HomeMy WebLinkAbout19390828_REGULARI99 Nihutes of the 'regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held on kugust 28, 1939, in Grange Hall at 8 o'clack PI&. Kinutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on August 14, 1939, were read. On motion Irgens they be approved as read, seconded by Villson and carried. The Village and Road bills upon being duly examined and found correct, including that of Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board for July 1939 direct relief in amount $511.33, were on motion Irgens they be duly allowed and paid. Seccmded by S'lillson and carried. Bids per advertisement in the Hennepin County Review for rental of new 3/8 cubic yard gas shovel were opened as follo'rvs: IT. H. Zeigler Go. @ 3.50 per hour I' . would allow rental on purchase price 3 61721.00 Gapher Bquipment Ca. 1st month $ 725.00 2nd month 4 650.00 3rd month $ 600.00 4th month @ 500.00 Succeeding months 3 450.00 S. J. ~povei and Sans CO. o.n used machine only with operator, gas, oil, and maint ekance for rental only, no purchase a 11 ow anc e .- $ 12$5 per hour $ 4.75 per hour T. We Xosholt Ca.. i , ?* .c- _. TI.-'. * -- * - 'i - 1. new Isley.;@:.$ 6$0.00 per' month of 160 hours over 160 hours per month @ $3.50 per hour. Would allow rental on-purchase price of $ 6119,OO After discussions and expl&antfon by the representatives of the bidders , it was moved by Holten that the bids be referred to Village Engineer Bradley and.Road and Bridge Committee for recommendations at the regular meeting of the CaunciI to be held on September 11, 1939. Secanded by Eoore and carried. Mr. Volk on behalf of Diekinson and Gillespie was present to request approval of grades and of street work done by them in Westchester KnoTls, the matter being referred ta Village Attorney Strong, Village Engineer Bradley, and Assessor Creighton. Petition was received for graveling of W'Toodcrest Drive and referred to Road and Bridge Committee. _c_ 1 [. #I President Sharpe advised the Council on the matter of employing a competent person to supervise constructian af Intercepting Sewer and recommended employing of ET. Henry Bell at a salary of .$ 175.00 per month. Whereupen Eaare moved r*ecomendatian of the President be concurred in, Seconded by Willson and carried. The matter of needed equi-gment for the construction of Xnter- cepting sewers was discussed at length by the Council and others. Trustee Holten thereupon moved that Xr. Stringer be authorized to rent two sheating hrmers at a rate of $ 50.00 each per mofnth and one paving breaker ar a rate af $90.00 per moath, Seconded, by Moore and carried. It was moved by Noore that the Cauncil purchase on beEhaLf of Joint Sewer District No. 1, 300 feet of 1" air hose complete with couplings at a price not over $ LOO.00. and carried. Seconded by Holten Lt mas. moved hy AN ORDINANCE AMENDING “AN OR- DINANCE CREATING ESTABLISH- ING AND FIXING T& LIMITS AND TERRITORY OF A SEWER DIST- RICT IN THE VILLAGE OF EDINA HENNEPIN CO~TY ”NESOTA: DESIGNATED tTOW’ SEWER DIST- RICT NO. 1’. ’’ Whereas. the Village Council of the ‘illage of Edina Hennepin County, fhmesota. has hkretofore adopted an rdinance entitled: “An ordinance cre- ting, establishing and fixing the llmits nd territory of a sewer district in the ‘illage of Edina, Hennepin County, Qgens Iistrict Nb. 1’”’ which mid ordinance‘ esipated a certain areq of said vil- ige as such Joint Sewer District, ana Whereas. after completion of plans nd specifications of said joint sewer, t has been determined that s portion f the area within mid Joint sewer fstrict as OriSinalIy created WW. not eceive special benefits from said semer nd should be excluded from said dist- ict Nbm therefore the‘ Village Corn& f thh VWge bf Em Henneph :ounty, Zdhnesota, do orkin as fol- 1. That that certriin orainance DWS: that the six deeds . tendered the Villawe by amxers o.f prnperty for the sa-called Mastue-Kingsley .RoadY he accepted. Seconded by Vlillson and carried, . The hour being late President Sharpe declared this meeting adjourned tn meet again at the same time and place on Briday September 8, 1939 at 8 ofclock I?U for the purpose of selljlng ‘565,QOQ,00 ?Jarrants of Joint Sewer District No. 1 of the ViIIage if Edina as per advertisements in the-Hennepin Caunty Reviem, official nemspaper of the Village of Edins. h Village Recorder