HomeMy WebLinkAbout19400708_REGULAREinutes. of the regular meeting of the CouncZX of the Village of Edina, duly held in Grange Hall on July 8, 1940, at 8 100 O 'Clock P.M. t . The meeting was called to order by the president, the roll called and all members of the Council were present, Minut;es of the regular meeting of the Council held on June 24, 1940 together with recessed portians of the same meting Ctnly held 0x1 June 26, 1940, and July 1, 1940, were read. be approved as read, seconded by ,Irgtns and carried. Onmotiaa Wyatt they I The miscellaneous hills upon being duly examined and found correct were on motion Willson, they be duly allowed and ordered paid, aebonded by Irgens and carried, They are as falltowst Nimeappalis .Go 11 Coo ,Edina Garage Rural Rennepira County Garvey '8 Hardware Glacier Sand 8s Gravel Jay W, Craigg Tharpe Bras. Lyle szgns Inc, City af Xgnneapolis W. S, matt Coo m, KO Cooper & Sons Surplus Corn, COIL Ca June electric service Police car service June R. & B. supplies 4800 C/B asphalt July rent tract office Road signs Fire Dept, Service 6/23 2 Hand fire pumps Flowers for prks to Road sand & gravel Co-operative Seed Exchange N, W, Bell Telephone Coo Village St, Louis Park Miller Davis Coo Uptown Iron Store Edina Feed Coo Hoyt Landscape Nursery J, BBcXTe1lis Ben B, Moore Suburban Hexmepin hunt$ Republic Creosoting Go, Joyce Insurance Inc, Burgers Pub, (20, H, 0, Sohnson Culvert Coo Alex Creightan Wooddale Grocery E, W, Harris 3, S.t;rand J, &, Danens & Son Dahlberg Bras, Inc. Re lief Board Kinnehaha Grange Sodium Chlorate phone extension Fire Pept, Service Office supplies angle iron oats & rent 4/15-6116 Edina Court trees 1089 Yds, sod Edirra Court Delegate expenses Leagne of Minneaota Xunicep@.ties $ 523,28 12.75 21.82 7-51 152;01 408.00 12 50 4.00 ?e 76 25000 8XL,28J 8.50 2coo 3 5,lO 0 16.30 x*73 11440 70 00" 65034g 23.95 June Direct relief 5 42;( 29: EreI&m Treasure's Bond 75.00 Road culverts 45.66 Road Tar 6-19-20-26 & 27 6'54 048 Office supplies 3003 June Bdg, hap, 232.42 Gas & cii1 far tractma 66.80 Bent tool shed ta ?/15 15.00 Gas & ox3 B,8cB, &: palfee 125.88 95* hrs, shovel 97+?irs,truck 599.88 Police car less trade in allow- Rent Grange Ha13 1/1/40 -6/30/40 ance 325000 and 9 special meetings 64.50 TQTAL PISC, @ The Viflage &Road accounts having been carefully noted &found correct it was moved by Willso@ they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Vyatt and carried, They are as follows: Carl %'esterberg Ben B, Moore George A. Willson Victor Irgens A. S, Wyatt Dr, R, E, Erickson To E, TiUy Hilding Dah1 We Se Heyd't John W, Lyon R. Ze Johnson Jo E0 Dwen President of G'aunctLX Vi1Tage Recorder Trustee Trustee Trustee Treasurer Health officer Village Zkrahall Police officer BoWm off ieer Police officer Street Comm, ./ S, J, Roberts geter Dahlgren John &cy VQ Stolgman Q, E9; Spande Ranald Part Szm EcCready IF, Ensley 3, XcEekXis Silas Euret Thomas Gohle E. Elerfeld E, Xerfeld Clarznce Halten A, C. Stringer Arthur Petersen Jack Goodacre Carl Carlson '%L Duggan Joiat Sewer Dist.No.1 1 "'sr -. Utility man motor agerator assistant tractor apetstor Park labor asst. road foreman Road &%or Road labor Truck hire Road labor veeds Veed inspector Use auto need inspec. Village Attorney Wh R.& Bo I moo Garbage Call to 6/15 Road labor labor with team labor with team &an road foreman lr n n . TOTAL Bills and accounts of Joint Sewer Ristrict No, 1 were carefully noted and found correct whereupon Trustee Irgens moved that they be duly allowed and ordered paid as shown by Recorder's Vlarrwnts 30. 295 to 302, bbth inclusive, aecolrided by Willson and carried. Several ladies residing in the neighborhood of York Ave, and 54th Street, appeared before the Couaci3. to complain of an out house on the property of W. E, Riley, being a common nuisance, and mas referred ta Village Health Officer Dr, Ericksoa, A3pXication received from Bma Tedman for 3.2 aff sale license at Booddale Grocery accompanied by check in amount of $5.00, T& matter automaticallg going aver to: next CounciI meeting for eonsideration, l&e.ssrs, Meary, Eflartin, Linne, Bestphal, Blackburn, and Schoening, constituting a majority of the property owters on Vlooddale hne petitioned far an oil dust coat along said street, which was referred to Road & Bridge Committee, Petittori from 55 residents, in or near South Harriet Park, re- qqeating lawar speed limit on Vest 54th Street from France to Wooddale Ave, which on motion Edaore be received and referred to Police Committee, seconded by Willson and carried. Application received from Einneapolis Gas. light Co, for permission to, lay 1020 feet 4" gas main in and along Halifax Ave, from 239 ft, South of South line Vest 50th Street to 52nd St, and 220 feet 4" .. gas main in and along Brookview Ave South of Vest $6th Street were on motion Zrgens-be granted subject to completion 30 days and proper r., atf;eation to back fill & settlment, seconded Xoore & carried. . 1. President reported on request for street light on Highway 169 north of street railway bridge, after discussion it vas thataght best %b Xncldde3mith other and additional street lights to 'be added later, Treasurer Duggan presented request of Eidland Hsitiormal Bank & Trust Conpany of Einneapohis to substitute $20,000 Bederal Earm Eortage Cogporatioz? 3% bonds of 1944-49, due &y 15, 1949, for $9,000 U.S. Treasury ZTotes l&%, due Decembef 15, 1940, arid $75,000 Eederal Farm Eortage Corporatfon 2 3/4$ bonda due 1941-52 bow pledged to secure Village monies on deposit with said ElEidland Eqtional Bank and Trust Cmpapy and held by the Pederal Reserve Bank as trustee, request, seconded by Xoczre and carried, On motion Willson, the Council concur in the Chairman &€owe of the Sanitation Committee suggested that in view if the pleasant relations existing between the WA District EngineersJ office, the City of Ebneapolia Engineer's Office, the Cauncil and others, that a dinner be given in recognition of co-aperation extended the Village Council on installation and completion of the Trpnk sever in Joht Sever District Ho, 1 axl to be paid out of the Crier ContingentPund, which had been given to the Village to be. 5 spent st CrrrancilS demzreticm and gas not from tax funds, Aft&% discusion the mtter was left t~ the3Saniktion Committee ta arrange far such dinner to be he1d at the Xinneapslis Atheletic Club , Fa further 'business to come before the meeting at this time, the meeting recessed to meet again at the sitme time and place upon call. of the President. VTil3;ag.e Recorder