HomeMy WebLinkAbout19400122_REGULAR244 Xinutes of the regular meeting of the CouncfL of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Hall on January 22, 1940, at 8000 O'ClOCk P.Xe The meeting aas called to order by the President, the roll called and all members of the Council -re present, Ninutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on January 8 1940 and the recessed portion duly held on January 15, 1940, wsre read, , Trustee Irgens suggested that that portion of the January 15, 1940, minutes in connection with the handling of insurance, be clarified by inserting in the minutes of this meeting that the President would appoint a Council member to advise the Council on the expiretion of any insurance poxicy , which after Council renew2 mould be referred to Village Attorney for his recommendation as to acceptance and $02- sBfe-&!e~pibg , he thereupon moved that the minutes of the January 8, 1940 and the rgceased portion of the same meeting held on January 15, 1940, be approved as corrected, seconded by ~~illson.and.carri~t= Application Udinneapolis 0. 3. Company for permission to set 2 poles on Yooddale Avenue South of 17oodland Road, 1 pole on Vooddale Ave., West -of 59th' Stre'et, 4 poles on Smisek road between \7f2St 70th and Highmy #5 Test of the Cahill Road, and 1- pole on Kellogg Avs., and Vest 55th Street Irgens , the petition be granted, seconded by watt, and carried, Letter by Village Attorney Holten, dated Januasy 19 , 1940 , . mas read with reference to grantim Nr Ralph Wind permission to establish a boarding and' riding stable for horses and also issure- a license for the sale of food and soft drinks at a stand to be erected near the stable.. It .was the opinion of the Village Attorney , that the foregoing would constitute a commercial bus- iness vihich the Zoning Ordinance would prohibit. Noreover, the type of business provided for in commercial districts, as aut- lined in Section 5 of the Zoning Ordinance, does not embrace riding stables nor boarding stables for horses. Hrs Villian Steinka and ldrs Howard Ives, appeared before the Council. to protest on behalf of the Yoman's Club on the granting of any '1ic.ense for a Bowling Alley on France Avenue and Vest 50th Street, until a committee of the Yoman's Club could invest- igate what type of supervision the Alley might have'. advised that he had talked with Dr krickeon for an expression of opinion of local merckants and Xr Danens Jr,, advised that the Edina Theatre parking lot could not be used by paBrons of the Bomling Alley. Trustee Villson suggested study ef the parking problem in the event a License was granted. Trustee Irgens thereupon moved that no action be taken on any application for Bowling Alley before the next regular meeting to be held on Bebruary 12, 1940, seconded by V&att, and carried. ?Er J. R. Thoqts, presented check in amount $2.50.00 for renemal of 3.2 On and Intoxicating Liqugr On licenaea of not being accompanied by proper applications, trould be held by the Recorder pending receipt of proper applications* Elr Bloomberg, submitted a proposed-plat of the 2nd. Addition to Colonial Grove, vhich on motion- Villson, be referred to Road and Bridge Comitte, seconded by Irgens, and carried. Xr S. E. E4cCaugham and Nr Danens Jr., submitted a proposed plat for subdividing a portion of the Thomas Ryan farm, 17hich on motion of Trustee Irgens, be referred to the Road & Bridge Committee seconded by Villson and carried. was on motion The Presiden vhich on account I The Village and Road crew advances having been carefully noted and found correct Mere an motion Vhllson, they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Irgens, and Carrie& 245 It was moved by Irgens that pay advances a8 shown in warrank book of Joint Sewer-D;bstrSbct No. 1, be duly allowed and paid, aeconded by 'watt, and carried. ~ Ben Parks appeared before the Council as an interested property owner, to protest against the establishing of,or any license being granted for ,the establishing 'of any boarding stable OT ridin$ stable on the Wind farm and was advised that an opinion of the Village Attorney stated such was not permissable under the Zoning Ordinance . Mr 5. R. Blackburn, submitted ,renewal ,of Compensation insurance policy expiring on February 11, 2940, which on motion Xrgens, be referred to next meeting of the Council, seconded by Willsen and carried. The President presented opinion by ,Village Attorney doted Jan- . uary. 19, 1940, concerning the stom water sewer being constr.. ._ ucted by %PA, as &.Hemepin County project to drain a portion - of West 50th Streets a 0ounty road, 'PSorth of the Country Club and Ttiherein an easement had been giv&..by Thorpe Bras*, ownem, It was the recommendation 9% hllr HoSten that before any building permit ia issued, that an instrument brt entered into between the then owner and the Village which will exonerate the Village from any liability vlrhich might accrue at a future date by season of any cave-in of the sewer, or otherwiee. President Wsterbery suggested that the Recorder be requested to write Nr George thanks and appreciation of the Councif for their long and vexy excelle.nt Bervices a8 Village Attorney and Village Health Qfficer, seconded by Eoore and carried. Letter vas read fzow resident Harry Butts, requesting that he Is favored with the insurance business$ in connection with the proposed new tool houee and garage, which was referred to the Letter dated January 18, 3.940, from Republic Csosoting Company, suggested that orders for road tar be with-held as a decline in prices was expected and which was duly referred-or Road and Bridge Committee. Proposal of Commonwealth Electric Company, giving items and prices on measuring equipment for intercepting sewer, was on . motion Villson, be referred to Semr Committse,mith power to act, seconded by Irgsns and carried. Chairman Irgens repored on the Police Committee and that places selling 3.2 malt liquor had been invited to live up to the letter of the law. Also that the Br~wn Derby was:: instructed to remove Blinds or other obstructiana to public view and that no 14 gmea tyem to be operated. Recorder Yeported on progress of the Inter- cepting gtewr. ,Strong and Dr Lowell N. Casnplpll, the I Insurance committee, Chairman Willson, of the Road & Bridge Committee, advised that he had contacted George eilson for plowing private driwwtlya and that he would not recommend that 15 feet on the %st end of Sunnyside Road be vacated as the 2 feet heretofore vacated was sufficient far vacation. He further suggested that an 80 ft. turnaround be arranged for in lieu of the one sUgge8ted by Mr Burton. The Chairman further stated that he would contact the State Highway Dept. regarding the naming of Highway 100 to Normandale Road as well as with reference to the installation of Sodium Street Lights. I' It was moved after di8CUSSiOn by Irgens, that hereafter all applications for licenee presented for Council's consideration, be made at least 1 meeting in advance of being granted, seconded by \watt and carried. 246 Village Attorney Holten reported on' the purchase of the Newterg property as arranged by Fir Strong and that the matter had progressed through the Probate Court and VBB nom ready for closing, Trustee Irgens thereupon moved, the President and Recorder be and are hereby authorized and emporzred to execute and deliver Contract For Bed,. betmen George S, Grimes as Guardian of the estate of FJary Newberg, Insane and the Village of &din&, covering purchase of the Ne17bery property located on aden Road Vest of the E. N & S Ry as described in deed-for the sum of 82,500.00 payable #SOOeOO cash and' four (4) equal annual . installments of $$OO.OO each, The first being due and pwable February 15, 1941, with interest on deferred payments @? 5% per annum, with privelsge on the part of the Village Lo accelerate payment t'o the extent of all or 4ny part at any time. The motion waij seconded by Recorder Hooge 'and those voting aye were Noore, \watt, frgens and Vesterbery., Trustee Tillson , not voting, and duly declared carried. - ' It vas moved by noore, that the Treasurer of the Village of Edina, be and is hereby authorized and directed to drav and issue check on the Village Treasurer for the sum of $500.00 payable to George S, Grimes, Gusrdian of the estate of &ry New%erg, Inbane, said sum to represent initial pment of purchase price of Real Estate referred to in the next pro- ceeding motiono * The rnoti0.n vas seconded by Irgens and those voting aye *re Irgens, watt, Pioore and Testerbe ', Trustee Ti118on, not izaatfng , and themupon declare8 duly 7 aaEted and carried. Recorder re-submitted plans of Tool House and Garrage as requested by WA wherein working plans -E' incorporated in application for approoval8cvihfch upon examination by mmbers of the Council ware satisfactory to file. Village Attorney Holten, reported to the Counc&l and %ham present on the suit brought iz-P; the Snst.&nps-.of the Country Club District' Service Company against the Village of &dine Tor use of storm sewer and so called hydrant rental and that same had been set for trial on January 24, 1940. . The hour of 11.35 PLI having arrived, the Eresident declated the meesing recessed, to neet qain at the same time and place on the call of the President. . Village Recorder.