HomeMy WebLinkAbout19400513_REGULAR287 The Wnutes of the Regulac meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina held in Grange Hall on Nay 13, 1940 at 8:OO oPclock P.l!LT. The meeting was called ta order by the President the roll called and all members of the Council were present, Minutes af the regular April 22, 1940 meeting of the CounciI, to- gether with recessed partians of the same meeting held on April 29, 1940 and Xay 6, 1940 were read. Subject to certain correctian on page 281 af Resolution appointing B.H. Bradley Engineer of Sewer District No. 6 and correction of page 284 defining route of sewer in Sewer District No, 6, it was moved by Irgens they be approved. Seconded by Willson eC carried . The Village and pay roll items having been carefully noted and found correct, it was maved by Trgens they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Vyatt and carried. They are as follows: I R, J. Johnson S, J. Robekts I?. Dahlgren John Tracy L, Stolgman Ronald Part 0. Bli, Spande Sam EcCready H. Ensley S, EcXel1is J. Xerfeld Arthur Pet e r s en Carl Westerberg Ben B, Eaure Gearge Vr‘illsan Victor Irgens A. 3. Vyatt Dr. R, do Erickson J. J, Duggan Clarence 0. Holten T. E. Tilly- Hilding Dahl W. S, Heydt John W. Leyon A, C. Stringer Street Comissianer Utility Man Tractor Operator Asst. Tractor Operator Asst, Road Foreman Asst .--.Road Eoreman Asst, Road Foreman Road Labm Road Labor Road Labor B’oad Labor Garbage removal President Eay Recarder Nay Trustee Bray Trustee Kay Trustee Eay Village Health Officer Treasurer May Village Attorney Village Earsha11 Palice Officer Police Officer Police Officer WA-Road & Bridge Labor Total Road 8 Village $ 175.00 140.00 135 . 00 125.00 122.40 132.00 129.60 106 .OO 1rL,oo 15.00 26 .OO 333.32 1 50.00 90 000 l35.00 55.00 35 .oo 30 ,oo 30.00 ’75.00 170.00 150.00 150 .oo 140600 The Niscellaneous Bills were duly examined and upon behg found correct, it was moved by Willson, they be duly allowed eC ordered paid, seconded by Irgens and carried. They are as follows: Suburban Hennepin County Relief Baard--Uarch Relief J, A. Danens eC Son Use Gas Shovel Binneapolis Iron Store--Truck Chains Edina Hardware R.8 €3. Supplies T,W, Roshalt Co. Sergent Plow Shoes Landers Norblom Christenson Co.--Sewer Pipe Garvey ‘8 Hardware Re& B, Suiglies W. H, Ziegler Co. Tractor Parts Lyle Signs Inc. 26 Raad Signs etc. HeXing Dahl Use auto police vork 199 miles @ 5p’ Republic Creosoting Coi.--Road Tar Rural Hennegin County Surplus Commodity Cam.--Apri1 ‘Service Thorpe Bros. Inc. Tract Office & Phone L. D. Adas Inc, Grader Arm John W. Leyon Police School Expenses City of KobbinsBale Sewing Pro.ject Edina Garsge Palice Car Service X-pls. G.E. Company April Electric Service E. V. Harris Gas R,& E,--Police Car Bareca Oil Co. Gas R.&B, I 900.39 94.00 15.58 15.35 15 . 20 25.20 112,40 -69 100.75 9.95 76.03 24 . 55 13 . 70 17.13 16.25 3.50 11.25 514.49 131.56 6.62 Blackburn, Eiehnl_s& Smith--Compo Ins. Premium To 3. Hammond Pard Truck Insa City of Xinneagolis village of S& ,Louis Park-Fire Dept . Serviice T,B, aoshalt Ca. Grader Part BSiXLer Davis Co. Offkce Supplies E. 3'. Loasen Labor Cleaning Sewer E-W Bell Telephone Co .--Telephone Extbsion Vwddale Grocery Gas Re& E. Simon Strand Rent Tool Shed E, A. Rogers Co, Blue Prints Hemepin Caunty Reviea--Printing Publkc Notices Boreys Shell Station E,& E, Service Glacier Sand & Gravel Co.--Road Sand Village of Hopkins Fire Dept Service Dr, E,F, Fitch Vet. Service Suburban Eennepin County Relief Board April Relief Alex Cr eight on April Bdg. Insp. Bees Ere Dept, Service Total Eiscellaneous 326 . 60 11*45 31 e 59 1D5,OQ 3.36 18,50 9,oo 2-00 39 . 98 15.00 3227 83.76 30.23 44.94 135 . 00 25.00 626.00 120,oo 8 Sp634.43 Bills of Joint Semcr District No, L for the preceeding month as listed in Recorders Warrant Book and numbered from 240 to 269 were carefully noted and found correct vhereupon Trustee Irgens moved they be duly allo-aed and ordered paid seconded by Trustee millson & carried, Er. Ashley Broaks appeared before the Counahl to state he desired license to operate a bus along a propcased routB on France kve from 50th to 60th St . , to Xerxes Ave. ta 66th Street, to Highway LOO, to 50th, to 50tkl and Brance, or if more desirabxe, mer a second proposed raratk from 50th and France to 62nd St., to Wooddale Ave, to 49th St., to Brawndale Aue., to Sunnyside, to Bruce Ave., to 50th-and Prance, The President suggested that he make a farmal application setting forth all. facts & figures for Councils * Eonsiderat icln, whichlk, Brooks stated he would do, John Pehrsan, desired to knom if Bulton Avenue was it publLic street, The Village Attorney advised that the original dedication of the plat would determine the matter and which was an f5le at the Court House. Bhr. Qscar Gaarden stated he was present to learn aktitu3e of the Council in regard to water main extensions an Oaklawn and &Uiogg Avenues from 53rd to 54th Streets, \'herein Vells and others had requested city water. Discussion developed that while certain aids to construction were charged to property omers, the Cauntry Club District Service Company assumed to be the ultiaate owner, The advisable thing to do mas therefor to assess the the costs of installation against the benefited propert'gr for the reason that while substantial construction costs would be paid the CompanyI na apparent credit for same appeared reflected in the rated charged for aater, EIr. Wells asked Nr. Gaarden if what he might pay the Service Company nom would be credited if the Billage ever took over the water system to which Er, Gaarden replied '* After further discussion by all present it was moved by Kcmre the matter be fEEerred to the Council as a mhole, seconded by Irgens and carried, Petition mas received from Eessrs. VaZl, Belcher, Little, &'e others requesting grading of \"lest 55th St.,East af Drew Ave. to Baird, T!$-ich after discussion was referred Byj President to Road & Bridge Committee &Village Engineer for estimate of costs to determine amount of assessment , Petiticm vas received from interested residents far garbage collectioii in area 8th Street east to Interlachen Club and l?ortk: of Interlachen Raad to North Village limits which nn mation of Irgens be received &- referred to Sanitation Committee for report to Council at next regula& meeting, seconded by Willsan and carried . 289 0 C era Grc 4 4 Letter read dated May 13, 1940 from E. J, O'Brien, avmer of property in Ambercambie and Goldsmiths Additlan, regarding replatting and grading of streets. would have to do the grading of streets and alleys and referred to Village Attorney for reply regarding replatting. It being the opinmon of the Council that he Letter of L. B. Smith dated April 13, 1940, was read concerning width of Juanita Ave. and referred to Village Attorney for reply. Petition was received from interested residents for street light on Highway 169 North of Street car Bridge at Vbest 44th Street, and referred to Lighting Commkttea for feport to the council. The Council, Village Attorney Halten, and athers discussed at length the sewer and water proposition as concerns the Village of Edina and the Country DLub District Service Company. It being the cansenses of ppinion that the Village Attorney prepare an ordinance cavering payment and collection af user charges for sanitary sewer users 2'0 fu-rther business to come before the Council matian to adjourniJ carrkeli at 11:30 P.M. P