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Ninutes of the regular meetiag of the
Council of the Village of Edlbna, held in Grange Hall QP~ April. 8, 1940, a%
8,90 ofclock P. M.
. The meeting was called to order by the President, the roll called. and all members of' the. Council %ere present.
. Ninutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on &Iarch
25, 1940, were rend. On motion watt, they be approved as read, seconded by Irgens send carried.
The pay roll advances having been carefully noted and found
I correc.t, it V~B then moved Willson, f,in^ey be duly allotved and ordered paid seconded by Irgens and carried. They are
&B foflows:
m c
Carl Wsterberg
Bn B. IiIoore .
George A, Yillson
Victor Ergenrj A, S. *att
John J, Duggan
Dr R. F. Yrickson
Re J. Johnson
S. J. Roberts
P. Dahlgran John Tracy
Le Stolzmn
0. M. Spande
Ronald Port
Sam UcCrsady
Ray Garrison
H . Ncl& Ilis Arthur Fe terse n
John McNellfs
J, Danens & Son
John Bnson
B. Hanssn
Re Brgroff
President of Council $50 00
Recorder 90.00 Trustee 35 e 00
Trustee 35.00 Trustee 35 e OO Trueasuer 30 * 00
Street Commiasiones 175.00
. Health Officer 30,oo
Utility man 140 . 00 Trae tor Ope rat or 139iQO
Ass%, Tractor operator 125e0Q
A88t Road Pareman 13,2080
Asst Road foreman 106.20
Asst Road foreman 93.60
Road labor 33.50
Labor with team 650 00 Road labor 29.20
Garbags collection 333.32
Road labor 4.00 Truck hire 27 m 00 Road labor . 3.50 Road labor 4.00
Road labor 6.00 Road & Bridge -b@A 25.90 Truck him 2.50 Village Narehalb 170.00 Police Officer 150eOO
Police Qfficcr 150eOQ
Police Officer 140 00
Total Rd-Village 82,335.62
The ;?iTiseellaneous bills upon bsfiig checked and examined and
found correct, were on motion, Irgens, they be duly allotted and ordered paid, seconded by Willson, and carried. They are as follows:
Suburban Hennepin County
Alex Cre ighton Dahlberg Bros Inc.
B. H4 Eradley
Relief Board
Garvey's Hardware .
Edina Feed
S iinon Strand
Republic Creossting Co
Wooddale Graoce ry Rural Hennepir, County
Thorp Bros &dina Garage
F. A. Archer
b . V?. Harris
E. W. Harrie
Dr James Blake Brarnsall Corp.
T. ?I* ROShO3.t
Surplus Comodity Cam
3'4 A. AYCher.
Peby. Relief $1 030 19
Bdg. Inap. fees Xarch 99 * 10
Police car service 1.15
9 used Edg. level & Rod
Hardeare for R&B 3.39
1000 lbs salt (EdcB) 6.50 Rent tool shed to 4/15 15mOO
%arcs V belt . 1.20 148 gals Road tar 12.69
379$ gals gas (RB~B) net 66.59
for Road &: Bridge Dept
za 61
Police csr seFviceaetorage 9*25
106 cases April rent Tract Office-phone 12.80
Service Dodge Truck 3113 16.90 Service Dodge Truck 4 8 59 o 88
Gas & Oil (HhB-Police net 156.95
(;cas ElnVOiCQ #184542 4.50
i Repair 'ligarc~ oil line
Prof. services A. NcNellia
George 8. Strong
City of Fobbinsdali Nm'Y Eel1 %&phone Co
€Iiller-=Davin Company Clarence 0. Holten
Hennepin County Review
B. H. Bradley Efnneapolis G, .E. Co
Sid Jarvis Loosen Plumbing c ompa,ny
Clarence 0. Holten
Attorney fees purchase Me
Ne wbe rg , i ns an8 , pr ope r ty $50 00
3.50 Axtension joint user phone Police 2.00
Office supplies 26.70 Spl. =gal services CCD Service
L \PA seving project cam
co. vs V.of L. 1/31 to 2/19 625 OD
Pr inting-Published notice 23*3Q Engr. fees 12/20 to 2/. 56.00 March e le c tr ic se rvice 624.97 12-.3/4 hrs truck hire (R&B) . 19.30 Labor-mate r ia5. c 16 an9 ng re pairing
t700ddaLB , Yoodale Lane ,Halifax aanitary se~1err3 -I .. -_
ViXlagB Attskney Larch , 75.00 Total Xiscl, $ 8,159.62
Er John IJcClura appeared before the Council on behalf of the
Safety Council for vehicle auto inspection, ad-vising that it was necessary for the suburban towns and villages- to co-operate
with the City of Xifnneapolfa In order to make the movement
possible. After discussion it vas moved by Irgens, fiThat the
Council endorse the movement and lend our co-operationl# trhich
was seconded by Koore and carried.
Petition ms received from A. 3. Strong and others to rekone
for Community Store purposes, Lots 1, 2, 17 8~ 18, Block 5, of Tingdale Brothers, Brookside Addition, which on motion Koore,
be accepted and poc-d notice be given for public hearing to be had at the .time of the regular meeting of the Council. ta be
held on April 22, 1940, seconded by Irgens and carried.
Petition vas received from N. 17. Joubert, and others, to rezone . for Community Store purposes, Lot 52, Auditor's Subd'n. 176, . whereupon Noore moved the petition be received and posted notice
, be given for public hearing to be held at the time of the reg- . ular meeting of the Council on April 22, 1940, motion seconded . Irgens and carried.
Application was received, accompanied by check in amount $10.00 . from Ashley Brooks for Taxicab operator's license for two taxi- . cabs. The application8 being in due form Trustee watt, moved . they bBq-acc@gted,",and licenses granted, seconded by Trustee . Irgens, and carried.
. I% mas momd by Irgens, that the bills and account8 of Joint ' . Semr Diatrict No. 1, having been duly examined and found correct
as listed Recorder's warrants # to # , that they be duly allovzd and ordered paid, seconded by watt and carried,
The matter of licensing the so called 'tPfn BalX" machines next cane before the Council with I& H. C. Toms, presenting fbr the CouncflL's consideration a gentleman' 8 agreement .Tiherein all the operators of pin ball gamos in Edina and at France Avenue and
::'est 50th Street I in llinneapolis, agreed to the following;
1. ?e agree not to permit minors to operate or play mchines at any tixe.
I 2. Te will not redeem chips at any tins for
5. Chips are to be used in machines for amusement
either cash or merchandise .
4, T% agree to abide by all the rules and ordinances
for the operation of such as set up by the Sdina Village Csuncil.
The propositian having been dated April 6, 1940 and signed a8
(Continued page 269)
+ .* I a;. R, Nolan 5000 France Avenue
T. A, Olson 3918 Xbst 50th Street H, C. Toms 4930 France Avenue
IJslly JGe Zurn 4951 Prance Avenue
Gerald Je Carlson 503.3 France Avenue
The Country Club 4701 \Bet 50th Street Sonny's Sand, Shop
by G.C,Rsberstein, Xgr. 3823 Wst 50th Street,
lir C. J, Christensen, advised the Council that VOth. Street, &as% of France Avenue, wai~ in bad shape which m8 referred to the
Road and Bridge Committee, I
Mr S, C. Ryan, and Other8, presented Q, petition to rezone for Community Store purposes, the Southeast one? half (EX@$) of the SoutMxCLf (E#) of Lot 49, Auditorqa Subdn. #3.12. I& Herman Olson, Ninneapolin City Planning and Zoning dngineer, V~EI present
and suggesfed that opportunity be given for him to contact the
property owners acro8s the street in Ninnczpolis, bofore any changes mre made i@ the Zoning Ordinance and that it would be
better to work such togather in such matters. !kd.s Being1 agree-
able to all present, the Recorder thereupon moved that the matter
go over to the+meeting of the Cov.ncf1 to be held on Aprbl 16, '
1940, seconded Isy Xrgenfi and carried.
The matter of an old house having been moved. from Xfnneapolis
and into Edjlna by Douglnas Ree:a, with out^ any. permit to move having been obtained, next cams before the Councfl. J;e.P;IEex ly IT? Rees
wae read ee.tting forth the work to be done on' rebuild%ng.*Hf3. also submitted architect8 8 perspctive drawing After discuseion
by those present including Building PnFspec tor Cre lghton, i. t vms understood and agreed that while this instance had Isen satisfaet- orily explained, that all future applications for moving permit8 would be referred to the Village Council.
The matter of rezoning the Southwsst corner 0f %Qat 56th Street and Halifax Avenue, Wherein posted notice was given with hearing to be held on this date and place, it was moved by Isgens that
the matter be held over to the Agril 22, 1940, meeting Eteconded
by watt, and carried.
Tho proposed Thielen Avenue and Joint IntercepLhg %we% was discussed in general, it being agreeabXti: fargr$hC3 'camittee to continue with the Council Sanitation Committee and that the proposed project be refemed to Work8 Progress Administration for report.
A number of residents living along Highway #169 nearthe Olfnger
Road, were present La protest against the &OX Lareen dwp being continued as it constituted a public nuisance, Mter hearing these present, it was moved by Moore, that the matter be referred
to the Village Attorney with the Council's reque8.t that the said dump be closed and premieee cleaned. up, seconded by \!@at% and c arr ie d.
A number of residents interested in the improvement of Franm
Avenue from'Sxcelsion Blvd, I to \%st 54th Street, presented -4
resolutions vtaich %hey. asked be passed on to Hennepin County
County Cornmissioners , the City of Ninneapolis and State Highway Dept., whereupon it was moved by Willson, the requests be
cornplied vith, seconded by MOQ~ and carried.
Petition signed by residents of South Harriet Park from Wat 54 to nest 56th Streets and Wooddale Avenue to Mimehaha Creek, was presented to the Council, Afer examination and discussion it
wa~ moved by &bore, that the petition be Et,ccepted and referred to
the Sanitation Coimnittee and to the Z:.ng'iurear Bradley, for plans
and profiles and estimate of costs, seconded by nftatt and carried,
27 bir'
Village Attorney Holten conferred with the Council on the matter of collection of user charges from sanitary sever users and SU~- gested that some means Be set up for the collection thereof. -After discussion ft 888 moved by Irgens, that the matter.be referred to the Sanitation Committee and the Village Attorney to tee up nith Xr Oacar Gaarden of the Country Club District Service Company, and to report back to the Council, seconded by vat% and carried.,
Village Attorney Holten presentad a letter from Eenry Lauderdale
to Ur lfoble Shattuck, which 17as referred to Xr Eolten for reply.
Trustee Irgens moved, that the application by LIfnne&gol5c Gas Sight
CBmpany T6r pcm&issfon to dnstall 670 feet 4" gas:pipz in and along Gunfiysfde Road and Cascade Lq,ri& be ,g;ranfad is BO-far as Yiliage Streets be concerned, seconded by Vi3.son and carried,
Trustee Vfllson, moved that the application by Uinrieapoiis Gas Ligh
Company for psrmisgion to lay'l250 feet of 8" gas pipe in and along
Vest 54th Street from Prance Avenue to Uinnehaha B1vd. be granted
subject to completion in 30 days and that the trench be properly Bmk filled and resurfaced at all times, seconded by Irgens and carried,
Trustee \?illson, moved that bids be taken for approximately 200 fL of road culverts, seconded by Irgens and carried,
Trustee Willson, momd that bids be taken on one heavy duty road
grader as per specifications submitted and on file vith the Village
Recorder, taking as part payment for same the #35 Varco grader pur= chased in my 1937, .seconded by Xrgens and carried.
No further business to corns before the meeting at this time, the
President declared the meeting recessed to meet again at the sa= time and place on Eonday April 15, 1940, st 8.00 o'clock Pa