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Minutes of the regular meeting of the
Council of the Village of Edina, held
. in Grange Hall on September 25, 1939,
at 8 o'clock P.M.
The meeting waa called to order by President Sharps, the roll
called and all members of the Council were present.
.Minutes of the adjournsd portion of the August 28, 1939, regular meeting duly held on September 8, 1939, @re read. On motion
Holten, they be approwd as read, secondeaby Irgens, and carried.
Minutes of the ..regular meeting of the Council held on September
11, 1939, mre read. On motion Irgens, they be approved as read, 8econded by .6ajllbsbn, and carried.
The Village paly roll advances having been carefully stidied and
4. found correct, were on motion Willson, they be duly allot*d and ordered paid, seconded -by Irkens and carried,
Mrs Darr and B.N.Parks, mre present to obtain information on the
'&st 50the Street- ImproWmenP,. Sketches as prepared by Morel1
and Nichols, Village Landscape Bnginecre, were dfaplayed and explained by members of the- Council and wre loaned to Nr Parks
to tee up with C. M. Hanson.
Pdessrs Howard Green, Carl 4Esterberg and others regarding o$ling of the Hanssn Road, the grading of Grove Street
and Bsnton Avenue. Chairman Willson of the Road BC Bridge Com-
mitee explained that such work had Ben held baok on account of
wet weather "but would hurry such work along as much as possible.
were present
Tdessra Smith and Ka.tter , aske'd if something might be done to
cause completion of -the Hasselgrave houae started at Vkst 54th. Street ltznd'-O&2kawa Avenue, advising that it was hold+ing up loans
fgpS,. the improvement of sumounding property. The matter was
referred to Village Attorney Wrong.
Several residents asked if roadwork might be done on That 56th, Street , ?%st of Yooddale Avenue . Chairman 37illson stated that he thought the Vi&lage crew might get to such work by .MovemWr.
Mr Volk of Dickenson & Gillespie, presented proposed plat for Council approval of Westche ster Knolls and Recorder IJioore read letter Qy .Village Snginees Bradley dated September 3, 1939, con-
cerning natural drainage of the area and recomemded that certain storm mater culverts be instaltled. Trustee Holten moved the prop
proposed plat be accepted, subject to the following qualifications:
1st. That Village Engineer approve the plat.
2nd. That an instrument be filed concurrent~~,embrac~~ restrictions with reference construction of build- ings and be delivered to Village Attorney Strong for recording and upon these restrictions being complied with ,that the President and Recorder be authorized and empomred to sign and seal for and on behalf of the Village Council, seconded by Moore, and carried.
A number. of residents of the Country Club District mre present to request the Cduncil to continue the extra efforts put forth to apprehend prowlers. Chairman Ho1te.n of the Police committee
csnfered at:Bngth with the gentlemen and a further program satisfactory to all was agreed upon and in vhich the Council unaniraoualy concurred.
Application received from N'inneapolis Gas Light Company, for perm mission to lay 3" gas' mains in and along Cooper Avenm. 2120 feet North of Interlachen Road and 2600 feet in hnd along Interlachen Roaia from Cooper Avenue to Highway #l69, was on motion Moors, the request be granted subject to approval County Highvny Department
on Interlachen Road, motion seconded by Irgens, and carried,
I Application from Zinneapolir; Gas Light Company for permission to lay 100 feet of 3" gas main acroeo %st 55th Street at Park Place, 9'16 feet of 4" gas main in and along Indianola Avo, - *
1050 feet of 4" gas main in and along Juanita Avenus and 630 . ' feet of 41' gas main on Arden Avenue, from Bruce to Juanita, all lying bmdiately South of Vest 50th Street, was on motion
Llloore, the application be granted, seconded by Irgens and c arr ie d
Application received from Uinneapolis General Electric Company
for permisson to sct 2 poles on \%st 51et Street, betmen Bedford and Oxford Avepues, vas on motion Noore, the applicatfan
be granted, seconded by Willson and carried., .
I& Bloafibs$g a~p&a'&d' b@€ore the -Cduncil-to re qtisat $hat add-.' 99ional s%reet lighting beL provfde'd at VoaddaU AmnW *and-
Vi& .57th Streat, t&$ch:.la$, the ouggestfon oFPresident Sharpe
was referred to $he Lighting Committeeo
Kessrs Nelson and Turnhaua, locag District VOb.AO qnginecre,
Tt;Bre present at the Council's request in the matter of speeding up the work on Intercepting sewer. After considerable dis-
cussion it was moved by Holten, that an emergency having arisen in the construction of Intercepting 2,4P. kewr of _Jg,$nt Sewr District No. 1, from which appears the delay nikl ??ebult in
substantial lose to the Village unles8 immediate arrangements are made for additional equipment to own the trench to permit laying of 24" pipe, the -Village 4ouncil deems it advisable to . accept a, proposal made by Se J. Groves & Sone Coo, to imediateD put in service a 3/4 cubic yard drag line or clam shovel for to open up the sewr ditch as shoim by.plans and profiles of the
45 plus 50, at a price of 65 cents per lineal foot to include
all excavation necessary to about 6" from finished grade and to
work in co-operation nith, W.P,A. cretr, motion vas seconded by Willson, and carried.
, Village Engineers from point approximately 7 plus 00 to a.point ?
The hour of mid-night having ,arrived, Preaident Sharpe declared
on Friday September 29, 1939, at 8.00 olclock PU, . the meeting adjourned to meet again at the sane time and place
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