HomeMy WebLinkAbout19400527_REGULAR290 !!- E'Simtes af the regular meeting or" the CounciJl of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Ha32 ah Eky 27, 2940, at 8tOO o'clock phma Einutes of the reguIar meeting of the Council heId on ~dy 13, i -ere read, by Vyatt, and carried, On motion Irgens they be approved as read, seconded Petition was presented by Krs, L, B', Williams on behalf of residents & owners of property South of Xinnehaha Creek & between France Ave. Xerxes Ave, requesting iristallation sanitary severs. read it was moved by X~ore, the said petition be received and referr- ed to Saaitztion Committee 8kViIItstge Engineer Bradley, for report and estimate of costs, secondad By Irgens and carried, I!&. D, F, Kendall of Bronnda3.e Park Addition mas present and stated he desired the installation of sanitary se'y~er, He vas advised that his neighborhood was embraced in the proposed Joint Sewer District No, 2, wkLch mas before the Councif, I Upon being Engineer for Einneapolis, NorthfaiXd & Southern Ry, appeared before the Council in the matter of replacing the old hooden tressel, aver Eden Avenue. After discussion it gas agreed that the abntments * were to be installed parallel with the center line of Eden Avenue &rrhich mauld afford the greatest width of street. The President thereupon referred the matter to the Road & Bridge Cormafttee, Several residents of ElEackie and Broak avenues requested curb be installed and assessed against the benefited property, They verb advised to present petition for same. Petition was received from Xr, Speaks that York Ave, between 54th and 55th Streets be opened, After discussion it vas moaed by Boore the matter be referred to Road &Bridge Committee 8cViltlago Enginear Bradley for report to Council, seconded by Irgens and carried. Er. Ben Parks presented petition for*sidewalk along Vest 50th Street East of Vooddale and along East side Wooddale South of TJest 50th Street Petitian presented by R, E, Willay and others requesting installatla of concrete curb and gutter along the South side of Vest 48th Street between Tomes Road &Prance Ave. and was on matbn Eoora be! accepted & referred to Raad & Bridge Committed, sedonded by IrgenS E carried, Petition presented by R, E, milley and others requestian LnstaXl- ation of sanitary sewer East from Tomes Road on West 48th Street to serve lots 16 to 21 inclusive, White Oaks 4th AdditLon 8~ part crf Lot 2, Block 1 South White Oaks. On motion Eoore the pe&ition be accepted &referred to Sgnitation Comettee, seconded by Irgens 8c carried. 0 Building Inspector Chighton advised that he was referring the matter of granting a building permit to Ere Gill-amn for 56 dwelling house and detached stable, to the Council as his issuance of same would be a violation of Village Ordinance, Hlr. Gilman 'was present and presented plans sf the prososed homo to be located East of Xinnehaha Creek &South of West 54thStreet. After discussion it was agreed that Xr. Gilman 'FIOU~~ submit a pla6 plan shcming location of proposed buildings and thab Bhe,matter .would be considered by the Council as a whole at a StltWt! .meating, A 2, Eickelson requested wa.ter mah hxtCnsions in and along Zenith &' York Avenues betmeen 55th eC 56th,3trcCfa3 which was referred to a future meeting of the Council. . Comunication dated Uay 27, 1940, by pllr, G, A, Himm, Secretary of . The Hc&rmandale Club, expressed interest on a graup of residents of Hormandale from 62nd to 65th Streets, for tho establishing of a bus fine to serve rural Edina,axtended there co-operation &requested to be advised of an$ hearing, all of shich was agreeable to the Council, j % i -rL ., The Village gay.nmll advancers having been carefully netad and found carrect it was moved by Wyatt they be duly.:,allowed & ordered paid, seconded by Willasn & carried. It was moved by Irgens that pay roll for May for Joint Sewer DisErict Ro, 1, as sham by Recorders warrants 270-271 and 273, be duly allowed & ordered paid, secanded by millson & carried. It was moved by Wilkson that check be drawn in favor or" qe H, Zeigler Company as per advertised bid, fax am new #12, Cate&&LfP&r,road grader @ $6471.00 3ess $1185c00 trade in allowmm lfor 'ild Village owned #35 Ikrco grader, less 2% cash discaunt, ina.tnsttzmcunt'.of &l8Oo28, to constitute payment in full, secandcd by Irgem Z carried, Comunicatbn read from City of Two Harbors, extending invitation to the Cauncil ta attend the annual Lezgse of Minnesota Xunicipalities Convention to be held June 97 to 19th. Wherenpon Trustee Lrgens mcrved, that members of WtCZouncil that could attend the convention be sa authorized as Village delegates, seconded by Willson and carried . I Comunicatfans an behalf af Hennepin Cmnty Fair, read and placed on file. The matter of obnoxious weeds about the Village was discussed by the Cauncil whereupon The President advised+%he appointment of Er, * Kerfeld as Deputy weed inspector for the ensuing year. Xr. White of .the White Investment Company, requested that inasmuch as he had soldllarm gylggg lots *A*, OBtr-, and @Cft in Hidden Valley to contigous property owners at a very low price, that the Council cancelled all assessments for Bran2 Server, Holtcn advised in his opinion the Cauncdl could not do so, which met with the approval of the Council. TTiElage Attorney The Country Club District Service Company brought up the matter of extending its water system in the Village as follows: Arden Avenue from Bruce Place to West 52nd Street Kellsgg Avenue from West 53rd Street to West 54th Street 1. Oaklawn Avenue from West. 53rd Stroe6 to Vest 54th Stre'tt. Three letters from %he Ceuntry Club Service Company bearing date of May 27, 1940, covering each of the proposed extensions were dclivergd to the Cauncil and gave assurance that if permiasian ta extend the system along the above st's'r?ets is grantled it would be without prejudice to any position the Village has taken or may take with respect ta any litigation pending .nTth' @he Service Company nor would it affect the pasition of the Village disclaiming liability for use of water hydranys or water hydrant rent. . Upon motion duly made by Wyatt, secanded by Moore and carried, it was resolved, That the application of Country Club District Service Company for extension of its mains in the streets abom mentioned be grarlQed upon the cendition'and assurance given t0 the Cauncil by Oscar Gaarden, President of the Service Company, that any contri&utions received from property owners or others in aid of construction shall, in the even6 of the Village acquiring the water system by purchase or condemnation, be credited to the Village and shall not be capitalized by the Service Company. Further resolved, That the permission hereby granted is upon the further understanding expressed in the letters here refermzd to and that the Service Company shall repair the streets to the satisfaction of the Village, The rote mas upon the questian of the adoption af the resolutians, the vote upon taken found five ayes and no nays and so the resalution was declared duly ado#pted. % Attest Vililage Recorder 292 . PetiStion mas received frm residents living within the proposed Jaiqt Sever DistPc-Fct No, 2 far sanitary sevjers and trunk line BxtensfOn, whereupon it mas moved by Trustee Irgens it be accepted E referred to Sanitation Camittee, seconded by Boare & carried, d Trustee Xrgens offered the Tolloming resolution and maved its adoption: An ordinance creating, establishing and fixing the..Hmits and territory of a sewer district in the Village of Edina, Hennepin Caunty, Einneaota. I The Village Council of the Village af Edim, in Hennepin County, ITinnesata, does ordain as folloms: Section 1. That certab reaL estate and territ6ry.mfthin the corporate limits of the said Village of Edina is herebyj*created and established as Sever District Nor 7 and shall. consist of and include the territory and real estate lying vithin said Village of Edina, described as folloss, to-wit: Commeneiiig at the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 10, South Harriet Park, thence East to the most Northerly corner of Lot It BIQcB 7, South Harriet Park; thence Southeasterly-along the Nartb- erly line of said Lot 1 to the Northeasterly corner thereof; thence Soathvesterly to the Southeast corner of said Ifot'l; thence South- easterly along the Northeasterly line of Lot 16, Block 7, South Hbrriet Park to the Northeast corner of Lot 15 in said Block 7; thence South to the Northvest corner of Lot 8 in said Block 7; thence East along the North line of said Lot 8 and the same produced to the West line of Lot 1, BlockT2, Eimehaha Voods; thence South to the Southmest corner of said Lot 1; thence East to the Southeast corner of said Lot 1; thence South along the West line of Lot 5, Block 2, Minnehaha Woods and the same produced to the North line of the South klf of the SW* of the Kl%i of the NF& of Section 19, Township 28, Range 24; thence East along said North line of South Half of of Section 19 to the Northeast corner thereof; thence South along the East line of said South B'Lf of SW* of HE-2 of M3-& of Section 19 to the Southeast corner thereof, thence Best to the Northeast corner of the S\?& of the -2 of SectLon 19, thence South to th'e Southeast caner of the North% qf said Si'@ of E%.& of Section 19; thence West along the South line of said North 2 of SV* of NE-& of Section 19, and the same produced to a point 217 feet West of the center line of Vhddale Avenue; thence Xorth to the Southeast corner of Lot 20, Block 4, Subdivision of Littel Park; thence Vest to the Southwest corner of Lot 14 in said Black 4; thence North to the Northwest corner of Lat 13, Block 1, Sub- division of Littel Park; thence East to the Northeast corner of Lot 7 in said Block 1; thence North to a point in the South line of Hansen &Parks First Addition which is 217 feet Vest of the center line of Booddale Avenue; thenee East along the South line of 'Hansen & Parks First Additionantl the same produced to the East line of SEoodda3.e Avenue; thence North to the Durthwest corner of Lot 17, Block 10, South Harriet Park; thence East to the Northeast corner of said Lot 17; thence North tb .point of beginning, file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said Hennepin County, Section 2. That all ordinances and resohtions and parts of ordinances and resolutions inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same hereby are repealed. .I of EE& of Reference is hereby made to the plats of said Additions on -I Section 3. That this ordinance be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. The motion to ado9t was seconded by Wyatt and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, -herein there mere five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted, Attest : Village Recorder - L -I 293 , Trustee Irgens offered the following resollutLon and moved its admtion: - -- R E S.O L U T f 0 B -0 ---------- If is hereby resolved, by the Village Colunc-il of the Village of Edina, Hennegin County, Xinnesota, as follows: Sectisn 1, That this Council hereby determines that it is to construct a district sewer and laterals in and along those streets and avexmes of S-ewer District Nor 7, of said Village of Edina, as follows f . necessary and expedient, and far the best interests of the public, A district sewer commencing at the Southeast corner af the S* of the SV* of the IT@ of the NE$ of Section 19, T 28,.R 24; thence West ahng the South line of said S* of SW* of K@ of El@ of Section 19 to the Southeast corner of South Harriet Park; thence West along the South line of South Earriet Park to the center line of Brook- view Avenue;-thence Southerly along the center line of BrookTtiew Avenue to the center line of Woodland Road; thence Southwesterly along the center line of Fobaland Road to the center line of Wood- dale Avenue;‘ thence Eortih along .the center’ l’ine. of’ Vlob’ddaXe- Avp6nue platted in SnbdZkisitin- of LitteI Ferk extended East; its p-obit ofc*intargea$ion with the.5outh line of Tower Gtreet if.@, m A district sewer commencing at the point of intersection of c the South line of South Harriet Park with the center line of Brook- view Avenue; thence West along the Sauth line of South Harriet Park b.4 ta the center line of Kellogg Avenue. 4 4 Harriet Park; thence North along the East line of South Harriet Park a distance of 840 feet, A lateral sewer commencing at the Southeast corner of South A lateral. sewer commencing at the point of intersection of the center line of Brookview Avenue with the South Line of South Harriet Park; thence North along the center line of Braolkview Avenue a distance af 1260 feet. A lateral sewer commencing at the paint of intersection of the center line of Oaklawn Avenue with the South line of South HarrieC Park; thence North along the center line of Oaklawn Avenue a distance of 1260 feet. A lateral sewer commencing at the point of intersection of the center line of Kellogg Avenue with the South line of South Harriet Park; thence Horth along the center line of Kellogg Avenue a distance of 1260 feet, A lateral sewer commencing at the paint; of intersection of the center line af Wooddale Avenue %Ritfi the South line of Tower Street as platted in Subdivision of Littel Park extended East; thence North along the center line of Wooddale Avenue a distance of 1422 feet, A lateral sewer commencing at &’ powt in:fhe-.center line of Waadland Raad which is 415 feet East of the center line of WooddBPe Avenue; thence North along the center line of VoodIand Road a distanae sf 400 feet. A lateral sewer commencing at the piipit of intersection of the center Line of Wooddale Avenue and the center line of West 56th Street, thence West along the center line of West 56th Street a Reference is hereby made to plat of said Additions an file and on record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said Hennkpin County, - * distance of 600 feet, I The motion to adopt was seconded by Wyatt and the vote was e upon the question of the adoption of the resolutisn, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolutinn was adopted, -I Attest: Village Recorder Trustee Wyatt offered the folloning resolution and moved Its { adaptiont Be it resolved, that B. H. Bradley of Einneapcslis, Einnesota, be and he is selected as the Village Engineer of the Vi1Page of Edina, in connection mith the construction and erection of senera T;n Sewer District Bo, 7 of said Pillage, and said Engineer is direcreed to draw plans and specifications for such sewers, and tabulate the result of the estimate of the cost of such severs, and Pdeport the same the Village Council, Such plans and specifications Shall be filed with the Village Clerk before any proposals for rJork thereunder shall. be advertised, ugoz-i the question of the adoption of the resolution, mherein there mere five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted, The mo,tia;n ta adapt vas seconded by Eaore and the vate was Village Rd 12 or d-er Trustee Irgens offered the folloving reso1utian:and moved its adopt ion : --RESOLUTIOX-- ----..--am- Be it resolved, that there is hereby created a fund to be established by the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Xinnesota, in the Hidland National Bank and Trust Company of Xinneapolis, to: be known as Sewer Bistrict No, 7, Sewer Bund of the ViPlage of Ed ina The motion to adopt was seconded by Villson and the vote vas upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution mas adopted. * Attest: Village Recorder Trustee Irgens offered the folluwing; resolution and moved its adoption : RESOLUTION APmCQPIRG PLANS AND SPECIBICATIONS AM) DIRE)CTING NOTICE FOR BIDS I Be it resoxved by the Village Council of the Village of Ed-, The plans and specifications for a sanitary sever in Sewer Einrtesata, as fallows : DistricO Eo. 5 of the Vihlage pfepared by B, H. Bradley and filed in the office of the Village Recorder on &y 4, 1940, are hereby approved and accepted, The sewer along the following streets is hereby designated a district sewer: A district sewer icommencing at a point in the center line of Vest 52nd Street, which is 270 feet West of the Southxvest comer of Glenviem Addition; thence East along said center IkBe of Best 52nd Street to the center line of Halifax AvWme, tt -. 295 All other sewers -e hereby designated as lateral sewers: Alateral sewer commencing at a poht in the center line of West 52nd Street, which. is 270 feet West of the Southwest corner of' GXenview Addition; thence North along center line of Arden Avenue to the center line of Bruce Place a distance of 160 feet. A lateral sewer commencing at the point of intersection of the center lines of West 52nd Street and Juan-ita Avenue; thence north along the center line of Juanita Avenue a distance of 800 feet; also commencing at the point of intersection of the center lines of Juanita Avenue and Indianola Avenue; thence West along the center line of Juanita Avenue a distance of 140 feet, - A Iateral sewer comexiding at the point of intersection of the center lines of West 52nd Street and IndianQlla Avenue; thence North along the center line of kdianola Avenue a distance of 1000 feet, I A lateral sewer commencing at a point in the center line of Halifax Avenue distant 200 feet Borth of the center line of vfest 52nd Street; thence Sauth along the center line af Halifax Avenue 1450 feet. m C' rn The Cauncil shall meet on Monday, the 24th day of June, 1940, at eight o'clock p.m, for the purpose of opening, receiving, and considering bids for the canstruetion of said sewer in Sewer District No. 5 of said Village in accordance with plans and Specifications as approved, Notice to bidders shall be arade by publication far three successive weeks in the ofricZal newspaper of the Village and in the Improvment Bulletin, printed in Ninneapalis, Einnesata, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: PROPOSAL FOR BIDS FOR mTRNISmG B6ATERI-4L AN9 EXCAVATIBG TRENCHES FOR SANITARY SEBtrER, DISTRICT NO, 5 Sealed proposals will be received by the Village of Edins, Minnesota, at Grange Hall, at the corner of Eden Road and Highway No. 100, in said Village, until eight o*clock p.m. on June 24th, 1940, and will be opened at said time for consideration by the Village Council, for the furnishing of materials and for the excavating of sewer trenches for a sanitary sewer in said Village, as folloas: 3730 lineal feet, 9'' vitrified clay sewer pipe, 1185 feet, 6" vitrified clay sewer pipe, including 79 one-eighth bends, 640 lbs, oakum, 25,000 sewer brick, 114 Minneapolis standard galvanized iron man-hole steps, 15 Minneapolis standard 24" heavy man-hole rings and covers, 93 barrels Portland Cement, 49 tons washed sand, 37 tons gravel, 79 6" x 9" Y branches, 3730 lineal feet of sewer trench, 10 to 16 ff. deep, The above to be in accordance with plans and specifications therefor an file with the Village Recorder, at 4605 Wooddale Avenue, in said Village, and in accordance with the rules and requirements of the Works Progress Adrninistration.of the United States of America. of said Recorder, ar at the office of B, H, Bradley, Village Engineer, 217 South 6th Street, Einneapolis, Minnesota, Extra copies may be procured on application by depositing $15.00, one- half to be refunded when plans and specifications are returned in good condition. The plans and specifications may be seen at said office All bids must be unconditional and be on the basis of cash payment for the material and work, A certified check in the amount of 15% of the amount bid must accomgany all bids, successful bidder fails or refuses to enter into a written contract for the perfomance 0f the work and furnishing of materials, and In case the 296 ta give honCt aa required by law, within tventy (20). days after notice of the avard af the contract, the check will be forfeited to the Village as lkquidated damages, Checks of unsuccessful biaders will be returned after the contract has been awarded. The Pillage Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids, or to adjourn the meeting %o a later date for the purpose of further cons5deratio.n and accepting said bids. The motion to adapt was seconded by Vyatt and the Fate was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, nherein there mere five ayes and nm nays, and so the resolution vas Bdopted, BY ORDER 03’ THE PILLAGE COUNCIL Village Recorder All terms and provisions af the foregoing notice are Bere- by made a part of this resolution as though separately set out, and resolved herein, Trustee Irgens offered the folloming resolution and moaed its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIPICATIONS AND DIRECTING NOTICE E’OR BIDS Be it resolved by the Tillage Council of the Pillage of Edina, Einnescrta, as fallow : The plans and specidications Par a sanitary sever in Sewer District Bo. 6 of the Yillage prepared by B, H, BradXey and filed in the office of the Tillage Recorder on Kay 4, 1940, are hereby approved and accepted. The semr along the following streets is hereby designated a dPstrict sever : A district sewer commencing at a point on the South line of the Earth I00 feet of the North &lS of the South &If of the Xortheast Quarter of the Xortheast Quarter of Sectian 19, Tamship 261 Raoge 24, wjiich is distant 540 feet West of the cenker line of Prance Avenue;:thence XorthpresterIy it distance of260 feetmore ar less Go EL point the South. line’ of -Wnnehaba: Voods Addition,’whidh Zs-Z90rfeet- East of the moat- Vesterly corner of Lot 9% in Block 2, of said Einnehaha Woods Addition, All other severs are hereby designated as latergl sewers: A lateral sever comencing at a point on the South line of Xinnehaha VJoQds Addition, ahich is distant 190 feet East of the most Vesterly corner of Lot 9, in Block“2, Einnehaha Toads Addition.; tkence Xcmthmesterly along the center line of Wood Crest Drive to the center line of Park Place; thence Northnesterly along the center line of Park Place a distance of 350 feet, The Council shall meet on Eonday, the 24th day of June, 1940, at eight o)clbck pen. for the purpose af opening, receiving, and conskdering bids for the construction of said sewer Zn Sewer District ma; 6 of said Village in accordance with pPans and specifications as approved, Hotice tt, bidders shall be made by publication for three successive rreeks in the official nemspaper of the Village and in the bpxmement Bulletin, printed in Einneapolis, Minnesota, vrhich notice shall be in substantially the fpllwing form: 297 -=., PRQPQSAL BOR BIDS FOR 3FURNISHING BBATERIAL KND EXCAVATIEG TREXZES FOR SplNITARY SE'flVER, DISTRICT BO. 6 Sealed proposals will be received by the VilIage of Edina, Minnesota, at Grange Hall, at the corner of Eden Road and Highway No. LOO, in said Village, until eight o'clock p.rn., on June 24th, 1940, and will he opened at said time for consideration by the Willage Council, for the furnishing of materials and for the ex- cavating of sewer trenches far a sanitary sewer in said Village, as foIlows : 1130 lineal. feet, 9" vitrified clay pige, 400 feet 6w vitrified clay sewer pipe, including 200 lbs, oakum, 9,000 sewer brick. 23 one-eighth bends, . 23 6" x 9lP Y branches, 40 5 40 23 26 1200 Minneapolis standard galvanized iron man-hole steps, Pinneapolis standard 24IP heavy man-hole rings and covers, barrels Portland cement, tons washed sand, tons gravel, lineal feet of sewer treneh, 10 to 16 feet deep, The above to be in accordance with plans and specidications therefor on file with the Village Recorder, at 4605 \Yooddale Avenue, in said Village, and in accordance with the Ytrles and requirements of the Works Progress Administration of the Vnfted States of Americz. The plans and specifications may be seen at said office of said Recorder, or at the office of B. H, Bradley, Village Engineer, 217 South 6th Street, Einneapolis, Minnesota, Extra capies may be procured on applieatian by depositing $15.00, one- half to be refunded when the plans and specifications are returned in good condition, All bids must be unconditianal and be on the basis of cash payment for the material and work, A certified check in the amount of 15% of the amount bid must accompany all bids, In case the successful bidder failslor refuses to enter into a written contract far the performance of the work and furnishing of materials, and ta give band as required by law, within twenty (20) days after no'tice of the award of the contract,rAhefcheck will be forfeited to the Village as liquidated damages. Checks of unsuccessful bidders will be returned agter the contract has been awarded. bids, or to adjourn the meeting to a later date for the purpose of further consideration and accepting said bids. upon the question of the adogt&on of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adapted, The Village Council reserves the right to reject any and all The motion ta-adopt'was seconded by Willsan and the vote was Village Recorder hereby made a part of this resolution as though separately set out and resolved herein. All the terms and provisions of the foregoing notice are Trustee Wyatt offered the following resolution and mcsved its ad opt i om : RESOLUTION APPROVJXG PLAmS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND DIRECTEXG XTOTICE FOR BIDS Re it resolved by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: The plans and spedifications for a sanitary sewer in Sewer Dis€rict Xa. 7 of the Village prepared by B, E, Bradley and filed in the office of tbe ViXlage Recorder on Eay 27, 1940, are hereby approved and accestedi' The seaer aUmg the following streets is hereby designated .a district semer : A district sewer commencing at the Southeast corner of the s* bf the SW* of the 0f the BE& of Section 19, T 28, R 24; thence West along the Sauth line of said S$ of ST&- of Section 19 to the Southeast corner of South Harriet Park; thence West along the South line of South Harriet Park to the center line of Broakviev Avenue; thence Southerly along the center line of Brookview Avenue to the center line of Voodland Road; thence South- westerly along the center line of Plooidland Road to the center line of Voaddale Avenue; thence North along the center line of 'Paoddale Avenue to its point of intersection mith the South line of Tower Street as platted in Subdivision of Littel Park extended East. of a of I A district sewer commencing at the point of intersection of tkie South line of South Harriet Park vJith the center line of Brook- view Avenue; thence West along the South line of South Harrfet Park to the center line of Xellagg Avenue. All other semers'are hereby designated as lateral severs: A lateral sewer commencing at the Southeast corner of South Harriet Park; thence Earth along the East line of South Harriet Park a distance of 840 feet. A lateral sewer commencing at the point af intersection of the center line of Brookview Avenue with the South line of Sotz$h Harriet Park; thence Hcrrth abng the center line af Brookview he. a distance of 1260 feet. the center line of Oaklatlgl Avenue with the South line of South Harriet Park; thence Horth alang the center Une af Oaklahen Avenue a distance of 1260 feet, I A lateral sewer commencing at the point of irlkersgction of . A later&LP sewer commencing at the point of intersection of the center line of Kellagg Avenue vith the South Line oif South Harriet Park; thence North along the center line of Kellogg Avenue a distance of 1260 feet. A lateral semer commencing at the point of intersection of the center line of Wooddale Avenue with the South line of Tower Street as platted in Subdivision of Littel Park extended East; thence North along the center line of Wooddale Avenue a distance of 1422 feet. A lateral semer commencing at a point in the center line of tkodland Road which is 415 feet East of the cent-er lihe of goaddale Avenue; thence north along the center line of Wmalafi4 Road a dbtance of 400 feet. A lateral sewer comencing at the point of intersection of the center line of Wooddale Avenue and the center line of Vest 56th Street'; thence West along the center line of West 56th Street a .distance of -600 feet. at eight 03c18ck p,m. for the purpose af opening, recefving, and considering bids for the construction of said sever in Sewer District No. 7 of said Village in accordance with plans and ' specifications as approved. Batice tor bidders shall be made by publicztion far three successive weeks in the QXficial. newspaper sf the Village and in the Improvement Bulletin, printed in Xinneapolis, BSinnesota, which notice shall be in substantially the folloaing farm: The Couarcil shall meet on Monday, the 24th day of June, 1940, PROPOSAL BOR BIDS FOR FURNISHING WTERIAL AM) EXCAVATING TREmCHES BQR SANXTARY SEVlER, DISTRICT XO. T Sealed proposals will be received by the Villzge af Edina, lBinnesota, at Grange %ll, at the carner of Eden Road 2nd Highway No, 100t in said VilIfage, untZl. 8:OO o*clock porn., on June 24th, 1940, and will be opened at said time for consideration by the Village Council, for the furnishing of materials and for the ex- cavating of sewer trenches for a sanitary sewer in said VilIage, as follows : 3245 lineal feet, 12" vitrified clay sewer pipe, 7702 lineal feet 9" v'itrified clay sewer pipe, 3425 feet, 6" vitrified clay sewer pipe, including 229 one-eighth bends, 2135 lbs. oakum, 60,000 sewer brick, 229 6" x 9* Y branches, 303 Ninneapolis Standard galvanized iran man-hole steps, 221 barrels Portland Cement, 100 tons gravel, 38 Minneapolis Standard 24" heavy man-hole rings and covers, 50 tons washed sand, 10,847 lineal feet of sewer trench, 10 ta 16 feet deep, The above to be in accordance with plans. and specifications therefor an file with the Village Recoxder, at 4605 Wooddale Avenue, in said Village, and in accordande mith the rules and requirements af the Works Progrws Administration of the Vnited States of America. The plans and specifications may be seen at said office of said Recarder, or at the office of B, E. Bradley, Village Engineer, 217 South 6th Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Extra copies may be procqred on application by depositing #15.00, one-, half to be refunded @en the plans and Specifications are returned in goad condition. All bids must he unconditional and be on the basis of cash payment for the material and work. A certified check in th& amount of 3.5% otf the amount bid must accompany all bids, 'In case the successful bidder fails or refuses to enter into a written contract foe the performance of the work and furnishing of materials; and to give band as required by law, within (20) twenty days after notice of the award of the contract, the check will. be, forfeited to the Village as liquidated damages, Checks of unsuccessfuT bidd- ers will be returned after the contract has been awarded. The Village Cpuncil. reserves the right to reject.-any and all bids, or to adjourn.J$he meeting to a later date for the purpose of further considerakion and accepting said bids. The motion to, adopt was seconded by Vi%llssn and the voce vas upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted, President of ounci -e- Recorder hereby made a part of this resolution as though separately set out and resolved herein. All the terms and provisions of the foregoing notice are Trustee Irgens moved that sealed bids be advertised to be received at the regular meeting of the Council %a be held on June 10, 1840, for materials to be used on installation of sanitary sewer in and a3.ong Abbott Place. It was moved by Vyatt, that sealed bids be advertised to be received at the regular meeting of the Council to be held on June 10, 1940, for sand, cement, gravel, limeate, and cement bzbcks for new Tool House &Garage, seconded by Moore and carried, Motinn was se&onded by WilPsam and carried. Recorder €bore, chairman of the Sanitafian Committee, reported on $he matter of petition to collect garbage in the area Vest of InfierPitchen Club and East af 8th Ave. including Ridge Road, Schaeffer Road, and InterIachen Road, The report stated the area included approximately as many pick up for garbage as mas contemplated for this year and that Kr. Peliersen had agreed to serve the area vith- out additional cost begining the first part of June, It mas under- stood that should a considerable number of other garbgge customers be taken on later that some additional pay might be allowed, depend- ing upon circumstances and conditions. Total number of homes to be served under this agreement being 965. ( no further busines to come before this meeting at this the the President declared this meeting recessed to meet again at the same time and place on Tuesday June 4, 1940 at at 8:OO p,m. Village Recorder Einutes of the recessed portion of the regular Esay 27, 1940, meeting of the Counci1. of the Village of Edina, duly held in Grange Ha1.l on June 4, 1940, at 8:OO o*celoek pame The meeting mas called to order by the President, the roll called and a11 members of the CounciI mere present. A number of residents of South Karriet Park nere present, concerned aver the building of a horse stable on the 4 acre tract lying East on Xinnehaha Cxeek and South of qest 54th Street. After considerable discussion both against and for $he proposition the matter was lefk for HEr. Gilman to contact the owners of all contiguaus property and to re-arrange his plot plan for re-submission to the Council, I&, Fred Cotey on behalf of property ownerrj Sivine; in Lateral s'emer District No, 5, requested that the Council order installation of sanitary sener in Lateral Sewer District XO~ 5,.after that of No,7 had been completed* The Chairman of the Sanieation Committee advised that as No; 5 was contiguous to Bo. 7, it would be a con- venience inmoving equipment etc, and would save time, labor, and expense so to da, The proposition being agreeable to members of the Council it mas thereupn moved by Idoore that inataxlation of sanitary SeQer in No, 5 he started after completion No. 7, seconded by Vyatt and carried. 4 I Application of Eftinneapolis Gas Light Company for permission to lay gas main in and along Ruthlege Ave. mas read whereupon Trustee T7iXlson moved the application be granted subject to gas main to be extended to Vest 48th Street, completion in 3Q days and Proper attentton to refill and settling, seconded by Vyatt and carried, Chairman Wyatt advised the Council on matters of direct relief, whereupon Trustee Villson acting upon the chairman's recammendations moved that Xrs, Caughren, of Suburban Hennepin County Velfare Board, be instructed to mite each direct relief client that hence- forth each relief case on IWA will be handled on its oan merit re- garding any supplementary aid, on motion seconded by Trustee Y1yat.e . and carried. Bio:-Xur%her business to come before the meeting motion ta adjourn carried at lot45 p.m. Village Recorder