HomeMy WebLinkAbout19390724_REGULARMinutes of t'ne regular meeting of tbe Council of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Hall on July 24, 1939, at 8 ofclock P& i
The meeting was called to order by President Sharp, the roll called and all membere of the Council were present.
.Minutee of the regular meeting of the Council held on July 10,
1939, as well as the recessed portion of the same meeting held on July 18, 1939, -re read. On motion they be approved afil read Irgens, seconded by Willson, and carried.
Rev. W. Be Riley, appared before the Council in response to notice to move certain buildings from public alley in blosrk 'bounded teOp 54th., 55th. , Zenith and Yo&. and suggested that the mafn intersspting sewer be moved to the Wst where he owned the land and would give the right..of-way. He was @vised that the proposition would have to be referred to the Village Brig- irreer.
Trus$ee Holten, offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption,
Reaolued, that Annabel lke Hutchlnson, the owner of all the. landa comprised in the limits of the plat of Hilldals, Hennepin County, Minnesota, on file and of record in the office of the Register of Beds fn and for Hennepin County, Bdinnesota,
is hereby authorized to paw and grade all streets, avenu~s and highvws shown on said plat to grades approved and authorjilted 13y the Village Engineer without expense to the Village and to save the
Village harmleas from any and all claims for daunages or expense on account of such paving and grading,
I The motion to adoptt the rssslutioa was seconded by Tru@$ee Irgene and the yote'iras uponethe qivsstdon of the adoption of the resolution wherein there were five ayes and no nays a8
f011oflP&: Holten aye, Willson aye , Irgens aye, Moore aye and Sharpe we and so decliamd duly gassed and carried.
Due miehed &%-? Ben made in &he matter of vacating a portion of Cooper Avenue in the Village of Xdina, Trustee Holten offered the following Resolution and moved its
adopt ion:
t -lLY& -
.Resolution vacating 8 portion of Cooper Awnue in the Village of Edina
'wR%EBAS, a Petition of a11 of tbe owners of land abutting upon that portion of Cooper Avenue in
said Village of Edina, hereinafter described having
made and filed with the Villa@ Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, a Petition petit= ioning for the vacation of all thrtt. part of Cooper Avsnue in said Village, hereinafter deacribed, and
W€UPLZAS, due pos%e$ and published notice of aaid hear-
ing ha8 been duly given as required by statute, and
7EUZP~AS, at the meeting of the Village Council, desig- nated in said notice said pe&if;ion waa duly conlsidere4 and said vacation of sefd Avenue being for the best interests of the public,
NO$?, THERiZFOR;F3, BE IT RZSoLVlD, That that certain portion of Cooper Avenue in said Village of Jidina, described as follows:
"All that par6 of said Cooper Avenue comprehended and
distant fifty and forty-eight hundredths (60.48 rgwhere rod8 1Jring bewteen a line dram parallel to and eve
in a northerly direction from the south line of the northeast quarter of Section 29 , Township 117, Range
21, in the County of Bennepin, Ddinnesota, and the south- erly line of the right af way of Einneapolis and St Paul
Suburban Railway- Company, as the sane is located and laid out across the east half of the northeaqt quarter of said Section
be, and the stme is, hereby vacated.
The motion to adopt ths.rasolution m8 seconded by Recorder Noare -and the vob was upbn the quemtion of the adoption of the ReSol- utiun, wherein there *re fitre ayes and no nay8 a8 follows:
Holten aye, Villson aye, Irgens we, Moore a~re and Sbarpe aye, and carried and so ordered.
100 and Valley View Road, appeared before the Councel to protest against raising .the grade of Valley View Road County Road #39, and serving. hi8 property. Chairman Willrson of the Road 80 Bridge Cornittee etated that
County Highway Engineer Duckett had advfsed of the widening of
the road E%+olfght3$ raising the grade. for Chairman Willson to take up with Hr Duckett.
Er Cooper requested that Benton Avenue be graded an8 'that planks
of the Xinneagolis , Northfield and Southern Rablway'Companyts Briton Av8nue bridgd -needed replacing, which was referred to
the Road and Bridge Committee. -
The Village pay roll advances having Ben carefully studied and
found correct, it me moved 3y '#illson they be duly allowed and
ordered paid, seconded by Irgens and carried.
The matter was Teft
A large nrrmber of residents were present concernad with the
matter of petition to rezone the Darr property located at the northeast corner of Vest 50th Street and Vooddale Avenue.
E& Inghan suggested that the petition referred from the June
5, 1939, meeting of the Council to this meeting, be deferred until other petitions could lfkswiae be considered and presentsd a written legal opinion advising that the Council ha8 the right to change zonfng at any time even in the face of an application* Xuoh discuseion wa8 had and a petition was received from Tdessra Siemera Vennm, Durst , Swnaen, Tklomeon, Inghaa and others petitioning that the West 400 feet of the Darr property be zoned for-erection only of one family d~wllings. Likewise a eecond
petition was received from the sm~ signers petitioning that the
same property be zoned forerection only of one and two family
At thia point TruBtee Holten mowd that th.is meeting when
recessed, recess to August 8, 1939, at 8 otcfack 3% at the usual place.
Itrwa~l thereupon moved ly Holten that baring on petitions fer rezoning received tonight, Is sot for hearing to be held at time of Council meeting to Is held on August 8, 1939, at 8
o'cloc& FH, seconded by Noore and carried.
It moved by Trustee Holten, that the Harmsen and Parks pet- ition to rezom the Darr property, be referred to the meeting of the Council to be held on August 8, 1939, seconded by Willson
and carried.
lotion mas seconded by Irgens and carr$edr
Trustee Holten moved that the Council of its own initiative will
at the recessed me@ ting of the Council to be held on August 8,
1939, will consider amending Section VI of the Zoning Ordinance
of Pdfna, to .confine the improvements nhich mw erected thereon to private dwllings of one or of one and two family dwellings
and that the Village Attorney be requested to prepare notices for hearing for posting, necondad by \7illson and carried.
Recorder Uoore, suggested tha$ Xr Herman Olson, Planning and Zonia Engineer for the City of Xinncapolis and EtIr George H.
Herrold, Planning and Zoning hginoer for the City of St Paul,
be engaged as Zoning Exprto to advise the Council in the matter
of rezoning %st 50th Street from Srance Avenue to Highway #lo0 at a cost not to exceed $25.00 eaak, whereupon Trustee \7illson
so moved, seconded by Uoore and carried.
) It was moved by Moore, that the President be enpowered to appoint a Citizens Committee of such number as he. shall determine, to confer
with Messrs Olson and Herrold in the matter of reaoning Vkst 50th I Street and for joint recommendations to the Council, seconded by Zrgens and carried.
It was moved by Irgens, that the Village Attorney be requested for wri.t.t;en opinion adviaing the Council whether or no members of the Village Council are subject to Court action ff a building permit is refused or if property is rezoned when an application is pendim, motion seconded by Uoore and carried.
Application by Northern States Power Company for permission to set one pols on West 59th Street and Brookview Ave, was on motion Willsotv be granted, seconded by Poore and carried.
Application by Minneapolis Ga8 Light Company, for permission to install 300 feet of 3H gas main in and along Minnehaha Avenue, was
on motion Irgens, be granted subject to completion within 30 days, seconded by Willson and carried.
At this point President Sharpe, declared the meeting recessed to reconvene on August 8, 1939, in Grange Hall at 8 ofclock PL
- Village Re c or der .
Minute8 of the recessed portion of the July24 , 1939, meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Hall at 8 o*clock Pl.4 on August 8, 1939.
The meeting was called togather Qy President Sharpe, the roll called and a11 members of the Council were present.
President Sharpe sta@d to the large crowd who had assembled, that the meeting would consider the matter of petitions for rezoning on
Wst 50th. Street and that the services of Mr Herman Olson, Plan- ning and Zoning Engineer for the City of Minneapolis and Mr George H. Herrold, Planning and Zoning Engineer for the City of St Paul,
had been engaged to advise the Council as we11 as an unbiased
Village wide cowittee had been appointed to also consider the matter of rezoning and had reported unanimously in keeping Ilkst
50th Street a residential street without apartments.
The President called upon Herrold, who suggested that the
Present Zoning Ordinance be brought up to date and'that a definate amendment should be made to prohibit apartment buildings a8 Edina,
was strictly a district of good. hme8. That the Comunfty Store
District at mst 50th. and France, was large enough to serve local residents for a long. timed That with increase in traffic, steps should be taken to make Vkst 50th Street a more residental street
by acquiring additional land and landscaping each side, Section VI of the Zoning Ordinance could be w~ll eliminated and if done would better develop the present Community Store District at France Avenue and met 50th Street.
Mr Herman Oleon advised that it would be a mistake to open up Edina
for flats and apartments and that w should stick to our zoning and not undermine all the good that has developed under the present Zoning Ordinance !That in Pdinneapolis restricted dis tric fer have enhanced property values for the residents, That the reason for
present Civic Center was to limited to develop and that kidina had
the greatest qualification as a district of good homes and anything done to undermine the present standard would be serious.