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Einutes of the regular meeting of
the Coulzcil af the Village of Edirma,
held in Grange Bar1 on DecemBer 11, 1939,
at 8.00 o'clock €'E.
The meetiing was called to ofder by President Sharpe, the roll
called and all members of the Council were present.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on Havernber 23, 1939, were read. Bn mation Irgens, they be approved as
read, seconded by @illasn, and carried.
The miscellaneous bills upon being d.uly examined and found to
be correct, were on motion lVillson, they-be duly allowed and They are as ordered paid, seconded by Irgens and carried.
follows :
5. B, Hamand Judge Village Election
?a 20
Alex Creighton
Maude Blackburn - difi t o E~s X!'. E. Williams Clerk Village Eliectiola 7,20
E. E. Jewett ditto ?e20
J.uTI .Mewburn Judge Village Election 8c booths 9.70
Albert Farmer ditto 6.70
Agnes Sw ens en ditto * 6.70
CEara Goodacre Clerk Village EPectrion 6,70
Elsie Hilidretk ditto 6,70
George A. VJillsoa Judge Village Election 6.20
Christ Larsen ditto 6.20
mellie Strate ditto 6.20
Ether R, EcCready Clerk Village Election 6.20
Ers Paul. Bersch ditto 6.20
6. R. Blackburn ~px Officer & election booths 8.00
St Peters Luth. Church Rent Church Bsmt-election 7.50
St Peters Miss. Socty. Rent Church kitchen 2.50 Helen Johnson 16 Izrs stenog. work Financial Stmt. 7.20
Garvey's Hardware Raad & Bridge supplies 2.92
Vi .I liams Harwar e 'Prestane & Zerozome-trucks 14.22
'i?. H. Ziegler Co
Uptown Iron Store Tire pliers
Boyd's Garage Repairs 2.00 Snm fence, posts & grease
Republic Creosotirrg Ca Road tar 39.82 Nieland Auto Service Truck repairs 7.40 Illorton Salt Co Rack Sal.$ 16.35 Glacier Sand & Gr Co Cement., Sand & Gravel R&B 158.84 v- Edina Garage , Inc'
J.A.Danens & Son Use gas shavel, Ridge Raad 144,88 L/
EinneapoLis Zran Stare Truck tire chains 19.47
Sban Strand Rent tool shed to 12/15 15.00 Percy B, EcGowan 3 days use water truck-driver
dump fire Hgw 169,olinger Rd, 45.00
Police car service & storage 8 -85
Archer s Garage Repairs to trucks 7.0 0
Lyle Signs, he., Road signs 22m7O
Peerless Electrical Co E'lashlfgk'E batteries,Police 1.12
Hennepin Go, Review Public- notices 8c printing 34.80 League Einn, &micipaltsm Year Book 5 a00 Tharpe Bros Inc. Dec. rent Tract Office,phone 12.60
Edina Hardware Hardware R82B supplies 10 -04 Hennepin Co. Review Pub. detailed Pinancial StmZ. 185.90
Suburban Hem. Co Belf.Bd. Eovember R el5 ef 637.07
City RobbinsdaLe. TEA Sewing pro3ec-k to 11/15 3.50 Rural Hem. County Sur-
plus CQm. Committee Mcsv, Surplus commodities 24.69 Notron Arnesan Parkway Tree Service 4.00 mller Davis ~QrrQany Office & Electfan supplies 25.75
Dahlberg Bras, Inc, Police car service 11.75 Henry Haeg Rent storage snow fence and village equipnent year 1939 15.00 George L. Trisler Refund concrete str. interstn. 35.00
J Jaspers on Raad gravel 137.41
Wooddale Grocery Gas eC oil R833 52.55 Aliex, Creighton 50% Bdg. prnt fees, Novo pay 183.85-
E, 3'. Earris Gas & ai1,Poliice &Ra 121.18
coatinued over.
B. E, Bradley Pay En&, fees 9/2-11/24 3Sl.00
Lang & RaugBand
Uinneapol_is G. E, Co
Sketches, estimates & BP's . 69.50 tool-caretakers house & garage Electric service to l0/20/39 60 8 -74 Total Xiscl $5,QOOo35
The Road and Village payrolls upon having been duly examined and
found correct, were OM. motion Ir$ens, they duly allowed and ordered
paid, seconded by Villson and carried. They are as follow:
Earl C. Sharpe
Ben B, Eoore
George A. Yillsola
Clarence 0. Eolten
, Victor Irgens
J, J, Duggan
Dr Lowell E, Campbell
H,.J, lbudsen
S, 3, Raberts
2 . Dahlgrea
John Tracy
L, StoXzman
R. Port
'0, E. Sparide
Sam XcCready
E, Ensley
. Arthur Petersen
Ghas Johnson
T. E, Tilly
HiIding Dah1
W. S .i Heydt
A. C, Stringer
John T?. Lyon
Bresident Dee. 1939, Recorder ditto Trustee It
Treasurer It
Village Health Officer
Str. Corn,
UtiPityman Tract or operat or
Asst, tractor operatar-
asst. road faremarr ditto
road labor
road labor
Garbage collection
Pay labor
Pay Village Earshall
Pay Police Offfcer
$50 -00
90 ,OO
35.0 0
30 -00
140 -00
10 0.80
4 -00
170 ,OO
150 ,O 0
150 .00
140 .00
Pay R&B-dpa 25.00 Tatal! 82 Y212.40
Trustee Irgens reported onbelief, Trustee '3illson on Road and I
Bridge Activities, Trustee Halten on Police, Recorder Eoore on
progress of the intersepting sewer and Treasurer Duggan on cash
balance in bank to credit of General Fund,
The matter of petition to re-zone %he Swth East corner of 'liest
50th. Street and Halifax Avenue, tagather sith adjacent lands,
'Ghich was held open at the October 23, 1939, meeting of the
Cauncil so that verbal proposals of Rees and others promoting
the re-zoning project cauld be put in vriting.#and resubmitted to
Council Committee, next came before the Csuncil, advised that the affected residents would not object to the re-
zoning along with the resubdivision of the Sampson and Powers fats.
After comiderable discussion, Trustee frZolten offered the follmhg resolution and moved its adoption upoa the condi-kitm that the
Village Recorder shall ivitbhold publication of the ordinance mtfl
praper conveyances have been recorded with Register of Deeds of Rennepin Cauaty to carry fnto effect the terms of agreement dated
September 14, 1939 and Octaber.25, 1939, between Bred Sampson and
Hife and Douglas Rees and also agreement between Le Wa Powers and Doluglass Rees, also dated September 14, 1939, praviding for a nluntary setback,
The Village Cauacil of the Village of Edina do ordain as foPlows:
Section 3..
inance of the Village of Edina, passed by the Tillage Council an
Eay 25th, 1931, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Village
CTowcil on April 24th, 1939, be and the same hereby is amended to:
read as follons:
(b) On France Avenue at 50th StreeZ, a strip of land 125 feet deep and extending from
50th Street north 330 feet and South 330 feat 4
a strSp of land 125 feet deep on each side of
50th Street and extending west from Prance Am,: a distance of 520 feet, and a plot of ground
described as follot~s:
Trustee Irgens
That paragraph (b) of Section 4 of the Zoning Ord-
Begiming at a point an
the Sauth line of 50th Street distant 520 feet west -o?f the westerly sfde l€ne af France Avenue ;
thence Vest 80 feat, more ar less, to the easterly
side line of Halifax Avenue; thence South along the
easterly side Line of Halifax Avemrxe a distance of‘
I00 feet ; ;thence in an easterly direction parallel with the Satuth lime af 50th Street a distance of 80
feet, mare or less, to a pair& 520 feet west of the westerly side line of“ France Avenue; thence north
ta the pPaae af beghning. TJai.f;hin said plot of grawzd arrd safd stfips of land fronting on the Earth and Santh side Lines of 50th Street, no ’buiLdfng
shaIE be erected nearer than 40 feet to the center line
od said 50th Stree€.
Sectioa 2, and effect from aEd after its passage and publication
according to law.
TMs Qrdinaaee shall be in full force
The motTQn to adopt the resoluEiam wzs seconded by Trustee
Willson and the vote wzs tqon the question of the adoptian of
the resolutian, The roll upart beflrrg called found five ayes
and no nays as follow: Irgens aye, Willson aye, Halten aye, BIToore aye and Sharpe aye, and sa the resolution was declared
duly passed and gdbpted and so mdered.
President af the CbraneiP ATTEST 2
’B Village Recarder
Reccrrder Xoore read a letter of TTPlage Attarney Strox dated
December 8, 1939, advising that Niss &rgaret Newberg guardian
of Dllary Newnberg and attorukey George Grimes had called at his
office and they had decided that if the Village is still desiraus of purchasing the Newberg property, that they will make a sale through the probate court,
PiFewberg reskign as guardian aBd Mr Grimes Be put in as guardian in her place, The letter further stated that inasmuch its this
method did obviate condemEtation praceedings, that it Was the suggestion a$’ I& Grimes, that the Village Attorney should act as the guardian’s attorney withaut cost to the estate. After
discussion it was moved by Irgens, that Village Attorney strang
be authorized and instructed to proceed with the purchase of the
Newberg praperty at a cast of $2500,00 a2 thereabauts as appraised,
and mith attorney fees to ”be paid fsy the Village not to exceed The motion was seconded, by Xoore, with Irgens, Home ir”Jil1sorn and Sharpe vati-rrg aye and Trustee HtElterz, @&t voting
and gbrdeclared duly carried.
The plan was to have &rgaret
H ~50 e00
Request was received from County Highway Engineer, for easement.
to. lay storrh sewer in and along Dale Drive, Sunny Slope Addition, to; drain storm water from a portion of Best 50th Street into
Mixmehaha Creek IEP1 Pa&, whereupmi Xeilfoore moved the request be
granted, seconded by Kolten and carried,
Application was receivedfrom BBianeapolis G. E. Company, for per-
mission ta erect 9 pales on Valley View Road near Nine Eile Greek,
whereupan Hazterz moved the request be granted, seconded by Eoora
and caPried, I
Bills for materials, labor and engineering services applying on
the sr)onsorrs contribution for Joint Sewer District Na, I, were
,duly examined fur perfod Nowember 13, 1939 to December 11, 1939,
whereupon it mas moved by Xoore, they be duly allomed and ordered
paid, seconded by Villson and carried,
TUr Bravn, supervising YEA engineer presented estimates and
tabulations to corpplete Intersepting Sever from station approx-
imately 60400
otf 9jt laterals and 12,OOCf feet.of service connections on Streets in Joint Sever Dfstrict No. Iy heretofore suggested by Keeorder
the proposition be concured in and the-President and Recorder be
authorized and empowered to execute the proper form of ?%PA applic-
ation, seconded by Villson and carried.
And to also include appraximatefy 20,000 feet
After study and discussion it mas moved by HoLten, that
I Recorder presented sketches shoving remodeling of house for care-
taker togamer with revised sketch of Village tool house arid
garage on the Newberg property as marked aut by Lang 8c Raugland,
Architects and Engineers. After study of plans and estZmaLes
of costs, Lt vJas moved by Halterm that they be accepted and the
President and Reco.rder be authorized and empowered to execute €he proper form of application with TEA, seconded by Villson and
Letter by Special Village Attorney Havard dated December 1, 19353,
togather vi$h co~y OS the re-drafged and proposed sen& contract
nith the City czf Einneapolis, vere read? carefully studied and
discussed. It vas thereupan moved by EIoore, that the proposed sever cantract bein& acceptable to the Village Council. that the
same he accepked and %hat the President and Recorder be duIy aut-
harized and empcwered -Ea, sign and execute same for and on behalf
af the Village af Edirta, mherr concurred in by the City of Einn-
eap"oais, seconded by Irgens and carried, The rall on being
ca1Led found five (5) ayes and no. (0) nays and so declared duly
passed and carried,
It -vas moved by Trustee Holten, th&t as the next regular meeting
of the Council would fall on Christmas Day, that the same be dis-
pensed with and that the President and Recorder be authorized and
Ftmpovered to issue varrants and the Village Treasurer issue
checks for pay ralX advances af both Vilbge and Jaint Sewer
District Ha. 1, labor accounts due as of December 25% 1939, the mcstion Ttas secanded by Trustee Irgens and carried without dis-
senting vote and so orddred,
Recorder Boore announced the f o1lowing electecl at the Annual
'Jillage Election held on December 5, J.939, to the several. Village Offices.
Carl \?esterberg. . . . . . . . . . . . President of Council for %em 2 years
Alvin S, ~yatt.,,...........TTillage Trustee for term of 3 years-
Jab J, Duggan,. . *. . ., . . .. . . ,Village Treasurer for term 2 years. L. E. Gebo...I.C,*CC).C.~~..~u~tice of the Peace for term 2 years
Hilding Dahl. . . . . . . . . e . ,. .Coastable for term of 2 years.
J0k So LauisC..o.C...9.0~..Park Commissioner for term 3 years.
Trustee ?7illson offered the f o1lowiDg resolution and moved its
XKEEBAS, Earl 0. Sharpe and Clarence 0. Ho31teny have colppleted
their terms as President and Trustee respectively of the Council,
af the Village of Edfna.
AND TIHIBEAS, at all times during their terms of office, they have
given liberally of their time and talents and have rendered
'Saaiety a very great civic service,
XOg, TEERXFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, 'that the thanks and best wishes
of thils Village Council, be extended to both Earl C. Sharpe and
Clarence 0. Hol-ten, for their devotion to duty and untiring efforts on behalf of a11 the residents of the Village of Edirra,
The matian to adalpt the resolution was seconded by both Trustee
Irgens and Recarder noore, and the vote being taken found all
ayes and no nays and so declared duly carried aad adopted by
Recorder IJoore,
__. .-
No further business to come before the Counc-11 at tBis
time, President Sharpe declared the meetiag duly ad- journed to meet again an January 8, 1939, mEess ather- wise du9y convened,,
9 Village Recagder.