more efficient than anticip. 2021 MN Energy Code •Electric space & water heating systems Ground-Source District (A4) •Moderate temperature loop •Heat pump integreation allows for heating & cooling benefits Business as Usual Development (A1) •Equivalent of anticipated MN 2021 Energy Code Central Plant District (A3) •4-pipe system •Allows for simultaneous heating & cooling Sustainability Energy Study: District Services 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 36 The CITY of EDINA *Based on current PUC approvals, in 2030 Xcel Energy’s emissions factor is anticipated to be 411 lbs/MWH. UnofficiallThis does include additional carbon reductions that has been unofficially announced by Xcel Energy in October 2017. Ground Source + Rooftop Solar PV Sustainability Energy Study: Total Site Carbon Emissions by Scenario 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 37 The CITY of EDINA Update on Proposed Legislation Current state law does not have a provision for this type of development. Other MN communities exploring lid development include St. Paul and Duluth. Legislation for Special TIF Legislation to Finance the Grandview Green has been introduced in both the House and Senate: HF 4408 (Anselmo, Rosenthal)/ SF 4004 (Franzen). Much of our effort this session has been getting local legislators up to speed, identifying the TIF tools needed for financing, finalizing bill language, and starting discussions with key legislative stakeholders. Edina and our lobbying team have met with the House and Senate Tax Chairs, the Governor’s Office, the MN Department of Transportation and other key decision makers in the Legislature. We received a hearing in the MN House of Representatives on Friday, April 20, 2018. Local legislators and chairs have noted that this is a large and complex project and may take more than one session to accomplish legislatively. 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 38 The CITY of EDINA Initial Financial Assessment Tax Projections and TIF Pay 2018 Rates Square Feet /Value per sq. ft. or Estimated Market Class Tax Units Value per unit Value Rate Capacity $273,600,000 $3,275,750 2.31% TAX BREAKDOWN - Annual Taxes at Full Build Out Estimated Tax Rate and Fiscal Disparities Local TC City County School Mk Value State-wide Value Capacity Taxes Taxes Taxes Portion Portion Dist Taxes Taxes Tax Rate 1.45095 1.12296 0.27849 0.42808 0.10667 0.30972 0.0022182 0.43865 Gross Taxes $152,250 $247,970 $61,496 $94,528 $23,555 $68,392 $36,378 $142,890 Tax Rate 1.45095 1.12296 0.27849 0.42808 0.10667 0.30972 0.0022182 0.43865 Gross Taxes $0 $3,312,732 $821,546 $1,262,836 $314,677 $913,674 $523,495 $0 Tax Rate 1.45095 1.12296 0.27849 0.42808 0.10667 0.30972 0.0022182 0.43865 Gross Taxes $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $152,250 $3,560,702 $883,041 $1,357,364 $338,231 $982,066 $559,874 $142,890 $4,415,717 TIF Present Value (@4.00%):$48,429,000 Commercial $16,400,000 325,750 1,180,000 $200 Development Institutional / Civic $21,200,000 0 Multi-Family $236,000,000 2,950,000 $3,836,227 2,950,000 Misc TOTAL Institutional / Civic $21,200,000 0.00%0106,000 $200 Multi-Family % Increase to City of Edina Tax Capacity Taxable Market Value $0 PROJECT INFORMATION - Total Build Out $579,489 Development Commercial $16,400,000 1.5-2%325,75082,000 $200 $236,000,000 1.25% 2.19% 0.14%0.23% 2.04%2.08% 0.00%0.00% 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 39 The CITY of EDINA Initial Financial Assessment Potential Public Sources and Uses Years 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total PUBLIC SOURCES Land Sale / Lease / Assessment Commercial (@ $45 psf land use)733,095 - 567,765 - 151,470 - 1,452,330 Multi-Family (@ $15,000/unit)2,700,000 - 7,290,000 - 7,710,000 - 17,700,000 Institutional / Civic (@ $45 psf land use)2,575,980 - - - - - 2,575,980 Land Revenues Subtotal 6,009,075 - 7,857,765 - 7,861,470 - 21,728,310 Developer Contributions (% of up-front infrastructure cost)- - - - - - - Other City Funding (100% of infrastructure cost net of land proceeds: TIF, Fees, Bonds, etc.)38,186,905 - (7,857,765) - (3,901,470) - 26,427,670 Parking (Developer, Fees, Bonds, etc.)13,500,000 - 14,400,000 - 20,550,000 8,550,000 57,000,000 Grants - - - - - - - TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDING 57,695,980 - 14,400,000 - 24,510,000 8,550,000 105,155,980 PUBLIC USES MNDOT Acquisition Costs - - - - - - - Land Write-Down (Civic Uses)2,575,980 - - - - - 2,575,980 Transportation Infrastructure 25,000,000 - - - - - 25,000,000 Utility Infrastructure (high side of ranges)12,000,000 - - - - - 12,000,000 Lid Development 4,620,000 - - 3,960,000 - 8,580,000 Parking Infrastructure (1,900 Assumed @ $30k / stall)*13,500,000 - 14,400,000 20,550,000 8,550,000 57,000,000 Environmental Cleanup Costs - - - - - - - TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENSES 57,695,980 - 14,400,000 - 24,510,000 8,550,000 105,155,980 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 40 The CITY of EDINA 1st HRA Discussion Topic: Comp Plan Should the Grandview Green be included in the Comprehensive Plan? 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 41 The CITY of EDINA Technical Studies 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 42 The CITY of EDINA Technical Studies 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 43 The CITY of EDINA 2nd HRA Discussion Topic: MnDOT Should the HRA sign a MOU with MnDOT? Should we begin lease negotiations with MnDOT? 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 44 The CITY of EDINA Technical Studies 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 45 The CITY of EDINA Technical Studies 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 46 The CITY of EDINA 3rd HRA Discussion Topic: Development Should we create a phased development plan for the Grandview Green? Should we build a financial model that supports the phased development plan? 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 47 The CITY of EDINA Technical Studies 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 48 The CITY of EDINA Technical Studies 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 49 The CITY of EDINA Contact Information Scott H. Neal City Manager sneal@EdinaMN.gov 952-826-0401 Bill Neuendorf Economic Development Manager bneuendorf@EdinaMN.gov 952-491-1143 Katie Clark Sieben Project Consultant ksieben@EdinaMN.gov 612-655-5199 4-26-2018 HRA Grandview Green Presentation 50