HomeMy WebLinkAbout19391113_ADJOURNED224 E€kmrt,es of the adjourned gortion of the November %3, X939, meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Kall on November 20, 1939, at 8.00 o’clock PX. The meeting \vas called to order b3 President Sharpe, the roll called and all mernbers of the Council were present as ne11 as Village Treasurer Duggan, I The meeting being for the purpose of auditing, verifying and examiaing the records and accounts of the Village Treasurer and Village Recasder for the period November 15, 1938, to Zsveznber 15, 1939, and such other business as may properly cme befare the meeting. All the records of the Village Treasurer and Vlllage Recorder vere available, displayed and studied and it aas no€ed that the tatal expenditures for the above year were $68,964-40. with total receipts being $72,101.36, of vhich $64,936.83 was from County Treasurer and $7,164.53 was through the Village Recorder and turned over to the Village Treasurer. The cash balance on deposit to the credit of the Village General Funds as of November 15, 1938, was $5,684.03 making tcstal receipts for Feneral Fund for the year of #77,785.39, After deducting total disbursements as above the net cash balance on Xovehber 15, 3939, in General Fund being $8,820.’99 on deposit at Edlarmd Natioaal. Bank and Trust Camparay, Einneap- olis, Einnesota, J There being no outstanding unpa$d warrants and all current bills paid to date. Treasurer ,Duggan presented letter dated Navember 20, 1939, by F, YT. Peterson., Auditor of Xidland National Bank & Trust Conpany, certifying that the books of the Treasurer shaaed a balance of $8,820.99. ‘I It mas thereupon moved by Holterr, tliat the books and records of Tillage Treasurer Duggan and Village Recorder Eoore, having been duly studied, examined, audited and verified and found ta be correct for the period Nwember 15, 1938 to November 15, 1939, that the same be approved and accepted and to be signed and cerified for publicatiovl in the Eennepin County Reviem, the official newspaper of the Village of Edina, in the Havember 23, 1939, issu~. The motion was seconded by Trustee iJillson and the vote on being taken found four ayes and na nays, with Recorder Eoore not voting, and so the motion mas declared duly carried and adopted. V-’ The matter of a Taxicab Ordinance 17as next considered by the Council Ifhereupon Trustee Holten offered the’ following Ord- inance and moved its adoption: An Brdinance Providing $’& The Licensing of Taxicabs and Regulating their Operation in The Village of 3dina. -. J The Village council of Edina do ordain: Section 1. Definitions. Unless otherwise expressly stated, r1hene-r wed in this ordinance, the following word8 shall have the meahing given them by this sectfon: a. The aord “taxicab” shall mean and include any notor vehicle engaged in the carrying of persons for hire, whf2ther over a fixed route or not, and .whether the same be operated from a street stand or subject to calls from a garage, 31: otherwise operated for hire: but the term shall not include vehicxes subject to control and regulation by the Railroad .- and Warehouse Commission or vehicles regularly used by under- takers in carrying on their business. alley, avenue, court, bridge, land or public place in the Village of Zdina, b. The t7ord %!treettf shall mean and include any street, c; The words lltaxicab driverfl shall mean and include any person who drives a taxicab, whethe-r such person be the owner of puch taxicab or be employed by a taxicab owner or operator. d. The word floperator" shall mean and include any person owning or having controll of the use of one or more .taxicabs used for hire upon the streets or engaged in the business of operating a taxicab within the Village a er The word ftpersonfl shall mem and include one ,or more persons of either sex, natural persons, corporations, partner- 'ships and asaocintiona. Section Z. Liceee I??. No operator shall operate a taxicab within the Village limifs without first having obtained a taxicab license therefor-.under the provisions of this ordinance Lach applicant for a taxicab license shall apply to the Village Council. for such license upon a form to be provided by the Village 4nd must comply with the following provisions to the satisfaction of the Village Council. I a. Be a citizen of the United States. b. B of the age of twenty-one (21) years or over if a natural person, and in the case of any co-partnership, firm or corporation, must be authorimd to operate taxicabs and carry on business in accordance with the laws of the State of Ninnesota. c4 1Aus.t fiJ.1. out a statement covering each vechicle to be so licensed, giving the full name and address of the owner; the class and passenger-carrying capacity of each vechicle for which a lfcb ense is desired; the length of time the vechicls has been in use; the make of car; the engine number; the serial nmber.and the st;ate license number; 7r~hether the same is mortaged, the name of the mortgagee and the amount of said mortgage; also the holder of legal title to said motor vechicle if other than the application; or whether said vechicle is leased, licensed, or under any form of contract permitted to be used and operated by some other.person than the one holding legal title thereto, and what person, form 0% cprgoration collects the revenues from the operation of said taxicab and pays the expenses of operating the same. shall be signed and sworn to by such owner; if it is by a partner- ship, then it shall be signed and swor-n to by one of the partners; and if by a corporation, then by one of the duly elected officials of said c orporatisn. Section 3. Taxicab Omrator's Fee. The applicant for a taxi cab operator's license shall, before being issued said license, pay into the Village treasury the swn of Five Dollars ($5.00) for each and every vechicle to be 80 licensed; provided, that if the said license is denied for any reason, the aforesaid fee or fees shall forthwith be returned to the applicant. The licenses hereunder shall expire on the 31st day of Harch in each year, Any license may be transfered during any year only upon the add- itional payment of a proportional part of the €ee by the trans- feree in addition to the regular fee paid by the transferor when the license was issued and upon approval of the Village Council of such transfer. If eaid application is made'%y an- individual owner, it Section 4, Granting License, If the.Villa,ge Council is sat- isfied that the public conmnience and good order will be served thereby, it may grant a license Lo any such applicant, provided, the nmixr of licenses issued and the taxicabs operating thereundeF shall be fixed by resolution of the Village Council. Each license granted shall be given a number and shall give the ntmker and an adequate description of the taxicab$ licensed thereunder. Section 5. Xach taxicab vhich shall solicit or accept business on the streets of this VilJage, or stand or wait for hire shall have somi designation of the character of the vehicle appear in ,plain vis ible le tte rs the re on. 8ecBion-6;. -.--- Ta=zi.CpB Cards, The operator of a%: tsxic& shall. cause to s?e ppinted in plain,.legible letters displayed inside the taxicab a card giving the nmbar of the license, the maximum rates of fare Co .b@-oharged. Xaximum rates charged for convey- ance in taxicabs ir, this Village shall be fixed by resolution of the Village Council Prom time to tins. 110 operator or taxi- cab driver shall charge any passenLer a rate in excess of. such fixed pate. Every passenger Bhall receive, on request, a receipt therefor vhen he pays his fare showing spedonzeter reading at starting point and end af trip and amount paid. 1 ( L \ Section 7. Taxicvgmo Bo person, either the operator or employe of such operator, shall drive a taxicab in the Village without first having been licensed as a chauffuer under Section 2712, General Statutes of Hinnesota, 1923; and every driver shall display such chauffeuxs-license badge conspicuous3y upon his coat or cap as thereinaprovided. I- ection 8. Insurance Policies. Before any taxicab is operated . under the license herein mentioned the operator shall deposit with the Village Clerk a policy or policies of an insurance .cornpaw or companies duly licensed .to transact such business in this state, insuring the operator of any taxicab against loss 4 from the liability imposed by law for damages on account .of bodily injuries or death, or for datnages to property rcsult'ing from the ownership, maintenance or use of any taxicab to %e judgement credieor to the extent of the amounts specified; in approved by the Viblage Attorney as to form and complimcf; with this ordinance, and in such reasonable amount as the Village Council shall determine. / omed or operaed under such license, and agreeing to pay any b such policy, and final judgement rendered.again9-b the assured ' \ by reason of such liability. The policy or- policies shall be 1 \ *kc Section 9. EIiscell+nsous. (a) All taxicab drivers shall Is clean and courteous at a11 timeso than the passenger first employing, a taxicab vithout-the con- esger a greater rate of fare than tBat to rrhich the ta,xicab is entltled under the resol.ution of. this Council. ride with him, or 17ho may desire to ride in any such vehicle, - as to his destination or distance traveled or to be traveled.. Every taxicab shall be provided mith windovs in the' tonreau sufficient in number and of such size and dimensions that at all. tines persons may 3.~ f6Wily seen through such windom with sufficient distinc?xiess to identify such person. Section 10. The @anting of a Jicenss shall not be construed to give the drive3 or operator any special privileges so far ae shall be subject to all traffic rules or Degulations the same 4 z be No driver of any licensed taxicab shall carry any other + sent of such passengero c. No person shall charge or sltempt to charge any pass- d. No taxicab driver shall deceive any passenger who mey e, r traffic rules or regulations are concerned, and all taxicabs \ I as other vehicles.. Section llo SsparabilitL Every sectfon, provision or part of thio ordinance is declared separable from eveq other section, provision or part; and if any section , provision or part of any ordinanoe shall be held invalid, it shall not effect any other section, psvision or part thereof. Section 12. Penalty. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance ski-all be guilty of a misdexeanor and Fjhal?+ i@oun-- conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or by imprison~isnt for not more than ninety dws. for each offense. -I \* c.. d Section 13. Xffect. and' after its passage and publication, and upon the adoption of a resolution fixing a schedule of rates to be charged and fixing the number of Licenses and taxicabs to be licensed- here= under seconded by Trustee Tdllson and the vote 178s upon the question of the adoption of the ordinance, The roll was called and found five ayee and no nays as follows: , This ordinance shall take efiect from ..The motion for adoption of the foregoing ordiance was duly 227 I -2. .. and so the ordiance was declared duly passed and adopted. I' 4.q i? ATT.&ST'r A President of CounciZ 9 Trustee HolWn offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: VH&F3AS, the Village Council .of Edina; has adopted an ordinance _entitled tfAn Brdiance Providing for the Licensing of Taxicabs c and Regulating their opgration-in the Village of Pdinats; * (Passed by the Village Council Novekbr 20, 1939) V€UF%AS, said ordiance provide's in Section 4 that the Village Council shall fix the number of licenses issued and the taxi+ cabs oprat,ing thereunder, and further providtB in Section 6 that the Village Council shall determine the maximum taxicab rates to be charged; and WREFEAS, i.1; i's deemed that pub1ic;convenience and good order will be served by having a licensed'operator of taxicabs in the Village of Ed%na; and '!@iZEAS, Ashley Brooks has made application for an operator's license and he is a suitable and desirable person; Ashley Brooke to operate two or more taxicabs as provided in said ordinance and that his license issue upon paymnt of the fee and deposit of the insurance policies.as provided in said oYdi.nance ; that. BE IT PeTRTHER FS%OLWD, that the maximum rates to be charged. ~$11 be twenty-five cente for the first mile and ten cents ' for each half mile thereafter or on an hourly basis at Two Dollars Fifty Cents ($2.50) for the first hour and Two Dollars ($2.00) per hour thereafter. .- '':NOW, TEWJ!ZOW, l3X IT R&SOLV&D, that a license be issued %o The motion to adopt was duly seconded by Trustee Irgens and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the renolution The roll t7as called and found five ayes and no nays as follovm; Holten aye, Yillson we, Irgens aye Moore aye and Sharpe aye , and so the resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. r ATThST: President of Council. No further business to come before the meeting, motion to adjourn carried at 11.30 PN