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Nfinutes of the regular meeting of the
Council of the Village of ddina,
held fn Grange Hall on February 12, 1940, at 8.00 O'ClOCk PNe
The meeting was called to order by the .President, the roll called and all members of the CounciX were present.
Ninutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on January
22, 1940, were read. On motion Irgens; they be approvad as
read, seconded by watt and caryiied.
. It was moved by Irgens, that the letters written by the Recorder
. at Council's request under date of January 20, 1940, to former
, !Iffices Dr Low31. M. Campke11, be spread on the minutes of this
, meeting I seconded by Willson and carried. They are as follows:
Village Attorney George .Tme Strong and former Village Health
, pr George I. Strong
.* 4606 Moorland Avenue ,
Edina , 18inr-s sota .
I* January 20, 1940.
.. mar htr Strong:
At the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of hdina, held on January 15, 1940, the Recorder was
all =embers of the Council, for your long and most satisfactory eervices as Village Attorney.
I. requested to conirey to you, the thanks and appreciation of
It is hoped that thi8 Village may enjdr the same *.
freedom from litigation the next 12yeare a8 it has under your dlbrec ti ono .,
. On b.ehalf of all mexnwrs of the Council,-it is my pleasure t.o also extend our best personal wishes for your con- tinued success, happiness.and good health.
Ben Be Moore
Vi 1 la@ Re c or der rn
Dr Law81 Campbell ' January 20, 1940
4500 Edina Blvde , Edina Mime s o ta rn
Dear Dr C ampbe $3. :
. At the regular meeting'of the Council of the Village. of Mina held on January 15, 1940 #. the Recorder was requested to convey $Q you, the thanks and appreciation of all membzrs of the Councif, for your long .and most satisfactory services as Village Health Officer.
The Council knowing the full measure of ,the
many services which you have so ably rendered this Community,.
hopes that in the 12 years to come that &din% may continue to
be quite as healthful a phce in which to live, as when under your direction.
On behalf of all memkess of the Council., it
is ny ple'asure to also extend our best personal wishes for your continued succem, happfness and good health.
Yours truly
Ben Be Moore .
BBU-be ' . Village Recorder
The Eiscellaneous bills upon bsing duly examined and found to
be correct, were on motion Prgena, they be duly allowed and
ordered paid, aeconded 'by watt and carriedb
f ollovs :
George So (trims, Guardian.. PaPckraoe Net;tbej;.g property #SOS.OO George S, Grimes, Guardian Rent- too'shed .to date( final.) 80.00
Ed ina Hardware Edina Garage, Tnc
Fidelity & Guaranty Fire Co Ins. premium Dodge Bc 22 Cat, 27.50
Graybar Alec tric Co Lights & supplies skating rink 26.18 City of Robbfnsdale \?PA Sewing project &filler-Davis Go Office supplies (Trustees)
3-I7 Eel1 'Telephone Co Alphabetical Listing (Police) 3.00
Thorpe Bros Feby rent Tract Office 8c calls 13e00
They - are as
Road 8: Bridge supplies 60 60
Police car service 2.40 I?. A, Archer Repairs Dodge. truck 36-30
H. A. Rogers Blue prints 2.82
Garvey' s Hardware Road & Bridge suppliee 8.94
Hennepin County Review Published Notices 22.90
Uptown Iron Store Truck chains 12.74
City of Minneapolis Fire Dept service 1/1/40 9.33 .
City of Hinne apolis Police Rad30 servioe 9.10
Ye H. Ziegler Co 'Erac tor parts 2.57
Rura3. H. Co Surp. Corn Comm. January 25 44
Hennepin County Review Printing 17.00
Chas Olson & Sons Telding 1.50
T*WoRosholt CS Shovela & parts 12. I5
Bfiinneapoiis Gr 6. Company 'January electric ssrvick 609.83
Gambel Stores, Ropkins Truck flags & flares 3.24
Glac ier Sand 2% Gravel Co S&nd 16. 50
Young Fuel Co . Coal 10.12 Borey's Shell Station Truck greasing etc. 18039
Dahlberg Bros, Inc Police car service 5.00
H. A. Rogers Co . B/BVs Sdre'ma-p hndlzm'ounting 10034
S. Strand Rent tool shed to 2/15 15.00
City of Robbfnsdals TEA Sewing project to 2/15/40 7.00
Gas for tractors 35.59
Gas for R&B and Police car 160.98 i Ills vs v of E 100 00
each Dennits 438 to 585 E49 0 GO
H ,C .Alden 26 hra labor on maps
Vooddale Grocery E. W.Harris
Karl C. Schmidt !%st.Spgs) Acct Exper$ Witness CCDSCo
W. G. Christensen Pay 366 Plunbing Insps 8 1.50 Alex. Creighton gay Bdg Inap. SO$ fees col. 74.75
Clarence 0, Holten Pay village Attorney Jan. 75.00 Total Eiacl $2,559 0 43
Ehe Road and Village bills upon having been duly examined and
found correct, vert: on motion Villson, they b2 dul$-+, allorred and
* ordered paid, seconded by Irgens and carri&d. They are as
. follows: .
H. J. Knudssn
Tz . J .Johnson
S. J. Roberts
Po Dahlgren
John Tracy
L. Stolzman
0. If. Spande
R. Port
Is. Ensley
Sam EcCready
€?, Garrison
Arthur IPe te r8e n
Chas Bohnson
A. Ce Stringer'
Hilding Dalh
John 77. won
T. 8, Tilly
C. $3. &ydt
Street Commissioner (final) Street CS~. from 2/1/40
Utility man
Aaat Tractor Operator
Asst Road foreman '
Caretaker skating rink
Road labor
Labor with tea Garbage c olle c ti on labor ( SUYP . C om)
R&B - ma Village Narshall Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer
' Tractor Operator
II I1 (I
0 It It
$150 00 42. 21 ,140 00
73. 50
140000 I
52.00 .
3330 32
170.09 1500 OO 150 e 00 140 00
continued page 249
Carl \Raterberg Pre side n t $50~00 Ben B.. Noore Recorder 90.00 . tieorge A. WiJlsod Tr us tee 35.00
Via tor Ikgena , Truetee .. 35.00
.35.00 t3\.e"+ A* Sa. Wyatt Trustee
Dr R. F .Xriokson He al th Off ice r 3O.OQ * && , Total Road-Village 2464.53 !J$,.iny(.,*yJc !$E [&5++0
Several residents of Thielan Avenue district appeared before the
mee'ting to inquire regarding prospects of obtaining sanitary sewer in their neighborhood. After discussion it was agreed for the residents to have 8 meeting with the Sanitation Com- ittee. of the Council on Bebruary 17, 1940e
Frank Garrison advised the Council that he was building a house
09 Ruthledge Avenue and was doing his own plumbing and that
he could not get a plumbing permit or inspectionP After dis-
cussion, it was moved by Yillaon .to refer the matter to the Village Attorney for his recommendations and/or opinion, seoond-
ed by Irgens and carried.'
Mr Damns Jr., appeared before the Council. to hdvine that he . would be able to secure a 30 ft. easement for road purposes at Dublin Road .and Yest 70th.. Street. After discussion it was moved by Willwon, that upon presentation of easement for road purpose8 tvherein the Village would have a 60 ft right-of-way for Dublin Road, that the plat duly suhitted for Prospect Hills,
be accepted. and that he President md Recorder be authorized and einpowered to sign and seal same for and in behalf of the Village Council, seconded by Irgens and carried.
Application dated February 10, 1940, by YIssrs Humme11 & Turjcany for license to ciperate a bowling alley in a building to be built to the rear of present building on South Mst corner of -%st 50th Street and France Avenue, next came before the Council, After
discassion it was moved by Zrgens, that the application be accept ed and placed on file until such time &e an'Ordinztnw::.ma;y be
adopted by the. Viffags Council licemi% and regulating Bowling
Alleys, seconded by Willson, and carried.
Mr Bloomberg, submitted plat of 2nd Addition to Colonial Grove. After study and discussion it was moved by Willson, that the same be accepted and that the President and Recorder be author- ized and empowered to sign and seal same for and on behalf of
the Village Council, seconded by watt and carried.
Trustee Irgens reported on Police Committee Trustee Villson
on Road and Bridge, Trustee '@raft on Relief and Recorder Moore on construction and progress of the 24" fntercesting Sewer wherein 890 feet had been constructed during January and 439 ft. thus far in February.
The President announced that he had appointed Trustee Irgens
as the member of the Council to look after insurance matters and that his recommendation for placing insurance on the 'Village tool houks and compensation insurance would be forth coming.
Recorder read announcement of the forthcoming Minnesota Tax Conference to be held at the Curtis Hots1, Ninneapolie, during the Week Of Feby 19th.
Communication by the John Hannon Watchman Agency was read and on motion Noom, seconded by Willson and cakried, was referred to the Police CommitteeB
Recorder advised with reference to separating the propoaed tool house and caretakers house a and that the WA would not approve remodeling of the old Newberg house, -He further advised
that working plans and specifications of the tool house and
garage were ready. Trustee Willson thereupon moved that the
projects be. separated Eind tool house application for WA grant
'lie sent off immediately, seconded by 'Wyatt and carried.
Prof Elnrer Johnson and 8, clasa of University of Edinn~aota, Farm
School students in Civil Govsrnment -re present. Upon the
request of the President questions and an8mr8 were given and
invitation extended to attend a future meting .r.ihen desired.
BHr B, T, Land, as the owner of the proparty presentlea 8 .pencil
sketch of proaosed plattfw %io %he ,S6at&bbf*-T~sC 63% .Stir&%, '
%kat of France Avenue to bs called VhhIz Oak8 &rx. He advised the Council that a road leading South was needed ~rhereupon it
was moved by Irgens the matter be referred to Road and Bridge
Committee , with power to act, seconded by Noore and carried.
Application having been duly made accompanied by check in full amount, ;it was moved by Irgena that license to sell 3.2 malt
liquor and Intoxicating liquors be issued to The Country Club,
Inc., subject to all laws and sales restricted to members of
the Club and their guests, seconded by \watt and carried.
- Treasurer presented 65 cancelled interest warrant cupons numb'ered
1 to 65 pertaining to Joint Sever District HO. 1, vhich were exmined and placed in the Village safe.
The hour of 11.50 PEIT having arrived, the PrerJident declared the meeting recessed to meet again at the same time and place on
'drfonday Pebruary 19th, 1940, at 8.40 o'clock PN,
Village Recorder.