HomeMy WebLinkAbout19391113_REGULAR221 . Einutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the VLllage of Edina, held in Grange Ha11 on November 13, 1939, at. 8.00 otclcmk PX, The meeting mas called to order by President Sharpe, the roll called and all members of the Cauacil mere present. JVEnutes of the regular meeting of the Cccuyacil held on October 23, 1939, and the adjaurned portion held on November 3, 1939, were readb On motion Irgens, they be approved as read, seconded By Uillsori and carried. Trustee Tillson reparted.on Road and Bridges, Trustee Irgens on Rel-ief, Trustee Halten on Police and Treasurer Duggan advised of h $7,832.81 in cash to credit of General Fund, Trustee Irgens, submitted the pro]posed contract between the Vil- Iage of Edina and Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board, covering the administring of Direct relief rahich was dated as of October 26, 1939, Upon being read and studied, it was moved by Irgens that they be accepted and appraved and the President and Recorder I be authorized and empowered to sign same for and on behalf of the Village Council, seconded by Willson and carried.' Letter under date No.vember 6, 1939, from the S. J. Graves& Sons. Company, was read relative its bid to excavate sewer trench for Interceptfng Sewer, wherein this company agreed to supply twa 6 inch pumps mithout charge for a period of approximately three months, or the duration of the job the reatal value of which would be $250.00; to excavate 400 to 500 feet to grade and lower the pipe mithout charge hetween stations 97 plus 98 and 102 plus 99; to donate 40 hams crane rental already contributed in pulling sheating; to forgo making any charge for 4 sheatilrrg hammers use, twa air cornpressor8, two 4 inch pumps and twu 3 iuich, pumps for their use prior to November 1, 1939 and otherwise co-operalie with the Village and '@2A in expediting the installing of the sewer and endeadsr to complete same befare cold veather so as to thereby effect a substantial saving to. the Village. It was thereupon moved by Holten, that the bid af the S.J.Gro.ves & Sans Company dated October 23, 1939, be accepted based upon clarifying letter dated November 6, 1939, and that certified check in amount $1,200. be held in lieu af contractorrs bond, seconded by Villson and carried. . The Village pay rolls having been carefully noted and found to he correct, were on motion 'Tillson, they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Irgens and carried, They are asfollows: Earl C. Sharpe Ben B. Eoore George A, %illson Clarence 0. Halten Vi c t or Ir gem John J, Duggan Dr Lowell a. Campbell H. J. Knudsen S, J, Roberts P, Dahlgren John Tracy L, Stolznran R, Port 0. U. Spande Szm BcCready E, Xerfeld E. EnslBy A. C. Stringer Arthur Petersen L, Palmer C . Johns on T, E. TiBly Hildbg Dah1 \To 8, Heydt JohD LYoIpl Pres id ent $50 . 00 Recorder 90 000 Trustee 35.00 . Trustee ' 35.00 Village Health Officer 30,OO Trustee 35.00 Treasurer 25.00 . Street 150,QO Tractor operator Z4046O Asst, Tractor Operator 125,OO Asst, Road Foreman 72.00 6 ommiss s i oner Utility mn e43:so Asst, Road Poreman 132.30 Asst. Road Foreman 131.10 Raad labor 110.85 Raad labor 108.85 Raad labor 73.50 Road & Bridge-TEA labor 25.00 Garbage collection 300.00 Labor vith team 56.00 . Road labor 8.00 Village Earshall 170 roo Police Officer 140 .oo Total Village $ 2,486.80 Police Officer 150.00 Police Officer 150.00 The X2scellaneons bills UPOM being duly examined and found e* be correct, mere on notion Holfien, they be duly allomd and They are 8s ordered paid, seconded by WZl>son and carried. follows : E. E, Harris Brakes, oil, oil filter Police car $3.75 Republic Creosoting Coo Road tar applied 169.37 pd, E. Ziegler Ca cutting edges 67.68 Lumber Rm 21.16 Justus Lumber Co Repairs Dodge Truck 32.66 Archer's Garage V. E, Ziegler Tract or parts Rural Eennepin County Surplus Commodities 90 cases 22.85 Chas Olson & Sans Repairs snaw pbv 16.75 Dahlberg Bras, Inc Service Police car 4 .02 hiooddale Gracery Gas for RB less tax 55.87 Tharpe Bros Rent Tract Office Pj: phene 14.30 H.V.Johson Cul. Coo Road culverts 109,31 J-. D. Adams Go 2 sets X hevy truck chains 56.75 S. Stra-ad Rent tool shed 15,OO B .a .Parks Insurance 30 cat. 10.00 Dale Green sod for Arden &Bridge 3.50 Ho.vard Paint E% Dec Co Paint far guard rails 32 . 60 Ed ina Har dmar e Hardvare - R6cB 6,78 3. A. Danens &Son 40 hrs gas shovel. 190.00 Glacier Sand & Gravel Sand, gravel 8 cement 114.77 Justus Lumber Co Oak t Zmber for road pfm~ 5-01 Village Ro.Wrinsdale "PA sewing project to 10/f5 3.50 John V, Lyon 1125 miles use auto-Police work5g 56.25 Suburban Hennepin Ca Relief Board October direct relief 545.03 E, \T. Harris Gas SC oil Police car &R&B 107,60 Hennepin County Poor Farm service to 11/1/39 138.00 Edina Garage Police car 9.45 Garvey*s Hardsare R&B supplles 4.45 1.73 -1 Borey's She11 Station Greasing service RB n;44 J. J. Duggarr Postage Treasurer's office 14 ,4a Cauntry Club Bloral Co Plants for parks 1.20 EilBer-Davis Oa Office supplies 5.45 &Torell. & Xichols Plan 7 50th Street Development 200,00 ~raan Iron %arks .. 2 catch basin covers 21-00 Total Xiscl. $2,070.63 Verified Eorm by Prancis B. Carroll, Administrator for her father the late J. E. Carrall, Village Engineer an Village of Edina htersepting Sever, was received setting forth a claim and statement for services rendered for total amount $300,00. After discussim by the Council and canference mith Engineer Bradley lvha stated the ch#ge fair, it was moved by Irgens that the same be allawed and ardered paid, seconded by Eolten and carried . Recorder presented sketches prepared by Buildkg Commissioner Creightaa shaning suggested remodeling of the Hewberg Eouse into a caretakers residence and thereupon moved that the same he set up as a ??PA proJect and that Lange and Raugland be requested to drav rough plans as required for project submittance, seconded by Billson and carried. After d2scussion, it was moved by WEllson, that the road oil contract with the Jay M. Graig Company, be renewed for 1940 at prevailing rates of 4.075 per gallon applied on SC-1, 2 or 3 road oil and $.OS5 per gallon on &IC-1, 2 or 3 Cut Back Asphalt all according to specifications and requirements of State of Eimesota Department of Highways and furnfshed in 1200 distrib- utor lots, 'theated, hauled and appxied, seconded by Irgens and carried. C. D. Hill requested the Council to construct at this time, a ha1f.mile of 36 ft, road acruss the East 2400 feet of the Nelson farm, located at the Southwest corqer of the Village, After discussion and the fact.the Council would have to access the costs of the improvement, the matter was left for Eilf, ta take up with his neighbors to handle privately 2a3 The hour being late, it was moved that this meeting adjaurn to meet again at the same time and place on November 20, 19399 at 8.00 orclodc PIE, for the purpose of atiditiag and examirring the Books and records of the Village Treasurer and Village Reoarder for the period Eovember 15, 1938 to Xovember 15, 1939, whereupon President Sharpe declared the meeting so adjourned, Yillage Recorder