HomeMy WebLinkAbout19400325_REGULAR263 Binutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Jidina, held in Grange Hall on March 25,, 1940 I at 8.00 O'clock PoY. The meeting was called to order by the President, the roll called and all inembers of the Council were present, Minutes of the regular mee;ting of the Council held on ffiarch 13, 1940, vere read. On motion Irgens, they be approved as read, seconded by 'matt and carriede The pay roll advances having been cmefully noted and found correct , Trustee Villson mowd they be, duly allovred and ordered paid, seconded by watt and carriedc The monthly pay roll for Joint Sewer District Noe 1, was duly examined and found correct whereupon Trustee Irgens moved the same be duly allovsd and ordered paid, seconded by Villson and carried. Mrs T+ E. Coda,.appeared before the Council on behalf of Harry Van Atta, a ward for years in rest homes in ILinneapolia at the expense of the Village of Edina, stating that he needed dental attention which wae referred to Dr \watt, Chairman of Relief Committee. MY V. V. Brown and other residents requested that orna,mentaj. street Eights be installed in Brucemood in lieu of the over- head type .which tma referred to the Lighting Committee of the Council for layout and estimate of costs. FIesars Rswitzer, Knudsen and Andrew desired chformation relative to sidevi&$Lks, curb and gutter being installed in the Brucewood Addition and viere adviEied the .installation of suck would meet with Councills approval when sufficient settlement had taken place af ter installation of sewers, gas and water pipes I& WuB, V, Brown, as the owner of .lot 312, Block 1'Brucewood Add. , suggested a storm tvatez" drain for the Brv-cs? Plaae turn around tvhieh was referred to Road 8c Bridge Comfttee and Village Yngineer far investigation and report. Ur A. De Strong advised the Council be desired Lot3 3,2, 17 CSC 18, Black 5, Tingdale Bros, Brookside Addition, be kezoned for Community Store purposes and was requested to present R petit- ion in proper fora. - wfs: Palmer inquired as to establishing a 200 yard rifle range for the Northwest Rifle Club, to use Army- rifles. He wa~ advised that objections by nearby residents as well ,aa the safety of people in the vicinity would have an important bear- ing on the issuing of any license 'or permit, The President suggested that the Council be furnished with more information as Lo equipmnt, abutmnte etc in time for the next meeting if Bids for Road Oil. and Road Tar a6 called for in advertisement far bids mere opened and read aloud as follows: c: possible The Jay C. Craigg Company bid accompanied by cash in moan% $25.00, offered to furnish, heat, haul and apply $0 village streets, Road Oil. SC-I. , 2, 3, or 4 meeting . all specifications and re qukrements of State Highway Dept. , in 1200 gallon truck load lots for the sum of 7-& per gallon. To also furnieh, heat, haul and apply .to Village streets, Cutback asphalt MC-1, 2 or 3, meetiag all specifications and requirements of State Highway DeptB, in 1200 @allon lots, for the stdm of 8*g per gallon. There no other bidders fsr above item it was there upon moved by Willson, that the bid of the Jay C. Crastgg Company, Minneapolis be accepted and cash deposit accom panying the bid be returned, seconded by Lrgens and carried. 264 The bid of the Republic Creosating Company, offered iiBituviaff Road Tar, in accordance with Minnesota State Highway specif- ications applisd to Village Streets as directed @ $.LO35 cents per gallon, Also to furnish 200 cubic yards of gravel aggreg- ate running 80% sand and 20% buckshot daIivered to Country Club streets for !$.91p per ton. The bid being accompanied by a certified check in mount $200.00. by Irgens, that the bid of the Republdc Creosoting Company, be duly accepted and check returned, seconded by Elroore and carried The Glenn Johnson Contrac'ting Company offered road tar in car load quanities Q $.1065gt per gallon, sand Q $.80# pr ton and buckshot @ $1,255 p?r ton, which on account of being unaccom- panied by check and also the high bid, ma automatically reject el'd and not considered. It vas thereupon moved I i&r S, C. Ryan advised the Council. that he had acquire,d addit- ional land for his proposed Bowling Alley Building and Parking Lot in connection thereto and was ready to start construction work as soon as a permi t might be issured. Xessrs Carderslle and lionaker as surveyor and omer respectfve- ly,submitted surveyor's plat of Zdina Court Addition, After examination by the Council and favorable report.by the Chairmn of the Road e: Bridge Committee, it vas moved by PJillson, that the same be accepted and President and Recorder be authorized and empowered to sign and seal sans for and on behalf of the Village Council, secoaded by Irgens and carried, The matter of licensing the so called pin ball machines next came before the Council. Mter diocussion of the subject it ets moved by Uoore, thst no licensea be issued for pin ball. machines, seconded by Irgen. The roll uBon being called found Y&att and Tillaon voting Waif and Irgens, Uooro and Wsterbesg voting "Yestf and thereupon declared duly carzied, The matter of licensing V. A, Olson, to sell 3.2 Pion-Intox- icating Ealt Liquors was next considered by the Council. .After discussion it was moved by Villson that "Off Sale" license to sell 3.2 Non-Intoxicating Ualt Liquora 7sc issursd to 77.A.OlSOn, 3915 mst 50th Street, seconded by Irgens and carried. thereupon moved by Irgens that application of 'Irl.A,Olson for '"On Sale f1 license to se13 3.2 Bon-Intoxicating Ealt Liquors be laid on the table, seaonded by \Yillson and carried. It ma It vas move6 after due discussion that "Off Sale" license to sell 3.2 Eon-Intoxicatiw Xalt Liquors be issured to Harry C. Toms, 4932 France Avenue, seconded by matt and carried, 1% vas momd by Irgens that "On Sale license to sell 3.2 Non- Intoxicating Llalt Liquor be issued to Harry C e Toms, seconded by Villson, aqd carried. After due consideration Trustee VKLlson moved that WTf Sale" license to sell 3.2 Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquor .be issued to L.R.Holan, 5000 Prance Avenue, seconded by V(yatt and carried, It was moved by Irgens , that "On Sals" license to sell 3.2 Non- Intoxicating Ealt liquor be issued to L.R*Nolan, 5000 France Avenue, aeconded Qy i7illson and carried. It vas moved by Uoore , that "On Sale f1 licenae to sell 3*2 Non- Intoxicating Xalt Liquors be issued to the Interlachen Country Club, serving its members and guests only, seconded by watt and carried. IlPusCee Srgens moved that Wn Saleft Intsxicat- ing Liquor Liwnse be issued the Tnterlachen Club, serving its nembers and guests only, seconded by \watt And carried. It vas moved by Trustee !watt, that "Off Sale" license to sell 3.2 Won-Intoxicating lIal.1; liquor be issued to Carl Olson, Grocery , 4948 France Avenue, seconded by Uoore and carriedo 265 Trustee 'Irgens moved that "Off Sale" license to sell 3.2 Non- Intoxicating Ifalt Liquor be issued to George Trisler, Grocer, 5405 France Avenue, seconded by Ivatt and carried. It writs moved by Trustee Villson, that license be renewed to Edina Theatre Corporation, to operate a motion picture and Stage Show Theatre for the enstiing ydar, seconded by Moore and carried. Favorable opinion having been rendered by Village Attorney Holten, it was moved by Moore, that President of the Council 'be authoriered and empowered to sign Surety bond of the Hay k Stenson Company in amount $100Q.00, seconded by Willson and c arr io d e After discussion it was moved by Moore, that the application of Ashley Brooks, for Taxi-Cab license and payment of costs of publishing the recently adopted Taxi-cab Ordinance, be referred to Village Attorney, seconded by Irgens and carried. Petition was receivqd to remne for Community Store purposes the S-E & of Lot 49, Auditor's Subdn. #172, aigned by more than the required 10% of property owners within 200 feet. Ekereupon Trustee Willson, moved the petition be accepted and poated notice of hearing to he held -on April 8, 1940, be given, seconded by Ppatt and carried, "fr V. H. Adarns, appeared before the Council to request that the Bast 91 feet of !Vest 11s062 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, Stevens 1st Addition, except road, be offieally zoned far Community Store purposes. This property having been used for business purposes previous to the adoption of the Zoning, Ordinance of Edina, adopted bn the 25th. day of May 1933. Trustee Irgens thereupon moved that pasted notice for hearing to be held on April 0, 1940, be given, seconded by Villson and carried. It was moved by Trustee watt, that Village Direct Relief for E'ebruary 1940, in amount $%030eL9 be paid, seconded by L7i1180n and carried. The President reported on visit of the President and Recorder to St Louis Park Council concerning continuation of fire pro- tection to gortions of Adina by the St Louis Pire Department. It was suggested $hat the Recorder advise the Recorder of the Village of St Louis Park, that members of this Council vere making a sutdy of the proposition and would request service be continued for P reasonable time and until it can again be taken up vrith the St Louis park Council. Communication by Sarah G. Cole, 2736 Chicago Avenue Bainneap- olis, regarding using the Mun Hing home on Interlacken Road EM a boarding house for nelfare children, was referred to Vfllage Attorney HoltEtn far reply. A communication by State Public Examiner dated March 14, 1940, vas turned over to Trustee watt. Application of Northwstern Bell Telephone Company for ~JT- miasion to set 3 poles on Tsst 62nd Street Bast of Highway 100, vas on motion Willson, be granted, seconded by \watt and c arr ie d . Recorder reported on progress 0.6 construction of Intercepting sewer and of meeting of Sanitation Committee with residents of AbboLt Plsae 88 vel1 as residents of Thielen Avenue and Brookside neighborhood regarding installation of lateral s@v$rs Plan$ and profiles of proposed Abbott Place lateral semer haviw been prepared by Village Engineer Bradley and acceptable to interested proprty owners, it was moved by Chairman Noor0 of the Sanitation Committee that the same be accepted and in- ntallation authorized and to be financed out of General Fund of the Village 0 5% interest and payable during a 5 year period seconded by Willson and carried by an affirmative of all mea- bers of the Councilb It as rnoyed by Triistee Villson, that bids bs taken for road culverts needed for the ensuing year, seconded by Trustee \matt and carrked, No further business to come before this meeting, motion to adjourn carried at 11.19 Pld. Village Recorder. P .