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Minutes of the regular mee tfng
of the Cpuncil of the Village of
Pdina, held in Grange Hall on July 10, 1939, at 8 o’clo~k PM.
me meeting waa called to order by President Sharpe, the roll
called and all members of the Council were presept.
Minutes of. the regular meeting of the Council held on June 26, ’1939, as ope13 as that por.tfon held on Juw 6, 1939, were read.
’On matien Irgens, they be ,approved a8 read, aeconded ny Fillson ‘and carrie d.
Tha Village and Road bille upon being duu examined and found correct, were on motion Willson, they be duly allowed and ordered
paid, seconded by Holten, and carried. They are as follows:
Earl C+ Sharpe
Ben B. Xosm George A. W%llson Clarence 0. Holten Victxn Irgens John J1 Duggan
Dr Lowell Po Campbell
Hilding Dah1
PI. S, Heydt
John W. won He 5, Knudsen S. .J. Roberts Po Dablgren
John Tracp
Lo Stolaari
Re Port
Sam XcCready He Ensley
Lo Palmer
Sa Bermlit M. Merfeld M. Merfeld
IvL Bversdorf
0. M. Spande Arthur pt! terse n Thomas Goble
A* C. Stringer
T* E* Tilly
President (July) Re c o rde r TruasEee Trustee Trustee Treasurer
Village Health Officer
Village Marehall Police Officer
Police Officer
Police Officer
Street Commissioner:
Utility man Tractor Operator
Asst. Tractor Operator
As8-L Road Foreman AasL Road Foreman
Road labor
Road labor
Road l’abor with team
Roa& labor weeds)
Road labor I weeds)
Uee of auto-seed inepectsr
Road labor Park labor
Garbage bollection
Road labor (weeds)
R 8c B -WPA labor Total
90.00 35.00
30 00
91. 50
750 50
80 0 00
93060 .
bGgQ 60
40T 50
L * 25.000
The Miscellaneous bills upon being duly examined and found correct,
were on motion frgens, they be duly aUowd and ordered paid, seo-
ended &y Willson, and carried. They are- a8 follows.
AtlcDonald-Cilf illan. Co
A Swanson
Uinneapolis G. U, Co
Minneapolis Go Xi* Co Ready Mixed Concrete Co
fmprownzent Bulletin Rural. He nnep in County
Surplus Corn. Committee
Suburban Hennepin County )
Lyle Signs, Inc
Jay We Craig Company
Hennepin County Review
Hennepin County Review
J. B, Eahond J.A.Danens & Son
Ben Bo Noore
Edina Hardware
Relief Board . 1
Jo A* Damns & SOD
1939 Ford V8 Dump Truck $1156000
loading gFave1 6.00
Xw- Electric Service 506.57 June Electric Service 49 3. 11 conc re te (net) 610 37
Pub. bid6 JoSoDo #I 58.20
April & June 60* 39 Ew Relief 742.57 June Relief 5870 26
Road signs 1980 25”
6000 gale Road oil applied 46OoOO
Printing & Bublishing 12.90
Pub+ bid8 JI.S,D+ #l 18090
Gas shovel Zln Halifax Am 251 9 00
mlding sheating cap 30 OO Expenses delegate L.M&.Conv. 12.70 c Hardware R&B 20 0 80
Ins* premuin 1939 Ford V8 truck 15.60
c Village St Souis Park Thorpe Bros
City of Edinneapolis
Di. Efl. Cdoper & Sons
@. H, Zio'glep Company Wooddale Grocery E. V. Harris - Simon. Strand
WA3e*ing project 921.00 Rent & telephone 13.10 Police car red lights 8, '?5
Flowers for Parks; 48.67 Tractor parts 1.73
Gas for tretc tors 35.65
Gas for R&B & Police car 117.65 Rent tool shed * J.5~00 Total Niscl' $4 , 910.17
-&g Nerril Hutchinson, as owner of all the land, offered survey..
or8 plat of Hilldals Additibn, which was examined by Bdr Cooper, the Council and others' and found tb be satisfactory, whereupon it was moved by Bolten, that the plat of Hilldale Addition 8s offered by HE Hutchinsen, owner, be accepted and the'Presideat
and Recorder of the Village Council be authorized and empowered to sign, seal and acceute 681318 far and on behalf of the Village Council, aeconded by Xoore and carried.
Utter dated July 6, 1939, by Gaardea, on behalf Of the Country Club District Service Company, advised of its intention to lay water mains on Toime~ Road, West 48th Street and Abbott Place and requested permiasion to lay the water main on the 8outh side of Teat 48th Street, instead of the North side, 88 as to make the service linea nearer to the lata on the South
side. After discussion it was thought advisable to suggest to Xr Gaarden that if ldr Ecklund would donate to the Village the low land on the North side of Test 48th Street, that his proposition would be looked upon with more favor.
A proposed new Taxi-cab ordinance was read and portions dis-
cussed with Nr Brooks and others and was left for future con- sideration of the Council.
Application received from Ninneapolfs Gas Light Company, for permission to lay gas mains in and along Kellogg Avenue 500 feet South of mst 52nd. Street, On Fuller Street 270 feet
Xast of Drew Avenw,,-.OiiYork Avenue l?O feet South of Ykst 55th
Street and on West 56th Street betmen York and Bard Avehue. rabereupon Trustee Irgens moved the applications bs granted svbject to completion in 30 days, seconded by Eoore and carried
After diacrussion on the adequacy of Village Police force, it
was matRd by Holten, that John W. won be appointed Police Officer on a month to month baSfQ and at a salary of $140.00 per month Wghing a8 of July 7, 1939, motion seconded by
Irgens pnd carried.
Trustee Willsen moved that the nm of $50.00 burial services for John Norell, a destitute seconded by Elioore and carried.
After dfsGU8sion of the proposed Nation wide the new rules and regulations of the Federal
b8 allowed for raafdent of Bdina,
EA strike against Administration. Works Progress Adminbtratioh. it was moved TTUaon that st6ik-
ing VPA workers would not go on direct Village Relief, seconded
. by Irgena and carried.
* Y5Elage Health Officer Dr Campbell, appeared before the Counoil to suggest the enactment of a Village Ordinance toward elbin- sting outdoor privys in the newer additions and that connection
1 be made with the sanitary sewers where ever available, all of
e mkich met with enthusiaetic kpproval of the Council.
- Utter da.t;ed July 7, 1939,-by Attorney Howard, advised that - under Section 1893, Eason's Statutes a8 amended in 1935, the - - Comcil could isaue Joint Sever District No. 1 Wbrrantr? and by Resolution adopted prior to the issuance of the Garrants, could pledge full faith and cmdit of Vill8ge and thus obtain substan tially the sme low intereet rate as on general obligations
Petition was rece ived from H+ Mc and Molly Newland and Alvina and G. E, Noleen, a8 owners of all the property in Block 14 of Eendelsaohnfs Addition, asking that the alley in said Block, duly dedicated to the public, but never used by the public or opened for traffic, be vacated* It was thereupon moved by Moore, that the petition be received and accepted .. 1) and that posted and public notices be made for notice for the hearihg upon petition for vacation of alley in Block 14, E&ndelSsohn'S Addition, at the regular aeeting of the Council to be held on August 14, 1939, and Carried.
A large number of residents living in Abbott Park, Grand
View Heigh.ta, Clbveland~s~ookside Heights Additions, appeared before the Council to protest againsf any action by one Yohn Pehrson, to keep an unduly number of cow8 and .horses on platled
ion ReccwdeT Noose offered the following Resolution:
Motion was seconded by Holten
property and in a Ssfdsntial district* After much discus-
. An Ordinance Amending 'An Ordinance Of The Village of Edina, as follows:
The villa@ qouncil of the Village of Edina do ordain as follows:
1. That Section 33 entitled "Animals, Keeping of",
of that certain ordinance entitled @An Ordinance defining cer%ain misdemeanor8 and prescribing a penalty for viol lation thereof", passed by the Council on the 27th day of Bbruary, 1926, be and the sam is hereby amended BO that said Sectfan 33 shall read as follows:
f%ection 33. Anhalr~, Keeping of. Every person who
keeps swine , cattle, horses, goats or more than two dogs in the Village nearer than 500 feet to arq- human habit- ation without permission from the Board of Health, or without permission of the Board of Health shall keep
' the animals above described within 500 feet of real estate platted into lotie and designated a8 an Addition,
shall be guilty of a miedemeanOr.
Section 2. Elffectivg.:. mis ozcllinance shall take effect
and be in force from and sfter its passage and publicm ation according to law.
The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee Holten and the vote wa;~ upon the question of the adoption of the
Resolution, wherein them were five (5) wes and no (0) naysr a8 follows: MOW@ aye and Sharpe aye, and s and so ordered.
" .
Village Recorder.
The hour of midnight having. arrived and the matter of spread- ing assessment for benefits an Joint Sewr District No.1 still to be considered by the Council, the President declared the meeting r8Cesaed to meet again at the erne the and place on July 18, 19390
Village Recorder
Einutes of the JuU $0, 3939, meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, recessed to July 18, 1939, and held in Grange Hall at 8 o'clock
* The meeting was called to order by President Shazpe, the roll called and all members of the Council were present.
-I L.
President Sharp announced that this meeting was first to con8ider and discuss assesaments for-benefits-of the inter- septing trunk sewer to be build in Joint Sewer District No. 1.
The Assessor and Reoorder, to rrrho the matter waa referred,
presented an itemized list of all the land contained in the
said Joint Sewer District No. 1, and the pxopoaed basis of assessing benefits as now laid out. After study and dis- ~ussion for two hour8 it W&EI agreed that *here were sections
of aceragea and rum1 sections of platted lands on &fch but little if any benefit might be received at this time and the
Engineer, Recorder and Assessor were duly delegated to further
study the proposition and to recommend to the Council any
such aeae which might be adviaable to t&e out of the present Joint Sewer District No. 1, and which could be better assessed for benefits through a "Connecti~n Charge Ordinance" at a later date.
Eotion to adjourn carried at 11.00 PBII,
---- Village Recorder.