HomeMy WebLinkAbout19400624_REGULAR7 Einutes af the regular meeting Qf the Council of the Village of Edina held in Grange Hall on June 24, 1940 at 8:OO o'clock P,M* The meeting was called to order by tke President, the roll calxed and all members of the Cauncil were present, Einutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on June 10, 1940 were, on motion Willson they be approved as read, seconded by Wyatt, and carried, Messrs. L$apman and Welch appeared before the Council to request compensation on accaunt of the Trunk sewer going thraugkr their property, of the.Counci1, WA project Superintendent Br. George Bisher and Village Engineer Bradley on the grounds at 7p.m. June 26, 1940, Nessrs, Smith & Clarke, requested that the Council. visit their back yards as water in a couple low spots did not drain into Minnehaha Greek because the Trunk sever trench had not entirely settled, This the Council pramised to do the evening of June 26, 19.20 , After short discussian it Was agreed to meet all members Dr, Riley advised the Council. that he was in favcrr of grading Yark Avenue South af 54th Street and the cost thmeof be assessed against the benefited property, The Village payroL1 advances having been carefully noted and found correct, Trustee Willson moved they be duly allowed and ordered paid, secanded by Vyatt, and carried, It was moved by Irgens that checks be drawn to cover Recorder's warrants #289 ta #294 both inclusive, covering labar and items of expense for Joint Sewer District No, 1, seconded by Willsaa? and carried , Chairman Willsan brought up the matter of drilling well for new Tool house and after discussion moved that the proposa.8. of Joe Smith be accepted on basis $1.50 per foot for 3" well, seconded by Bids as duly advertised in Hennepin County Review and the Improve- ment Bulletin, mere opened and read alaud for sewer brick to be used on Lateral Sewer Districts Xoa, 5,6, and 7 as fallows: On Sewer Brick- ---- Irgens and carried, .cpIc- - Superiar Cinder Tile & Brick Co, Q. K, Klein Brick-Co. @ $13.00 per M, .@ $15.10 per E. Qn concrete manhole blocks- Worthley Cement Crib & Silo Cor 6.3 12& each Vunder-Klein-Donohue Ca. I On clay Sewer pipe- L, T?. Marthfield Co, 12" @ ;408# foot 9" Q 2?&d fppt 6n 8 16p' foot 6If-1/8 bends @ 64p' each 6" x 9" Wyes 8 $1,23 each 12" @ .432p! foot gW Q ,288g faot 6" 0 ,168g foot 6'v-1/8 bends d 06?'?# each 61v x 9" Wyes Q $1,296$ 'I On manhole Rings 8c Covers- American Brooke Shoe & Foundry Go, L, PI, Northfield Co, 63 $13.00 each Q $9.95 each On portland cement L, W, Northfield Co, paper.>sacks @ $2.45' bbl. net cloth.aaeks @ 32.32 bblL, net %under-Klein-Donohue Coopaper. sacks @ $2.53 bb3,; net clcrth aacke Q $2.58 bbl. net On sand and gravel Einnesota Sand & Gravel Coo washed sand CZ 608 ton washed gravel @ a1.30 tod' Oscar Roberts Co. .Bashed sand @ 60# ton t'' washed gravel @ 81.29don Bid of Hedberg-Friedman Co. was not considered on account not L being accompanied by certified check. Bids for sewer trench excavation duly advertised in Hennepin County Revies7 and the Improm'ement mlletin, were duly o,pened and read aloud as f alPms : Dan Borre .-.- L .-r LA * 7 *.+ L ,a'-. 1 .8: --% - -> I ~ *- Total for Lateral Sewer District Na.5 $4435.5(3* Bo06 1510.00 t* R 11 11 11 It It NO.? 9124.00 Total $15,069.50 Less 10% if awarded all 3 jobs GiLliano Orf ei Total for Lateral Sewer Distiict No.5 $3974.25 lt tt No.6 1395.45 tr 11 lt rw It NO07 8104.02 . Total $13,474.02 .- - Eased on combined award Feyen-Preston Const, Company Total for Lateral Sewer District Xo.5 $3971.60 11 lr 1)- tt No.6 1155.50 ir 11 ft 11 11 No.7 7555.64 $129682.74 Total or No.? alone S. J, Groves & Sons Coo Total for Lateral Sewer District No.5 33227.10 11 lk tbt tP It No06 3933.00 11 ir It 11 11 Xo.7 6135.52 $10,295.62 If avarded all 3 jobs deduct 2g per leneal foot Total far Lateral Sewer District No.5 $3212.55 1 Barnett &Record Coo n t? 11 n No.6 930.25 R It R rr No07 5762.70 $9,905.50 3 . Deduct $600 if awarded all 3 jobs . It was thereupon moved by Irgens that all bids be referred to Village Engineer Bradley for tahulation, and-cheeks of three high- est bidders be returned, as requested, seconded Villson & carried. Interest 1940, Trustee Villson moved that check be dram in amount 3977.44 in payment therefore, secanded Irgens and carried. Letter by Oscar Gaarden on behalf Country Club District Service Company.and dated June 24, 1940, Bas read concerning mater main extensions in Sunny Slope Section, which was referred to Village Attorney. It was moved by Irgens that the following low bidders be awarded contrac$ for materials for Abbott Place Sanitary Sewer. Hart Fuel company for cement @ $2.74 bbl. less 5% Hart Puel company 61tx91tWyes 8 $1.28 less 5% Oscar Raberts Coo Gravel @ $1.25 tun less 2% Oscar 3oberts Coo Nanders-Norblm- Christensen Co. -\ .. 3 .. on Joint Sever District Ns.1 warrants being due July 1, .. . ~ I Sand @ 588 ton less 2% gttseemer pipe o .309/lffoot less *5% Secanded by Tlillson arid carried. Ho further business to come before the meeting at this time, the President declared the meeting recessed until June 26, 1940 at 8tOO o'clack 9.m. being the same time and plac c