HomeMy WebLinkAbout19400610_REGULAR3 Minutes af the 5egular meeting of the Village of Edina Council held in Grange Half. on &me 10, 1940, at 8:00 o'claqk P,Xe The meeting was called to order by the President, the roll calIed and all members of the Council were present, Minutes of the regular May 27, 1940 meeting of the Council, and the recessed portion of the same meeting duly held on June 4, 1940 were read, on motion frgens they be approved as read, seconded by @illson and carried. State Weed Inspector advised the Council he estimated there was approxmately 20 to 30 acres of Leafy Spurge throughout Edina and that it would cost about $SO,OO per acre for sodium chlorate, which while both inflamable and poisonous was cansidered most effective . means of destroying the obnoxious weed, Petition was received from W, M, Cooper and others requesting vacation of a one rod road easenent lying West of Cooper Avenue as now laid out and which if vacated woylld make Cooper Avenue a 4 rad wide roadway, on motion Moore, the petitiors; be referred to Road & Bridge Committee &Village Attorney for report tcr Councilr seconded by Irgens & carried, The matter of granting building permit to Mr. Gihan for erectian of house and paddock on 4 acre tract South West 54th Street and East of Bdinnehaha Creek was discussed by residents with letters being read from Messrs, Schutt &Rees, all mostly favoring the proposition. Village Attarney Holten advised that he did not think the Council had any discretionary powers with reference to the issuance af a building permit in this i,rzstance but would have power to regulate any nuisance which might arise later, The Council and Health Officer having such power. +. Noare to re-refer the matter favorably to Building Inspector Kr, P, G, Speaks requested opening of York Avenue between 55th and 56th Streets with offer to do the grading ah his expense and was advised by -the President that he hoped to have the EngineerPs It was thereupon moved by. . seconded by Irgens and declared unanimously carried and so ordered, . report by next meeting, .Xr. Borrester, appeared before the Council to complain of septic tank discharge by Interlachen Club into Mirror Lake, after dis- -* cussian it-was moved by Xmre to refer the matter tagillage Health Officer Erickson, seconded by Irgens & carried, Mr. Gaylor advised the Council of a low spelt in Kellogg Avenue, between 52nd and 53rd Streets where.in water remained agter rains. whereupon t.he matter was referred to Road & Bridge Committee, Bids as duly advertised, for materials for Abbatt Place sanitary sewer were opened and read aloud as follows: I* v &!' 1 c;.:. Tz- i T;Rj I Chairman WLlLson stated a storm sewer mauld afford only relief e*& Oscar RGberts Landers-Norblom-Chris t ens en C5, Kart Buel Company wherein the low bidders were found to be as follows: Oscar Roberts on Sand 8c Gravel 8 58g & $1.25 ton, Landers Norblom Chritensen Go, on 9It V. T, sewer pipe @ ,309# ftc, Hart Fuel Co, on Cement & 9x6" Yls @ $2054 & $2.71 for cloth Es paper sacked and $1028 on Pts there- upon It was moved Irgens the blds be filed & tab-uhted, seconded by . I' Willson eC carried, Bids as duly advertised, f,or materials for Village Tool House 8c Garage, were opened and read aloud as fallows: Glacier Sand 8c Gravel Co. knd ers -Norbhmsm-Chr i s t ens on Co , Osea2 Roberts Hart Fuel Company Wherein the low bidders were found to be as follows: 4 Glacier Sand & Gravel Co. Oscar Roberts Gravel @I $l.i25~.l;on Sand 0 .58$ ton 8x12~16~ cement blocks 8 13P 6x8~24'~ cement blocks @ 14$ 6x12~24" cement blocks 0 158 Cement cloth sacks 0 $2.56 bbl. Cement paper sacks 0 $2.71 bbl, Limate paper sacks 0 $1.50 bbl, Harfi Buel Company Thereupon Trustee Byatt moved the bids be filed & tabulated, seconded by -gens & carried. Er. Lo H. Gebo, advised the Council of the continued Fad state of repair of France Avenue and suggested steps be taken for paving, After discussion the President stated he would contact the Street Bailmay Company with idea of having meeting of interested pax%ies first part of July, Communicatian was read suggesting the farming of permanent Lilac may Associatian by interested towns and villages, -whereupon it was moved by Irgens that President so appoint three members, seconded by Vyatt and carried, Report of the Country Club District Service Cmpany for yea? 1939, which 17,783 received by the Recorder. 6. Oscar Gaarden and attorney Thomas Venum, presented- Financial The matter of payment of acculumated sewer treattrnent charges by. the City af Illinneapolis was briefly discussed and meeting agreed on far mare detailed discussian to be held at the office of Village Attorney Holten, at 5tOO porn, on Tuesday June 11, 1940, wherein Itlessrs, Gaarden, Venum, Holten, and Sanitation Committee of the Council would attend, L unication by Ashley Brooks, dated June 10, 1940, submitting, application for license to operate two bus routes, was Yead and on I motion Irgens be received &placed on file, seconded by Moore & carried. Communication by A1 P, Erickson, County Auditor, dated June 8, 1940, advised provisions of Chapter 345, Session laws, 1939, mith reference to election districts containing mare that 700 voters, The miscellaneons bills having been duly noted and found correct Trustee Irgens moved they be duly allmed and ordered paid, seconded by Billson and carried, they are as follcms: V. H, Ziegler Coo 3, A, Danens & Sons Alex Creightsn 8. Go Christensen H, A, Rogers E. W. Harris Vodddale Grocery V, H. Ziegler CO. L~nders-Norblom-Christ ens on Elliller-Davis Coo City of Robbinsdale C. 0,. Xolten Thorpe BrOS. Inc, T, E, TilXy Western Union Tef, Coo City of Xinneapolis E, P, Loosen Simon Strand J, A, Danens & Son 0. Et. Spande Garvey's Hardware Chas Olson & Sons Coo Bural Hennepin County Surplus Corn. Corn. -3 . -.. No. 12 Caterpillar Diesel Xotor grader- $ 5180.28 Nay Bdg. Inspectar fees 186.50 Plumbing InspecfWns Nov.1, 1939 to Dec,31,1939,132@$1.50 1;98,00 Blueprints for tool house .14;65 Gas & Oil 134 0 '71 Gas & Oil *po 70 Tractor parts ' 6.22 OffBce supplies . 1,ou Truck hire 24.00 Sand ,Cement R8EB 33 74 WA Sewing project 3.50 Village Attorney (my) 75 000 Tract office rent & phone 12.95 Refund cash advanced for repair police dept. revolver 3.29 Telegram iWA 1.73 Pire Dept service on 6/1 7.02 Booddale Lane sewer 31.20 Rent Tool Shed 15000 Sod for Parks 1090 Labor & Xaterial repairing Gas shovel and truck hire5/2@7 753.52 R, & B. supplies Repair scraper 7.00 13.30 Eay service 88 cases 21.08 - *- I w EClina &rdware R, & 33. supplies Hennepin Caunty Beview Erinting Electric Bllia Print Coo Glacier Sand & Gravel Cs. Sand & Gravel Donald Jensen Cartage Lang .& Rougland RBPising tool house plans H. V. Johnson Culvert Coo Culverts N-Y? Bell Telephone Go. Walnut 5494 ewt. Industrial Elect, Coo Rewind, repair, install, Eeary Hennepin County . * .' Paor farm service Feb.,Mar.,Apr. Minneapalis G.E. Coo Nay Electric Service Republic Creosoting Co, Road tar Surburban HenneDFa Ccountv BB tracings for WPA sump motar & test Cascade pump - Welfare Board " May Direct Relief 464.36 Total His c ellanotus 0 -- - -- @8,187r44 The VillQe &Road Bills upon being duly examined and found correct were on motion Villson, they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Irgens and carried. They are as follows: Carl Westerberg Ben B, &tore George A Willsan Victor Irgens A, So Wyatt John J. Duggan Dr. R. F, Erickson T, E. Tilly Hilding Dah1 W. So Heydt John W, Leyan R. J. B5hnson S. J. Roberts 2, Dahlgren John Tracy L, Stalgman 0. M. Spande Ranald Port Sam NcCready E. Merfeld H. Ensley J. McNellis Jr. 5. Mcnellis Sr, Silas Herret Thcts, Goble Arthur Pet ersen A. C. Stringer , President (June) 0 Village Recorder Trustee Trustee Trustee Treasurer Health Officer Village Marshall Police Officer Police Officer %lice Officer Street Commissioner Utiaity man Tractor Qperat or Asst Tractor Operator Asst BdX foreman Asst road foreman Asst road fareman Road labor Road labor Road labor labor with track Road labor Road labor (weeds 1 Road labar (weeds) Garbage collectian Bo 80 B, WA June Total Village &RB 4 Monthly Bills and accounts of Jbint Semer District No, 1 upon being checked and found correct, it was moved by Irgens they be duly allowed and ordered paid as shown Recorders warrants #273 to 288 both inR clusive, seconded by Willson & carried. Trustee Willson announced that bids received for materials on Taol Hause and Garage having been tabulated, that the order for materials be placed with the following low bidders. Glacier Sand & Gravel DO. Gravel @$1,25ton delivered less 56 Oscar Bober ts Sand Q58~tton delivered less 2% Hart Puel Go. Limate @1,50bbl delivered less 5% Hart Fuel Coo Cement @$2.54 net cloth sack and $2.71 in paper sacks, delivered less 5% Oscar Roberts Cement Blacks 8x12~16 @ 13g, 8x8~16 0 12g, 6x12~24 8 158, 6x8~24 8 14#, and 8x12~16 square end Q 14@ delivered less 5% Jdotion sedanded by Moore and carried. pin balls machines, be deposited, seconded by Zrgens and carried. El5 furthur business to come before this m carried at 1L:45 p.m. It was moved that checks held up by Council action for licenses on d