HomeMy WebLinkAbout19400108_REGULARXinuLee of the regular mee ting of the Council of the Village of Edina, hold in Grange Hall on January as 19120, at 8.00 O'clock P*Ee The meeting was called to oriler by the President, the roll . called and those present being, l&r YBsterWrg President, Trustees Willsen, Irgens and \watt and %corder EBoore. %inutes of the regular meeting'of the Council held on December 11, 1939, wre read. On motion \Villson, they be approved a8 read, seconded by Irgens and carried. Er Burton, presented a petition to vacate 15 feet of Sunnyside Road at the former intersection with Highway #169, which on tht, suggestion of the Preaident and chairman of Road & Bridge Committee. Harry Sewnson, presen+d renewal of insurance policies covering Fire and Theft insurance on Dodge truck and #22 caterpillar tractor, which on motion Irgena, be accepwd and premiums of $12.65 and $14.85 be duly allowed and ordered paid under 'polm icies A401374 and A-501376 mspectful3y, seconded by Noore and carried. was referred to Villa@ Jinginw3r Paul Wind, appeared before the Cauncil to request a food license to serve individuals who might be patronize a riding livery he expected to establish on part of the old mind f arme After discussion it was moved by Irgens, that the matter be referred to Ordinance Committee and the Village Attorney for report, seconded by Tillson, and carried, Bssrs Campbell and Tuscany, presented an application for permit to build and operate for bowling alleys in a build%% to be cbnstructed in the rear of present buildings on Lot 47, Auditor's Sub. #172. The gentlemn adviasd the Council the project was intended for high class recreational purposes only and that no 3.2 malt or other liquors would ever be sold. After discuss- ion, it was moved Irgens, that the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee, seconded by Noore and carried.- Pr Velch, 5522 Frknce Avenue, advised the Counc.il that hie property had besrn damaged by the con5;tructfan ,of the bnter- cspting sewer across the mar of his property along- Hinnehaha greek and wherein a 10 ft. easement had been giv43no €ir Kelch advised that he had never talked vith WA regarding any damaG8 and listed $525:03 as the amount he thought his property had been damaged. After discussion, it mas moved by Irgena, that the matter be referred to Sanitation Cowmlbttete, seconded by watt, and carried. D . So S, Tborpe, appeared to ask Council's consent to fill in and round out the shore line of Ndinnehaha Creek where Lot Block 3 , Sunny Slop Section , joins %fie highmy easement on the South, After discuesion, it vas moved Irgens, the matter be referred td the President and Chairman of R&B Committee for report, seconded by watt, and carriede BY H.C.Alden, advised the CotuiciP that he mould furnish the Village with tracing for a large and correct map of the Village for the sum of $125,OOe Irgens, that matter be referred to Road and Bridge Committee seconded by Tfpatt and carried, !!he matter of appointmsnt of Council CommAtties next cams before the Cauncfl with the President submitting the following names for the several committias for Council's consideration. 9 After diacussisn it was moved by .- Road ab8 Bridge Committee Trustee Vills on Chairman Trustee. Irgans Pre side nt % 8 tts rberg Police Committee ' Trustee Irgens Chairman Recorder Hsore Trustee watt ' fielief Committee. Trustee watt Chairman Trus tee frge ns TrusWe Willson Sewer-Sanitation Committee Reoorder Noore Chairman President- Wsterberg Trustee ' Irgens Ordikancb Committee President Wsterberg Chairman . Trustee watt Trustee Villson -. .. * Lighting Cammiktes President VJe 8 terbe zg Chairman .f Recorder. Moore .- .. Trustee Willson After diacussicn, Trustee Villson moveh 'that the reconmendatism of the Presrdent namipg Counc$P Comittdes be concurred in-by the Council, seconded by Boore. and carried. Pre eidant W s terberg sugge 8 te d the advirj abil i ty of c snsol'ida t ing the poaitianR of Vfllage Engineer and Building Inspectox: Ihich was discueaed at length by the Counc%l, some member8 thinking auch a change inadvisable. .Messre Carroll.,' BUP~Q~I and Thorpe , speaking from the floor with the Presfdentfs permission, stated that they believed the *present set up highly. satisfw8tcsxy. Trustee Irgens moved that the President's recommendation2, that JJLCardarelle be appointed Village Engineer-Building Inspector ,be concurred in and was declared lost for want of a second. !bvatee Zrgens thereupon moved that the mattes be referred to the Couns-fl as a whole for further discussion, seconded by watt, and carried. ~ Por Village A%%orn&y for the ene9Uing yea? Trustee. Irgens moved that: Clarence 0. Nolten be dully. appointed mfch was seconded by %iilson, Trustee Yipatt nominafed Noble Shadduck, which the President declared lost for want of a second. The r6Bl upon being called found the following voting in favor of I!& Maaten, Moore aye and Westerberg aye, 'Wjra.tt nay, %e result *Sng four aysa ' and one nag and BO the President declared Hr Clarence 0. Holten duly appointed the Village Attorney with the amount of pay to be detemin- ed later. Xrgena aye', Tidlson*.Fp, ar C. T. ~ay , presented appxiiation for renewal of *IOff-Sale" Intox- icating Liquor ~icense at. 3922 Test 50th Street, whereupon Trustee Willson moved that the application be granted, SWQnd€3d by Yoor8 and carried. -- - It was moved by Irgens, that bills and &@count8 of Joint Sewer Diat- rict No. 1, having been carefully exmined and found correct for monthly period ending a8 ,of this date that the be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Trustee Wyatt and carried, 1% was moved by Irgens that Dr Ruben F. Erickson be appointed Village Health Officer for the ensuing year with salary to be determined at a later date, seconded by WiIlson and carried. It was moved by Willson that S. J. Fautsch, be appointed Village Plumbing Inspector with power to enforce the Viblege Ordinances with rate of pay to be on a fee basis of 81.50 for each inspect%on, seconded by Wyatt and carried. Trustee Vyatt, moved that the personnel1 of $he Po3%ce force togather with rate of pay stand as is for time being, sscsnded 'Isy Wfllaon and carried. 238 :It 3va8movedby . crew, stand as Irgsna, that the personnel1 and pw of the Road s for tame being, seconded by \watt and carried, -- 'Letter dated. December 27, 1939 by 3). M. Vallate , via8 read concerning ailwrtising signs on public hkhway at intersection of "h8t 50th St .. and Halifax Avenue and referred to the President and Police Committee for attention, . Application by Louis i$+ 3on@8B for poeition Street Commissioner and dated. BcemWr 29, 1939, &s read to the Council and referred by President'to Road Si: Bridge Committee. Xt was moved by Irgens, that the Hennepfn County Review, be selected and delegated as the official newspaper publication for the Village of Sdina, for the ensuing year, seconded by Hoom and carried. Trustee Wlllson, in accord with previous Council instructions pre- sented deed from Wy A. Roberta and othera for trimg;ular piece of Sand for road purposes and loea%d at the intersacton of mst 63rd. Valley View and %Wren Awwe 8 th6 8me @in$ part of Lot I, Section 4, Tomtsln%g 116, Range 2% Nora, and mo'tred that check be drawn in favor of the said Hary A. Roberts in amount of $50.00 in full pay- ment thereof, seconded by Irgens and carried, Recorder outlined to the Council methods heretofore employed in the handling of funds, payment gf billa etc. of Joint Sews Diotrict Ne. 1, whereupon Trustee Irgens moved that the sane proceiedure and methods be pursued in the future, seconded by Villson and carried. The following Resolution having been heretofofe duly passed by the Council of the Village of &ddna, and for the purpose of continuation and reiteration, Trustee Villson offered the follovhg Resolution and moved its adoption: Be it Resolved, that there is hereby created a fund to be established by the said Village of Pdinp, in the Hidland National Bank and Truat Company, Xinneapolis, Minnesota, to be knomn as Joint Sewr District No. 1 Sewer Fund of the Village of Bdina. And Ti'lhereas, the Village CQU~C~~ of -the Village of ddina, Rennepfn setting forth Joint Sewer Diatrict Noo 1 Fund. How, !here fore, be it resol-d that the Hidland Bational Bank and. . Trust Company, Efinneapolia Minnesota, be and hemby is se1e"cted and deaignated aa a depo~ftory of funds of Joint Sever District. Noe 3. of the Village of E.dina, for the period beginnfry: as of this date and ending December 31, 1940, upon the execution by said bank of a sufficient bond to be Vfb1rtg;s of Sdfna, or tihe furnishing of legal collateral in an amount sufficient to ten (10%) percent. in excess of the maxim BUM deposited, said bond or said collateral to be approved by the Village Council and filed in the office of the Village %corder, or in the event of collateral being furnished ' in lieu of a surety bond, in a place of safe keeping satisfactory it0 the Village CouncPI and thereupon the Village Treasurer shall - deposit all or any part of Villw mon3ys in such bank, sa$d bank &a13 and hereby is authorized and directed to honor checks dram upon said fond signed by the follovfng three (3) persons: I .County, Xinnesota, on February 27, 1939, adopted above Pesoluffan -President of Council Village Recorder VBlAage Treasurer The vote vas up tion of the Resolution and the roll upon 'being called found.fim;r ayes and no nays as follows: Willson aye, Irgens aye watt aye &foom aye and Testerberg aye, and so the resolution was declared duzy psssd and adopted. - I' m CI Trustee Irgens offered the following motion and moved its . adoption, that the Midland Nationaf Bank and Truivt Company, Minneapolis ,- Einnesota, be and hereby is selected and designated I as a depository of funds of the General Fund of the Village of Edina, for the period beginning as of this date and ending Bcember 31, 1940, upon the execution said bank of 8 suffic- ient bond to the Village of Edina, or the furnishing of legal * collateral in an amount sufficient to ten (10%) percent; *in excem~ of the maximi sum depoefted, said band or said collateral to be * approvdd Sy the Village Csuncib and filed in the office of the * Village Pecordes, or in the event of collateral being furnished s in lieu of a surety bond, in a place of safe keeping satisfactory * to ,the Village Council and thereupon the VilEage Treasurer shall - deposit all or any part of the Village moneys in such bank. The motion was seconded by Trustee Wyatt, and carried. Trustee Villson offered the following motion and moved its . = adoption, that the Nidland National Bank and Trust Company, I Bllinneapolis, Einnesota, be and hereby is selected and designated - as a depository of funds of Lateral Sewer Districts No. 1 and . No. 2 of the Village of Bdina, for the period beginning as of this date and ending Beember 31, 1940, upon the exemation by said bank of a sufficient bond to the Village of &din&, or the furnishing of legal.collatera1 in an mount sufficient to ten (10%) percent in excess of the maxim sum deposited, said bond + or said collateral to be approved by the Village Council and - filed in the office of the Village Recorder, or in the event of collateral. being furnished in lieu of a surety bond, in a place I of safe keeping satiaI&ctsry to the Village Council and the.reupon - the Village Treasurer shall deposit all or any part of the Villq moneys in such bank. The motion was seconded by Trustee Irgens and carried. Trustee \watt offered the following motion and moved its. actoptism, . that the Nidland National Bar& and Trurjt Company, Ninneapolfn, . Uinnesota, be and hereby is $elected and desfgnetsd as a deposit- oxy of funds of Sewer District No. 3 of the Village of Edina, * for the. period beginning as of this date and ending December 31, 1940, upon the execution by safd bank of a sufficient bond to the - Village of Edina, or .the furnishing of legal collateral in an - amount sufficient to ten (10%) percent in excess of ttie maxim sum deposited, said bond or said eollateral to be approved by the Village Council and filed in the office of the Village Eecorder, or in the event of collateral Wing furnished in lieu of a suretr bond, in a place of aafe keeping satisfactory to the Village Coun- eil and thereupon the ViUage Treasurer shall deposit a11 or any part of the Village rnoneys in such bank. The motion mas seconded I I 1 by Trustee Villson and carried. . * Trustee Irgens offered the following motion and moved its adoption . - that the Nidland National Bank and Truet Company, Minneapolis, *Minnesota, be and hereby is aelected and designated as a depoait- * ory of funds of Sewer District No. 4 of the VEllaee of Ydina, * for the period beginning a6 of this date and ending Bcember 31, - 1940, upon the execution by said bank of a sufficient bow to the - Village of ddina, or the furnishing of legal collateral in an . amount sufficient to ten (10%) percent in excess of the max%lm - sum deposited, said bond or said collateral to be approved by the Village Council and filed in the office of the Village Recorder, or in the event of collateral being furnished in lieu of w surety . band, in a place of safe keeping satisfactory to the Villwe Cow- * cil and thereupon the Village Treasurer' shall deposit all or any part of the Village moneys in such bank. The motion was seconded . by Trustee Wgatt and carried. " The Eiscellaneous bill8 upon having been carefully examilned and ' found correct, were mo motion Irgenao they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded- by Willson and carried. They are &a f QlrOWs: Xinne haha Grange Rent 1939 & spl. meetings CoSwnbitz Cas Company H. PJ. Tisdale (I AXreighton Assoro City of Xinneapolis Fire ~ept service 12/21-25 Republic Crsosotang Co Road tar Eo A. Rogers CO Blue prints Crown Iron Vhrks Catch basin co+r To Ve RQShOlt CO Wazco repair parte Q0 H. Ziegler Co Tractor parts Chas B. Gates Agency Village St Louis Park Fire dept service, 7 ca1;Ls Rural Hennepin County E;linneapolis G. B. Company Elec trfc service Bovember Bond C*B*Carroll J of P $5.08 it l* B.B.Nbore Rec, 6.00 fl 11 Bond L,blf*Gebo J of P (2 $rs) 104 cases in Decem%& . Surplus Coma Corno Einneapolia G. E, Company T. 1% Roaholt Company Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board George TR. Strong Thorpe. Bros Garvey' 8 Hardmre Edfna Hardware Chas Olson Sons Inc Glacier Sand 8c Grave1 Co F. A. Archer Simon Strand George V. Strong V. H. Ziegler Vooddale Grocery E. F7. Harris Edina Garage ' Alex. Creighton Be W0 Harris H. C. Alden Justus Lumber Co Borey's She11 Station Eo Bo Thomas Justus Lumber Co . Hary A. Roberts PXectric service December Fihal. payment Wrco grades December direct relief Services Village Attorney 1939 Rent Tract Office & phone R&BEhardmare o uppl ie 8 R&cBohardware 8 uppl is B Repair mow plow-scariffier Cement sand grave%, Nov-Dec+ Repro. Ford & Dodge trucks Rent tool shed Labor-Wtsrial skating rink Refund fees advanced rec. Tractor part0 gas for tractors gas for tractore-police car Police car service to 12/28 SO$ Dac. bdgo permit fees Police car service correcting village tracings Lumber 3' storage battefres, truck tire ppr& greasing 11/4-l2/21 Drainrtile pw part Lot1,Sec 4, T116 R21 Total Uiscl --ET -8fO 6 50 10 . 00 34.59 147 0 20 -40 64 1Qel5, 30 20 e 55 9.58 245 e 00 5.00 I .. 26597 619 80 611. 54 191.00 819.68 3OO.00 13.00 3.23 36.90 207.60 '7.26 15e08 17.96 075 39 o 16 32.63 138.96 11.20 107a50 6.25 . 8.76 30 o 00 550 56 47.06 I .- 2.03 ,981.97 The Village and Road Cmv bills upon being duly examined and found correct, =re on motion PJfllson, they be duly allotred and ordered paid, seconded by Irgene and .carried. They am as follows: Carl Vesterberg Ben Bo Xoore George A. Willson Vic tor Irge ns Alvin So watt Ho J. Knudsen S. J. Roberts 9, Da3l'lgrsn John Tracy L. Stolzman Re Port 0. 31. Spande Sam EcCready H. Ensley Ro Garrison Arthur Peterasn A.C .Stringer Hixding Dah1 John V. Lyon To 3. Tilly 57- S* Heydt pay President Jan. Recorder Trustee , Trustee Trustee Strec t Commissioner Utility man Trac Lor operator Asst tractor operator Asst Road foreman Asst road foremswn Asst road foreman Road labor Road labor Labor with team . Garbage collection RkB - WA labor Jan Village Earshall Fo2:ice officer Police officer $50.00 90 0 00 35.00 35600 35000 1560OO 140 eQQ- 135.00 125.00 103~80 106.20 I 56.40 44.00 74.00 18.00 Police officer 14OoOO To tai $20127040 1 The hour o 2046 A, M. ha,uing arrioed, President Msterberg dsclared the meeting adjourned to meet.'agaim 8% the same time a and place on January 15, 1940, at 8.00 o'clock PO M+ ?i .Village Recorder