HomeMy WebLinkAbout19390724_SPECIAL18.9 ) It was moved by Moore, that the President be enpowered to appoint a Citizens Committee of such number as he. shall determine, to confer with Messrs Olson and Herrold in the matter of reaoning Vkst 50th I Street and for joint recommendations to the Council, seconded by Zrgens and carried. It was moved by Irgens, that the Village Attorney be requested for wri.t.t;en opinion adviaing the Council whether or no members of the Village Council are subject to Court action ff a building permit is refused or if property is rezoned when an application is pendim, motion seconded by Uoore and carried. Application by Northern States Power Company for permission to set one pols on West 59th Street and Brookview Ave, was on motion Willsotv be granted, seconded by Poore and carried. Application by Minneapolis Ga8 Light Company, for permission to install 300 feet of 3H gas main in and along Minnehaha Avenue, was on motion Irgens, be granted subject to completion within 30 days, seconded by Willson and carried. At this point President Sharpe, declared the meeting recessed to reconvene on August 8, 1939, in Grange Hall at 8 ofclock PL - Village Re c or der . Minute8 of the recessed portion of the July24 , 1939, meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Hall at 8 o*clock Pl.4 on August 8, 1939. The meeting was called togather Qy President Sharpe, the roll called and a11 members of the Council were present. President Sharpe sta@d to the large crowd who had assembled, that the meeting would consider the matter of petitions for rezoning on Wst 50th. Street and that the services of Mr Herman Olson, Plan- ning and Zoning Engineer for the City of Minneapolis and Mr George H. Herrold, Planning and Zoning Engineer for the City of St Paul, had been engaged to advise the Council as we11 as an unbiased Village wide cowittee had been appointed to also consider the matter of rezoning and had reported unanimously in keeping Ilkst 50th Street a residential street without apartments. ' The President called upon Herrold, who suggested that the Present Zoning Ordinance be brought up to date and'that a definate amendment should be made to prohibit apartment buildings a8 Edina, was strictly a district of good. hme8. That the Comunfty Store District at mst 50th. and France, was large enough to serve local residents for a long. timed That with increase in traffic, steps should be taken to make Vkst 50th Street a more residental street by acquiring additional land and landscaping each side, Section VI of the Zoning Ordinance could be w~ll eliminated and if done would better develop the present Community Store District at France Avenue and met 50th Street. Mr Herman Oleon advised that it would be a mistake to open up Edina for flats and apartments and that w should stick to our zoning and not undermine all the good that has developed under the present Zoning Ordinance !That in Pdinneapolis restricted dis tric fer have enhanced property values for the residents, That the reason for present Civic Center was to limited to develop and that kidina had the greatest qualification as a district of good homes and anything done to undermine the present standard would be serious. That - . In asmr to questions by President Sharps, both Bdr Olson and Xr Herrold stated that no uniform width of stmet vas necessary for roadside beautification and the% even p2ay grounds could be incorporated in a plan without injury to nearby residents. 1 Trustee Holten offered the follotring resolution and rnoPed its adoption: An Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance, Village of Edfna, Wnnesota The Village Council of the Village of Edina do ordain a8 follom: Section 1, That Section 3 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Eiiina, passed by the Council on 25tP1, 1931, and designated in said Zoning Ordinance as "Open Development District", be and the sane hereby is mended by adding to safd Section 3, paragraph (p) reading a8 follows: --- I "(p) The folldning deecribd real estate located in said Village, to-wit: Beginning at the fntsrsection of the North line of Vest 50th Street and the East line of Vooddals Avenue, a8 the said street and avenue are laid out in aaid Village, and running thence Saet along the Horth line of said TBst 50th Street to the Southwest corner of Lot One (l), Block Fourteen (14) a Country Club District, Pairway Section, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of said 3ennepfn County; thence to the Southviest corner of Lot Six (6) in said Block Tourteen (14) ; thence Teat' to the Southrrest corner of Lot Tmnty (20) in said Block Fourteen (14); thence South along the East line of said Vooddale Avena@ 'ts the point of begining, and two family dmellinge 815 defined in mid Zoning Ordinance, and the erection and construction upon said premises, or any part thereof, of any building erected and constructed for or intended for occupancy by mere than one or two families respectfullgt is hereby prohibited. Section 2. Vivic Center" shall be omitted aqd that upon the land and preniees in said Section 6 described, located in the said VAllage of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, to-vit: Qua&?sc (NEd) 50th Street, T&st of Tooddale Avenue and North and East of Einne- haha, Creek a8 it noa runs and a8 said streeta are laid out and ussd in said Village, ' is hereby zoned to permit the erection only ef one or one I That Section 6 of said Zoning Ordinance, entitled All ihat art of the Northeaet Quarter of the SQU~~XWB~ of SsctionEighteen (18), lying South of Xbst there shall be erected only one or one and two tamfly dewll- inga as defined in said Zoning Ordinance, and the construction and erection thereon of any building constructed and erected for or intended for occupolncy by more than on8 or tns faailies respact- ' fully is *hereby prohibited. Section 3. Thia Ordinance shall b8 in force and effect from and after its passage and publication according to law. The motion to adopt mas seconded bjr Trustee Tillson and the vote vas upon the question of the adoption df tho Resolution wherein there were five ayes and no nays as follo~rs: HoZ%i;en aye, Villsen aye, Irgens we, Eoore aye and Sharp aye and so the resolution was declared duly passed and carried and so ordered . .- ATD ,a I - - -- m :ST , Preeident of Council - Viilqge Recorder\ Nr Allan Phillips etaggested that in view of the large nurnber of children in and about the Country Club District, tha% a@ps be taken toward acquisition of land for play ground purpo8es. President Sharp reviewed the efforts put forth to acquire part of Block 16, in the Country Club District, for play ground purposes and which failed to carry at an election cal- ItM- ' for the .purpose of approving issuing bonds for payment of the land, President Sharpe however stated that he would be pleased to appoint an committee for pPaiy ground acquisition. XIr 0. Bo BdcClintOck moved to thank the Council for the very able in which the rezoning problems on ma% 50th Street had been handledand eegecially for having engaged Mesare Olson and Herrold as Zoning Advisors, the motion from the floor me seconded by Mr Allan Phillips and carried rather unanimoaasly, Recorder Noore moved that Mr Arthur Re Nichols, be engaged as Landscape Architect, to lay out a comprehensive plan for the beautification of mst 50th Street from France Avenue to State Highway #169 and to subit same for Council approval at an early date, seconded by Holten and carried. Recorder Koore mQved %hat F&tssrs George HI Herrald and €%?man E. Olrrsn, be engaged to revise the Zoning: Ordinance of &din&, in conjunction with Village Attorney Strong, Building Inspector Creighton and the Council, seconded by Trugltee Willeon and carrked. Mo further businese to CQme before the meeting motion to adjourn carried at 11.40 Pld .. ..