HomeMy WebLinkAbout19390814_REGULARMinuteo of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Hall on August 14, 1939, at 8 O'clock PU. The meeting was called to order by President Sharpe, the roll called and all members of the Council wre present. H[inutes of the regular meeting of the CounciX held on July 24, 1939, as ~~11 as the recessed portion duly held on August 8, 1939, *re readr On motfan Irg8nS, they be approved as read, seconded by Willson and carried. Reports trere given by Treasurer Duggan, Chairman Irgens on Relief, Chairman Villaon on Roads and Bridgea, and Chairman Holtsn on !&e Xiscellaneous Bixls upon bfng duly exminsd and found correct, wxe on motion Irgens, they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Villson, and carriedb They am as fOllOJ?5: I *- P0;lice. President Sharps commented on July expenditurea. Vooddale Grocery E. ri. Barries Uiller-Davis Coinpany Village St Louis Park Village St Louie Park Eugene Be Thomas Butts Agency Graybar Plectric Co Graybar Jlectric Company Standard Clo$hing Co - He nne pin C oun'ty Blackburn, Nickels Q Sm%th Th~rp Bro8 Garvey Hardware Strong Cove11 & Strong League Einn. Uunicipalitiea Uinnesota Tree Service Hin.neapolie G. P, Company Peerless Electrical Co Warne r Hardware Herinan- Ee Olson George H. Herrold \?e lande rm Qui s t Hennepin County Revierr Bren Hqrdware Co Industrial Ylectric Co Villiamaon Stamp Co Lyle Signs, Inc. , Bepublic Creosoting Co Nieland Auto service Country Club Floral Co B. H. Bradley Boreyf B She11 Station J. Wo Craig Company Simon Strand Justus Lumber Company . 3, A. Danens et Son T* E. Till7 Gas for R&B $75.96 Fire Bpt service on 6/1 = 35.00 Village portion ?!PA sewing 21;OO Gas for R&B & Police car 122.66 Off ice suppl ie 8 3e 05 Biring 70 65 Ens. premium Police oar 24045 Blomr for cascade pump 24677 1/2 HI? nE: motor & Asscs. 31 48 Policeman' s cap Io 38 Poor Parm service Ehy J&J 138.00 Ins pram; bond9 TgllySCDZ@1 10 . 00 Refund Police Officers belt 7,50 Hardmre R&B Recording deed WmWrship dues to 9/1/40 50.00 Rent Tract Office & phons 13. 15 2: I Labor Parknay trees 26. 28 July hlectric Service 576e 55 Steel rod for R&B 6.50 Fee8 Prof Service S-ZOni% 25. 00 Flatjhlight cells-pol ice 3.67 mea Prof. services-Zoning 25.00 Funeral services John Nore11 50.00 Published noticeo 11.70 Komr part@ 5.24 Labor Cascade pump 12.50 Police badge 8 3.0000 Road signa 46.45 . Road tar 353e06 Labor-repairs Dodge truck 36.55 Flomre for Parks 10015 210 . 00 Dodge truck servicing 14.20 8400 gale road oil 630 e 00 Rent tool shed 15000 Engineering fees to 8/5 Lumber R&B 49.82 Total ESfsCl. $3,343.7 6 Gas shovel-Truck-'G7 64th St 655.50 The Village and Road Pay rolls having Men carefully atudied and found correct, it vas moved by Villson, they be allomd and ordered paid, seconded by Irgens and carried. They are a~1 f 01 I. ows : Earl C. Sharpe Ben B. Efoore George A, Villson Clarence 0. Holten Qic tor Irgens Pre s ide nt August Re c or der Trustee ft TrurJtee 11 Trustee n (1 $50 00 9~000 35. 00 ' 35.00 35.00 1.9 3 John J. Duggan Dr Lowfl M. Campbe11 Hilding Dah1 W. S. Heydt John V. Lyon P. Dahlgran Jo'hrs Tracy L. Stolqman R. Port1 H. Pnsley A.C .Stringer Sam McCready OI N. Spande Silas Herret N. MerfeId M. Merfeld Arthur €e terson L. Palmer To E. !!!illy He JoK~~nudSeYa So J. Robrts Tre asure r $25.00 Village Health Officer 30 00 Village Marshall 170.00 Police Officer 150*00 Police Officer 150.00 Police Officer 14O.00 Street Commiss foner 150.00 Trac tar operator 135.00 Asst. Tractor operator 125.00 Asst Road foreman 130.80 Asst road forenan 136.20 Road labor 1O7oQQ AugUs t R&B- WPA 280 00 Road labor 112.50 Park labor 128.60 105.00 126. 08 23.20 300.00 Road labor (weeds Road labor (weds Auto hire (weeds) Garbage collection Utility man 140 . 00 Labor with team 58 00 Total $2,712.30 District Pnginees Chard, of the State Highway Department, presented. plans and profiles for contemplated improvements 09 Highway 100 extending from 66th to 70th Streets, wherein service drives mre intended to provide eaey and aafe access for residents on to the Highway and requesting Council approval of grades. After exam- ination of same and. discussion by all concerned, it was moved by Willsen, that the plans be accepted and suggested grades be set all as set forth in blue prints du1y submitted and aubject to approval by Village dngineer, seconded by Home and carried. Mr J, R. Thorpe was present and presented proposed plat of the Sunny Slope Section of the Country Club District, which had been previously submitted to Village Engineer Bradley and OKred 'by him subject to 10 ft. right-of-way being grented. for sewer puro poses. After examination and discussion, it was moved by Moore that the proposed plat of Surlny Slops Section, Country Club Diet- . rict, duly submitted as of this date, be duly approved and accepted a~d the President and Recorder be authorised and ernpowred to sign and sen1 same far and" on behalf of the Village Council,' seconded by V?illaon and carried. I Hfr H. E. Pulver, who operatea the Hamburger stand at Vkst 50th St and Halifax Avenue, was present to request lfcenae to operate, Considerable discussion ensued with resident8 objecting $0 the:- smell of onions and noise of auto horns at varioue houre of the night-. , of President Sharps to await the report of IJir Nichols now under way and upon the improvement of West 50th Street. The matter was ended for the time being upon the suggeatim Nr D. C. Yoerks, again appeared before the Council with objsctisns regarding the. raising of graCtr; sf County Road #39, paeBing in front of his property. After discussion it was coneidered best to leave the road as is and let the County pay for my damages done to Xr Yoerk's proprty* The matter of vacating alley in Block 14, lvkndelsqokrn Addition, next came before the Council. Trustee Holten offered the followm ing resolution and moved its adoption. ?!EBl?3AS, the petition of all the owners of land adjoining and abutting upon the alley hereinafter described, having been filed with the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, petitioning for the vacation of the alley in Block ?Jourc teen (14) MendeIseohn, in said Village; and lJEdG?BAS, due pogted and published notice of the hearing upon said petition having been given as provided by statute; and, , \mPSAS, at the meeting of the Village Council designated in said $lotice having been held and the said petition duly considered, Gacated; '- &nd it being deemed for the publtc interest that said alley be f0\7, !?X3EREFORE, BE IT RiCSOLVBD, That the certain alley, dedicated 6nd existing st8 such in Block Fourteen (14) Mendelssohn, as Addit- ion in said Hennepin County, located in said Village of Ydina, &cording to the plat of said Addition on file and of record in &e office of the Register of Deeds in and for said Hennepfn County, %e and the sans hereby is vacated, J %e motion Co adopt the Resolution vas seconded by Trustee Irkens and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the Resolut- ion wherein there mre five (5) wea and no (0) nays as follows; Hhhen aye, frgens aye, Willson aye , Nooro aye and Sharpe we. and so the Resolution was declared duly passed and carried. .. ATTEST Village Recorder. President of the Council Bessrs Wbo and Land, prewnted Quat Claim deed to 40 feet of Let Nineteen (19) mite UE&S Fourth (4) Attitfon, Eennepin County, Xinnesota, for road purposes running to the Village of Ydins, from J. Frank Ycklund ad Catherine T. Ecklund , hu8band and wife, whereupon it was moved by Villson that the same be duly accepted on behalf of the Village Council, seconded by Holten and carried. Chairman \7illssn of the Road and Bridge Committee, sugee'stied the advisabilty of the Village purchasing the Vesterby part of the Rolsrts property equal to about one tenth of an acre , so that Varren Avenue might be extended due North i'nto Valley View Road and thus eliminate two sharp turns. a half street at present and Warren Avenue being a school bus route. It w8s thereupon moved by Villaon to purchase at a sum not to ex- ceed $SO,OC, seconded by Noore and carried. Application waa received from Country Cldb District Service Corn, for permiesion to install mater mains and hydranto in and alone Halifax Avenue from 50th to 52nd Street, in and along Indfanola Avenue from YBst 50th to 52nd Street and in and along Juanita Avenue from 1ndian;ola to mst 52nd Street, which on motion €bore the application be granted, seconded by Irgens and carried, - Recorder Efoore suggested the advisabilty of renting 8 gas shove1 havfng-a 3/8 cubic yard clam bucket for u8e on intercepting smr whereupon Trustee Holten moved that advertised bide be called for on August 28, 1939 , seconded by Irgens and carried. Test 63rd Street being but B No further business to come before this me'eting at this the, President Sharpe declared the meeting recessed to meet again at the same time snd paace on Tuesday August 22, 1939, at 8 P& .Village Recorder , Minutes of the regular meeting of the August 14, 1939, meeting of the Council of .the Village of Edina, recessed from August 14, 1939, to August 22, 1939, and held in Grange Hall at 8 o'clock ?d. The meeting was 'called to order President Sharpe, the roll called and all memkers of the Councfl were ppesent except Truetee Willson who wa8 confined to bed on account of sickness, ' Truetee Holten reported conce'rning the Police force and after discussion by the Council moved that the Village police force be increaesd to four men and that John W. won be given a six months temporary appointment at a salary of $140.00 per month, Notion was seconded by Recorder Moore and carried. After much discussi-on by the Council, Yngineer Bradley, Asaessor Creighton, Village Attorney Strong and others, aSIu8tee Holten offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: AN ORDINMCB WNDING HAN ORDINANCE CRBATING, ESTABLISHING AED FIXING TIT& LIUITS AND T&RRI'JCOFX OB A SBWER DISTRICT IN TILF; VILLA@ OF EDIHA, ,E€!X"NPIN COUNTY, MI"I3SOTA, DBSIGNA!El$D 'JOINT SI3WER DISmICT NO. 2y ," Whereas, the Village Council of the Village of Mlina, Hennepin County, Xinnesota, has heretofore adopted an ordinance entitled: *'An ordinance creating, establishing and fixing the limits and territory of a sewer district in the Village of &dins, Hennepin County, Ninneseta, designated L3-oint Sewer District No. 1tft which said ordinance designated a certain area of said Village as such Joint Sewer Diatyict, and Whereas, after completion of plans and specification8 of said. joint mwr, ft has been deterimined that a portion of the area witbin eaid joint aewr district as originally created will not receive spcial 'benefit@ from said Bewr and should be excluded from said d4strict. NOW, Therefore, the Village Counci.1 of the Villas of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, do ordain as follows: I, That that certain ordinance "creating, establishing and fixing the limits and territory of a sewsf district in the Village of ddina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, designated ?Joint &we&. Dkstrict No, 1@ 8 It passed by the Village Council of said Village of Edina on Pebruary 20th, 1989, be amended so that the said resolution shall mad a8 -9 follows: "AN ORDINANCl CFUCATING, &STAIZZLISHING A?XD FIXING TIXE LZNITS AND TXRRITORY OF A SWR DISTRICT IN SHE VILLAGB OF PDINA, HENH33PIN COUMTY, MINNBSOTA, .. D5SIGNATED 0 JOINT SEYiR DISTRICT NO.l* i Vhe Village Counofl of the Village of Xdina in Kcmepin County, Minnesota, do ordain as followe: Section 1. That certain real eatate and territory within the cor- porate limits of the Village of Mina, Hennepiri County, Minnesota, is hereby created and established as Joint Sewer District Nol 1, Edina, and shall consist of and include the territory and real estate 'lying within the said Village of Bdina, deseriked as folloms, and within the lines, limits and boundaries of the following description: "ComeneSng at the Northeast corner of the Northwest quarter (F&) of Section Twen%y (20) , Township Tmnty-eight (28) , Range Twenty-four (24); thence Vest along the North line of said Section Twenty (20) to the Northwest corner thereof; thence Borth along the East Line of Section Pighteen (181) Twenty-four (24), to the Northeset corner of said Section ;Eighteen (18); tbenceWst along the North line of said Section Eighteen (18) to the Southerly right of way line of the Ninneapolis eC St Paul SuBurban Railway Company; thence Westerly along said Southerly right Township Twenty-eight (E8), Range of wy line to the S8st line of said Section Ei hteen (18) ; thence South along the ?%st linesaf Sections Eighteen 'f 18) and Nineteen (19) to the Southwest (5orHer 6f -the NbrkhcsaB quarter (I?&) of Section Nineteen (1g); thence East along the East 8c F%st quarter lines of Section8 Nineteen (19) and Tnenty (20) to the Southeast corner of %he Northwest quarter (NV-) of Section Twenty (20); thence North to * the point of begining.{' Section 2e That this ordinance I% in full force and effect from and after ita passage and publication* The motion to adopt the resolution mas seconded by Recorder Noore and the vote was upon the question uf the adoption of the resolution mherein there were four (4) ayes and no (0) nays as follows, Irgens aye, S%arpe Holten aye and Uoore aye and so the resolution was decla$tj$ pataw passed and carried and so ordered. , .President of the Village Council A ATT&ST: Village Recordere Recorder Xoore offered the following Besolution and moved its adoption: . by resolutBon duly adopted at its regular meeting on April- loth, 1939, established the rout8 of the sewer in Joint Sew& District No, 1 in said Village of Edina, and it having been found necessary and expsdienl to change a portion of said route as laid out in said orig- inal resolution. The Village Council of the Village of Ydina, having hGretofore, I Nom, Therefore, Be it resolved that the s&id resolution be and the same hereby is amended so that the route of said joint semr in said Joint Sever District No. 1 shall be and the said joint cemr shall be constructed along the follorring route, to-wit: Commencing at a point on the &enter line of Xerxeo Awnue South vhch is -3 feet South of the center line of West 54th Street; thence Vbst and parallel with the center line of \%at 54th Street to a point on t the center line of the alley in Block 2 of Seeleya First Addition to Hawthorne Park extended Northerly; thence South along the center line of said alley and the same extended Southerly to the center line of Vest 55th Street; thence \%st along the center line of Tsst 55th Stre et to the canter line of Zsnith Avenw! South; thence Ylecterly in a straight line to a point on the ~esterly line of Lot C in \mite Investment Cpmpany's Hidden Valley which is 30 feet NorthearJterly rreasured along same from the most Southerly corner of Lot 8 in Block 2 of Wiite Invest- nent Company's Hidden Valley; thence 'Jlesterly fn a straight line to the point of intersection of the center lines of Bard Avenue South and \Test 54th Street; thence South along the 'center line of B&rd Avenue South to its- intersection with a line drawn parallel vith and 27 feet South- easterly &asured at right angles from the Southeasterly line of Blocks 7 and 8 in Toadbury Park Near Lee Harriet; thence Southwsterly along last deacribed line to its intersection with a line dram parallel aith and distant 677 feet East of the cen%sr line of France Avenue South; thence South parallel with France Avenue South to the center line of South Bend Avenue extended Pasterly; thence Westerly along the center line of South Bend Avenue 207 feet; thence Sou* and parallel with Bance Avenue South 200 feet; thence Tssterly along a straight line =rosa the rear of Eota 5, 6, 7 in South hnd Addition to a poine on the %st line of Lot 7 in SQuth Bend Addition vhich is 30 feet North of the Southvest corner of said Lo% 7; thence Sauthmsterly to a point on the East Line of France Avenue South vhich ia 25 feet South of the Southmst I dorner of Lot 8 in South Bnd Addition; thence Vkst to a point which is 60 feetBF{est of the ceater line of France Avenue South and 25 feet South of the North line of the South of the N@ of the E@ of the rJE& of Section 19, Townahip 28 North, Range 24 Vest; thence Southwesterly along a straight line to a point on the North line of the South 2/5 of the South of the NSt of the SI& of the NE2 of said Section. 19 which is 220 feet ~,t?rst of the center line of France-Avenue South; thence West along the North line of the South 2/5 of the South* of the Nkk of the W& of the NE$: of Section 19 to the West line of the Nlr;$ of the S$ of the NE3 of Section 19; thence North to the XJorthrvesk corner o%.said Nfi;& of the SI33 of the NE* ~f Section 19; thence Northeasterly along a straight lin9 to a point on the South line of the North 50 feet of the South$- of the sE& of the NB &- of the IXEa of Section 19 vhich is 595 feet \Tea% of the %at line of Sectionlg; thence Northerly along a, straight Line to EL paint on the Morth line ef the South 100 feet of the J%z%st, 660 few of the TJ 8 of the S& of the NE* of the I@& of Section 19 whkch is 567 feet Vest of the East line of Section 19; thence Northerly along a straiqht line to a point in the North line of the South 55.81 feet of theNE;s pf the N@ of the NE$ of Section 19 tvhich is 510 feet l%st of t the East line of Section 19; thence Northwesterly along a straight Sine to a point onthe North 1%ne of Section 19 which is 1178 feet Rst of the Northewt corner 016 Betion 19; thence Northerly along the center of Ninnehaha Parkway as platted in South Harriet Park, Second Addition to the center line of Yest 52nd Street; thence West along the center line of \!'eat 52nd Street to a point which is 485 feet %bst of 'the Southeast corner of theNV& of the SEQ of Section 18, Township 29, Range 24; thence 'Northwesteslyalong a-straight line to a point on the dividing line betwen Lots 10 and 3.1, Block 1, Brucewood which is distant 15 feet Northeasterly along same from the most Wsterly corner of said Lot 10; thence North- v@sterly.-&long a straight line to & point on the dividing line between Lot8 12 and 13, Block 1,-Brucewood which is 13 feet Southeasterly along sane from the most Westerly corner of said Lot 12; thence Nortbviesterly along a straight line to the Southmst corner of Lot 18, Country Club District, Wooddale Section; thence Northvrssterly along the dividing line betmen Letq 17 and 18, Country C2ub District, Wooddale Section and the aame extended to the center line of Wooddale Lane; thence Zb~terly along the center line of Vooddale Lane and the awe extended Festerby to a point which is 40 feet Vest of the center line of Vlooddale Avenue; * thence North and parallel vith Wooddale Avenue to the existing @ewer on IVest 50th Street. The motion to adopt the resolution was seconded by Trustee Irgenlj and the vote vm,e upon the question of the adoption of the resolution where- in there vere four (4) ayes and no (0) nays as folloas: Irgens aye, Holten aye duly passed and carried and so ordered. S&Be:at~gc; and %loore aye and so the resolution was declared . ., I: .' - .. I. . .. - ATTBS T : President of Council - I The matter of agreement on eaaement to construct the intercepting semr in and along and across the Gilman property lying to the &as% of Mfnnehaha Creek and South of West 54th Street, via8 discussed and the propo6e.d easement agreement read. Whereupon it wa8 moved by Holten that the proper officers of the Village Council be authoro ized and emponered to sign and execute the agreement in form sub- mitted at this meeting fer easement over property of VI. Avon tiilman and Amid Gilman, his wife, for construction of trunk line inter- cepting sewer, motion seconded by Xoore and carried. c { 'Trustee Holten offered the follo.r,ring resolution and moved its adopt ion: A Resolution providing for the issuance and sale of sewer Warrants BB IT F380L%D by the Village Council of the Village of Adina, Hennepin County, Xinnesota, that the Village shall forthwith issue and sell. $65.000.00 Selms Warrants on account of Joint Sees District No. 3. of said Village, said \:'arrants to be 65 in number f- and numbered 1 to 65, both inclusive, and in denomination of $l,OOSd each, to be€@ date SePtember 1, 1939, to beam interest payable semi- annually on the first da;y of January and f:1PVi3t day of July in each year, both interest and principal to be payable at 9, suitable baa or trust cornpaw and be designated by the successful bidder, and said warrants shall mature serially on January 1 in the amouns of $6,000 in. each odd numbered year from 1941 to 1949, both inclulsive and '$7,000 in each even numbered year from 1942 to 1950, both in- cluaive, mithout option of prior paynient.except that the varrants ? * maturing in 1950 shall Is subject to redemption and prior pwmeny on any interest payment date at the option of the Village upon 30 days' prior notice to the bank at which the rJarrantEi are payable and and upon payment of a premium equal to one year's interest in advance EE IT FURWR RESOLVED, that the Council shall meet on Friday, the 8th day of September, 1939, at 8.00 o'clock P.B. for the purpose of receiving and considering bids for said warrants and effecting a sale thereof, and the Clerk shall cauae two mcks' published notice of such sale to be given by publication in the official newspaper of the Village, which notice shall speciQ- that said w warrants +ill be general obligations of the Village, and the full faith and credit shall be pledged for their payment and that the Village will furnish the printed warrants and the legal. opinion of PJessrs. Fletcher, DorEiey, Barker, Colman eC Earber without cost to the purchaser. The rnotion to adopt the resolution was seconded by Recorder Xoore ution wherein there were four (4) ayes and no (0) nays &a folloms: Irgens Aye, Holten Aye, Noore aye and Sharpe &e and so the resol- ution ytaa duly declared passed and carried and so ordered. I . and the vote ivae upon the queetion of the adoption of the resob- ATTEST: Village Recorder No further business to come before the meeting at this time, motion to adjourn carried at 11.40 PU Village Recorder.