HomeMy WebLinkAbout19400701_REGULAR11 Minutes of the recessed portion of the regular June 24, 1940 meeting of the Council of the Tillage of Edina, duly kecessedeto*:Juile 26," 194QU3d thereon recessed ta July 1, 1940, and duly held in Grange all at 8:OO orclbck porn, The meeting was Call8d to ordm by the President, the roll called and all members of the Caunci.1 were present, Bedorder read replies from the Barnett &Record Coo and the S, J, Groves d Sans Company dated July 1, and June 29th cmcerning thefr interpretation of amount of wet cm dry excavation of Lateral Sewer Districts Numbers 6, 5, and 7. Village Engineer Bradley stated that he had estbated the wet excavation as that below the Xinnehaha Creek water level. Village Attorney Holten advised, the Council would have to assume the bids as advertised and if more wet ex- cavatiiam czccured wuuld have to pay extra and mcqld have to act on bids as orginally taken and on basis as arginally bid, ar to reject, mhereia it would take 3 weeks to readvertise for new bids, It was agreed that the unit price Bid on bidding form would prevail with any uariaticm from the approximate quantities given would be adjusted on the basis of the unit prices bid, It was also agreed that the contractor would, in the event of freeze up, dig the first 2 feet of frozen ground with Village to assume cost of any additional on basis of cost of furnishing a frost buster, Village also to take care of the water. Letter dated July 1, 1940 of Thorpe Bras., requested sewer & water extensions in the Sunnysldpe Section where S, S. Thorpe, Jr. was . advised the matter would be given cansideration in near future. Recorder Moore offered the following Resolutinn and moved its adoption: An 6rdinance requiring %he owners, lessee6 or accupants of any %oti2pagcel of land, building or premises situated with- in the corporate limits of the Village af Edina and discharg- ing domestic sewage, commercial and industrial wastes into: the sanitary sewage system of said Village, to pay a sewer rental charge, and ta determinb the basis of the rental. to be charged property within the Village of Edina, serQed directly or indiredtly by the san5tary sewage system of said Village, and regulating the use of such sanitary sewage system and imposing penalties fer the violation thereof, The Village Council of the Village of Ediga, in Hennepin County, Ximessta, does ordain as 'follows : Sectiorn 1, Par the purpose of paying the share of the Village of Etdina, to the City of Xinneapolis Bor the operation and maintenance casts of the Minneapolis, St, Paul Sanitary District*sewage dis- posal system, and the Minneapolis sewage system', and operation, maintenance, repairs and adminLstratisz3 expenses of the Edina sewage . system, a sevver rental charge is hereby levied and assessed against every lat, parcel of land, building, or premises situated within the corporat-e limits of the Village of Edina, now or hereafter having any connection with the sanitary sewer system af the ViIXage or otherwise dtischarging domestic sewage, commercial. and industrial waste, water or other liquids, either directly or indirectly, into the sanitary sewer system of said Village, The rental to be so charged the property within said Village is hereby fixed and de- termined as follows : Single E'amily Dwellings : $6.60 per year , Multiple Dwellings: The same yearly rate as single dwellings, multiplied by number of families that such structure id designed to accommodate, Commercial Buildings t $13.20 per year , School Buildings : $180,00 per year net. Theatre and Amusement Buildings: $24.00 per year, ?r&~,, Golf Club property: $60,00 per year, net, 12 The foregoing charge shall be payable quarterxy, In advance, the first quarter to commence July lst, 1940, and shall he subject to . a discount of ten per cent (lop), except as othermise herein specified, $f paid within thgrty (30) days from and agter the be- ginning ofi each quarter. If such rental charge, as herein set forth, is not paid within thirty (30) days af'teC the beginning of each quarter the Village Recorder shallccertify the same to the CountyyEiuditor of the County of Hennepin, and the same shall be cotllected and the collection thereof enforced in the same manner, in all respects, aa County and State taxes, and they shall be added to the said taxes, subject to like penalty, costs and interest * charges, The County Treasurer of said Hennepin County shall, vhen such sever rental, charges are collected by him, forthnith pay them over to the Village Treasurer of the Village of Edina, Section 2. The Village Council shall have power by resolution to require the owners, lesses or occupants of every parcel of land, building or paemisos situated within the corporate limits af said Village, designed, constructed and used for commerci&& residential, or public purposes, at their own cast, to install and continuausly maintain a meter, or meters, which shall be satisfactory to the governing body of said Village, which said meter, or meters, shall measure the amount of sevage discharged into the sanitary semeqage system of said Village.' Section 30 It is hereby made the duty af the Village Recorder of ssid Village, or an agent appointed by the Village Council, acting under the supervision and direction of said Recorder, to Pender to the owners, lesses, or occupants of such property on the first day of each quarter, bills for the amount af the sewq rental charge herein set forth. The funds received from the collection of sever rental charges aforesaid shall be deposited in a seperate fund, to be known as the ltSewer Rental Pund." These funds shall be used 6hl-- for the purposes provided for in this Ordinance. . I Section 4, The Village Council may, by resalution, increase, diminish, or change the amaunt and basis of the sever rental charges herein established, fram time to time. SecQian 50 Bo person, firm, carporation or association, owner, lessee or or occupant of any parcel of land,,buifding or premzses situated within the corporate limits of said Village shall dis- charge, or permit to be discharged, directly or indirectly, into the sanitary seaer system, water from roofs, yards, lawns, streets, or alleys; water or other fluid used for the operation af air cool- ing and air cmditioning equipment, plants or units; nor discharge or permit to be discharged, directly or indirectly, into the sanitary semer systern, angr gravel, sand, dirt or any other heavy material or any substance causing any extraordinary o6noxious smells or gases . Section 6. 5 of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period of not to exceed nin8ty 149.03 days. . Any person or cerporatian convicted of violation Section Section 7, Every section, provision or part of this ordinance is declared seperable from every other section, provisinn pr part and the holding of any part hereof of any section, provision or part hereof invalid shall not affect any other section, provision or part . Section 8. are hereby repealed. -I All ordinances or parts thereof inconsistent hereaith Section 9, This shall be in force and effect fram and after its passage and publication, Passed this 1st dax of July, 1340, President of Village Council Village Recorder li 3 The motion to adopt Pas secanded by Trustee frgens and the vote was upon the questim af" the adoption of the resolutian wherein there were five ayes and no nays as follons t Irge-ns aye, Willsan aye, Wyatt aye, Noare aye, and Tqesterberg aye, and so declared passed and rzdopfed. Attest 21 Village Recorder Trustee Irgens offered the fallowing resolution and moved its adoption : --RESOLDTIOE ACCEPTIBTG BID-- WHERAS, the VilIage Council heretofore directed that- bids be received for material and opening of sewer trench in connection with the construction of a sewer in Sewer District ma. 5, and, pursuant therefia, advertisemmt for bids was duly published in the Hennepln Coun%y Review and Improvement RuUetin; that the f alfov- Fng bids have been duly received and opened= Gi.llia,no Orf ei 3974.25 Peysn-Preston Const.Co, 3971,60 S,S,Groves & Sons 00, 3227.10 Barnett &Record Co. 3212 55 Dan Borre $4435.50 THFBEFORE, RE IT RESOLVED by the Village CounctiP of the ViXEsge of Edina, that The Barnett 8c Record Company is hereby determined to be the bid of the lowest respoasible bidder; and the President and Recorder are here@y authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said The Earnett & Redord Company, in the name of the 'a"ililage, far the digging of sewer trench in Sewer DistrEct Eo, 5, heretofare established, according to the plans and specifications therefor which have heretofore Been approved by this CaunciX and filed fn the office of the Recarder, at the price specified €a said hid as afaresaid, and which contract shall be approved, as ta form, by the Village Attorney, I BE IT JiWRTHXR RESOLVED, that the Recorder is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposit af the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until. the contract has been signed. . The motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Trustee WilXsan and the vote was upon the question of the sdczptian of the Resalution wherein there were five ayes and no nays as follows: Irgens aye, Wyatt aye, Willson aye, Eoore aye, Westerberg aye, and so the resolution was adopted. Attest: Trustee Irgens offered the f<sllctwing reso.lution and moved its ad option : --RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID--- WHERAS, the Village Council heretofore directed that bids be received for material and opening of sewer trench in connection wi$h the construction of a sewer in Sewer District Ha. 6, and, 0 ( .pursuant thereto, advertisement for &ids vas duly published in the Hermepin County Review and Improvement Bulletin; that the follovlng bids have been duly received and opened: Dan Borre $1510 .OO Eeyen-Preston Const.Co. 1155.50 Gilliano Orf ei 1395.45 S,J.Gr~ves & Sons Go. 933 00 Barnett &Record Coo 930 e 25 THEREPORE, BE IT RESOLVED by %he Village Council of the Village of Edina, that The Barnett &Record Company is hereby determined ta be the bid of the lowest responsible bidder; and the President and Recorder itre hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract vith said The Barnekt &Record Campany, in the name of the Village, for the digging of semer trench in Sewer District No. 6, heretofore established, according to the plans and specifications therefor nhich have heretofoee been approved by this Council and filed in the office of the Recorder, at the price specified in said bid as aforesaid, and which contract shall be approved, as to form, by the Village Attorney. E3 BURTHER RESOLVED, that the Recorder is hereby authorized and directed ta return forthwith to all bidders the depasits made with their bids, except that the deposit of the successful bidder and the next lmest bidder shall be retained until the contract has been signed. The motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Trustee VEllson and the vote was upon the question of. the adoption of the Resolution wherein there mere five ayes and no nays as follows: Irgens aye, Wyatt aye, Willson aye, Xoore aye, Westerberg aye, and so the -- resolution was adopted . President of Councfl Attest: Villzge Recorder c. *. Trustee Irgens offered the follming resolution and moved its ad opt ion : *. WIEBAS, the Village Coiancil heretofore directed that bids be *.. --RESOLUTION ACCEETING BID-- received for material and opening of sewer trench in connection mith the construction of a sexver in Sewer District Xo.7, and, pursuant thereto, advertisement for bids vas duly published in the Heanepin County Review and Improvement Bulletin3 that the f o1Llowing bids have been duly received and opened: Dan Borre $9124000 Feyen-Preston Const.Co. 7555.64 S,J.Groves & Sons Ca. 6135.52 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, that the Barnett &Record Company is hereby determined to be the bid of the lonest responsible bidder; and the Eresident and Recorder are hereby authorized and directed to enter inta a contract with said The Barnett &Record Company, in the name of the Village, for the digging of sewer trench in Sewer District No. ?, heretofore established, according to the plans and specifications therefor which have heretofore been approved by this Council and filed in the office of the Recorder, at the price specified in said bid a8 afctresaid, and vhich contract shaU be approved, as to form, by the Village Attorney . Gilliano Orfei 8104 a02 Barnett & Record Ga. 5762.70 I BE IT PURTHEE RESOISm, that the Recorder is hereby authorized and directed to return farthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that tbe deposit of the successful bidder and G the Aext lowest bidder shall be retained untiS the contract has been signed, The motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Trustee WiPlsm and the vote was upon the question of the adoption af the resolution wherein there were five ayes and no nays as folbws: Wyatt gye, Willaan aye, BhcPore aye, Westerberg aye, and so %he resolution was adopted. Irgens aye, Attest : Village Recorder It was moved by Xoore, seconded by Irgens and carried, that Alex Creighton prepare the assessment roll for Lateral Sewer District Bum’bers 5, 6, and 7. No further business to come before the meeting mation to adjourn carried at 11:45 P.M. \