HomeMy WebLinkAbout19390929_REGULAREinutes of the ~f the regular meeting of the adjourned portion Septeaber 25, 1939, Council of the Village of Edina, held in Grange EalL on September 29, 1939, at 8.00 O'Crlock 5. M, The meetrag was called to order by President Sharpe, the rall called and all members of the CouackS vvere present. Trustee Holten offered the following Resolution and hoved its adopt ion ; lTHERZAS, it is necessary to procure a permaanent outlet for the saintary sewer in Joint-Sewer District 370, 1 of: the Village, and VEERBAS, the only available outlet is through the sewer system of the City of Zinneasolis and the Petropolitaa Sewage Disposal Plant, and i WREAS, the City of bdinneapolis has heretofore contracted arid agreed with the Village of Edina to permit the use of its semrs m for an outletr to the sanitary sewers of the Village of Edina, c. %hiah t.,gcement is terminable at'any time# and LQ \i r& %ereas, in order to procure\^a permanent outlet fEqr the sewer in Joint Sewer District Bo, X it is neeessary -for the BilPage to 4 pay ta the City of IEnneapolis the additional cost of constructing 4 a 24-inch sewer as an ex't;ension of the so-called PBinnehaha, Trunk Sewer and to pay to the .City of Xinneapolis the portion of .t;he cost of the Metropolitan Sewage Disposal Plant and connecting sewrs ~ which-have Been computed and determined upon by the Eagineer.of said Edetropolitan Sewage Disposal Plant system as the reassnable and fair cost to be charged to the Village of Edina for its use of said plant, which said arn6hnt is payable over a period of years, and WEEBEAS, the City of Minneapolis is willing 'ca modify the prevfous contract and .to grant to the Village of Edina a permanent outlet for said Joint District Sewer, NOW, THEftEBOWE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village CourrcfP of the Til- lage of EdFna that the Village Clerk shall cause to be prepared and subit it to this Council a new agreement and contract with the City of Ximneapolis modifying the said form of sewer contract under wkich the Village of Edina shall undertake and agree to pay to the City of Bllinneapolis the additiwal cost of the enlargement of the extension of the so-called Wnlne3rzaha Trunk Sewer and the . fair and reasonable cost of the portion of the Metropolitan Sewage Disposal Plany systen alllaeated to the Village of Edina in con- sideration of the agreement on the part of the City of Bdirureapolis to grant to the Village a permlrrenit outlet for the sanitary sever in Saint Sewer District No, 1 through the sever system of the City of Mimeapolis and to said fdIetropolitara Sewage Disposal Plant, which proposed agreement shall be submitted to this Cauncil for its approval, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, in addition to the mount heretofore determined as the assessable cost of the sewer in Joint Sewer District No. I, an additional $30,000.00 shall be included in said assessment ilai order to pay a portion of the cost of the get- ropolitan Sewage Dispasal 'Plant allocated to the Village of Edina, which anraunt when aEd as collected shall be paid to the City -of bTinneapolis, and the Tillage shall further uxtdertake and agree, as farbas permitted by law, to provide the balance of the amo~mt~' allocated to the Village of Edina as its share .of the cost of said I\letroBolitan Sewage Disposal Plant. The mation to adopt the resolution was seconded by Trustee Irgens and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resol- utian, whereia there were five (5) ayes and no (0) nays as foPlaiws: .+ Rolten aye, Irgens aye, Billson aye, Roore aye and Sharpe aye, and so the resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, t ATTEST : President of Council I I Village Clerk and Rec6rder The Clerk and Recorder submitted for CouncLl*s appraual, an itemised list of all the assessments to he levied with the 1939 taxes for collection in 1940, of lateral sever assessments in Lateral Sewer District No. 1 and No. 2, Lateral Sewer District Na, 3, Lateral Sewer District Ho, 4, Jnairta Auenue& Halifax Avenue. Also special assessments for Sidemalks and Curb in and alang qest 44th Street, Brook Avenue and Bromdale Avenue, After examination of same it mas moved 'by Irgens, that the lists of special assessments for sewers and sidewalks as sulwitted by the Recorder be duly accepted and confirmed and ordered filed ~7ith the Cawty Auditor of Hemepin County for collection of , both installment princi-pal and interest along with the general pro.perty taxes duly levied for the year 1939, the motion was seconded by Trustee Halten, and carried unaminously. No further business to come before the meeting, motion to ad3ou-a carried at 11,35 PU, Village Clerk & Recorder