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Einutes of the regular metting
of the Council bf the VUlage af
Edina, held on April 22, 1940, in
Grange Hall at 8 Pa.
The meeting was called to order by the President, the roll
calZed and all members of the c'ouncil were present,
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Cauncil. held on April
8, 1940 arrd the recessed portion of the same meeting duly held on April 15, 1940, were read. On motion Vlyatt, they be
approved as read, seconded by Irgens and carried.
Bids for purchase of one road grader, as advertised in Henn-
epin County Review, were opened and read aloud as folloiqs:
Jd'Jdkhms C0.$4ll~~hda~as~~ $6006.90 Varco trade in allowance $1150.00~1e'c$4856.90
4 J.D,Adms CQ #57 "Ad~~S'' $6433.20 I It It It Pr $1150,00 net$5283.40
B.H.Ziegler Co .~12+~C~Serpil~a~?6~7~Q~ ! It I? it gll85,CrO net65286 .OW
T .'i/.Tcashalt Co .#LO5 tWarco" $6253 .OO 1? It ri It ~~1200,0Onet,$5053.00
Austin-:.Jestern"Aust .Yest .l' $6854.00 tl It 11 1r ~1300.00net~5554.00
Kator Power Eq.Ca. r'Galionn$6283.00 n 3 W tt $1210.00 net$5073.00
Vhereupon it was moved by Irgens that all bids be referred
to Road 8c Bridge Committee for tabulation, report and rec-
omendations to the Council at a meeting to be held on April
29, 1940, seconded by Moore 8; uarried.
Bids for one golice car as advertised in Hennepin County Xev-
iem mere next
Hayden lllotar Co. Q QJ* :w,t.cc% "; $ t\ tq y;j y$,-;( y$;;:&#
Bahlberg Bras. Xnc. ,'
';&ereupan it was moved by Willsan the bids be duly referred to
Police Camnittee for tabulatian, report & recornendation at a
meeting of the Ccruncil to be held on April. 29, 1940y deconded
by &ore SC carried.
The matter of rezoning Lot 52 Auditors Su'b.#176 and Lots 1,2,17.,
8c 18 Black 5, Tingdale Bros, Broakside Addition, from open dev-
elopnent to community store use&*and wherein due and posted nat-
Lces had been given and duly referred to this meeting next came
befare the Council. The property being contiguous with any chanpe
in zoning of either similarly affecting abutting and surrauading
proper$y, it was decided that discussion of both petetions be
considered together,
Er. N.W,Joubert o)n behalf of the ovners spoke in favor of the
change for Lot 52 and A.W.Strong, as the owner of Lots 1,2,1?,8c
18, advised he had no immediate plans in,connection with his
property, but thought it fair if zoning of Lot 52 were changed
that his property be also., Xr. Witt stated he progosed to build
a store building which would be a credit to the neighborhood,
Ur.Paul Dunavan objected to stores encroaching upon residentkal
property as it would deteriorate his and neighboring property.
Kr. George Nelson objected for the same reasons as I&?. Dunavan
and belived Council should base its decision far those already
here, rather than those who want to come in and exploit a high.
class residential community. He further suggested the advis-S ability of considering such a proposition from a standpoint of
the whole and that if stores were permitted it would retard res- idential development and lawer assessed property valuations.
Dr. Hamlin Natsan and,others were present to voice the same object-
5ons as those previously expressed.
Er. J.d.Ehorpe advised there were 25 ta 30 high class lots in the 3unnyslope Addition which would be adversely affected by the
suggested change and requested::no change be made until at least
a comprehensive study of the situation had been made.
33. Gutterson stated he owned 12 lots across the highIqJay and north of the progerty under discussion and that he was opgosed to
stores as detrimental to his residentaf BropBrtyei. 1 .i -1:' 11
Efiessrs. Carlson, Hill, EcGuire, Page, & Schmidt advised they had purchased property in the neighborhood beliving that their homes
vere protected through zoning,
Recorder Eoore stated the zoning ordinance had put Edina on the
map as the best area around Einneapolis,as a place in vihich to
Live, offered the best means of protecting home owners and ':)as
apposed to indescriminate changes in the ordinance. Trustee
't7yatt thereupon moved that the petetion to rezone Lots L,Z,lFT,
& 18 be denied, seconded by Eosre and carried by unankous-abt;e
5f all members of the Council and so ordered, I
Trustee Wyatt moved in the matter of peti;tion to rezone Lot 52
Auditors Subdivision #176 be denied, seconded by Eoore and
carried by unanimous vote of all members of the council and so
. ordered.
The pay roll advances for Police, Road Cren, and Joint Sewer
District Co;l, having been carefully noted & found correct , Trustee
Yillson moved the advances be duly alloaed B paid, seconded by
Irgens & carried.
The matter of the rezoning the 3outh East Half (%E*) of the
South Half (Sg) Lot c9 Auditor's Subdivision $172, duly Peferred
from previous meet.ing, was nevt considered by the Council. Er.
Cooper, Er. Sharp and others objected to any change in zoning
ordinance especially +.+I view of the fact there already vms suffic-
ent property along France -venue and South of Vest 50th Street
zoned for cornunity store purposes. After discussion it was moved
by Irgens that the petition of §,I. ayan to rezone the douth
Zast Eailf (S-E*) df the South Half (S$) Lot A9 Auditor's Sub-
division $172, be denied, seconded by Noore. Those voting to con-
cur in the mation being 'iJyatt, Irgens, Uoore and Vesterberg,
contrary i'iillson and thereupon declared duly carried .
Xrs. H.3. Snenson appeared before the Council to request that a
moving permit he granted her to move a building from 54th Zk Kellogz
ta 65th and Tingdale,
to by Ers. Snenson, the Council-and Building Inspector Creighton,
that the building 17as tb be made into a two car private YaraTe
and not at any time to be used as a residence or for Liping
quarters by anyone. Trustee Irgens thereupon moved that the matter
be referred back to the Building Inspector with Council's approval
a moving pemit be issued subject to Building Ordinance, seconded
by Yillson & carried.
It being definately understood and agreed
39r. Y.B. Lev:is presented petition by affected and interested
property owers for installation of sanitary sewer in and along
Indianola, Juanita Avenues and Yest 52nd Street, which in motion
of Irgens, be accepted and referred to Sanitation Committee 2nd
Village Znginecr to prepare plans, profiles and estimate of costs, seconded by Uoore & carried,
Axel Larsen, owner of the land along Highway #169 near Olinger
Hoad rahich had become a public dump appeared before the Council
alter discussion in ivhich Lamen was advised that in the
opinion of members of the council he was maintaining a public
nusance. It was moved by lTuusre the matter be referred to Police
Committee and Village Attorney with poaer to act, seconded by
Tlyatt 8 carried . I
Er. Dewey Hill Presented petition for a proposed road in section
8, T6anship 116, Range 21, the cost of same to be assessed against
benefited prop.erty, After discussion it vas moved by Irgens the
petition be referred tu Road 8 Bridge Committee, Tillage Attorney
and Village Engineer Bradley, for report to the Council, sedonded
by Eoore and carried. \
275 J
Petition was received from residents oa i:Jest 56th Street frm
Vooddale to St. Johns and was tln motion 'Irgens 'be referred Ca
Sanitation Committee, seconded by Villson & carried,
Applicstians far Bawling Alley licenses by S,C, agan, and Xessrss,
Dale,Hays, I$ontgomery,&Rydeen were duly recived and were on
motion Irgens, be accepted for consideration at the meeting of
the Council to be held on April: 29th, 1940, seconded by YiiPIson
and carried.
General discussion was 'had by Xr, Friedman,,Er. CampbelX, ZIr. PSorris, vr. Dole, and others in the matter of parking lots which might
be provided for theakre & bowling alley patrons, it being
the concensus of opinion that a bowling alley located fb the
South an Prance Avenue would provide less traffic congestion.
Recorder Ko.ore advised Zhe Council that the Sanitation Committee \
met with Xr, Oscar Gzztrden of the Coukrtry Club District service
Company Qn Tuesday April 16, 1940, at the residence of Ben B,
Maore, Chairman of the Committee. The purpose sf the meeting
was to discuss the accrued charged against the "illage, asserted
by Einneapolis, for sewage treatment and maintenance for the per-
iod from December 18th, 1937, to date. The amount of these
charges was made knoan to &fro Gaarden and the Chairman of %Lie ~bm3'c.l;ae made demand upon him for payment thereof to the Village
of Edina. Mr. Noore pointed out that he had been permitted to charge the residents connected to the sanitary sever $4.00 per
year to cover this charge. Discussion was also had relating to
the future methad of collecting this charge, and Xr. Gaarden
asked for time tvithen which to give consideration to it. 1
After discussion it was the desire of the Council that the her,..
cpPder write to the Hanorable Council of the Village of 8t,
Louis Park in the matter of fire department service for a
portion of this village and suggested such a contract as is
employed by the City of Xinneapolis for its neighboring towns
&villages for fire protection service,
Letter by Oscar Gaarden, dated April 20th, was read in regard
to water main extensions in and along Xellogg & Oaklawn Avenues
between 53rd and 54th Streets. The Recorder was renuested to
advise Nr, Gaarden af Councils wish to ho2d the installation
until advised by the Covmcil. ,
&4pplication Xinneapolis Gas Light Company for permission to
install 170 feet of 4" gas main in and along Zenith Avenue
douth o,f bVest 56th Street, was on motion Irgens be granted
subject to. proper refill and attention thereafter, seconded
by Wyatt, and carried.
Letter from X.J. Hoffman, State Kighway Commissioner dated April
15th, 1940,,in answer to Council's resolution reouesting im-
provment that part of France Avenue know as Highway #121, was
read and given to ?&ee B.T. Land of the committee for the im-
-fiecorder advised that petitions had now been received for in-
%%aELation of sanitary sewers in the following areas :
South Harriet Park, 54th to 56th Streets, Park Place to Wooddale
Avenue. Edina Court Addition, Wooddale & Vest 50th Street,
Hidden Valley Additian, kbbott Place & 54th Street to Inter-
cepting Semer. Colonial Grave Addition, West 56th, Q%hddale to
St. Johns, Woad Crest Drive, Park Place to Intercepting sewer.
The Recorder suggested that as the Village Engineer, at Councilts
authorization, had prepared plans, profiles and estimate of
costs af the several projects, that the Village Attorney be re-
quested to prepare the necessary resolutions setting forth the
routes of the sewers, the boundries of the lateral sewer district%
Therein Trustee Irgens so moved, seconded by Noare and carried. c
27 6
The hour of midnight having arrived the President declared
the rneeting adjourned to meet again at %he same time CSC place
on April 29th, 1940. {
Village Recorder
Einutes of the recesed portion
af the regular April 22, 1940
meeting of the Council OP the
Village of Edina, duly held kn
Grange Hall on April 29, 1940
at 8:OO POX.
The meeting mas called to order by the President, the roll calIed
and all members of the Council were present except 3ecorder Eoore
mho was absent from the Village,
<& tlrje absence of the Recorder, it was agreed that Zrustee Irgens
act as Recorder Pro-rem for this meeting.
I The first natter to come before the Council YJas the awarding or"
contract for a road grader duly referred to this meeting. dep-
resentives af the T.V. Roshalt Company on behalf of Ylarco grader,
Eotor Power Zqupt . Co. representing Galiop;gEadep#sAgy Company
an behald af Austin-Vestern graders, T.H. Liegler Campany rep-
resenting Caterpillar grader and J.D. Adams Campany an behalflaf
Adams grader.
After discussion and representations by the several agents, the chairnan referred the matter far consideration later in the evening
mherenpon the matter of Iiuensing a Bowling Alley came before the Council.
Eessrs. lyan and 3ees spoke in favor of their respective applicat-
ions for license and Ur. D,W. Vallace spoke in opposition to
that the application of S.C. Ryan, 1941 'lt-est 49th St. Izinneapolis, be granted, subject to Village ordinances and especially the ordis
nance regulating Bo-aling Alleys in the Village of Xdina, in and
upon the premises to be improved aith a new building to be erected
for the purpose at liorth East Quarter (K-EJ) Lot 49 Auditor's Subdivision 172. The motion uas seconded by dyatt and carried by, affirmative vote of all members of the Council present.
Discussion mas then had on the'purchase of a road grader wherein
Chairman ilillson of the Etoad &Bridge Committee moved that the proposal of the ,';.He Ziegler Company be accepted and order award-
ed for one #12 Caterpillar Q $6471,00 r".o.b, Zdina, less $1185.00
allcmance for one tf 35 Varco grader, net $5286.00 subject 2;; cash discaunt, seconded by lryatt and carried by affirmative vate 03
all members af the Council present. decorder Eoore having previ-
dwly advised Eresident f!esterberg that he favored the purchase
of the nl.2 Caterpillar grader.
/ granting lecense. After discussion it was duly moved 'by Elillson,
Discussion was then held upon the proposition af purchasing
automabile for Police Car purposes as duly referred to this
meeting, Chairman figens of the PoEice Committee therequan
that the bid af the Dahlberg Bros. Inc. @:."5832.00 for one 1940 2ord
95 H.Y. less trade in allowanec for old police car, of 4507.00
net '325.06 be Liccepted and order awarded, seconded by liyayy and
carried by affirmative vote of all members of the Council present.
one .
The hour being late, the President declared this recessed meeting
izdjoui-ned to meet again at the same time and place on %fay 6, 1940
far consideration af sanitary sewer prablems and the construction of Village Tool House and garage.
Re c add er 'Pr 0- t em
i ninutes of the recessdd portbn. nf
the regular April 22, 1940 meeting
of the Council of the Village af Edina,
duly held in Grange Hall on Kay-6,
at 8tOO P. E. -
The meeting vias called to order by the President, the roll Galled
and all members of the Council were present.
The matter of constructing sidewalk in and along ?Jest 50th Street
East from Vooddale and along VJooddale Avenue 3auth from 50th Street I to 54th Street, was descussed by the Cauncil and held for future
eons iderat ion, -
Application Hinneapolis Gas Light Company for permission to lay 426
feet drt gas main in and along %'est 55th Street and 330, feet 4" in
and along Zenith Avenue at intersection of West 55th and Zenith,
was on motion Irgens be granted subject completion 30 days and proper aitention to refilling, seconded by i'lillson and carried.
Chairman ,dillson of the Road & Bridge Committee brought be;ore the
Council the matter of Kinneapolis Borthfield d Southern riy. replacing
&he old ;.iooden tressel over Eden Avenue and that the matter of road
cleararice should be determined by the Coimcil, After discussion it mas moved by Gillson the Recorder be requested th gritk the'rhil-
road-comljany requesting that plans of the procosed nen concrete
structure be sunmitted for Council's approval, seconued br Uaore and
carried ,
The matter of installing sanitary severs in areas conti@.ous to nev
intercepting serier next came before the Council.
Zecorder Zloore offered the folloming resolution and moved its adoption:
Tile Village Zouncil ol the VillLaSe of Edins, in Henliepin Cou.nty;
IJinnesota, does ordain as follows :
Sectian 1, That certain real. e;t.?te and territory L'it2i.i~ the cor-
Borate limits of the said TJillage of Zdina is hereby created and .
established as Sever District n0,5, and shall consist of and include
the territory 2nd real estate lying within said Tfills~e of' Edina,
described as follow , to-wit :
Cornraencinz at the 3ouths;est corner of' Lot 21, 3lock 2, 5outh
Harriet Park Second Addition, thence Lo2th along the EaS'cerly
line of the alley in said Block 2, to the 2ortk:)est cornpr of
Lot 1 in s;sid "ulocli 2; thence Korthaesterly to the Jout%es=-Z
corner of Lot 10, Block 5, Glenvier7 Addition; thence Yest -
along the Korth line of 'Jest 52nd 3treet; to the 3outW!!eat
corner of Lot 8, Block 4, Glenvien Aildition: thmce lortkr-
vesteerly g-long the Lortheasterly line of Arden Avenue -bo
the most 7es"irly corner of Lot 9, Block 4, Bruceaaod; thence
1-orthaesterly to the Southeast corner of Lot 2, Slock 1,
Bru-ceaood; thence ./est to the 3outhwest corner of asid Lot 2,
thence l?orth to the Xoilthvest corner of said said Lot 2;
tbnce I,:ort'ir?;.esterly to the Southvest corner of Lot 6, Black
1, Brucecood ; thence gortherly along the l'lesterly line of
said Lot 6 to tile most I.ortherly corner of said Lot 6; thence
Easterly along a straight line to the Southwest corner of Lot
5, Block 4, Brucecood; thence Eorth to the Xcrrthmest corner of
said Lot 5; thence East ta Zlsrtheast corner of said Lot 5;
tlzence Sorth along the 'Jest line of Glenvien Addition to the
Eorthvdest corner of Glenview Addition; thence East to the
Kartheast corner of Lot 8, Block 1, Glenviev Addition; thence
South ta the Sou-bhemt corner of Lot 7, Block 1, Glenviem
-'._~~~ti~l~; thence &.St $0 $fie KOrtheast corner of Lot 6,
Block 1, Glenview Addition; thence South to the Southeast
corner of Lot 11, Black 2, Glenview Additian; thence East
to the Kortheast corrner of Lot 7, Block Z9 Glenview Addition;
t1iECce &ort.heasterly ta the Northwest corner crf Lat 61,
Auditorts Subdivisian XOJ, 171; thence East along the North
line of s?id Lot 61 a distance of 300 feet; thence Sauth to
the PSortheast corner of Lat 59, Block I, South Harriet Park
Second Additian; thence Sautherly along the Easterly lines of
Lots 19 to 39 inclusive in said B3oc.k 1, to the Southeast
corner of Lot 19 in said Black I; thence West to point of
Reference is hereby made to the plats of said Additions on
file and of record in the affice a.f the Register of Deeds
in and for said Hennepin County.
Section 2. That all ordinances and resolutions and parts a€ or-
dinances and resolutions inconsistent mith the provisions of this
ordinance be and the same hereby are repealed.
t Section 3.. That this ordinance be in full force and effect
Pram and after its passage and publication,
The rnotion to adopt was seconded 'by Trustee Irgens and the
vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution,
aherein there'were five ayes and no nays and so the resolution
spas ado&ted
- Village Recorder-
( Trustee Jillson offered the follaaing resolution and moved its
adopt ion :
--RESOLUTION-- ----------
IT IS EEX33Y XESOLVED, b;; the Village Council. of the Trillage
of Edina, Hennepin County, Efinnesota, as rolloas ;
Section 1. That this Council hereby determines that it is
necessary and expedient, and for the best interests of the
public, to construct a district sewer and laterals in and along
those streets and avenues of 3er;er District Bo. 5, of said
Village of Edina, as follans:
A district se::er commincing at a point in the center line ol"
-Jest 52nd Street, vhich is 270 feet l'Jest of the Soutb;Jest corner
of Glenview Addition; thence East along said center line of .iest
52nd Street to the center line of Halifax Avenue.
A lateral se6er commencing at a point in the center line of
Jest 52nd Street, which is 270 feet Jest af the Southwest corner
or' Glenviest Aciditian; thence Eozth along center line of kden
Avenue to the center line of Bruce Place; thence Jesterly along
center line of Bruce Place a distance of 160 feet.
A lateral sever commencing at the point of intersection of
the center lines of 2est 52nd S$t;reet and Juanita Avenues; thence
North along fhe center line of Juanita Avenue a distance of 800
feet; also carnmencing at the point of intersection of the center
lines of Juanita Avenue and Indianola Avcnue; thence ;!est along
the center line of Juanita Avenue a distance of 110 feet,
A lateral secer commencing at the point of intersection a2
the center lines of Jest 52nd Street and Indianola riveme; thence
Ilorth along the center line of Indianola Avenue a distaiice of
1000 feet.
A lateral sever comencing at a point in the centel. line of
Ealifsr Avenue distant 200 feet North of the center line of ,;est
52nd Street; thence South along the center line of Halifax Avenue
1450 feet.
Beference is hereby made to the plats of said Addition on file
and ai' record in the office af the degister af Deeds in and for
said Eennegin County,
The motion to adopt v:as seconded by Eoore and the vote I~ZS
upon the questian af the adoption of the resolution, wherein
there gere five ayes and no nays, and 30 the resolution Fas
ad opted
- President ovncil -
\ - Hillage aecorder -
Aecorder Noore offered the following resolution and moved its
--dESOLUTIQB-- ----------
3s IT RESOLTdD, that B, E. Eradley af Blinneapolis, Kinnesata,
be and he is selected as the Village Engineer of the Village of
Edina, in connedtion with the construction and erection aT sewers
in Sewer District Ho; 5 of saici Xillage, and said Engineer is -
directed to draw plans and specificatians far such sewers, and tabulate the result af 'the estimate af the cost af such sewers
specifications shall be fiLed wfth the VKLage CIerk before any
propoSals far _mrk thereunder sliaLL.be advertised.
and report the _same -to the Village Colancik, Surch .plans -and: .f
The motion to adogt vias sedonded by Irgens and the vote
vias upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein
there were rive ayes and no nays, and sa the resolution was aciozted,
- Village Recarder - \
\ Trustee Irgens offered the fOllOi7ing resolution and moved its
adopt ion:
-- RE S 0 LU T IO N --
3E IT RESOLVXD, that there is hereby created a fund to be
established by the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Einnesota,
in the Kidland Iqational Bank and Trust Company of Einneapolis, to
be knonn as Sever District No. 5, Seaer Bund of the Village of
Ed ina .
The motion to adopt vas seconded by Yillson and the vote
vias upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein
there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was
adopted .
- President of Coydil -
\ - Village Recorder -
I Trustee Irgens offered the following resolution and moved its
adopt ion:
The Village Council af the Village of Edina, in Hennepin zounty,
EEnneso.ta, does ordain as follows:
Section I. That certain real estate and territary within the cor-
porate limits af the said Village of Edina is hereby created and
established as Sewer District Na, 6, and shall consist of and include
the territory and real estate lying within said Village of Edina,
described as follows , to-wit :
Commencing at the most Northerly corner of Lot 2, Block 7,
aouth Harriet Park; thence Southeasterly along the South-
westerly line of Park Place ta the most Marthecly-c&rner
af Lot 5, Block 7, South Harriet Park; thence Northeasterly
to the most VJesterly corner of Lot 2, Block 1, Ninnehaha
',Voo~ds ; thence Northeasterly along the Northwesterly line of
said Lot 2 to the center line of Xinnehaha Creek; thence
Southeasterly along the center line of Ilkmehaha Creek ta
the East line of Lot 12, Block I, Xinnehaha i7ocrds; thence
South to the Southeast carrier of 'the E'ckrth of -the S@ of the 3T@ of BE* of Sectian 19,t~ownshi~:~28,_K$nge 24.; *c~L
thence %Jest along the South line of said Rarth crf af Ne of LEE* of Sectian 19 to a point which is 160 feet East
of the East line of Park Place as platted in South Harriet
Park; thence Xorth to the Northeast corner of Lot 2, Block
2, Minnehaha 'Jloods; thence West to the Northwest corner of said
Lot 2; thence North to the point of intersection oZ the Vest,
line of Lo.t 1, Elock 2, Einnehaha moods with the extension
Easterly of the North line of Lat 8, Block 7? South Harriet
Park; thence West to the Narthwest corner of said Lot 8,
Block 7, South Harriet Park; thence North to the Northeast
carnex OX Lat 15, in said Blo,ck 7; thence Northwesterly
along the Bartheasterly line of Lot- 16 in said-Block" 7,
to the Southeast corner of Lat 1 in said Block 7; thence
Northeasterly ta the point sf beginning.
7 tr
Reference is hereby made to the plats of said Additions on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds
in and for said Hennepin County.
Sectian 2, That all oxdinances and resolutions and parts of
ordinances and resolutions inconsistent with the prov'isions of
this ordinance be and $hebsame hereby are repealed.
Section 3. That this ordinance be in full force and effect .
from and after its passage and pu-blicatian.
The motion to adopt was seconded by Baore and the va.te was
upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein
there Vare fi'fve ayes and no nays and so the resolution was adapted,
Trustee Irgens offered the following resolution and moved its
adop-t;ion :
-- R E S 0 L U T IO N 0- ----------
IT IS HEXiEBY RXSOLT33D, by the Village Council of the Qillage
of Edina, Hennepin County, Xinnesota, as follows:
Section I. That this Cauncilhereby determines that it is
necessary and expeoient, and for the best interests of the public,
to construct a district sever and laterals in and along those streets ,
and avenues of Sewer District No. 6, of said Village of Edina, as
f ollovs :
A district seTJer commencing at a lpoint on the South line of the
Eorth IQO feet of the North Half hf the Sauth Half of the Nartheast
quarter of the Bortheast Quarter of Sectian 19, Tonnship 28, aange
24, which is distant 540 feet Vest of the center line of L +' rance
Avenue; thence Borthwesterly a distance of 260 feet mare or less to
a point on the South line of LIinnehaha Xoads Addition, v~ktiich is 190 . feet East of the mast Testerly corner Of Lot 9, in Block 2, of said
Uinnehaha Uoads Addition.
A lateral sewer commencing at a goifit on the South line of
Xinnehaha Boods Additiang mhich is distant 190 feet East af the
most Testerly corner af Lot 9,t in Block 2, Uinnehaha 'floods Addition;
thence Earthwesterly along the center of 2ood Crest Drive to the.> - cent& IZne crf Park- Place;. thence ntortEwes2erly'along the center line of Park Place a distance of 350 feet. fl I Reference is hereby made to the plats of said Addition on file -
and af record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said
Hennepin County.
The motion to adopt was seconded by i'Jya2t;e and the vote was
upopl the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein
there mere five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was
UF&- - President
Trustee Irgens offered the following resolution and moved its
-- RXG S 0 L U T IO N -0
BE IT 2X30LVEDy that B. H. Bradley crf Ninneapolis, EIinnesata,
be and he is selected as the Village Engineer.of the Yillage of
Edina, in coanection with the construction and erection of sewers
in Sevrer District No.: 6 of said Village, and said Engineer is
directed to draw plans and specifications for such sewers, and
tabulate the result of the estimate of the cost of such sewers,
and report the same to the Village CS2unrhiL. Such plans and
specifications shall be filed with the Village Clerk before
any proposals for work thereunder shall be advertised,
The motion to adopt was seconded by Willson and the vote was
upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there
were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted,
- Village Hecorder -
Trustee 7yatt offered the follaming resolution ans moved its
--RESOLUTIOB-- ----------
3E IT REi3OLVEij, that there is hereby created a fund ta be
established by the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Einnesata,
in the Xidland National Band and Trust Company of Xinneapolis,
to be knonn as Sewer District No, 6, Sewer fund of' the Village
of Edina,
The mo.tian to adopt was seconded by Willson and the vate
mas upon the question of the adaption of the resolution,
Dherein there usre-five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution
was adopted.
- Xillage Recorder -
-- President of
Afte,r discussion it was moved by Irgens that cast of constructkn
of sewer & water to serve Edina Court be furnished aut of General
Bunds and all costs to the Village be levied against the benefited
prqerty, seconded by B-oore and carried.
The matter of the Village furnishing current for 4 new ornamental
street lights on Galf Terrace, mherein the owners of property had
paid for all installation costs was next considered by the Council,
Thereupon it mas moved by Eoore, the matter be concurred in and
expense authorized, seconded by Irgens and carried.
Plans for the proposed tool house and garage as prepared by hug 4i
Raugland were again studied by the Council. The plat and building
plans being satisf'actbry with the exception that windows on the
North side vould be shortened, an exit 12 foot doorway with over- head doors to be installed on the South side east of fire Wall,
th$ the building be located approximately 15 to 20 feet from the
Zarth lat line, with well & pump to be located an North side af
building in aizeinfarced enclosure vith passage from garage floor.
It \?as suggested that cpmplete casts be computed of the ViXlage
Xa further business to come before the meeting motion to adjourn
carried at 11:50 P, E,
P Village Reaorder