HomeMy WebLinkAbout19391023_REGULARHinutea of the regular meeting
of the Council of the Village of adha, held in Grange Hall on
October 23, 1939, at 8.00 o'clock
Po Me
The meeting was called to order by President Sharpe, the roll
called and all members of the. Council were present.
Einutes of the adjourned portion of the September 25, 1939, meeting of the Council held on September 29, 1939, wre read, On motion Holten, they be approved as read, seconded by Irgens
and carried,
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on Octoker 9, 1939, were made On notion Willson, they be approved as
read, seconded by Holten, and carried.
Ninutes of the adjourned portion of the October 9, 1939, meeting
of the Council held on October 12, 1939, were read. On motion HoZten, they be approved as read, seconded by Il."llson and
The Village pay roll mbmxes having been duly noted and found correct, were on motion Holten, they be duly al&nwe& and ordered
paidt seconded by ViIlson, and carried.
"Joint' Sewer Dist. for -8atDober ierh studied and found correct whereupon Trustee Holten moved, they be! duly allowed and ordered
paid, aeconded by Villson and carried.
ldr Volk, on behalf of Dickinson & Gillespie, advised that the things Council requested of %hem in connection with platting of
%stChester Knolls, had been done . Thereupon Trustee Holten
moved that *!requests of Council having been complied wiW con-
cerning \* s tchester Knolls and if now satisfactory to Village Attorney. Strong, who has restrictions for filing concurrently
with the filing of the plat, the same be conditionally approved
and the President and Recorder be authorized and empowered to
* sign and seal same for and on behalf of the Council! seconded
by Moore and carrikd.
The matter of hearing on petition to rezone the Southeast cor- ner of ?@st 50th. Street and Halifax Avenue, next cane bfore
the Council. Nr Broom of Halifax Avenue, presented a petition
signed by all the owners of property living vithin two blocks
opposing the proposition to rezone as detrimental to general
%elfare of the neighborhood, Kessrs Rees and Xk Smith of the Pure Oil Company, spoke in favor of the proposed change as
did a ilk Nelson who operate's a Pure Oil station at Nicollet
Avenue and 54th Street. PdIr Chaa T. Hay opposed the change from a property owners standpoint in that the. several oil stat- ions on West 50th Street and East of France Avenue, had loviered property values in that area and had rendered sme as not desir-
able for high class improvement. Messrs Southworth, Adams, Wallace, Powera and Nrs Sampson, also spoke both for and againet
the propoaftion. Trustee Irgens stated that he had contacted all interested parties, that he did not like the present pro- posal and would vote "Nof8 if called upon to vote at this time, but might re-consider if the Powers and Sampson plots wre re-
subdivided so as to permit houses to be built facing Wst on
Balifax Avenue and South of the proposed 100 foot community store area. Trustee Holten thereupon moved that the verbal
proposals of Ur Rees and others promoting the oil station be
put in writing and submitted to Council committee, seconded by
Y?illson and carried.
Bids were opened as called for in legal advertisement for the
excavating of sewer ditch or trench for Intercepting sewer and
read aloud as follows:
Fhelps-Drake Company, 1st Sect. 66#, 2nd Sect 78g lineal foot
376 ‘I it
“$1.82 11
8. L. Tysseling I1
Feyer Const Go tk Preston ‘1 7%; I’
S.J.Groves & Sons Go 11 11 65#, It ft ;g5 11 Y
n ZSj?,
Zclr Tysseling vas present and advised the reason for his low bid
was that he taken the 3ftardage from the blue print profiles, that ,
he had not visited the site of the work or familar In any tray
vith soil or moisture conditions, He also advised the Council that he apparently had made a very great error and that ~ie would appreciate return of his certified check. Thereupon it was moved by Eoore, that the bid of \7* L. !&sseling be rejected and certified check returned to the bicider on his request and consent,.
motion seconded by Holten and carried. I
Kr Preston, suggested that as his bid mas high and out of sight
that he mould request return of his certified check, whereupon
Trustee Holten so moved, seconded by Uoore and carried.
Trustee Holten thereupon moved that bids of the Fhelpa-Drake Co.,
and the S.J.Grovea e: Sons Company, be referred to. Villwe brig- ineer for his recommendations, seconded by Uoore and carried.
Er P.D.Austin, representing Xinneapolis ti. %;. Company, advised
of a new schedule .of rates for street lighting and presented
recommendations for larger wattage lamps to be placed in the
ornamental lighting standards which would not increase the 8,mount
of the bill. After discussion, it vas moved by Irgens the
matter be referred $0 the Lighting Committee of the Council,
seconded by Villson, and carried,
Trustee Holten submitted proposed sanitary sever contract nfth
the City of Hinneapolfs. which vas read and carefully etudied
by the Council. it %e referred to the Legal Department of City of Whneapolis for its approval, seconded by Irgens and carried.
After discussion it vas moved by Holten, that I
Application by 1Torthwstern Eel1 Telephone Company for permiss- ion to install 370 feet of underground cable in and along Sfest 47th Street from France to Elendorr Road, was on motion Holten
the application be granted, seconded by Irgens and carried.
Application llinneapolis Gas Light Compam, for permission to
lay 3 inch gas main in and along w~7ood and Brookview Avenue,
vas on rno.tion Villson, the application be granted, seconded
by Irgens and carried.
Application by Minneapolis G. b. Company for permission tu set
3 poles on 3sst 52nd Street between Juanita and Halifax Avenues
vas on motion Irgens, the request pe granted, seconded by fifillson and carried.
Due posted notice having been given in the matter of amending
Section 4 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of hdina,
Trustee Holten offered the following Resolution and moved its
adopt ion:
An Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance,
Village of Eldina, Uinneaota.
The Village Council of the Village of adina, do ordain as follows:
Section 1. That paragraph (b) of Section 4 Zoning
Ordinance of the Village of iidina, passed by the
Village Council on Nay 25, 1931, be and the same hereby is amended to read a3 follovs:
(b) On France Avenue- at 50th Street, a strip of land 125 feet deep and extending from 50th Street North
330 feet and South&f&Lfeet and a strip of land 125
feet deep on each side of 50th Street and extending
Test from France Avenue a dirstance of 520 feet and
dtk5t1 &id 5ZO”Tebt”bn either side of 50th Street
no building shall be‘ erected nearer than 40 feel to the center
line of satd SQth Street,
Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication according to law.
The motion to adopt was seconded by Recorder 1.toore and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution. The
roll upon being called found five (5) ayes and no (0) nays as
follows: Villaon aye
&gens aye
‘Holten aye Yoore aye
Sharpe aye
and so the resolution was declared duly passed and adoptedr
President of Council
Recorder Baore announced that the proposed assessment for sewers in Joint Sewer District No, 1, had been filed in his office on October 10, 1939, and that it notice of hearing on said assessment
at the regular meeting of the Council on October 23, 1939, had been’ given i& the form and manner as provided by law. order presented an affidavit showing publication of such natice
in the official newspaper of the Village on October 12, 1939,
which affidavit was examined and found satisfactary and ordered to be filed in the records of the Village,
The Rec-
President Sharpe annaunced that the meeting was open for the
consideration of obaections to the assessments theretofore filed
with the Village Recorder in Joint Sewer District Bo. 1 of said
The RecoJrder re+orted that no written objections had been filed,
The follonirrg persons were then heard and presented their object- ions .to said assessments :
name of Objector Lands ,of Objector
Thorpe Bros, Sunny-Slope Addn. Assessment excessive
After consideration of all of said objectionsi Trustee Holten intr’oduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:
Objectian ..
. and Golf course, compared t o other land
BE IT RESOLTSED by the Village Council of -the Village of Edina,
Hennepin Coun-by, Eimesota, as follows:
1# The engineer heretofore duly selected by this Council for such
pcrpose has, with the assistance of the Village Assessor, calcul- ated the proper amounts to be specially assessed for the construct-
ion of sewers in Joint Sewer District IXo. 1 in said Village against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within said districts
in accardance with the provisions of law, and has prepared and filed with the Village Recorder tabuxated statements in duplicate
showing the praper description of each and every lot, piece or pparcel of land to be specially assessed and the amount calculated against the same,
2, Xotice has been duly published as required by Ian that this CoUUacil would meet in regular session at this time and place to
pass on the proposed assessments, 1
3, SaZd proposed assessment has at all times since its filing
been apen to- inspection and copyfng by all persons interested,
and an opportunity has been given to all frtterested persons to present their objections, if any, to such propused assessment,
(3;r to-any item thereof, and no objections have been filed,
4, That the assessment specified in the proposed assessments are changed and altered as follows:
Thorpe Bros. Inc,, I V* of SV', Section 18, Tovmship 28# Range 24, which lies South and East of Roadt except Belt Line Kight-ray. Reduced from s2%0,00 to $1475.00.
School District Bo. 17: from point 11.1 chains South of the
thence North 3.1: West 208.71 feet, thence South 11'1 Bast
208.71 feet, thence South Vest 215..82 feet, thence Xorth 11: T?est 54.76 geet to point of begining; and commencing 440 feet Best of the SE corner of m, thence
Test 132 feet, thence Xorth 264* feet, thence East 132 ft,$ thence South.264S feet to point of beginning; Sitction 18%
Taisnship 28, Range 24. ,
Commencing 7.3 chains North 87: East corner of sV%,
Country Club District, Block 16, South 69 feet of Lot 4
of County Road.
That part of the Borth 3/4 of Ef@ lying South of the Hor,th
584.35 feet thereof , except Eelt Sine Highway, Section 19, Township 28, Range 24,
- and South 300 feet of Lot 5, including vacated portion
Reduced from $600.00 to 0,
it being determined that said pruperty canxot be assessed except
%@.th the consent of the District.
5, This Council finds that each of the lots, pieces or parcels
of land enumerated in said proposed assessment mas and is specially
benefited by the construction of said sever in Joint Sewer District
Xo. 1 in the amount in said proposed assessment set opposite the description of each such lot, piece, or parcel of land respectfully,
and that said amount so set out is hereby levied kgainst each of
the respective lots, pieces or parcels of land therein described.
6. That such proposed assessment is affirmed, adopted, and confir-
med, and the sums fixed and named in said proposed assessment,
with the changes and alterations hereinabove made, are affirmed,
adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessment for each of
said Lots, pieces or parcels of land respectfully.
70 That said assessments so affirnred, adopted and confirmed shall'
be certified to by the Village Recorder and filed in his office
and shall thereuparm be and constitute the special assessment for
the Construction of severs in Joint Sewer District Eo. I:
8. land shall bear interest from the date hereof until the same have been paid at the rate of four (4%') percent per annum,
9, ments payable on the first day of January in each year, beginning in the year 1940 and continuing until all of said installments shall have been paid, each installment to be collected with taxes collect- ible during said year by the County Auditor.
10, That the Village Recorder is hereby directed to make up and file in the office of the County Audi3or of Hennepin County a certif-
ied statement of the amount of all of such unpaid assessmen'ts and
the anaunt rihich xi11 be due thereon on the IstLdaiyl; 02LJanuary in each year.
That the amaunts assessed awinst each Pot, piece Qr parcel of
I That such assessments shall Be payable in ten (10) equal install-
rk 'b.4
ADOPTXD by the Yillage Cpuncil October 23, 1939.
President of Village Council
Village Recorder
The motian for the adoption of the foregaing resolution was
duly seconded by Trustee Willson, and upon vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof:
Trustee Irgens Trustee Villson Trustee Holten
Recorder Noore President Sharpe
and the following voted against the same: none.
Tihereupan said resolution vas declared duly passed and adopted, and the Presid,ent of the Village Council being present affixed
his signature thereto in approval thereof.
The hour being late, President Sharpe declared the meeting adjourned ta meet again at the same time and place on Bovember
3, 1939, at 8.00 atclock EX
Village Reco'rd er