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IffinUtes of the regular neeting of the Council of the Village of Bdina, held
dn Grange Hall on Elarch .9;,$thc, 1940, at 8.00 ecclock Pa4
. The meeting was called to order by the President, the roll - called. and all members of the Council were present.
. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on February - 26, 1940, were read. -On motion Irgens, they be approved as
. 'Ilhe NisacellaneouEf bill8 upon bing duly examined arid found
read, seconded by IQmtt, and carried.
I correct, were on motion Vfiilson, they 7% duly allowed
. ordered paid, seconded by watt and carried. They
* follo\vve:
. P.V.Harris Gas-oil Police & R&B . Vooddale Grocery Gas R&B
Ji . W.Harrfs Service Police car Alex Cre ighton Pay Bdg4 Jnsp Sept-Oct & Feby Simon Strand Hennepin Co. Review Pub. Bowling Alley Or&. Dahlberg Bros, lncv Police car service Binneapolis G. P. Co February iilectric Service Blackburn Nichols and Smith Bonds Tdlly & Dahl Edins, Barrage. Police car service & storage
T* We ROSho1.t; CO Parts plow RBsB Rural Hennepin County
Loosen Plumbing Cs Cleaning Vooddale Ave Sen Sever
D . R . Winches Le r Yees-Sxpnses Police Dept 9 Suburban Hennepin Goe
Relief Board January Relie€ Thorp Bros Rent-phone Tract Office Narch
Chas Olson et Sons. Repair Dodge truck F. A. Archer Repairs Dodge truck
C. 0. Helen Yeby pa3f Village Attorney 82 fees Ragnet0 Service CQ Repairs Varcs generator Graybar Xlectric Co Flashlight batterires-Police
Hudoon Nap Compy Fire Dist. map. Npls Fire apt T*'II.Rosholt CS shove 1s
N-SV Bell Telephone Ce Phone ext police, Dec-Jan
Hennegin County Poor Farm service 3 mo
Yd ina Hardware Eba$hllgh%a2Pulice Rept Garvey 1 E: Hardware Hardware R&B
A.l\iT.Rolfne ss Damage to private auto by R&cB . P. Dahlgren Storage & Heat Dodge truck 1939
We H. Ziegler Cs Tractor parts Glacier Sand-Gr Co Read sand
Lmg B Raugland Working plana garage-tool house
Stinchfield, Macknlb, 1
Rent tool shed to 3/15
Surplus Com Corn Feby. 105 cases
and are as
31. 62
650 38
. 15.75
26.38 e. 50
. 51.08
96% 39
3; 12,
158 00
210 . 00
11. sa
Crounse & Yoore -Prof. services on account CCDSC 1250.00
-i Stinchfield Eackall, vs Village of ddirm Crounss & Erloore To distributions as listed 98.23
'gestern ~gs.~l~. ( CCBSC VB Vof EO $W.OO 1 800.00
balance 4.50
A. Ce Stringer Namh V@AoRoad & Bridge 25.00
Total Niacl $5,003.91
Karl C . Schmidt, ( To 16 da,ys expert witness )
Karl C, Schmidt do ( To RR fare eC exp. less $100.
The Road and Village bills upon having been duly examined and found correct, we~e on motion Irgens, they Be duly allowed and
ordered paid, seconded by 1Nillson e and carried. They are as follows:
Carl We s tcrbe rg Pay President &!arch $50 00 Ben -B. Hoom Pay Recorder 90 00
l;e orge A. ' Wi 11s on Pay Trustee 35.00
Vie tor Irgens Pay Truetee 35.00
A*S*V@att Pay Trustee 35.00
Dr R. Be Brickson
T. E. Tilly Hildfng Dahl ra. S. Heyd% John TrJ. won
R . J .Johns on
S. J, Roberts
Peter DahlEren John Tracy
Le Stolzman
R. Port
0. 12, Spande
H. Jdnsley
Sam IdcCready
Ray Garrison
Arthur Pe tersen
Pay Treasurer Village Health Officer
Village Ekrshall Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Street Commissioner Utility man Prac tor Ope rrzt.or
Asst tractor operator
Asst Road foreman
Asst Eoad foreman
Asst Road foreman Road labor Road labor
Labor with team
Garbage c ollec tion
$30 o 00
30 00
170 00
175*00 140 0 00
82,230.83 '
It vas noved by Ir&ens3 that. the bills and accounts Joint Serer District No 1, having been carefully examined and found
correct, as listed Re~order~s warrants # , be duly allowd and ordered paid, seconded by Xyatt, and carried.
Brs E, 17. Dam and Hr Honaker, presented proposed platting of
the Test 400 feet of the Dasr property located at NorthrJest corner Vooddale Avenue and %st 50th Street. After study of
sme, it was moved by Irgens, the matter be referred to Road
PE Bridge Committee, eeconded by watt and carried.
to #
ETilton Gutterson, submitted surveyorf s plat of Cascade Falls Addition. the plat be accepted subject to all streets being graded and graveled by Xr Gutterson and that the President and Eecorder
be authorized and ernpovrered to sign and seal same for and on behalf of the Village Council seconded,by TQatt , and carried,
Trustee Tillson reported on applications for permits. to set poles on Village s tree ts whereupon it Tias moved by Irgens that hereafter such applicationa be referred to the Lighting
Committee for tentative permit suBjec t to Council approval to follow, seconded by Willson and carried.
After study and examination, it was moved by Irgens
Plfr Dewy Hill, appeared before the CounciA to request that
an approximate half mile of road be graded and graveled as heretofore petitioned, vhich on notion Xoore, be referred to
VillBge Attorney and Road & Bridge Committee and report to the Council, seconded by Willson and carried,
Xrs Rimball, 5117 Vooddale Glen, appeared before the Council
to state that she was in favor of Bowling Alleys such as vas proposed to be established by Plr wan. Atr Raugland, of the architural firm of Lang B Raugland , explained the ybrking plans
of the building and location of Parking lot and that space for 150 cars had keen provided. Jdr Ryan advised that he had pur- chased the site for the proposed building, that he had contacted . church and other interested persons who had expressed their
approual of the project, that he would =lcorre the setting up of a governing body for administration-of affairs and subraftted working plans for Council's approval, Eeing ready to -start mark
a3 soon as permit could be granted.
by Irgens that the matter be referred to the Council as a whole, seconded by ZIioore, and carried.
for investigation
It was thereupon moved
Hr George Hanson and Sam UeZson, requested that a road be built running Ro~th and South and across the reax part of their prop-
erty, which on motion Irgens, seconded by watt and' carried,
was referred to the Road 8c Bridge Committee.
lleasrs Tuscmy and Campbell, explained to the Council, some
poeeibilities of their proposed sketch for bowling alley build-
ing to be built to the rear of klolan's store and with a parking . lot €or 60 care to be located across France Avenue on State owned land, It was moved by Xoore that the matter be referred
to the Council as a whole, seconded by ivatt and carried,
Xr Hosmer Brovm appeared before the Council to request that a food license ge granted him to operate a milk station in the premises now occupied by the Counrty Club Ice Cream Company at
5002 France and was advised that he could start operating at any time su&ject to State csmplyance and Inspection#
Douglass Rees, showed the Council some pencil. sketches apply-
ire to Lot 43 Auditor's Sundn. #1?2, wherein he would desire to build a building to contain a 'bowling alley, On motion Wi2bson, seconded by matt, the matter was referred to the Council. as a committee of the Whobe.
Eccorder read a letter from Republic Creosoting Company, advis-
ing that a reducti.6n in price of road tar was now in effect. After discussion, it W&E moved by Willson, that bids be called
for in the purchase of both road tar and road oil to cover
this year's requirements seconded'by Zrgens and carried.
&Ir Ashley Brooks applied for license to operate Taxi-cabs in "the Village .of Edina, and requested that the number of lic- enses so issued be limited to two (2) . After d&scussi~n
Trustee Lrge ne , of fqre d the following Re solution and moved
its adoption:
XBEREAS, the Villa@ Council oi Ediraa., has adopted in ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Providing for the Licensing of Taxicabs
and Regulating their operation in the Village of Edina": and
VH.E,~AS, siad ordinance provides in Section 4 that the Village Council shall, by resolution, fix the number of licenses issued and the taxi-cabs operating thereunder, .and provides in Section
6 that the Village Council, by resolution, shall determine the rnaximwn taxi-cab rates to be charged:
NOT, TUFSFORG, BE IT PLESOLWD; that the Village Council. of Edina does hereby determine that public convenience and necess- ity will be served Qy fixing the number of licenaes to be issued
under said ordinance as one (I) lice'nee iand that the number of taxi-cabs to be operated by the licensee to whom such license
may bs! issued shall be, and hereby is, limited to two (2).
B6 IT FURTHXR RE;SQLVBD, that the maximum rates to be charged by the licensee Lo whom such taxi-cab license may hereafter issue shall1 be twenty-five (25p?) cents for the first mile and
ten (LO$)- cen%a for each half mile thereafter, plus a surcharge
of five (5#) cents for emh stop in excess of one or an houfly
rate of $2.50 for the first hour and $1.50 per hour thereafter.
The motion ts adopt the resolution was seconded by Recorder Noore and the vote we upon the qusstian of the adoption of the rerrol- utfan wherein there *re five ayes and no na;ys as follows:
and so the resolution was declared duly passed and adopted
b \watt ap, \?!illson we, Irgena aye, Moore aye and Vesterberg aye
Xr Froberg as the otmer, gave his check in amount $260.00 in
payment for Hinneapolis &wer Connection charge on the North 40 feet of bast half of North half Lot 49 Auditor's Subdn #172 0
$6.50 per front foot, Whereupon Trustee Willson moved that the(-
sam be accepted and deposited to the credit of the Village of
&dim and a Village Check of like mount be drawn in favor of -
the City of Xinneapolis for payment therefor and that the Recorder
be authorimd to present the proposition to the proper City of Xinneapolis officials to the end that sanitary sewer connecti.ori
may be obtained, the motion vas seconded by Hoore and carried,-"
Severall residents of Hidden Valley Addition were present fegarding
%b~ir.ps&ition to the Council for a lateral sanitary sewer in
and along Abbott Place,
was requested to prepare profiles and estimate of costs for prep sentation to the Council
Application Xinneapolis Gas Light Company for permi9sibn to lay
362 feet of 4" pipe &n and along Drev Avenue from Fuller Street, to :%st 55th Street arid 220 feet of 4'' pipe in and along %st -
55th Street Zast of Drew Avenue, t7as pn-motion Irgens, be grant&. subject to be completed within 30 days, seconded by Tlillson and-.
Village Engineer Bradley being present
L '
- carried.
It vas moved by Irgens, that bf15, of Stinchfield, Wckall, Crounse and Eooro , in amount $1.250,00 on account and for services as Village Attorney in suit Country Club District Service Company,, vs Village of Sdina, togather with an amount totalhg $98,23 COV-~ ering rniscellane ous expenses and disbursements advanced for the
Vills4ge, in total amount $1,348.23, be du3y allowed and ordere'd
paid, seconded by Villson and carried.
It was moved by Irgens, that bill of Karl Co Schmidt, Western 5
Springe, Illinois, for Gxpert Witness fees in suit by Country Club
District Service Company vs Village of Jidina; covering 16 days,
0 $50100 per day,plUS $104.50 transportation and traveling expense less 8100.00 heretofore advanced, be duly allowed end ordered
paid, seconded by \*[illson and carried.
Trustee Irgens, offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
Resolved, that the Village Council of the Village
of Edina, does hereby accept the Agreenent 'I?rrtween
the City of Xfoneapolis, Uinnesota, and the Village of E'dfna, Uinnesota, relating to the inter-connection >
of semrs, bsaring date Narch llth, 1940, and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions in said Agree-
ment set forth.
. Further Resolved, that the President and Recorder of I
the Village of Edina be, and hereby are, authorized, emponered and directed to execute the aforesaid Agreement , in the name of and on behalf of said Village, and del- iver same to the City of IWmeapoliE:.
The motion to adopt the foregoing resolution was duly seconded
by Trustee \watt, and the vote vas upon the queotion of the
adoption of the Re'solution, 8s follons wa$% ay~ , Villson aye ~ Irgens aye, Fioors aye, and vesterberg aye, those voting nay,none
and so the resolution vas declared duly carried and adopted,
&Jm- President of Coua
with a pool or billiard hall, or bowl- ing alley, in this municipality or in my other place, and if so, the name of the place, dates of such connection,
ft was moved by Recorder Noore, that tbe President and Recorder
Be authorized and directed to draw warrant upon the VJ,11qp
TreaRury in anount $8,714.X8, in full payment (Do tlie Ck%y of U5nneapb3.f~ of VPlla&?’ oTEdiina, -char@ of Hininehexha Trunk sewr extension %etw%n Upton and Xerxes Avenues and along 17est 54th
Street, the motion twm seconded by Trustee Irgens &id carried without dissenting vote.
(SEAL) Attest: BEN B. MOORE Village Recorder
Lt vas moved by Trustee waft, that the President OS the Council appoint a cormittee to select a firm of aduitors or public ace-
auntants, to examine. the books of Village Treasurer and Village Recorder for fiscal year 2039 and to report to the Council, if
they feel that they should go, back more than 1 year that that
be decided by.discretion of the Council, that this committes
also request from the auditors or accountants that a dual set of books, 1 by the Recorder and 2. by the Treasurer, be set up. T@ motion was seconded by Recorder Noore and carried.
The Presideni thereupon appointed to the foregoing committee
v’C”Jyatt, Irgens and Wsterbesg.
No further business to come before this.meeting, mt~ti~n to
sdj ourn carr ie d
AN ORDINANCE LICENSING AND REG- ULkTING BOWLING ALLEYS AND PROVIPING A PENALTY FOR VIOLA- TION THEREeF. The Village Council of the Village of Edina, in Hennepin County, Minnesots, does ordain as followEi: Section 1. Application. This ordinance shall apply to any place where one or
‘ hrnrg bowling alleys are operated or maintained except for private fadY use. whether such place is a Social club or a business enterprise operated for profit. Section 2. Definitions. Except as other- wise indicated by the context, the hllowing definitions shall apply throughout this ordinance: “Bowling Alley” shall include any place to which this -ordinance applies, as set out in Section I. “Person” shall include persons, firms, nartnershius. corporations and associa-
at 11.30 PNL
OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Village of Edma Hennepin County nzinnesota
Sealed proposals TGill be receired by the Council of 'the Villa-e of Edina. at its remar meeting to &? held Afar& 125. 1940, at 8 o%lock P. If. in Grange Hall located at the intersection of HSghwav 100 and Eden Arenue ror the following: 10.000 gallons more or less road tar to meet Wesoh State Hfghmv specifications. Grades as specified br the Village Council to be ap- plied as directed to Village streets. Also 5000 mllons more or less road ta- and 200 cubic yards more or less of 80vn sand and 207 bu&shot gravel to be applied to pared streets
The Village of Edina to furnish all labor and machinery for dying same. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check pavabk to the "mas- ;urer Villace of E-. In an amounr. equal to 1Oq of the bid. The Council reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids or parts of bids. By order of the Village Council of the Village of Edlna. Hennepin County,
as directed.
BEN B. NOORE Village Recorder (March 21)
i h-esota*
the bid. The Council reserves the right to GC- ncept or reject any and alf blds or parts of bids. By order of the Village COUnCll Of the Village of Edlna, Hennepln County. MlnnesoL%.
_- Village Recorder BEN B. NOORE
(Narch 21)
, i
Village of Edina Hennepin County BIinnesotll ADVERTISEXENT FOR BIDS Sealed proposals will be received by the Councll of the Village of Edina. at ,Its regular meeting to be held Narch "25. 1940. at 8 o'clock P. N. in Granm &lI at the Intersection of Hl~hwaY lOU
ceftified check payable to-the Tr&- urer of the Village of Edina. in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) oj