HomeMy WebLinkAbout19391012_REGULAR213 Xioutes of the adjourned portion of the regdar October 9, 193gY meeting of the Canmcil of the Village of Edina, held in GraBzge Ea11 an October 12, 1939, at 8.00 otcQock P.M. The meeting was called to order by President Skrarpe, the roll called and all memBers of the Coancil mere present. The President; announced the meetihg would consider the 1940 budget and tax Levy for the ensuing year and presented each member of the Goumrrcil copies of presentf;, past arid proposed budget. After cereful study of each and every item, it was moved by IiJilPson that the 1940 %ax Levy. for a11 TTillage purposes be set at $80,040.0O and the sug- gested budget woald contain the follming items and amounts: 'A Salaries - Oouncil tt Treasurer It Health Qf ficer tt Attorney It Assess or tl Engineering & Planning Expense tl Special Legal Expenses B. c D E F G PQLICE DEPARTKENT A Salaries - Officers B Oil and Gas - PaSicze car C Repairs & Greasing Palfee car D Reserve for new car E Niscellaneaus Expense GARBAGE COLmCTION A Tetal for the year EZ;ECTRIC SERVICE A, Street lights - Overhead 33 n P) Ornamemtal G Cascade Pump D Escellaneaus FIRE DBPARTMENT SERVIGl3 - A Taka1 for the year PARK BOARD A. Total for the year - ELECTION EXPENSE A Total. for the year IPJSURAXCE A Tatal far the year REETS A Total for the Year b PmSIC. PUBLISKED WOTICES A Tatal fo;r the year PKXE'ZING I AmD QE%ICE SUPPLIES A Tatal for the year t $2 940 .OO 300 .OO 360 ,OO 360.00 1,400000 1,000 000 2 loo0 000 $8,360.00 7,80OoOO 650 .OO 300000 400 .OO 2.50 ,oo $9s400.00 $4 y 200.00 2 sOOo .QO 1,000 000 I50 000 $7,350 .OO ~1,000.00 4$1,000 .oo &?5ia,oo $1,000 .oo $500 -00 A, 6250 000 A Total for ,the year A Poor Farm 33 Direct Relief CT Emergency COXST€iUCTIQET - & WmmCE DIVISION - ROAD & BRIDGE A Pay RaPl B Raad Oiling 8c Patching C. Gravel D Culverts E' Equipemt Rental E Snow Bence & Accessories G Elfiscellaxteaus SuppXies & Tools E Repairs to Equipment I Gasoline & Oil J Tractor RESWAGDIG POUl?TFlY CLUB STREETS -- A Sumyside to Browndale, Casco, Drexel and Ploadda2.e Avenue $1,000 .00 $800.00 I 10,000r00 ?OO.OO $~5,000,00 . 5 ,ooo*oo 500.00 1,000.00 ' 3-00 000 1,2000.00 800oOO is 500.00 500 e00 1.500.00 $21, loo BOO 32,000,00 VILLAGE HAI;L VILLAGE TOOL HOUSE BUIXDIX'G INSPECTION AND PLUXEZNG INSPECTIOITTO COBTIXUE OPT A FEE BASIS OR WITEOUT COST TO THE VILLAGE. $5 ,O 00 ,O 0 . ANTICIPATED REVEMUES OF THE VILLAGE P;RE COIWIDEE?ED AND ALLQVED BOR Ill THE ABOVE ESTIXATES, The mation to set the Tax Levy for the ensuing year far all VXllage purposes at $80,040.00, vas seconded by Trustee Irgens and the motion. was dea7lared carried unanimously, Ha further business ta came before the Council, motion to adjourn carrfed at EIL,10 PE I Village Recordero